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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • a repost from:

    You seem to have connected lots and lots of dots in the PMR (Physical Matter Reality, what is commonly called, simply, reality).

    Ask any good Hacker .... Knowing how the Networks work is step 1 to Hacking your Reality / PMR

    Hacking means finding out weaknesses in a computer or computer network, though the term can also refer to someone with an advanced understanding of computers and computer networks.[1]

    as in Meta - Tron 13

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-31-2012, 12:06 AM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • enough mystic for now

      a bit of info :

      Monkeys put off sex by bystanders

      Monkeys shy away from bystanders during copulation, irrespective of the bystanders' gender or rank. The new study, by Anne Overduin-de Vries and her team from the Biomedical Primate Research Centre in the Netherlands, also suggests that sneaky sex is opportunistic rather than a tactical deception i.e. intentional hiding of sexual behavior. Their work is published online in Springer's journal, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.


      Higher-math skills entwined with lower-order magnitude sense

      The ability to learn complex, symbolic math is a uniquely human trait, but it is intricately connected to a primitive sense of magnitude that is shared by many animals, finds a study to be published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
      "Our results clearly show that uniquely human branches of mathematics interface with an evolutionarily primitive general magnitude system," says lead author Stella Lourenco, a psychologist at Emory University. "We were able to show how variations in both advanced arithmetic and geometry skills specifically correlated with variations in our intuitive sense of magnitude."
      ----------------------- recognize this shape : ( think Rodin Coil )

      from: Electromagnetic Coils -

      An Inflated Rodin Coil

      Light Can Spontaneously Twist Into Knots | Beyond Science | Science | Epoch Times

      Created: October 30, 2012

      A U.K.-Australian research team is simulating knots in light with potential applications for a range of systems including quantum computing and advanced modern optics.

      The physicists have produced a model that generates optical vortices with dark cores in a laser beam which tangle into knots.

      and we are back

      Darkness and light are both of one nature,
      different only in seeming,
      for each arose from the source of all.
      Darkness is disorder.
      Light is Order.

      Darkness transmuted is light of the Light. ( line 6 )
      This, my children, your purpose in being;
      transmutation of darkness to light

      Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-31-2012, 03:05 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • as in Meta - Tron 13


        Online Etymology Dictionary

        word-forming element meaning 1. "after, behind," 2. "changed, altered," 3. "higher, beyond;" from Gk. meta (prep.) "in the midst of, in common with, by means of, in pursuit or quest of," from PIE *me- "in the middle" (cf. Ger. mit, Goth. miþ, O.E. mið "with, together with, among;" see mid). Notion of "changing places with" probably led to senses "change of place, order, or nature," ( The Eagles-Journey of the Sorcerer ( Long Version) - YouTube ) which was a principal meaning of the Greek word when used as a prefix (but also denoting "community, participation; in common with; pursuing").

        Third sense, "higher than, transcending, overarching, dealing with the most fundamental matters of," is due to misinterpretation of metaphysics as "science of that which transcends the physical." This has led to a prodigious erroneous extension in modern usage, with meta- affixed to the names of other sciences and disciplines( Meta Materials like Water ), especially in the academic jargon of literary criticism, which affixes it to just about anything that moves and much that doesn't.
        from :

        from a great Master:

        Ever since I was a child I have had this instinctive urge for expansion and growth. To me, the function and duty of a quality human being is the sincere and honest development of one's potential.
        Bruce Lee

        I'm not in this world to live up to your expectations and you're not in this world to live up to mine.
        Bruce Lee

        If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.
        Bruce Lee

        It's not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential.
        Bruce Lee

        Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.
        Bruce Lee

        Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.
        Bruce Lee

        Man, the living creature, the creating individual, is always more important than any established style or system.
        Bruce Lee

        Obey the principles without being bound by them.
        Bruce Lee

        Wu Tang Clan - Triumph- Killer Bees - YouTube

        Escape from your Dragon's Lair, in particular
        My beats travel like a vortex, through your spine

        to the top of your cerebrum cortex
        Make you feel like you bust a nut from raw sex
        Enter through your right ventricle clog up your bloodstream
        now terminal, like Grand Central Station
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-31-2012, 02:33 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • The Eagles-Journey of the Sorcerer ( Long Version) - YouTube


          Know, therefore, that in the hen's egg is the greatest help with respect to the proximity and relationship of the matter in nature [B], for in it there is a spirituality and conjunction of elements, and an earth which is golden (yellow / golden ratio / 9 ) in its tincture.

