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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Please link the following info with the Previous Post on Oxytocin and the next Post

    6 3 9 - like

    oxytocin -

    A 9 amino acid peptide hormone synthesized in the hypothalamus and released by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland.

    Functions of oxytocin:

    milk letdown ( see painting of Baby Jesus and Boobies ) -- in lactating mothers, oxytocin stimulates myoepithelial cells, causing milk to be ejected into the ducts of the mammary glands. Sucking by the infant at the nipple stimulates oxytocin release.

    uterine contraction -- necessary for cervical dilatation prior to birth and causes the contractions all mothers are familiar with. Obstetricians often inject some synthetic oxytocin after the baby is born to speed the delivery of the placenta.

    inducing maternal behaviour -- this effect is a little more iffy and there is less evidence for it

    plays some role in orgasms -- for both males and females. In males, oxytocin is said to facilitate sperm transport in ejaculation ( see effect of sperm on Women posted previoulsy in our discussion ).
    Oxytocin has been dubbed "the cuddle chemical" by zoologists who artificially raised the levels in goats and found that they exhibited the same behaviors as human mothers exhibit toward their newborn babies. Marijuana has been found to stimulate production of oxytocin, and some experts believe that smoking a little pot can be extremely beneficial to a flagging sex drive, particularly for women. Oxytocin is responsible for the uterine contractions that accompany menstruation and cause the expulsion of the uterine lining. As important as oxytocin is in the birth and menstrual process, its role in the non-procreative aspect of sex can't be overstated. Oxytocin is not simply released during orgasm, it seems to actually cause orgasm. At normal bodily levels, oxytocin encourages a mild underlying desire to kiss, nuzzle, and cuddle one's lover. Once the cuddling begins, oxytocin levels steadily rise, and the hormone stimulates the smooth muscles and sensitizes the nerves in erogenous zones such as the earlobes, the neck, and of course the genitals. As arousal builds and becomes more intense, production of oxytocin snowballs ( a Harmonic Cascade Effect ). Research suggests that oxytocin causes the nerves in the genitals to fire spontaneously, causing orgasm. Men's oxytocin levels have been found to quintuple during orgasm, but women's levels skyrocket. Women require more oxytocin to acheive orgasm, and the brain generously complies; because their brains are quite literally drenched in the chemical during peak sexual arousal, many women are able to achieve multiple and full body orgasms.

    now picture this ..... a Mystic ( usually no sex / also called coincidently "Blue Balls" ) .... that smokes some Schmmootz aka Marjiuana .... then meditate



    It also explains why roman women used to gather the sweat of Gladiators ...... did you think those guys were allowed to have sex ...... oxytocin

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-21-2012, 03:46 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.



      now I understand why Marijuana was used for eons in spiritual quest / enlightenment

      Tantra also pursues transcendence, through a unity of the personal consciousness with the cosmic consciousness. The transcendental experience is paralleled with universal consciousness. Sir John Woodroffe comments:

      When Kundalini Shakti sleeps in the Muladhara, man is awake to the world; when she awakes to unite, and does unite, with the supreme static Consciousness which is Shiva, then consciousness is asleep to the world and is one with the Light of all things" (White 33).

      Is Marijuana A Sex Stimulant? · Men's Health articles | Family's Health center |

      Low dose Marijuana and sexual intercourse
      Marijuana has been used as an aphrodisiac for thousands of years, yet ironically it has also been used to decrease sexual desire. At low to moderate levels of intoxication, users reported heightened ability to communicate sexually with their partners, and increased body awareness.

      When marijuana dosage was appropriate, it increased sexual stamina and skill, tactile sensation, length and power of orgasms, and emotional bonding between partners. People felt they became more loving, more willing to pay attention to the technical aspects of lovemaking and foreplay which women complain is often missing from male sexual repertoire.

      Kama Sutra - Part 1 - Chapter 3 - On the study of the Sixty-four Arts

      Chapter 3 - On the study of the Sixty-four Arts

      HM 3 + HM 1 = 13 .............. Principle of Gender

      In some of the ancient writings it is said, "He who understands the number 13 will be given power and dominion".

