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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • and It starts with empathy for oneself and one's "imperfection"
    So true and enlightening. It has great importance to this issue.


    • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
      Indeed , it needs some more tuning ..... Michael C

      and It starts with empathy for oneself and one's "imperfection"

      Originally posted by Michael C View Post
      So true and enlightening. It has great importance to this issue.
      a litlle repost to give it more resonance :

      Chapter forty-two captures the essence of polarity and synthesis ( see also : ):
      The Tao begot one.
      One begot two.
      Two begot three.
      And three begot the ten thousand things. ( 327 )

      The ten thousand things carry yin and embrace yang.
      They achieve harmony by combining these forces.( 405 ) (.
      you may not have noticed it but it is also the beginning of ....... the Fibonacci series

      if you consider the Tao as 1

      1 begot 1
      1 begot 2
      2 begot 3
      and 3 begot etc....

      Fibonacci number - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Sun Angel Creations - Law of Attraction Secrets - NumberQuest Numerology - NQ-Multi Numerology Calculator - Calculate Pythagorean, Chaldean, Kabbalah and Gematria Numerology Numbers! :: 123 Free Numerology Reports! :: Unlimited Free Numerology Name,

      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Fibonacci numbers also appear in the description of the reproduction of a population of idealized honeybees,
        Fibonacci number - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


        • Capturing living cells in micro pyramids

          A field full of pyramids, but on a micro scale. Each of the pyramids hides a living cell. Thanks to 3D micro- and nano scale fabrication, promising new applications can be found. One of them is applying the micro pyramids for cell research: thanks to the open 'walls' of the pyramids, the cells interact. Scientists of the research institutes MESA+ and MIRA of the University of Twente in The Netherlands present this new technology and first applications in Small journal of the beginning of December.

          Monkeys have mid-life crises too you know | Metro

          According to a study involving 500 great apes published in the, ahem, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, chimpanzees and orangutans experience a midlife crisis, just like us.

          Monkey vs Monkey
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Once again,

            chimpanzees and orangutans experience a midlife crisis, just like us.
            Your timing and syncronicity reach far beyond understanding, I'm very impressed.


            • Originally posted by Michael C View Post
              Once again,

              Your timing and syncronicity reach far beyond understanding, I'm very impressed.
              Thank you again .... really do not deserve it .... merely flowing

              talking about syncronicity

              Artstrology Date Checker

              Thursday, November 22, 2012 = 11 / 22 / 12

              MAYAN DAY: 1/B'atz'

              1 is The first energy. Initializing and the first gear. Complete.

              ********The 1st day is B'atz'. Monkey. ********

              My Pattern .............. or if you prefer my Monkey's Birthdate

              nice to meet you all

              ps: it is part of the experiment ....
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-24-2012, 12:10 AM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • During Kali Yuga .... All Alchemical Experiments were made in Secret .... in a "enlightened" Age .... Alchemical Experiment are made in ......

                .................. Open Source

                Psalm 119:130(#13 of 25 Bible Verses about Light)
                130 The unfolding of your words gives light it gives understanding to the simple.

                ps: secret societies must be freaking out as to why their Magik is so weak

                ......... follow the rhythm of Nature

                Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-23-2012, 01:02 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Imagine a Nuclear Bomb being passed down from generation to generation ..... except for one thing ..... we never gave you the User Manual .... and as a bonus a big Red button you can press on whenever you feel like it .......

                  welcome to the Age of Kali Yuga .... An Age where all The User Manuals of All Religions has been lost .... and the few adventurous souls throughout the ages who ventured beyond the walled garden they lived in ..... discovered that the Garden extends beyond his / her wall .... with so many more species of flowers and plants to enjoy


                  SON OF THE SUN
                  by Orfeo Angelucci

                  DEV ORSS & Co., Publishers
                  516 WEST NINTH STREET Los
                  A NGELES 15, CALIFORNIA

                  The moment you accept what troubles you've been given,
                  the door will open
                  . .... Rumi ...... Be Water my Friend ..... Flow

                  SON OF THE SUN
                  by Orfeo Angelucci
                  very interesting read