          Hermes Trismegistus

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-31-2012, 03:34 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • from:

            THE CODEX OF LOVE  3 6 9

            147 If you let your passions burn like a fire within the grass of your
            lust, you will lose all sight and be blinded by the smoke of the flames.
            Let love burn your passion and its heat will warm you and your desires
            will awaken the sparks of your soul. Nothing can feed the passion
            stronger than love. Let the grass be the grass under your feet.

            150 In a woman’ s cycle is a reminder that from her womb springs the
            life of nations.

            153 The star that shines in a woman’ s eyes can enchant any man.
            Learn to shine My star, for it is My gift to you.

            156 Before a man can understand a woman, he must first learn to lis-
            ten to the beat of his own heart. For the heart is a woman’ s governor
            and the conductor of her rhythm.

            159 Waves of fire descend from the heaven above, surging with
            power and strength. Is that what your eyes behold, O men, a God of
            Wrath? Land filled with tears and pain, blood shedding blood. Is that
            what your eyes behold, O women, a God to whom their suffering is
            deaf? The God of creation isn’ t there, for where is His aid? His face
            we haven’ t seen and His angels haven’ t touched. Aren’ t these your
            words, O children of knowledge?
            The Light is filled with mercy and
            its womb bears life. From Light, to Light, in Light all things turn.
            Death is the shadow of His crown and life is His face.
            Each of you to
            another is a test, and from paradise there is no escape. Knowledge is
            a void within being. The more you know, the deeper is the void. Love
            is the fruit of Life, and through it is the road of return. Grow and live
            and time will tell the truth from the lie. We have time, but who among
            you will not die?

            162 Sing to Me O angels, the song of rapture. Ilah, My Lord, Ilah.
            Neter Ta, my Lady, Ta Neter. Sweet is the breath of the blessed. Gen-
            tle is the touch of the faithful. Barukah, O Lamb, Barukah. Neter Ta,
            my Lady, Ta Neter. Blessings descend with your Grace. Brilliant is
            the light of your Glory. Ilah, my Lord, Ilah. Neter Ta, my Lady, Ta
            Neter. Stars form your Name, and children hold You dear. Barukah,
            O Lamb, Barukah. Neter Ta, my Lady, Ta Neter. The tears do You
            wipe, and the blood of innocence by You is avenged. Ilah, my Lord,
            Ilah. Neter Ta, my Lady, Ta Neter. The Sun and the Moon are but
            sparkles in Your eyes. And the stars are the shine of Your lips. Holy is
            your Name, and Blessed is I, if you hold me dear. Ilah, my Lord, Ilah.
            Neter Ta, my Lady, Ta Neter.

            165 A man that seeks to know of My nature must first strip naked
            before love. His nakedness is the only performance that I shall accept.
            Only then of My eyes he shall behold and of My touch endure.

            168 Ecstasy knows but these boundaries. Those set by the mind of
            a fool, who of the spirit of love has declared a ruse. Those set by the
            heart of evil, which of divinity it mocks for fools. Of the breath of
            fear cast by those of their lust held dear. Is it but a wonder the lovers
            among you are cast into a pit of despite. Hearken the word of your
            Mother. For She of Her breast holds bare, so that of love you may
            suckle. Her milk pours forth to nurture the souls of the blessed, who
            of Her love they hold as their own blood.

            171 The words of truth have been echoed through the eons of time to
            the children of Light
            . Hear them, o children, and restore Truth. With-
            out it, no love will grow and no passion will fruit.
            Without it, your
            mother will lay bleeding as Her soil is being raped. They have ban-
            daged Her with lies; heal Her with truth. O children of Light, awaken,
            for this is your age, the age of Truth. Unite with love and be, for the
            stars bear witness now to your truth.
            Your mother is being forced to
            abort and that is the sad truth.