      MAN should study the Kama Sutra and the arts and sciences subordinate thereto, in addition to the study of the arts and sciences contained in Dharma and Artha. Even young maids should study this Kama Sutra along with its arts and sciences before marriage, and after it they should continue to do so with the consent of their husbands.


      Modern users reported spiritual, emotional and psychological effects that mirrored ancient Tantric effects. They felt that intercourse was replenishing and balancing, and that orgasm was an energizing climax to sex, instead of a draining finale.

      Burning myths
      This myth was rejected and the National Academy of Sciences has stated that cannabinoids are neither mutagenic nor carcinogenic. Another popular myth states that smoking marijuana causes reproductive system damage. Smoking marijuana has been shown to temporarily lower sperm counts in humans, but the sperm levels return to normal once marijuana consumption had ceased.

      Another false claim states that marijuana lowers male testosterone levels. But this theory has been challenged and refuted by several studies. One of the most controversial myths is regarding its use during pregnancy. It is recommended that an expecting mother should not use any drug. However, there is extremely little evidence implicating it in fetal harm.

      also :

      Assassins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      The name "Assassin" is often said to derive from the Arabic Hashishin or "users of hashish",[2] to have been originally derogatory and used by their adversaries during the Middle Ages.
      yet :

      The number 13: The Power behind it. How to Protect yourself in this spiritual war.., page 1

      Also, although this can only ever be an anecdotal thing, you will have trouble finding it anywhere, I have it from strong sources for many years that the way that Hassan i Sabbah, the Old Man of The Mountain, and founder and leader of the Ismaili Assassins, 'activated' a 'Hashassin' to perform an assassination was by showing them the Arabic numeral 13.

      also :

      Jesus 'healed using cannabis' | World news | The Guardian

      Jesus w as almost certainly a cannabis user and an early proponent of the medicinal properties of the drug, according to a study of scriptural texts published this month. The study suggests that Jesus and his disciples used the drug to carry out miraculous healings.

      The anointing oil used by Jesus and his disciples contained an ingredient called kaneh-bosem which has since been identified as cannabis extract, according to an article by Chris Bennett in the drugs magazine, High Times, entitled Was Jesus a Stoner? The incense used by Jesus in ceremonies also contained a cannabis extract, suggests Mr Bennett, who quotes scholars to back his claims.

      "There can be little doubt about a role for cannabis in Judaic religion," Carl Ruck, professor of classical mythology at Boston University said.

      Referring to the existence of cannabis in anointing oils used in ceremonies, he added: "Obviously the easy availability and long-established tradition of cannabis in early Judaism _ would inevitably have included it in the [Christian] mixtures."

      Mr Bennett suggests those anointed with the oils used by Jesus were "literally drenched in this potent mixture _ Although most modern people choose to smoke or eat pot, when its active ingredients are transferred into an oil-based carrier, it can also be absorbed through the skin".

      Quoting the New Testament, Mr Bennett argues that Jesus anointed his disciples with the oil and encouraged them to do the same with other followers. This could have been responsible for healing eye and skin diseases referred to in the Gospels.

      "If cannabis was one of the main ingredients of the ancient anointing oil _ and receiving this oil is what made Jesus the Christ and his followers Christians, then persecuting those who use cannabis could be considered anti-Christ ( isn't it the case today ..... follows the kali yuga flow ," Mr Bennett concludes.

      10 Major Health Benefits of Marijuana «

      1. Cancer
      2. Seizures
      3. Migraines
      4. Glaucoma
      5. Multiple Sclerosis
      6. Tourette’s and OCD
      7. ADD and ADHD
      8. IBS and Crohn’s
      9. Alzheimer’s

      10. Premenstrual Syndrome ( Kali Yuga )

      did not know that about Schmmootz .......

