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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Brazilian mediums shed light on brain activity during a trance state

    November 16, 2012 in Neuroscience

    Researchers at Thomas Jefferson University and the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil analyzed the cerebral blood flow (CBF) of Brazilian mediums during the practice of psychography, described as a form of writing whereby a deceased person or spirit is believed to write through the medium's hand. The new research revealed intriguing findings of decreased brain activity during mediumistic dissociative state which generated complex written content. Their findings will appear in the November 16th edition of the online journal PLOS ONE.
    The researchers found that the experienced psychographers showed lower levels of activity in the left hippocampus (limbic system), right superior temporal gyrus, and the frontal lobe regions of the left anterior cingulate and right precentral gyrus during psychography compared to their normal (non-trance) writing. The frontal lobe areas are associated with reasoning, planning, generating language, movement, and problem solving, perhaps reflecting an absence of focus, self-awareness and consciousness during psychography, the researchers hypothesize.
    The writing samples produced were also analyzed and it was found that the complexity scores for the psychographed content were higher than those for the control writing across the board. In particular, the more experienced mediums showed higher complexity scores, which typically would require more activity in the frontal and temporal lobes, but this was not the case. Content produced during psychographies involved ethical principles, the importance of spirituality, and bringing together science and spirituality.

    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • I was wondering .... what if this "person" Came back with its pure Soul .... but in a form that does not fit the image of what these people had of him ...... Man / woman / Hunchback / Transvestite etc..... What if .....

      Would they follow him / her / it

      I don't think they put too much thought on it
      A wonderful question indeed!

      Well, I'd say that there would be a point with having a person of 'wrong' image to teach. The whole point with Jesus was that he was a simple man of simple origin, but at the same time more royal and 'worty' than any king around. The last shall be the first etc. A returning Messiah would by definition be identified by being the last, but rightfully the first.

      Now. Can we as human collective come to a conclusion who of us that is among the 'last' or lowest standing? Do our hiearchys really look like that today, are there the 'simple' and the 'better' people in a way that a Messiah could choose any category and say 'yeah, that's it. It's as low I can come in this world'. A street living, garbage eating boy or girl in asia or south america? A Wall Street suit with a sports car? The problem is that we do not have that solid interpretation of who's the lowest and highest among us. It depends on who you ask and their interpretation of the world. The more we unite, the more we allow and make room for infinity.

      There's just one thing still to do. There's only one way for Messiah to shake us in our roots, one single 'most unexpected' place to go. Because there are societys and groupings where a white man in his fifties with a bible in hand are likely to be Messiah, and other where the glue-sniffing pregnant 12-year old girl in a favela somewhere very well could be the chosen one. We can't tell the direction because our collective moral and divine compass has so many poles to point at.

      It is to manifest through and within each one of us. There's nobody else we would consider less likely. There is no-one else we could trust, who could break through our scepticism and paranoia.

      I think Buddha, Jesus etc etc were preparing us for that moment. We are not in a state where we accept any world leader of any kind without 'by default' restistance from somewhere. Even if Jesus #2 appeared and we could prove without doubt that this is Jesus #2, 50% would follow and 50% would continue watch TV or be in opposition.

      The time for a saviour are long gone, we are already saved, they have already told us everything we need to know, and the rest is up to us. It is time to discover what we are and what we have learned.

      There is no other way to shake our foundations more, than if we all were 'Messiahses'. There is no other way now to reach us with the message a Messiah could carry forward to us.

      Maybe it is graduation time, after all. Who of us will find Messiah and continue to college and a bright future? Who will go through armageddon and live in purgatory on a minimum wage salary from hell until he/she understand?

      Can we discover the hidden Messiah that hides where we least expect, have we listened to and learned anything from the preceding ones?

      Because our main obstacle is to listen to ourselves. We don't need another person telling us what to do and how to do it. We want that, yes, because we're used to it. Someone who can take responsibility for us and tell us where to go and how to do things. Time to grow up, and we should have done that by now. No more watching TV in the parent's basement, farting in the couch and sleeping all day. Change come from within in our days.


      • Originally posted by Michael C View Post
        Because our main obstacle is to listen to ourselves. We don't need another person telling us what to do and how to do it. We want that, yes, because we're used to it. Someone who can take responsibility for us and tell us where to go and how to do things. Time to grow up, and we should have done that by now. No more watching TV in the parent's basement, farting in the couch and sleeping all day. Change come from within in our days.
        Michael C , you make an excellent point

        ------------------------------- was reading a blog on esoterism when i stumbled on

        Liber 49 - The Book of Babalon

        Liber 49 = 13 = HM 4

        check this out : ( won't do a complete 3 6 9 "transmutation" )

        3. It is BABALON. TIME IS. Ye fools.

        9. Now know that I, BABALON, would take flesh and come among men.

        And she shall wander in the witchwood under the Night of Pan, and know the mysteries of the Goat and the Serpent, and of the children that are hidden away.