            Child of Vision - Roger Hodgson, Writer and Composer - YouTube

            Child Of Vision lyrics
            Songwriters: Davies, Richard; Hodgson, Roger;

            Who do you think you're foolin'?
            You say you're having fun
            But you're busy going nowhere
            Just lying in the sun

            You tried to be a hero
            Commit the perfect crime
            But the dollar got you dancing
            And you're running out of time

            You're messin' up the water
            You rolling in the wine
            Got poison in your body
            Got poison in your mind

            And you gave me coca cola
            You said it tasted good
            Then you watch the television
            And to tell that you should go

            How can you live in this way?
            (What do you think it's so strange)
            You must have something to say
            (You tell me why should I change)
            We have no reason to fight
            'Cos we both know that we're right

            Child of vision, won't you listen?
            Find yourself a new ambition

            I've heard it all before
            You're saying nothing new
            I thought I saw a rainbow
            But I guess it wasn't true

            You cannot make me listen
            And I cannot make you hear
            So you find your way to heaven
            And I'll meet you when you're there

            How can you live in this way?
            (What do you think it's so strange)
            You must have something to say
            (You tell me why should I change)
            We have no reason to fight
            'Cos we both know that we're right

            Child of vision, won't you listen?
            Find yourself a new ambition

            Star Trek: Enterprise Theme Song - YouTube

            It's been a long road
            Getting from there to here
            It's been a long time
            But my time is finally near

            And I can feel the change in the wind right now
            Nothings in my way
            And they're not gonna hold me down no more
            No there not gonna hold me down

            Cause I've got faith of the heart
            I'm going where my heart will take me
            I've got faith to believe
            I can do anything
            I've got strength of the soul
            And no one's gonna bend or break me
            I can reach any star
            I've got faith
            I've got faith
            Faith of the heart

            It's been a long night
            Trying to find my way
            Been through the darkness
            Now I finally have my day
            I will see my dream come alive at last
            I will touch the sky
            And they're not gonna hold me down no more
            No there not gonna change my mind

            Cause I've got faith of the heart
            I'm going where my heart will take me
            I've got faith to believe
            I can do anything
            I've got strength of the soul
            And no one's gonna bend or break me
            I can reach any star
            I've got faith
            Faith of the heart

            I've known a wind so cold and seen the darkest days
            But now the winds I feel are only winds of change
            I've been through the fire and I've been through the rain
            But I'll be fine

            Cause I've got faith of the heart
            I'm going where my heart will take me
            I've got faith to believe
            I can do anything
            I've got strength of the soul
            And no one's gonna bend or break me
            I can reach any star
            I've got faith
            Faith of the heart

            Faith of the heart
            I'm going where my heart will take me
            I've got faith to believe
            That no one's gonna bend or break me
            I can reach any star
            I've got faith
            I've got faith
            Faith of the heart

            Its been a long road
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-31-2012, 05:13 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • have fun with the codex of love ( much better with its own post )

              42 Have I not told you the story of the three roses? There were
              three roses - a blue, a yellow, and a white. The blue was the mother
              of all roses.
              The yellow was her daughter and the white was the infant
              grandchild. The blue rose turned to the yellow and asked, “ My daugh-
              ter, do you know what truth lies in roses?” The yellow answered,
              “ No mother, teach me, for I am your daughter. From you flows wis-
              dom, and from me there shall be understanding” The blue rose said,
              “ Tell me, O daughter, the name of the infant white rose?” The yellow
              answered, “ Her name is peace” . The blue rose asked, “ What is my
              name?” The yellow rose answered, “ You are liberty and I am devo-
              tion” . The blue rose shed a petal and said, “ Take away hope and you
              take away liberty” . The blue rose shed a second petal and said, “ Take
              away her sister faith and you take away liberty” . The blue rose shed
              a third petal and said, “ Take away understanding and you take away
              liberty” . The blue rose shed its fourth petal and said, “ Take away her
              sister clarity and you take away liberty.” The blue rose shed its fifth
              petal and said, “ Take away silence and you take away liberty.” The
              blue rose shed its sixth petal and said, “ Take away her sister tranquil-
              lity and you take away liberty.” The blue rose shed its seventh petal
              and said, “ Take away passion and you take away liberty.” The blue
              rose then said, “ As I shed my last petal I remind you, only through
              your devotion to your child will the red rose give birth to a blue blos-
              som ( the Yugas ) . My children, all roses rest under the bottom of your heart. They
              blossom when you blossom and wither when your hearts wither. Do
              you all not yearn for the blue rose?”
              Supertramp - It's Raining Again - YouTube

              Mayan Numbers Symbols

              13 - Ascension. Rules all other numbers.

              Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond - YouTube
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-31-2012, 06:05 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • this is fun ............ surfing synchronicity

                remember these dudes

                type " W fifty six " in numerology ( see children of light )

                Sun Angel Creations - Law of Attraction Secrets - NumberQuest Numerology - NQ-Multi Numerology Calculator - Calculate Pythagorean, Chaldean, Kabbalah and Gematria Numerology Numbers! :: 123 Free Numerology Reports! :: Unlimited Free Numerology Name,


                Interplanetary ships, invisible to the human eye ( more so if they look like us ), are coming right now to the earth. These beings, invisible to the human eye, have always coexisted in our planet, and they dwell in temples and convents because they are mystics and they tray to impose the faith. (year 1939)

                just kidding

                Entrance To Alien Base At Rocca Pia, Italy Discovered As Two Aliens Met With Italians | Beyond Science

                linking it to :

                The Rig Veda
                Ralph T.H. Griffith, Translator
                Book 3

                HYMN III. Agni.

                3 Sages ( Akrij ) shall glorify Agni with earnest thoughts, ensign of sacrifice, who fills the synod full:


                Chap. 60. Of Madness, and Divinations which are made when men are awake, and of the power of a Melancholy Humor, by which Spirits are sometimes induced into Men's Bodies

                .:: Kenneth Bager - Fragment Eight (The Sound of Swing) ::. - YouTube
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-31-2012, 09:52 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • 3 Sages ( Akrij ) shall glorify Agni with earnest thoughts, ensign of sacrifice, who fills the synod full:



                  This winged dragon is the symbolic superstar of Saint Germain’s Triangle Book. In The Book of Lambspring (as in Lamb = Agnets = Agnus ). It represents the Anima Mundi, or Soul of the World, which is the sum total of planetary existence -- the holographic blueprint on which form is based, the informational level or primal source of being - Zero Point. It is said that medicine providing the gift of youth can be made from its venom. (paracelsus "All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; only the dose permits something not to be poisonous." )

                  Lamb = Agnets = Agnus

                  Magnet = M Agnet


                  Every letter, of course, expresses some aspect or segment of creative purpose. Alphabetical schematism has been presented in several different formulations. In the Hebrew alphabet there were said to be three "mother letters," aleph (A), mem (M) and shin (SH). These ostensibly represent respectively the pre-creation stage (A), the middle stage of spirit's involvement in matter (M), and its final stage of glorious deification (SH),--the symbol of fire ( as in Shams ). M is the symbol of water) ( as in M-state water Magnetic Traps ). Life emanates out of potential fire, is "baptized" for evolutionary purposes in water, the symbol of


                  matter, and returns to source with fiery potentialities actualized by having "overcome" the powers in the water-matter. The Hebrew word for fire is esh, and spirit evolves its divine fire in man, ish. The divine fire in man made him the ish-man, and the divine man in the tribal life of some nations was called the shaman.

                  Chap. 60. Of Madness, and Divinations which are made when men are awake, and of the power of a Melancholy Humor, by which Spirits are sometimes induced into Men's Bodies

                  “Magnetism” is the king of all secrets ( 6 5 )

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-31-2012, 10:38 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Let's play some more

                    Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                    even simpler on page 5