                  “Why, then, Orfeo, why, I humbly ask in my ignorance, did I
                  receive the first flicker of a spiritual dawn when I became afflicted
                  and doomed
                  Chapter 60 .... Agrippa on Melancholy
                  His words, his fervent sincerity, had tapped a small reservoir of
                  wisdom within me which I had not known existed. I got up from
                  the table, turned off the stove and brought cups, spoons and sugar
                  to the table for our coffee. I answered him while doing this.
                  “Because, Adam, the real value of yourself is that thread of
                  essence within you, like the thread that weaves through all society.
                  The bulk of you, in personality and aspect, was conditioned by
                  society. You accepted things as those around you molded them.
                  You had to make a success of yourself in that society, so you
                  conformed. You forgot your childhood intuitions and instincts,
                  almost giving your very soul to others around you. You even
                  insulated yourself against the call of love from your other half,
                  which can be filled only by a woman.
                  You were capable, so
                  success came easily to you. You are handsome, and except for
                  your present illness, you are very healthy by earth standards in our
                  present stage of civilization. You felt that others might be sick and
                  infirm, but you, never; you felt like one privileged.
                  The Doors - People are strange lyrics - YouTube

                  “It was as though God had set a special stage to serve you in
                  your string of successes, the end object of which you could
                  neither see nor care about. You felt that God would give you a
                  heaven after you had become totally successful. But you could not
                  see that God does not expend one creature for the mere
                  gratification of another. It is all a brew in the caldron of progress,
                  Adam. You today, me tomorrow. Ignorance of the truth
                  makes it so. We were put here from the beginning in
                  a primitive state of mere survival, and all the elements and
                  substances of attaining to perfection were provided us at
                  the same time.
                  From that nearly impossible condition, and purely by our own efforts through learning and intuition, we must attain
                  to perfection. It is either that or its utter opposite, the destruction
                  that ultimate arrogance brings
                  . Now, let’s drink some of this nice,
                  fresh coffee.”

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-23-2012, 03:33 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • from:

                    sorry for the long post but it is quite inspiring and those are the words of the character Saturn

                    a good Alchemical read The Eagles - Hotel California-offical Song.. - YouTube

                    SON OF THE SUN
                    by Orfeo Angelucci

                    DEV ORSS & Co., Publishers
                    516 WEST NINTH STREET Los
                    A NGELES 15, CALIFORNIA 1959

                    p 154

                    “You see, Adam, Moses led a mass of people out of bondage of
                    other people, but not out of evil. The people had to find their own
                    way out of evil. And Joshua did not do better by breaking down
                    the gates of Jericho, or its walls. Remember always that evil in
                    itself is ignorance, and therefore ignorance is evil. Shed light on
                    any darkness and it is no longer dark. Shed knowledge on
                    ignorance and ignorance no longer exists. The love of pure
                    learning is the only true virtue that exists, and apathy and care-not
                    attitudes are the only sins that be. The rankest atheism is nothing
                    more than the manifestation and expression of lazy minds and
                    ignorant souls. Allegories and symbolic expressions are the
                    underlying and steadfast truths of things that were and are yet to
                    be. No building project could be started without the blueprint,
                    just as no blueprint could be produced without the ideal. People
                    gawk at a building but admire it not, for they do not consider the
                    architect, the builder, or the conceiver. And so all things that are
                    not comprehended in the fullest shall crumble, but first shall
                    crumble those who have not comprehended what was lavished
                    upon them, and then the lavished plenty shall topple upon them.
                    “This is not materialist idealism, for what is made as a result of
                    man’s thinking and ideal is of a high order. Some may frown on
                    the very notion of seeing a material product assembled by man,
                    but these same ones will bow their heads and thank God for bread
                    and fruit, thank Him at every meal. Yet, is not food as material as
                    anything could possibly be? Some thank God for health, but is not
                    the seeking of health, with no effort to learn why it should be, as
                    materialistic as anything could be? Indeed, in my concept, it is far
                    worse. People who seek spiritual healing as something given them
                    by God for nothing and not given others by the same God, are
                    seeking material repairs for a material body. Not in all the
                    history of our Alpha Centaurian home has one plea
                    for healing by merely praying for it or asking for it been an
                    swered by God directly. Neither have we observed it to occur in
                    the history of any other planet.
                    “In the beginning there was the thought, and the thought
                    became Word and the Word became worlds and life. That still
                    remains as the dynamic, the beginning and the end of everything.
                    From imperfection all things must evolve to perfection, and the
                    order and the wherewithal abound within all things to evolve.
                    Once set in motion, God has spoken to or replied to none of the
                    lesser creation. As the lowly beginnings rose to high perfection,
                    the risen ones were given much dominion. It is these who are
                    intermediaries between man and the Supreme Intelligent Power,
                    for whom the name God so well fits. Of course, ‘God’ is not God’s
                    name, for every language has a different name. No one knows the
                    true name of God. A thought is the best means by which we can
                    approach the truth of Him.”