        60. It is I, BABALON, ye fools, MY TIME is come, and this my book that my adept prepares is the book of BABALON.

        The seal of my Brother is upon the earth, and His Avatar is before you. There is threshing of wheat and a trampling of grapes that shall not cease until the truth be known unto the least of men

        ...... Flunkch

        65. Gather together in the covens as of old, whose number is eleven, that is also my number. Gather together in public, in song and dance and festival. Gather together in secret, be naked and shameless and rejoice in my name.

        65 = 11 = HM 2

        BABALON in NUM

        Pythagorean Numerology 20

        Pythagorean Absolute 47
        (Unreduced Serial Order)

        Sun Angel Creations - Law of Attraction Secrets - NumberQuest Numerology - NQ-Multi Numerology Calculator - Calculate Pythagorean, Chaldean, Kabbalah and Gematria Numerology Numbers! :: 123 Free Numerology Reports! :: Unlimited Free Numerology Name,


        Let the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart
        be acceptable in thy sight here tonight

        Boney M
        Boney M- By The rivers Of Babylon (Lyrics) - YouTube

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-17-2012, 12:16 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • M - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          M (named em /ˈɛm/)[1] is the thirteenth letter of the ISO basic Latin alphabet.

          when pronounce the word M , fellow Telesti , it sounds like 2 words :

          Aim and Aime

          Aim: to aim ( to direct towards )

          Aime : french word for LOVE

          from an old post

          You are by nature: a Telestis "one who is aimed"

          Telestis: Greek word from Telos: goal, aim. they were Gaian teologists. totally illuminated by their practice of ecstatic contact with nature. The best definition: one who is aimed. If you are aimed by Gaia, you will go where she sends her arrow.
          and thus you should always:
          Cornelius Brothers And Sister Rose - Treat Her Like A Lady - YouTube

          A telos (from the Greek τέλος for "end", "purpose", or "goal") is an end or purpose, in a fairly constrained sense used by philosophers such as Aristotle. It is the root of the term "teleology," roughly the study of purposiveness, or the study of objects with a view to their aims, purposes, or intentions. Teleology figures centrally in Aristotle's biology and in his theory of causes. It is central to nearly all philosophical theories of history, such as those of Hegel and Marx. One running debate in contemporary philosophy of biology is to what extent teleological language (as in the "purposes" of various organs or life-processes) is unavoidable, or is simply a shorthand for ideas that can ultimately be spelled out nonteleologically. Philosophy of action also makes essential use of teleological vocabulary: on Davidson's account, an action is just something an agent does with an intention--that is, looking forward to some end to be achieved by the action.

          In contrast to telos, techne is the rational method involved in producing an object or accomplishing a goal or objective; however, the two methods are not mutually exclusive in principle.

          Shirka (シルカ Shiruka?)
          The Odyssey's main computer. Speaks with a deep female voice
          . Japan name Shiruka seems a katakana form of the name Circe.
          ulysse 31 intro - YouTube

          the english version : Ulysses 31 FULL intro!!! - YouTube

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-17-2012, 01:43 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Oh. Suddenly I understand. Thanks MonsieurM!

            And she shall wander in the witchwood under the Night of Pan, and know the mysteries of the Goat and the Serpent, and of the children that are hidden away.
            Strong resonance. The place where I took the pictures I just showed in this thread, I have among other resonating things had some unusual experiences together with the star Capella, 'the little female goat' or Hircus in latin, which means goat.

            Hircus/Horus, any connection?


            • Originally posted by Michael C View Post
              Oh. Suddenly I understand. Thanks MonsieurM!

              Strong resonance. The place where I took the pictures I just showed in this thread, I have among other resonating things had some unusual experiences together with the star Capella, 'the little female goat' or Hircus in latin, which means goat.

              Hircus/Horus, any connection?
              take HIRCUS : the goat / pan

              HIRCUS ...... with a little ABRACADABRA ..... you get ...... CIRCUS :

              CIRCUS = CIRCE + HORUS ( one way of looking at it )

              HIRCUS = HORUS + CIRCE ( see also origin of pan )


              The place where I took the pictures
              is is possible for you to take a GPS measurement where you feel the resonance is strongest .... i wonder
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-17-2012, 01:07 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • is possible for you to take a GPS measurement where you feel the resonance is strongest .... i wonder

                Hmm. Me and modern technical stuff. Perhaps my cellphone knows how, but I don't. I'll try to find some directions.


                • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                  take HIRCUS : the goat / pan

                  HIRCUS ...... with a little ABRACADABRA ..... you get ...... CIRCUS :

                  CIRCUS = CIRCE + HORUS ( one way of looking at it )

                  HIRCUS = HORUS + CIRCE ( see also origin of pan )


                  is is possible for you to take a GPS measurement where you feel the resonance is strongest .... i wonder
                  worth a try .... don't worry too much about it ..... the opportunity will come to you .... just observe

                  Circus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                  First attested in English 14th century, the word circus derives from Latin circus,[1] which is the romanization of the Greek κίρκος (kirkos), itself a metathesis of the Homeric Greek κρίκος (krikos), meaning "circle" or "ring".[2]

                  Early Christian writer Tertullian claims that the first circus games were staged by goddess Circe in honour of her father Helios, the Sun god.[3] This claim accords well with the fact that many Roman games were indeed dedicated to the Sun god.
                  KRIKOS ...... KRISTOS .....


                  Prodigy - Stand Up (BEST QUALITY) - YouTube

                  Liber 49 - The Book of Babalon

                  "The year of BABALON is 4063."
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-17-2012, 01:32 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • you know with all this word play .... and language linkage ..... truly if someone told me when i was enjoying Ulysse 31 ...... that I would be enjoying it like any philosophy major or literature major ( which i thought always had "hot babes" (youth and ignorance ) ) ..... I would have laughed at his face

                    sometimes you picture your young self and you remember how far and at the same time how short the road traveled

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-17-2012, 02:50 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Human Body as Capacitor

                      Hello MrM

                      A fascinating thread, so many thanks for your continued discoveries/synchronisities

                      I thought that you and others might find this diagram interesting, for many reasons, surrounding the latent energies within the human system.

                      Here is the index it was taken from. Hope you enjoy.
                      Index of /pdf


                      • Originally posted by Michael C View Post
                        Hmm. Me and modern technical stuff. Perhaps my cellphone knows how, but I don't. I'll try to find some directions.
                        +57° 44' 14.65", +14° 45' 11.39"


                        chose the clearing in the middle of the forest
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-17-2012, 02:23 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Originally posted by Sayana View Post
                          Hello MrM

                          A fascinating thread, so many thanks for your continued discoveries/synchronisities

                          I thought that you and others might find this diagram interesting, for many reasons, surrounding the latent energies within the human system.

                          Here is the index it was taken from. Hope you enjoy.
                          Index of /pdf

                          Sayana , and Thank you for sharing

                          a very interesting Perspective ...... and in a way totally makes sense

                          A caduceus is Formed and Radiant Energy / Chi / Life Energy can Circulate ( Circe ) ..... see post on Caduceus and Germination
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-17-2012, 02:33 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Human Energy

                            Thanks you for the bright and warm welcome

                            [I]Body capacitance was a significant nuisance when tuning the earliest radios; touching a tuning knob would couple the body capacitance into the tuning circuit, slightly changing its resonant frequency. However, body capacitance is very useful in the Theremin, a musical instrument in which it causes slight frequency shifts of the instrument's internal oscillators. One of them changes pitch, and the other causes loudness (volume) to change smoothly between silence and full amount.[/I]

                            Thought provoking quote MrM. Our chakras are our oscillators tuned to different frequencies to obtain an optimum energetic (overall) effect. Our senses are the receivers, so it is up to us to find the right frequency and interpret the material we are downloading properly- a life long process of fine tuning.

                            As you and others have said all is analogy


                            • Originally posted by Sayana View Post
                              As you and others have said all is analogy


                              Prodigy - Stand Up (BEST QUALITY) - YouTube

                              Originally posted by Sayana View Post
                              Thanks you for the bright and warm welcome

                              Thought provoking quote MrM. Our chakras are our oscillators tuned to different frequencies to obtain an optimum energetic (overall) effect. Our senses are the receivers, so it is up to us to find the right frequency and interpret the material we are downloading properly- a life long process of fine tuning.

                              Queen - A Kind Of Magic (Lyrics) - YouTube

                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-17-2012, 03:37 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • As we are approaching the 13 of december, the traditional celebration of Saint Lucia of Syracuse are coming about. Saint Lucia, represented by a whiteclad girl with burning candles on her head will sing for us, and give us saffron wheat buns to eat, the so called 'Lucifer's cat'.
                                Please note the spiral wound shape of the bun