                    The same authors found that even the dissolution of NaCl
                    in water produces & growth-stimulating radiation (
                    Table 14) This
                    energy emission occurs only during the act oI dissolving ; it- ceases
                    completely when all the salt i8 in solution' No effect is noticeable
                    when sugar is dissolved in water, or when palmitic acid is dissolved
                    in alcohol. Wolff and Ras concluded therefore that the process
                    of dissociation of salt into ions is the source of ultraviolet'
                    truly this document is full of info that could be applied to the rest of the Electromagnetic Spectrum (principle of correspondence )

                    try salt in numerology : then add Water + Salt ..... hint the total is the same as UV

                    just an interesting coincidence

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-01-2012, 02:33 AM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • just found these vid :

                      you know me and the Caduceus Coil ..... we have a long history

                      CADUCEUS COIL LEVITATION 1 - YouTube


                      caduceus coil on delamorto 1.wmv - YouTube

                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-01-2012, 12:15 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • ps:

                        the key terms used in Alchemy can also be seen through the goggles of Numerology

                        try for instance : Salt Mercury SUlphur or Antimony ( group 15 / Antimony in alchemy ) in :

                        Sun Angel Creations - Law of Attraction Secrets - NumberQuest Numerology - NQ-Multi Numerology Calculator - Calculate Pythagorean, Chaldean, Kabbalah and Gematria Numerology Numbers! :: 123 Free Numerology Reports! :: Unlimited Free Numerology Name,

                        by Fulcanelli p112 ( or 13 ): The Dwellings of the Philosophers

                        Greek cabalists used to substitute numbers for
                        certain consonants, for words whose common meaning they wanted to veil under a hermetic
                        And so they used the epistimon ([*236-2]--- stagion)(33), Koppa, sampi, digamma
                        , to which they granted a conventional value. The names modified by this process formed
                        genuine cryptograms, although their form and their pronunciation did not seem to have
                        undergone any alteration. Furthermore, the word, antimony, [*236-3], stimmi, when it was
                        used to signify the hermetic subject, was always written with the episemon ([*236-4],
                        equivalent of the consonants sigma and tau together. Written in this manner [*236-5] ---
                        simmi, it is no longer the stibnite of mineralogists, but indeed a matter signed by nature, or
                        still better, a movement, a dynamism, or a vibration, a sealed life ([*236-6 --- simenai)
                        so as
                        to allow a man to identify it, a very peculiar signature submitted to the rules of the number
                        . In addition, a close term frequently used in phonetic cabala for assonance, the word
                        [*236-7] --- epistemon indicates one who knows, one whois informed of, one who is skilled
                        at. In Rabelais’ book Pantagruel, one of the main characters, the man of science, is called
                        Epistemon. He is the seret artisan, the spirit, the mind enclosed in raw substance as translated
                        by the Greek epistemon, because the spirit can single-handedly perform and perfect the entire
                        work without any other help apart from elementary fire.

                        Higher-math skills entwined with lower-order magnitude sense

                        The ability to learn complex, symbolic math is a uniquely human trait, but it is intricately connected to a primitive sense of magnitude that is shared by many animals, finds a study to be published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
                        "Our results clearly show that uniquely human branches of mathematics interface with an evolutionarily primitive general magnitude system," says lead author Stella Lourenco, a psychologist at Emory University. "We were able to show how variations in both advanced arithmetic and geometry skills specifically correlated with variations in our intuitive sense of magnitude."

                        from: Fulcanelli - The Mystery Of The Cathedrals book

                        The following are the arts to be studied, together with the Kama Sutra:

                        The art of understanding writing in cypher, and the writing of words in a peculiar way

                        The art of speaking by changing the forms of words. It is of various kinds. Some speak by changing the beginning and end of words, others by adding unnecessary letters between every syllable of a word, and so on

                        Knowledge of language and of the vernacular dialects

                        The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus

                        Know that this matter I call the stone; but it is also named the feminine of magnesia or the hen, or the white spittle, or the volatile milk, the incombustible oil in order that it may be hidden from the inept and ignorant who are deficient in goodness and self-control; which I have nevertheless signified to the wise by one only epithet, viz., the Philosopher's Stone

                        Hermes Trismegistus.

                        ps: Coral Castle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        When asked why he had built the castle, Leedskalnin would vaguely answer it was for his "Sweet Sixteen." This is widely believed to be a reference to Agnes Scuffs (whose surname is given by some sources as "Skuvst"). In Leedskalnin's own publication A Book in Every Home he implies his "Sweet Sixteen" was more an ideal than a reality.

