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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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    The Great Work (Latin: Magnum opus) is an alchemical term for the process of creating the philosopher's stone. It has been used to describe personal and spiritual transmutation in the Hermetic tradition, attached to laboratory processes and chemical color changes, used as a model for the individuation process, and as a device in art and literature. The magnum opus has been carried forward in new age and neo-hermetic movements which sometimes attached new symbolism and significance to the processes. It originally had four stages:[1][2]

    nigredo, a blackening or melanosis
    albedo, a whitening or leucosis
    citrinitas, a yellowing or xanthosis
    rubedo, a reddening, purpling, or

    The origin of these four phases can be traced at least as far back as the first century. Zosimus of Panopolis wrote that it was known to Maria the Jewess.[3] After the 15th century, many writers tended to compress citrinitas into rubedo and consider only three stages.[4] Other color stages are sometimes mentioned, most notably the cauda pavonis (peacock's tail) in which an array of colors appear.

    The magnum opus had a variety of alchemical symbols attached to it. Birds like the raven, swan, and phoenix could be used to represent the progression through the colors. Similar color changes could be seen in the laboratory, where for example, the blackness of rotting, burnt, or fermenting matter would be associated with nigredo.


    Fehu – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets

    Fehu – “Fay-Who”


    ------------------------- BTW

    just wanted to Mention it ...... ORGONE ..... like KARMA ......

    from: The Alchemist's Handbook- FRATER ALBERTUS .............. Sun Angel Creations - Law of Attraction Secrets - NumberQuest Numerology - NQ-Multi Numerology Calculator - Calculate Pythagorean, Chaldean, Kabbalah and Gematria Numerology Numbers! :: 123 Free Numerology Reports! :: Unlimited Free Numerology Name,

    Hermetic philosophers have taught the very same fundamentals
    even as philosophers of the future will do, for that which constitutes
    truth will remain truth. It cannot be changed. But the theories of men
    and their opinions, which are incorrectly given by some as truth, are
    subject to change. Because one calls himself a philosopher does not
    necessarilv make him such. Only he is a philosopher who has a sincere
    love for the wisdom that manifests universally and who strives as
    sincerely to apply it in his daily life. Wisdom is acquired through
    righteous living. It is understanding applied. The acquisition of a
    degree of Doctor of Philosophy, as conferred upon graduates in
    institutions of higher learning, does not make one a philosopher, as
    much as those in possession of such a degree may believe in their
    right to such a title.
    To be acquainted with the history of philosophy, the lives and
    teachings of those called philosophers, is only a study and knowledge
    of their universal concepts and what has been derived from them.
    To be a philosopher, therefore, means to understand and live according
    to that understanding, knowing well that only by giving unhesitatingly
    and unselfishly will our belief in mankind be justified. When this
    has been realized, then only will Alchemy become something real.
    Transmutation always takes place on a higher plane, and in the physi-
    cal world laws cannot be adhered to or violated without producing
    karmic manifestations. Beneficial karma, if it is permissible to use a
    term, because karma is impartial, is brought about by harmonious
    applications of natural laws. These natural laws must be adhered to if,
    according to predestined results, we wish to obtain what nature has
    so if you are full of Sh** ...... ORGONE will Amplify it DOR ..... purity of the mind ..... and Sharing
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-12-2012, 02:27 AM.
    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post


      Fehu – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets

      Fehu – “Fay-Who”
      and FULCANELLI



      U - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


      The letter U ultimately comes from the Semitic letter Waw by way of the letter Y. See the letter Y f details

      Y - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Old English borrowed Latin Y to write the native Old English sound /y/ (previously written with the rune yr ᚣ).

      CARL DOUGLAS - Kung Fu Fighting OFFICIAL SONG - YouTube


      Sun today — solar flares online
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-12-2012, 03:54 PM.
      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • +



        FOU ..... George Clinton - Loopzilla - YouTube


        fou (comparative more fou, superlative most fou)
        ufo, UFO
        Etymology 1

        From Old English full, from Proto-Germanic *fullaz, from Proto-Indo-European *pl̥h₁n๓s.

        fou (comparative mair fou, superlative maist fou)
        well-fed, full of food or drink, sated, replete
        drunk, intoxicated

        fou (comparative mair fou, superlative maist fou)
        fully, very, quite, rather, too

        fu - Wiktionary

        Etymology 1

        Reduced form of Latin focus

        fu m (oblique plural fus, nominative singular fus, nominative plural fu)
        French: feu
        Etymology 2
        see faire

        First-person singular past historic of faire
        Second-person singular past historic of faire
        Third-person singular past historic of faire
        French: fus, fut
        Fu ll of Fire .... a Phoenix

        Eagles - Take It To The Limit - YouTube

        ps: Weren't all those Great Minds we discussed at some point thought of as CRAZY ..... or FOU ..... FOUNK ..... FUNK ...... george clinton- we got the funk - YouTube
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-12-2012, 06:38 PM.
        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • sry for the long post .... will dance with it later

          Why is there space, time and life? Why is there such a thing as doubling ?
          It seems to us that many questions have gone without an answer far too long. Why is there such a thing as the universe? Why does time exist? Why does life exist? And above all, am I truly insignificant and useless in the immense space around me?
          The doubling theory tackles these questions from a new angle, and allows us to obtain answers that push back the limits of modern physics. This theory allowed me to understand and explain the workings of the solar system and its 25,920 year cycle.
          By carrying out measurements in our solar system, and rigorously justifying planetary movements, in conformity with the fundamental doubling movement defined in the theory, the speed of light was justified and above all calculated for the first time, as were two faster-than-light speeds, required for time doubling. Following on the calculation of these three doubling speeds, the theorem of the three doubling energies was developed, demonstrating the existence of an anti-gravitational energy (66,6%) linked to gravitational energy (33,3%), completing exchange energy (0,01%).


