The Zennist: Not by sitting
Ch'an Masters: Hui Hai
Coordinates :
Lat (WGS84) N51:01:21 (51.022383)
Long (WGS84) W1:15:48 (-1.263467)

one more thing :
What is the meaning of the name Hira? | Answerbag
it is also related to Cats = kitten [hurairah] = = cat [hirrah] = Bastet
How do you say CAT in arabic? - Yahoo! Answers
Hira - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Arabic Quran Surah 24. Light
Hui-neng said: “The Truth is understood by the mind (hsin), and not by sitting (ts’o) in meditation" (Suzuki, The Zen Doctrine of No-Mind, 36).
If one expects to see what the Buddha saw it will be with a well trained mind; not the ability to sit for long periods of time stewing in Mara the Evil One’s psychophysical (pańca-skandha) machine. In this regard, we have the capacity to see beyond our embodied condition—we shouldn't rest content with it.
One hour's meditation on the work of the Creator is better than seventy years of prayer.
Go in quest of knowledge even unto China.
Prophet Muhammad
Go in quest of knowledge even unto China.
Prophet Muhammad

Originally posted by MonsieurM
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Ch'an Masters: Hui Hai
What is the Middle Way?
A: It signifies the extremes.
Q: I inquired about the middle way; why do you say it signifies the extremes?
A: Extremes are only valid in contradistinction to the middle way. If at first you do not postulate extremes ( principle of Polarity
), from what can you derive the concept of a middle way? This middle you are talking about was first used in relation to extremes. Hence we should realize that the middle and extremes owe their existence to their mutual dependence and that all of them are transient.
A: It signifies the extremes.
Q: I inquired about the middle way; why do you say it signifies the extremes?
A: Extremes are only valid in contradistinction to the middle way. If at first you do not postulate extremes ( principle of Polarity

The Diamond Sutra
The Diamond Sutra says: "If their minds grasp the Dharma, they will still cling to the notion of an ego (a being and a life); if their minds grasp the Non-Dharma, they will still cling to the notion of an ego. Therefore we should not grasp at and hold onto the notions either of Dharma or Non-Dharma." This is holding the true Dharma. If you understand this doctrine, that is true deliverance. That, indeed, is reaching the gate of nonduality.
The Diamond Sutra says: "If their minds grasp the Dharma, they will still cling to the notion of an ego (a being and a life); if their minds grasp the Non-Dharma, they will still cling to the notion of an ego. Therefore we should not grasp at and hold onto the notions either of Dharma or Non-Dharma." This is holding the true Dharma. If you understand this doctrine, that is true deliverance. That, indeed, is reaching the gate of nonduality.
Lat (WGS84) N51:01:21 (51.022383)
Long (WGS84) W1:15:48 (-1.263467)

one more thing :
What is the meaning of the name Hira? | Answerbag
Hira has various meanings, depending on its country of origin. Hira in Sanskrit means "diamond" and is used for either a boy or a girl. The Muslim name Hira is used only for girls and means "darkness." The girl's name Hira in Hausa means "chatty," while in Arabic it means "a young palm shoot."
How do you say CAT in arabic? - Yahoo! Answers

Hira - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hira (Arabic: حراء Ḥirāʾ) or the Cave of Hira (غار حراء Ġār Ḥirāʾ) is a cave about 2 mi (3.2 km) from Mecca, on the mountain named Jabal Al-Nūr in the Hejaz region of present day Saudi Arabia.
It is notable for being the location where Muslims believe Muhammad received his first revelations from God (Allah) through the angel Jibreel, also known as the angel Gabriel to Christians.[1]
It is notable for being the location where Muslims believe Muhammad received his first revelations from God (Allah) through the angel Jibreel, also known as the angel Gabriel to Christians.[1]
Arabic Quran Surah 24. Light