      Sun Angel Creations - Law of Attraction Secrets - NumberQuest Numerology - NQ-Multi Numerology Calculator - Calculate Pythagorean, Chaldean, Kabbalah and Gematria Numerology Numbers! :: 123 Free Numerology Reports! :: Unlimited Free Numerology Name,
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-21-2012, 02:22 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • not done yet ........ history teaches quite a bit about energies for instance did you know :

        During the Golden Age of Inventors ( Tesla / Reich / Louis Rota etc ..... ) ,

        The Virginia Company, by degree of King James I in 1619, ordered every colonist to grow 100 plants specifically for export. Thus, England's only colony in America began to grow hemp in order to meet this obligation and, soon, to serve a growing demand in other colonies.[2] George Washington grew hemp at Mount Vernon as one of his three primary crops. The use of hemp for rope and fabric was ubiquitous throughout the 18th and 19th centuries in the United States. Medicinal preparations of cannabis became available in American pharmacies in the 1850s following an introduction to its use in Western medicine by William O'Shaughnessy a decade earlier in 1839.[3]
        ................ the 60's and 70's ...... we should call it the Oxytocin Revolution .... amazing Music .... a lot of sex (not as much as today .... less drooling Animal ) ) ...... and some revolutionary thinking that help lay the ground for the Material ( Kali yuga at its peak ) world we live in .... aka the Alchemical Furnace

        Chap. 60. Of Madness, and Divinations which are made when men are awake, and of the power of a Melancholy Humor, by which Spirits are sometimes induced into Men's Bodies

        .:: Kenneth Bager - Fragment Eight (The Sound of Swing) ::. - YouTube


        shocking the Monkey :



        Parov Stelar - Libella Swing - YouTube

        Electro swing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        Electro Swing is a musical genre fusing swing styles with modern, (often hip hop, drum and bass, dubstep or house influenced) production techniques. Contemporary artists of the genre incorporate loops, samples, melodies and styles from the Swing, Jazz and Big Band era such as Django Reinhardt, Cab Calloway and Benny Goodman to create new, more club friendly and accessible compositions. Leading artists include Parov Stelar and Caravan Palace.

        The genres are connected with a revival of swing dances like the Lindy hop, the popularity of Neo-Burlesque and the resurgence in an appreciation of vintage fashion and culture in mainstream society, championed by style icons Dita Von Teese and successful television shows like Boardwalk Empire.

        Club des Belugas - Hip Hip Chin Chin (Maxim Illion Mix) - YouTube

        It is no different than the revival of Tesla's Work time for some fusion

        forgot to add Mystics have usually ( not always ) an Alkaline Diet ....just so you don't forget

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-21-2012, 02:57 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • compare geometrically ( project both images in your brain and overlay them )

          the phoenix

          Allah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          Le Shin aux quatre branches « La Kabbale Des Lettres « Etudes Kabbalistiques « KeL « Kabbale en Ligne v.5

          google translate

          This is called Shin Haot, the sign which is derived from Exodus 3.12. Haot means "sign" or "Letter". Over time, this letter has had several names: Letter Missing, Lost Letter, Letter Complete the Letter the Holy Letter of the World to Come, the 23rd Letter, Letter of Goodness and Ot Olam Letter eternal.

          Sefer haTemunah a medieval mystic guide, tells a tradition that lacks a letter to the Hebrew alphabet. His absence is the source of all the pain, tragedy of this world. The missing letter will be revealed by the Messiah and it will fix all problems and defections of the world. According to some, this would be the missing letter Shin four branches located on the Tefilin shel Rosh.

          According Temunah this Shin is the symbol of the next cosmic cycle that is based on HESSED, Kindness.

          Chesed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



          The basic premise of Mage: The Ascension is that everyone has the capacity, at some level, to shape reality. This capacity, personified as a mysterious alter-ego called the Avatar, is dormant in most people, who are known as sleepers, whereas Magi (and/or their Avatars) are said to be Awakened. Because they're awakened, Magi can consciously effect changes to reality via willpower, beliefs, and specific magical techniques. Paradigms tend to be idiosyncratic to the individual Mage, but the vast majority belong to broad categories of paradigm, e.g., Shamanism, Medieval Sorcery, religious miracle working, and superscience.
          Brain waves encode rules for behavior

          One of the biggest puzzles in neuroscience is how our brains encode thoughts, such as perceptions and memories, at the cellular level. Some evidence suggests that ensembles of neurons represent each unique piece of information, but no one knows just what these ensembles look like, or how they form.
          A new study from researchers at MIT and Boston University (BU) sheds light on how neural ensembles form thoughts and support the flexibility to change one's mind. The research team, led by Earl Miller, the Picower Professor of Neuroscience at MIT, identified groups of neurons that encode specific behavioral rules by oscillating in synchrony with each other.