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-23-2012, 02:56 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Many are obsessed with places like Sedona mountain or superstition Mountain ..... those are examples ..... there are many others ....... but the truth is ..... as the Universe is Fractal ...... the same vortex is within you ..... and really all you need is to trust in your instinct and find your sweet spot .... you can even use your gps to help confirm your instinct ..... find your GPS HM 6

                      cheers and enjoy experimenting ..... the way of the Samurai

                      6 - Love / The Book of Five Rings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      Verse ( see also etymology of sura previously posted )

                      Desire draws the Moon and Sun to hold
                      Each other; hid in darksome depths, the bold
                      Embrace of sibling spirits joined in love
                      Unites the world below with sky above.
                      Unasked, the Dart of Passion strikes; be bold

                      According to the flow of our discussion ...... ...... it seems we have reached a Milestone ..... makes you wonder


                      All is analogy / Fractal

                      “The ultimate aim of martial arts is not having to use them”
                      Miyamoto Musashi , Book of Five Rings: The Classic Guide to Strategy
                      The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi

                      All the five books are chiefly concerned with timing. You must train sufficiently to
                      appreciate this.
                      If you practice day and night in the above Ichi school strategy, your spirit will naturally
                      . Thus is large scale strategy and the strategy of hand to hand combat propagatedin the world. This is recorded for the first time in the five books of Ground, Water, Fire,Tradition (Wind), and Void. This is the way for men who want to learn my strategy:

                      1.Do not think dishonestly.

                      2. The Way is in training.

                      3. Become acquainted with every art.

                      4. Know the Ways of all professions.

                      5. Distinguish between gain and loss in worldly matters.

                      6. Develop intuitive judgement and understanding for everything.

                      7.Perceive those things which cannot be seen.

                      8. Pay attention even to trifles.

                      9. Do nothing which is of no use.


                      3. Become acquainted with every art.

                      6. Develop intuitive judgement and understanding for everything.

                      9. Do nothing which is of no use

                      naruto main theme toshiro masuda - YouTube

                      Kodo - Spirit of Taiko - YouTube at 5:45 feel the vibe

                      your spirit will naturally broaden

                      amazing Japanese Drums

                      Wadaiko Yamato: Drummers of Japan - YouTube

                      Japanese drum 鬼太鼓座 - YouTube

                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-23-2012, 05:01 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • please bare with me ...... this morning ..... before i woke ...... I had this "dream" / " vision" .... of a slot Machine rolling ( weird as i am allergic to gambling ) ..... rolling like any slot machine .... and then for each row .... it aligned M .... then i woke up ..... what do you make of that .......... My instinct knows .... but what do YOU guys make of it

                        ps: usually ... i do not recall my dreams

                        Prodigy - Stand Up (BEST QUALITY) - YouTube

                        to return home or going back to Roots Which coincidently in Arabic , Roots mean:



                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-23-2012, 05:44 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Shall we Roll

                          The Apocryphon of John is commonly referenced by two other names: The Secret Book of John and The Secret Revelation of John, depending upon how the word "Apocryphon" is translated. Their are four surviving Coptic manuscripts of this text: two shorter version found in the Berlin Codex; and Nag Hammadi Codex III, and two longer version, found in Nag Hammadi Codex II and IV. This translation prepared by Dr. Wisse for the Nag Hammadi Library in English uses all four manuscripts to produce a single text.

                          Separate translations of the short and long version, along with extensive additional resources, are available in the Apocryphon of John Collection of the Gnostic Society Library.

                          12 The names of the glories who are over the seven heavens are these: The first is Iaoth, the lion-faced {The first is Aoth, the lion-faced}. The second is Eloaios, the donkey-faced. The third is Astaphaios, the hyena-faced. The fourth is Iao, the snake-faced with seven heads {The fourth is Yaw, the serpent-faced and lion-faced}. The fifth is Adonaios, the serpent-faced. The sixth is Adoni the monkey-faced {The sixth is Adonin, the monkey-faced. The seventh is Sabbadaios, whose face is a shining fire}. The seventh is Sabbataios, whose face is a flame of fire that shines. This is the hebdomad of the week. These are those who rule the world. Yaldabaoth-Saklas (is) the one whose forms are without number such that he can appear with any face at will.