                        a matter signed by nature, or
                        still better, a movement, a dynamism, or a vibration, a sealed life ([*236-6 --- simenai) so as
                        to allow a man to identify it, a very peculiar signature submitted to the rules of the number

                        Agnes - Wiktionary

                        The Rig Veda
                        Ralph T.H. Griffith, Translator
                        Book 3

                        HYMN III. Agni.

                        3 Sages shall glorify Agni with earnest thoughts, ensign of sacrifice, who fills the synod full:

                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-03-2012, 01:47 AM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Shall we continue our exploration :

                          The following are the arts to be studied, together with the Kama Sutra:

                          The art of understanding writing in cypher, and the writing of words in a peculiar way

                          The art of speaking by changing the forms of words. It is of various kinds. Some speak by changing the beginning and end of words, others by adding unnecessary letters between every syllable of a word, and so on

                          Knowledge of language and of the vernacular dialects

                          Elven ...... chose it because it sounds like Eleven ( 6 5 : ie Hierogamos )

                          Mayan Numbers Symbols

                          13 - Ascension. Rules all other numbers.


                          J. R. R. Tolkien constructed many Elvish languages. These were the languages spoken by the tribes of his Elves. Tolkien was a philologist by profession, and spent much time on his constructed languages. The Elvish languages were the first thing he imagined for his secondary world. Tolkien said that his stories grew out of his languages. Tolkien also created scripts for his Elvish languages, of which the best known are the Sarati, the Tengwar, and the Cirth.
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-01-2012, 02:41 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Also:

                            Walter Russell Wrote :

                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • ps: Coral Castle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              When asked why he had built the castle, Leedskalnin would vaguely answer it was for his "Sweet Sixteen." This is widely believed to be a reference to Agnes Scuffs (whose surname is given by some sources as "Skuvst"). In Leedskalnin's own publication A Book in Every Home he implies his "Sweet Sixteen" was more an ideal than a reality.
                              He also stated that he had "discovered the secrets of the pyramids",[14] which of course could be interpreted in either esoteric or engineering terms.

                              Try this! The Deepest most relaxing music and video ever - Air (15) - YouTube

                              a matter signed by nature, or
                              still better, a movement, a dynamism, or a vibration, a sealed life ([*236-6 --- simenai) so as
                              to allow a man to identify it, a very peculiar signature submitted to the rules of the number

                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-02-2012, 12:56 AM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • It would be unbecoming to not treat the Great Master to a 3 6 9 Lens

                                from : The inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla, with special reference to his work in polyphase currents and high potential lighting


                                PART I,

                                POLYPHASE CUERENTS.

                                CHAPTER I.

                                BIOGRAPHICAL AND INTRODUCTORY..

                                CHAPTER II.

                                A NEW SYSTEM OF ALTERNATING CURRENT MOTORS AND

                                TRANSFORMERS Y

                                CHAPTER III.

                                THE TESLA ROTATING MAGNETIC FIELD. MOTORS WITH
                                CLOSED CONDUCTORS. SYNCHRONIZING MOTORS. ROTA-
                                TING FIELD TRANSFORMERS 9

                                CHAPTER IV.


                                SYSTEMS 26

                                CHAPTER V.

                                TINUOUS CURRENT TYPE 31

                                CHAPTER VI.

                                METHOD OF OBTAINING DESIRED SPEED OF MOTOR OR

                                GENERATOR 36

                                v iii

                                CHAPTER VII.

                                REGULATOR FOR ROTARY CURRENT MOTORS 45

                                CHAPTER VIII.
                                SINGLE CIRCUIT, SELF-STARTING SYNCHRONIZING MOTORS. . . 50

                                CHAPTER IX.

                                CHANGE FROM DOUBLE CURRENT TO SINGLE CURRENT

                                MO.TORS 56

                                CHAPTER X.

                                MOTOR WITH " CURRENT LAG " ARTIFICIALLY SECURED 58

                                CHAPTER XL


                                A SYNCHRONIZING MOTOR ... 62

                                CHAPTER XII.
                                " MAGNETIC LAG " MOTOR 67

                                CHAPTER XIII.