          The results suggest that the nature of conscious thought may be rhythmic, according to the researchers, who published their findings in the Nov. 21 issue of Neuron.

          "As we talk, thoughts float in and out of our heads. Those are all ensembles forming and then reconfiguring to something else. It's been a mystery how the brain does this ," says Miller, who is also a member of MIT's Picower Institute for Learning and Memory. "That's the fundamental problem that we're talking about—the very nature of thought itself."

          Rules for behavior

          The researchers identified two neural ensembles in the brains of monkeys trained to respond to objects based on either their color or orientation. This task requires cognitive flexibility—the ability to switch between two distinct sets of rules for behavior.

          "Effectively what they're doing is focusing on some parts of information in the world and ignoring others. Which behavior they're doing depends on the context," says Tim Buschman, an MIT postdoc and one of the lead authors of the paper.

          As the animals switched between tasks, the researchers measured the brain waves produced in different locations throughout the prefrontal cortex, where most planning and thought takes place. Those waves are generated by rhythmic fluctuations of neurons' electrical activity.
          Shock the Monkey ..... not Spank the Monkey heehee

          so basically whatever you do in life whether good or bad is transcribed in you ..... .... like a tattoo or a vibration ..... for Karma to decide which shade it is going to take
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-21-2012, 07:56 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • The Blue Godzilla : Karma

            Godzilla: Blue Ă–yster Cult lyrics - YouTube

            Godzilla lyrics
            Songwriters: Roeser, D;

            With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound
            He pulls the spitting high tension wires down

            Helpless people on a subway train
            Scream for God as He looks in on them

            He picks up a bus and he throws it back down
            As he wades through the buildings toward the center of town

            Oh no, they say, he's got to go
            Go go Godzilla, yeah
            Oh no, there goes Tokyo
            Go go Godzilla, yeah

            Oh no, they say, he's got to go
            Go go Godzilla, yeah
            Oh no, there goes Tokyo
            Go go Godzilla, yeah


            Rinji news o moshiagemasu
            Rinji news o moshiagemasu
            Godzilla ga Ginza hoomen e mukatte imasu
            Daishkyu hinan ****e kudasai
            Daishkyu hinan ****e kudasai

            Oh no, they say, he's got to go
            Go go Godzilla, yeah
            Oh no, there goes Tokyo
            Go go Godzilla, yeah

            History shows again and again
            How nature points out the folly of men

            History shows again and again
            How nature points out the folly of men

            History shows again and again
            How nature points out the folly of men

            History shows again and again
            How nature points out the folly of men

            ps: the more we are aware of her ( ie Karma / Shin / Phoenix ) ... in magic talk .... your seals ( ie Chakras ) are open ... the more she will manifest herself in synchronicity


            Track listing
            Side one
            "Godzilla" (Donald Roeser) – 3:41
            "Golden Age of Leather" (Roeser, Bruce Abbott) – 5:53
            "Death Valley Nights" (Albert Bouchard, Richard Meltzer) – 4:07
            "Searchin’ for Celine" (Allen Lanier) – 3:35
            "Fireworks" (A. Bouchard) – 3:14
            Side two
            "R.U. Ready 2 Rock" (A. Bouchard, Sandy Pearlman) – 3:45
            "Celestial the Queen" (Joe Bouchard, Helen Wheels) – 3:24
            "Goin’ Through the Motions" (Eric Bloom, Ian Hunter) – 3:12
            "I Love the Night" (Roeser) – 4:23
            "Nosferatu" (J. Bouchard, Wheels) – 5:23
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-21-2012, 09:13 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Linking a few Patterns : key word Branches ( as in tree .... and sometimes it sounds like Three )

              a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:

              compare geometrically ( project both images in your brain and overlay them )





              We say a ‘simple model’ ( reduction / harmonic math )—which is also an analogy—since the tree is readily understood and can be visualised, and we are using it here to simplify very difficult concepts of nature and the environment. This fractal-tree model is intended to assist greatly in understanding such profound issues as: reconciling science and religion; what the soul is; the higher aspects of consciousness of the human; the ‘within’ (Biblical term used by Jesus Christ); inner space and a fractal system of universes; the true path of evolution; what ascension means; the basis of fractals, etc. We shall see that the tree is more than an analogy but an ideal model for all creation.