                          Japanese drum 鬼太鼓座 - YouTube + Demon Drummers - Japan - YouTube

                          6 + 7 = 13


                          Yaldabaoth-Saklas (is) the one whose forms are without number such that he can appear with any face at will ( fractal ).

                          the Burning Bush ..... and today interestingly related to the female Butterfly ( ie : origin of the world painting ) in slang

                          burning bush - Dictionary of Playground Slang (Online)

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-23-2012, 09:22 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Like coffee, blue light keeps night drivers alert

                            Medical Xpress)—Researchers from the Université Bordeaux Segalen, France, and their Swedish colleagues have recently demonstrated that constant exposure to blue light is as effective as coffee at improving night drivers' alertness. Based on tests conducted in real driving conditions, the results have been published in the journal PLoS One. They could pave the way for the development of an electronic anti-sleep system to be built into vehicles. Before then, the scientists will be testing this equipment in a broader range of situations.


                            Re-Timer ready to reset sleep

                            (Medical Xpress)—Today saw the launch of Re-Timer, a wearable green light device invented by Flinders University sleep researchers to reset the body's internal clock.


                            No way ............

                            Web info on 'designer vagina' procedures poor and often inaccurate

                            (Medical Xpress)—The quality of internet information available for women opting for "designer vagina" ( Louis Vuitton Vagina to match the Bag ) procedures is "poor," and in some cases, inaccurate, reveals a small study led by academics at the UCL Institute of Women's Health.
                            The research is published in the obstetrics and gynaecology section of the online journal BMJ Open.

                            The findings prompt the authors to urge that guidelines be drawn up to improve standards so that women can make fully informed choices about an increasingly popular procedure that has come under little scrutiny to date.

                            Cosmetic surgery is available to women who simply don't like the way their genitals look. Procedures include "vaginal rejuvenation" and "G-spot amplification," as well as altering the shape of the external lips (labia) of the vagina.
                            oh empathy ..... where are you .... when we need you

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-23-2012, 09:18 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • shall we continue :

                              Rig Veda: Rig-Veda Book 1: HYMN III. Aśvins

                              book 1 Hymn 3 (or 13 )

                              HYMN III. Aśvins

                              1 YE Aśvins, rich in treasure, Lords of splendour, having nimble hands,
                              Accept the sacrificial food.

                              2 Ye Aśvins, rich in wondrous deeds, ye heroes worthy of our praise,
                              Accept our songs with mighty thought.

                              3 Nāsatyas, wonder-workers, yours are these libations with clipt grass:
                              Come ye whose paths are red with flame.

                              4 O Indra marvellously bright, come, these libations long for thee,
                              Thus by fine fingers purified.

                              5 Urged by the holy singer, sped by song, come, Indra, to the prayers,
                              Of the libation-pouring priest.

                              6 Approach, O Indra, hasting thee, Lord of Bay Horses, to the prayers.
                              In our libation take delight.

                              7 Ye Viśvedevas, who protect, reward, and cherish men, approach
                              Your worshipper's drink-offering.

                              8 Ye Viśvedevas, swift at work, come hither quickly to the draught,
                              As milch-kine hasten to their stalls.

                              9 The Viśvedevas, changing shape like serpents, fearless, void of guile,
                              Bearers, accept the sacred draught

                              10 Wealthy in spoil, enriched with hymns, may bright Sarasvatī desire,
                              With eager love, our sacrifice.

                              11 Inciter of all pleasant songs, inspirer of all gracious thought,
                              Sarasvatī accept our rite ( 6 5 .... hierogamos )

                              12 Sarasvatī, the mighty flood,—she with her light illuminates,
                              She brightens every pious thought

                              Saraswati - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia note the S at the beginning of the word

                              In Hinduism, Saraswati (Sanskrit: सरस्वती, Sarasvatī ?) is the goddess of knowledge, music, arts and science ( See NUM of KAMASUTRA ). She is the companion of Brahma, also revered as his Shakti. It was with her knowledge, that Brahma created the universe . She is a part of trishakti "Saraswati" "Lakshmi" "Parvati" . All the three forms helping Tridev "Brahma" , "Vishnu" , and "Mahesh / Shiv" , in creation, maintenance and destruction of Universe . [1] Her figure is also popular in the Jain religion of west and central India.[2]