                                METHOD OF OBTAINING DIFFERENCE OF PHASE BY MAG-
                                NETIC SHIELDING 71

                                CHAPTER XIV.
                                TYPE OF TESLA SINGLE-PHASE MOTOR 76

                                CHAPTER XV.

                                MOTORS WITH CIRCUITS OF DIFFERENT RESISTANCE 79

                                CHAPTER XVI.


                                ARMATURE g^

                                CHAPTER XVII.


                                IN ARMATURE AND FIELD 83

                                CONTENTS. ix

                                CHAPTER XVIII.

                                MOTOR BASED ON THE DIFFERENCE OF PHASE IN THE MAG-
                                NETIZATION OF THE INNER AND OUTER PARTS OF AN
                                IRON CORE 88

                                CHAPTER XIX.
                                ANOTHER TYPE OF TESLA INDUCTION MOTOR 92

                                CHAPTER XX.


                                MOTOR 95

                                CHAPTER XXI.

                                MOTOR WITH A CONDENSER IN THE ARMATURE CIRCUIT . . . 101

                                CHAPTER XXII.
                                MOTOR WITH CONDENSER IN ONE OF THE FIELD CIRCUITS. 106

                                CHAPTER XXIII.

                                TESLA POLYPHASE TRANSFORMER 1 J9

                                CHAPTER XXIV.


                                SHIELD BETWEEN COILS OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY 113

                                PART II.

                                THE TESLA EFFECTS WITH HIGH FREQUENCY AND
                                HIGH POTENTIAL CURRENTS.

                                CHAPTER XXV.

                                INTRODUCTORY. THE SCOPE OF THE TESLA LECTURES 119

                                CHAPTER XXVI.

                                CURRENTS OF VERY HIGH FREQUENCY, AND THEIR
                                TION, MAY 20, 1S91 145

                                x CONTENTS.

                                CHAPTER XXVII.

                                CURRENTS OF HIGH POTENTIAL AND HIGH FREQUENCY,
                                FEBRUARY 3, 1892 198

                                CHAPTER XXVIII.

                                THE PHILADELPHIA AND ST. Louis LECTURE. ON LIGHT
                                AND OTHER HIGH FREQUENCY PHENOMENA, FEBRUARY
                                AND MARCH, 1893. 294

                                CHAPTER XXIX.


                                FREQUENCY 374

                                CHAPTER XXX.

                                CHAPTER XXXI.

                                " MASSAGE " WITH CURRENTS OF HIGH FREQUENCY 394

                                CHAPTER XXXII.

                                ELECTRIC DISCHARGE IN VACUUM TUBES 396

                                PART III.

                                MISCELLANEOUS INVENTIONS AND WEITINGS.

                                CHAPTER XXXIII.

                                RENTS 409

                                CHAPTER XXXIV.
                                CONDENSERS WITH PLATES IN OIL 418

                                CHAPTER XXXV.

                                ELECTROLYTIC REGISTERING ]!UETER . 420

                                CONTENTS. xi

                                CHAPTER XXXVI.

                                THERMO-MAGNETIC MOTORS AND PYRO-MAGNETIC GENE-
                                RATORS , 424

                                STIRLING ENGINE ..... Tesla style
                                CHAPTER XXXVII.
                                ANTI-SPARKING DYNAMO BRUSH AND COMMUTATOR 432

                                CHAPTER XXXVIII.

                                NAMOS 438

                                CHAPTER XXXIX.

                                IMPROVEMENT IN DYNAMO AND MOTOR CONSTRUCTION 448

                                CHAPTER XL.
                                TESLA DIRECT CURRENT ARC LIGHTING SYSTEM 451

                                CHAPTER XLI.

                                IMPROVEMENT IN UNIPOLAR GENERATORS . . . 465

                                PART IV.

                                APPENDIX : EARLY PHASE MOTORS AND THE TESLA

                                CHAPTER XLIL

                                MR. TESLA'S PERSONAL EXHIBIT AT THE WORLD'S FAIR . . . 4.77

                                CHAPTER XLIII.

                                THE TESLA MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL OSCILLATORS... 486

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-02-2012, 02:44 AM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