              The first feature we must recognise is that as we go from the twig level towards the trunk, we see that integration within the branch system occurs. For example, maybe three twigs are attached to a branch; similarly for the branches attached to the larger branches as the system integrates, and reduces to one item in the centre, the tree trunk. This is a fractal configuration. Let’s make the twigs the first fractal level, then the second fractal level is the branch the twigs are attached to, and so on, with fractal levels 3, 4, 5 . . . . For an average tree there are about seven fractal levels.

              Chesed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              Allah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              Le Shin aux quatre branches « La Kabbale Des Lettres « Etudes Kabbalistiques « KeL « Kabbale en Ligne v.5

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-21-2012, 09:37 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • “The results support the hypothesis that 16.7 Hz magnetic fields alter 6-OHMS excretion in humans exposed to magnetic fields.”

                Actually the frequency is not 16.7, it's 16.66666.... or one third of 50Hz.

                I once read or heard on a radio programme about tigers, apparently they 'hum' at about 17Hz which make their prey become 'submissive' and paralyzed in effect of that tone.

                Well, that's railway workers to me, I know them very well


                • Originally posted by Michael C View Post

                  Actually the frequency is not 16.7, it's 16.66666.... or one third of 50Hz.

                  I once read or heard on a radio programme about tigers ( see also post on cat purring + healing ), apparently they 'hum' at about 17Hz which make their prey become 'submissive' and paralyzed in effect of that tone.

                  Well, that's railway workers to me, I know them very well
                  Good reading you , Michael C

                  Pineal Activation, Solar Gazing and DNA Recoding | Health

                  The influence is a magnetic influence; it is not an electrical light, but gravitational energy. Light and magnetism are one and the same. The earth is magnetized by the sun; all the local creation on this planet is attuned to the magnetic field of Mother Earth, who is attuned to the magnetic field of the sun, which is attuned to the magnetic field of other star systems within the Milky Way Galaxy, which is attuned to other light networks within the universe, and so it is all one system. Every cell carries the same code of DNA, and by attuning to the light frequencies and the information within these frequencies, we are able to rewire our DNA ( a harmonic Cascade effect ) .
                  Pineal Facts
                  Native Energy: Static Electrical
                  Native Aspects: Intelligence, Intuition, Psychic Powers, Imagination

                  Color: Violet
                  Purpose: To enhance mental clarity and intuition
                  Symptoms of Dysfunction: Frequent headaches, sinus pressure around the eyes, bad eyesight, cataracts, glaucoma, insomnia, paranoia or depression.
                  Language of a balanced pineal gland

                  When you pineal gland is balanced, clarity of mind is a regular and natural state for you. Having a calm, primed mind gives you a powerful presence in this world. You don’t need any external means to stay sharp and clear; in stead, you easily tap into the unlimited resources of your intelligence. Other people respect you for your quick mind and ability to see things clearly. Your life is a series of synchronicities and you feel the flow of life on a daily basis.

                  Language of an imbalanced pineal gland

                  When your pineal gland is imbalanced, you feel a lack of mental clarity, good memory or the ability to handle stress. You are unable to stay focused and efficient, and unable of relaxing your mind to heal negative thought patterns that cloud your life. You feel confused and often lose sight of the big picture. You wish could get a bird’s eye view of what is going on in your life.

                  Natural brainpower

                  Activating your pineal gland helps you restore the power of mind that is yours by birthright. It gives you clarity and mental strength, and the ability to see which choices will make you happy, and which won’t.

                  Your intuition is directly related to the pineal gland in the center of your brain. As with the rest of your body, the things you eat affect the health of this gland. Certain foods improve the health of the gland while others cause it to deteriorate. Fried foods, coffee and fluoride are some of the substances that will calcify and deactivate the pineal gland. A calcified pineal gland causes you to forget that you are indeed perfect, beautiful, intelligent love.