                              Saraswati is known as a guardian deity in Buddhism who upholds the teachings of Gautama Buddha by offering protection and assistance to practitioners. She is known in Burmese as Thurathadi (သူရဿတီ, pronounced: [θùja̰ðədì] or [θùɹa̰ðədì]) or Tipitaka Medaw (တိပိဋကမယ်တော်, pronounced: [tḭpḭtəka̰ mɛ̀dɔ̀]), in Chinese as Biàncáitiān (辯才天), in Thai as Surasawadee (สุรัสวดี) and in Japanese as Benzaiten (弁才天/弁財天). In the East Indian states of Bihar, West Bengal, and Orissa, Saraswati is considered to be a daughter of Durga along with her sister Lakshmi and her brothers Ganesha and Karthikeya.[3]
                              Did not know the following


                              The name Saraswati comes from saras (meaning "flow") and wati (meaning "she who has flow"). In Telugu Langquage(తెలుగు భాష) she is also known as chaduvula talli(చదువుల తల్లి), Sarada(శారద). In Konkani, she is referred to as Sharada, Veenapani, Pustaka dharini, Vidyadayini. In Kannada, variants of her name include Sharade, Sharadamba, Vani, Veenapani in the famous Shringeri temple. In Tamil, she is also known as kalaimagal (கலைமகள்), Kalaivaani (கலைவாணி), Vaani (வாணி). She is also addressed as Sharada (the one who loves the autumn season), Veena pustaka dharani (the one holding books and a Veena), Vaakdevi, Vagdevi, Vani (all meaning "speech"), Varadhanayagi (the one bestowing boons) and many other names.

                              In addition to her role as a goddess of learning, Saraswati is known as "Druga" in reference to her role as a guardian of Earth. "Druga" refers to her fighting off Drug, the name for a female demon in ancient Veda, from the Sanskrit root druh, "to be hostile". The name Druga is made of Sanskrit dru or dur ("with difficulty") and gā or jā ("come", "go").

                              Saraswati is strongly associated with flowing water in her role as a goddess of knowledge. She is depicted as a beautiful woman to embody the concept of knowledge as supremely alluring. She possesses four arms, and is usually shown wearing a spotless white saree and seated on a white lotus or riding a white swan.

                              According to writer Sailen Debnath, "Saraswati is the Goddess of learning; and the meaning of the goddess in association of all the symbols with her signifies that if a learner really understands and pursues the connotative and denotative meaning of the goddess, he or she can easily advance in acquiring knowledge. The realization of the Goddess makes the learner ready to embark on the world of knowledge and wisdom.[4] ( all is analogy )
                              Huey Lewis & the News - The Power of Love Lyrics - YouTube

                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-24-2012, 11:33 AM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • I had this "dream" / " vision" .... of a slot Machine rolling
                                Well, My association goes to pieces coming together, 'jackpot' if you like. I'd say that it indicates confirmation of some sort, you have come to a conclusion which you are being confirmed about in it's correctness. The slot machine and your dislike of gamble indicates that your thought that is confirmed is a new way of seeing things that you have discovered and have been working with for some time, a new door that has opened and you are told to trust your intuition although the new thought might contradict some of your present beliefs.

                                Would be interesting to know if this makes sense or if I'm just mirroring parts of my own thoughts at the moment

                                I seldom remember dreams too, but it is changing, I get to keep some of it. A few nights ago I was at the olympic games, in a quite worn out stadium somewhere. There were lots of activity but no competing, each one of the athlets were doing their thing, supporting each other if and when they could. But it was not training, it was the actual game.

                                The ultimate aim of martial arts is not having to use them

                                3. Become acquainted with every art.

                                6. Develop intuitive judgement and understanding for everything.

                                9. Do nothing which is of no use
                                When I was about ten or eleven years old, I went to Ju-Jutsu training for about a year or so. I was clumsy and not the most brilliant pupil, but I learned some and tried to keep up.

                                That period change my life for ever. The training itself is mind-changing and mind-evolving. In retrospect, it is the most positive experience I've ever had, although I was so young and couldn't see what direction it gave me. At that age you are already in rapid change and growth, not knowing where it ends or what direction you are taking or being given.

                                The 3,6,9 advice resonates strongly with me. I'd say that the little training I did as a kid was and is very helpful in coming closer to those insights.