                  The psychic ‘gift’

                  Many believe that being psychic is ‘a gift’. However, it is ‘nothing more’ than the gift of an active pineal gland. Anyone who has reactivated and decalcified their pineal gland experiences their psychic gift ‘return’ to them. It is as simple as flexing a muscle. Changing your dietary patterns and gazing at the sun will help you tap into the incredible power of this gland and reactivate your natural physic abilities .

                  Do Electromagnetic Fields Affect the Pineal Gland, Limiting Human Consciousness? | Alternative


                  Schumann resonances - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                  Human brain, internet, and cosmology: Similar laws at work?

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-22-2012, 12:26 AM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Pineal Facts
                    Native Energy: Static Electrical
                    Native Aspects: Intelligence, Intuition, Psychic Powers, Imagination

                    Color: Violet
                    Purpose: To enhance mental clarity and intuition
                    Symptoms of Dysfunction: Frequent headaches, sinus pressure around the eyes, bad eyesight, cataracts, glaucoma, insomnia, paranoia or depression.


                    HaOt receives its name from Exodus 3:12.

                    HaOt: In Hebrew the sound Ha before a word is the definite article: The; and Ot means both Sign and Letter. Thus HaOt is pronounced: Ha-Ot and means The Sign. Throughout history the four-pronged Shin has been called by many names: The Missing Letter; The Lost Letter; The Found Sound; The Wholly Letter; The Holy Letter; The Letter of the World to Come; The 23rd Letter; The letter of Kindness; Shin with Four Heads; and Ot Olam, The Eternal Letter.
                    HaOt will reveal and illuminate personal and cosmic healing and transformation.

                    The process and techniques for creating new awareness through HaOt are as ancient as creation and as new as each breath we take. Rabbis, sages, and scholars have taught that there is a deep and powerful potential found within and around the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. Accessing this energy is accomplished through many different techniques, which all include focused contemplative meditative practice. The essence of this meditative prayer includes: deep breathing, intentioned awareness, consciously letting go of the attachment to the negative aspects of existence, and humbly accepting the beauty and blessing of each aspect of life.
                    HaOt represents Tikkun Olam transforming and healing all time and space.

                    The famous sixteenth century mystic, Rabbi Isaac Luria, taught that we should change the world. He saw in those around him the pervasive feeling that the world was broken. He explained the reason for this condition with a mystical story of a cosmic shattering. Luria believed that we have the freedom to do what we please with our lives and our world. We can allow things to remain in pieces or we can hearken to the best within us and choose to bring wholeness to these fragments. Luria could have responded, like those around him, with despair. Instead, full of hope, he beautifully realized that the shards do not get magically put back together again: the world needs our help. Some say that HaOt represents the Olam HaBa, The World to Come, a messianic time when the entire universe and all in it will be in perfect harmony and balance.
                    HaOt asks us to look beyond the temporal and to find meaning in both the obvious and in that which is veiled and hidden.

                    The Shin with four prongs is connected physically and spiritually to the Shin with three prongs. Rabbi Bachya in his comment on Exodus 32:16 says: “God engraved rather than etched the letters on the two Tablets because God wanted them to be read from both sides. Thus the two sides allude to the revealed and concealed dimensions of Torah.” The letter Shin represents the revealed Torah and the Shin with four prongs represents the concealed Torah. The concealed and the revealed are alluded to in The Song of Songs. In verse 2:9, the Poet refers to the hidden ways of God by describing God "looking through the lattices." God sees us, but we cannot see God. Just as the Shin with four prongs is seen by connecting it with that which it outlines; so too is God hidden from us and know to us only through the outline of creation and revelation.
                    HaOt is a gentle reminder to bring holiness into all thought and action.

                    The Zohar teaches that before putting on the Tefillin one should look first at the Shin with four prongs and then afterward look at the Shin with three prongs. It is taught in the Mishnah Berurah that the entire Shin should be visible. To fulfill what is written in Deuteronomy 28:10 "And all the nations of the earth shall see that the name of God is called upon you." The three-pronged Shin stands for the name Shaddai, the Almighty and Gemara, Berachot 6a explains that the four-pronged Shin is a reference to Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh, the four letter unpronounceable name of God.

                    Orach Chaim 32 in the Beit Yosef, and Rav Yitzchak Abohav quoting Rav Natrunai, teaches that the and the four-pronged Shin on the box of Tefillin that is found on the head represent the 613 Commandments in the Torah.

                    613 is the total of the following numerological factors:

                    The Eagles-Journey of the Sorcerer ( Long Version) - YouTube

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-22-2012, 07:20 AM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Massive Solar Eruption Spotted by NASA Observatory | WebProNews

                      NASA announced this week that a coronal mass ejection (CME) erupted on the sun early Tuesday morning. The phenomenon can send solar particles flying into space, some of which can affect electronic systems in satellites orbiting Earth. The particles can reach Earth one to four days after the eruption.

                      there was another one bigger ... yesterday

                      Sun today — solar flares online

                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • receiving this oil is what made Jesus the Christ and his followers Christians
                        The substance of oil is somewhat intriguing. First of all, what started that thought was a youtube clip where Mayan-descendants commented on the 'little brother' (techno culture) that had to stop large-scale extracting of minerals and oil from the earth, not understanding the implications of it.

                        Speaking of oil, the only 'known hazard' with it is (besides politics of course) the CO2 thing, true or false.

                        We know that money attracts money, wealth attracts wealth. By extracting the riches, we make our earth poor. That thought does widen the perspective a bit. But there's more to it, as the quote suggests.

                        For many years, I worked in the oil industry, at a refinery. What still baffles me is the 'indications of a paradise on earth' that was present. Many employees were Jehovas witnesses' which was fun to experience, some of them were not afraid of anything, and never used safety garments at high altitudes etc. None of them were ever engaged in accidents despite their risc taking workstyle, only people without a religious identity was caught with that kind of accidental trouble at this site. It was there to see, if you opened your eyes. But the real treat was the surroundings.

                        Literally, man and animals lived in peace. Deers walked by so close you could touch them. Sometimes they walked in to housings, visiting us while drinking coffee. Rabbits, busy running around, would run over your feet. I met a badger once, normally a shy animal but we stood still and looked at each other for a while, trying to calculate how to pass one another without bumping into the other fellow. This was appearing to the extent that I still remember it as a 'strange' place. I thought it had to do with the lagre fenced area, big areal enough to live a whole life within it's borders, safe from hunters, cars, people... A haven in respect of it's isolation.

                        But later in life, I have worked at similar places but in other kind of industry. There is a 'safe haven effect' but not at all to the extent I experienced at the refinery where the wealth of the earth were prepared for consumption. The religious people at that site might have something to do with it, but I feel there's more to it to find out.

                        I think oil is a very interesting substance.


                        • filling up a few gaps left previously

                          the dwelling of Dainichi Nyorai,


                          the journey continues

                          Mount Fuji - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                          Mount Fuji is an attractive volcanic cone and a frequent subject of Japanese art. Among the most renowned works are Hokusai's 36 Views of Mount Fuji and his One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji. The mountain is mentioned in Japanese literature throughout the ages and is the subject of many poems.

                          It is thought that the first ascent was in 663 by an anonymous monk. The summit has been thought of as sacred since ancient times and was forbidden to women until the Meiji Era. Ancient samurai used the base of the mountain as a remote training area, near the present day town of Gotemba. The shogun Minamoto no Yoritomo held yabusame in the area in the early Kamakura period.

                          35°21′28.8″N = 35+21+28+8 = 92 = 11
                          138°43′51.6″E = 138+43+51+6 = 238 = 13

                          35°21′28.8″N 138°43′51.6″E = 238+92 = 330 = 33 = HM 6

                          Mount Fuji Myths and Legends

                          Mt. Fuji has been the home to many things. It has been known as the home of a fire god, the Shinto goddess of flowing trees, and since Buddhist times the dwelling of Dainichi Nyorai, who was the Buddha of All-Illuminating Wisdom. One of the deities of Mt. Fuji is known as Sengen, the goddess of Fuji. She is also known as Ko-no-hana-saku-ya-hime (“Radiant-blooming-as-the-flowers-of-the-trees”) On the summit of Mt. Fuji is her temple. She was said to in ancient times sit on a cloud while her invisible servants threw in any pilgrims who were not pure of heart. Another deity of Fuji was the Luminous Maiden. She was said to have led a certain emperor to his doom. He is still worshipped at the small shrine marking where he vanished. A third and final deity that is known is O-ana-mochi or “possessor of the great hole” (crater).
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                          Japan: Creation Myths & Ancient Japanese Legends: Ancient Stories of Emperor of Japan, Mount Fuji & Origins of Kagura |

                          Mount Fuji, Highest Mountain of Japan

                          Mount Fuji is believed to possess a female spirit HM 6 and is the highest mountain in Japan. There is a myth recounting a story of the measurement of Mount Fuji and Mount Haku by the Buddha Amida. It is said that Haku, a male mountain, was taller than Fuji, however Mount Fuji was so enraged by this measurement that she destroyed the top of Haku. This created the eight peaks of Mount Haku and thus Mount Fuji became the tallest of the Japanese mountains.
                          HM 6 = Samekh = see also AMAZIGH

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • a bit of tongue in cheek and a lesson in perspective ....Save Norway

                            Africa For Norway - New charity single out now! Official christmas video - YouTube

                            Published on Nov 16, 2012 by SAIH - Norway

                            You too can donate your radiator and spread some warmth! Radi-Aid | Africa for Norway | Home
                            Follow the discussion on Twitter / Search - #africafornorway

                            Imagine if every person in Africa saw the "Africa for Norway" video and this was the only information they ever got about Norway. What would they think about Norway?

                            If we say Africa, what do you think about? Hunger, poverty, crime or AIDS? No wonder, because in fundraising campaigns and media that's mainly what you hear about.

                            The pictures we usually see in fundraisers are of poor African children. Hunger and poverty is ugly, and it calls for action. But while these images can engage people in the short term, we are concerned that many people simply give up because it seems like nothing is getting better. Africa should not just be something that people either give to, or give up on.

                            The truth is that there are many positive developments in African countries, and we want these to become known. We need to change the simplistic explanations of problems in Africa. We need to educate ourselves on the complex issues and get more focus on how western countries have a negative impact on Africa's development. If we want to address the problems the world is facing we need to do it based on knowledge and respect.

                            Self-taught African Teen Wows M.I.T. - YouTube

                            15-Year-Old Kelvin Doe is an engineering whiz living in Sierra Leone who scours the trash bins for spare parts, which he uses to build batteries, generators and transmitters. Completely self-taught, Kelvin has created his own radio station where he broadcasts news and plays music under the moniker, DJ Focus.

                            Kelvin became the youngest person in history to be invited to the "Visiting Practitioner's Program" at MIT. THNKR had exclusive access to Kelvin and his life-changing journey - experiencing the US for the first time, exploring incredible opportunities, contending with homesickness, and mapping out his future.
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-22-2012, 08:09 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Norway gave a helping hand
                              They taught us what to do
                              Now it's payback time

                              Humour with some room left for empathy can be the best way of communicating and reach out sometimes. We here in the rich western world must share the wealth we more or less have stolen from other parts of the world, and we can only do it with some dignity if we at the same time show respect to those we try to help. First we rob them, then we tell them what to do with the welfare we give them. All truth is half truth as you say Monsieur, but there is a side to the campaigns that does not feel good sometimes. It is the same pictures and messages if you want to give to African people or want to adopt a mistreated cat or dog in need somewhere in the world. Aww, poor thing, here's a few bucks to help them out. All needs for living things is equally important, but the problem has to be approached in a proper way regarding the subject in need.

                              Our empathy may need some more evolution I think. This action is a good comment to that.


                              • Originally posted by Michael C View Post

                                Humour with some room left for empathy can be the best way of communicating and reach out sometimes.

                                Our empathy may need some more evolution I think. This action is a good comment to that.

                                Indeed , it needs some more tuning ..... Michael C

                                and It starts with empathy for oneself and one's "imperfection"

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-22-2012, 11:38 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