          Nothing exists if it is not observed
          Without an observer, space does not exist, and without movement in space with regard to the observer, time does not exist. In order not to slip into anthropomorphism, modern science applies the principle of differentiating the observer from the space observed, by using the most objective space and time systems of references available. A particle can always be considered to be the observer of its own time and its own horizon.
          Infinitesimal mechanics (quantum mechanics) has shown us that the observer in an experiment is always a participant. The same applies to infinitely large mechanics (universal mechanics).
          The doubling theory tackles the problem by showing that the observable horizon of a particle is always a particle that exists in another horizon. Thus, an initial particle’s infinitely large horizon does not exist for particles whose infinitesimal horizon is that same particle. This theory provides the temporal and spatial change in scale between the infinitesimally small and infinitely large, and thus allows me to unify the laws of the infinitesimally small and the infinitely large.

          Why should time be doubled ? Why should there be "time openings"?
          The time that elapses between a question (and obstacle) and the answer (overcoming the obstacle) defines an adaptation time for a particle that uses this time in its defined space, limited by its horizon. Time flow acceleration in an imperceptible horizon, doubled from the first horizon, allows a particle that was doubled from the initial particle, moving in the same way, to obtain the answer before the initial particle.
          Time acceleration can be such that the initial particle "does not have the time" to use an "instant" of its time whereas the doubled particle "has all the time it needs" to obtain the answer to its question "in the same instant". This makes it necessary to accelerate time while doubling the initial particle in imperceptible time, which I call "time openings".
          However, time is observable and measurable by means of comparing spatial movements. Consequently it is continuous. Differentiating time in "time openings" is the same as differentiating the observation of a movement, and therefore differentiating the observer's own perception, which is both the particle horizon and the particle in its horizon.

          Doubling the initial observer
          Doubling implies that the observer is doubled, and exists in the initial observer's time openings. Because of a perceptual difference, the doubled observer moves rapidly through accelerated time that to him appears normal. For him, the initial observer's time appears slowed down or stopped.
          Thus, the second observer instantaneously provides answers to the initial observer's questions, by means of information exchanges through their common "time openings". The initial observer acquires an instinctive and "anticipatory" memory which allows him to ask new questions. This anticipation allows him to save time but does not necessarily provide answers to his first questions.

          Doubling the doubled observer
          The doubled observer does not know of the existence of the initial observer, because he knows nothing of the time in which the other exists.
          He can be considered to be an initial observer who is doubled in his turn. The third observer thus answers the second observer's questions, and in his turn asks other questions.

          Past, present, future
          The second observer exists in his own present. He answers the questions of the first observer, which to him appear to come from the past. He asks himself questions which the third observer answers. These answers to him appear to come from his future. Thus through instantaneous information exchanges in the time openings, he is an observer in three different timescales: past, present, future.


          The three doubling energies.
          All the above properties make it possible for the realities (past, present and future) to coexist, although they do not perceive each other, and are dependent upon the three speeds and the three doubling energies. The doubling theory gives their relationships:
          0,1%, 33,3% and 66,6% of the initial energy.
          In 1998, Saul Perlmutter and Brian Schmidt, while observing a supernova, independently of each other, demonstrated the existence of an unknown repulsion energy, equal to 67,7% of the energy of the universe. This observation confirmed the doubling theory three-energy theorem, published in the same year. In his own epoch, Albert Einstein attempted to introduce the 67% cosmological constant. He was never able to prove it, and two years before he died, he declared that the constant was "the biggest mistake of his life", whereas in fact, it was a brilliant stroke of intuition.

          The Ether
          Doubling is limited by instantaneous "back-and-forth " information exchanges that create the energy link between the various doubled spaces in different time dimensions.
          It is therefore true to say that a universe in the course of doubling is crisscrossed by information energy. The balance of this energy depends on the observers and on their capability to anticipate the answers in an instinctive and intuitive way. A question from an initial observer thus becomes energy in a time opening in which a second observer, doubled from the first observer, exists in accelerated time. In turn, his questions are energy in his time openings where a third observer, doubled from the second observer, exists in time that is even more accelerated. A universe is therefore filled with this vital information energy which the ancients referred to as "ether".
          At the present time, apart from the doubling theory, this energy remains a mystery. However it does exist, and in 1948 Hendrik Casimir demonstrated it: when two identical spaces are brought together, the energy begins to attract the two spaces (the Casimir effect). What remained unknown and which was to be explained by the doubling theory, is that this effect is cyclical.

          Time differentiation cycle
          Time doubling occurs in cycles. The theory allows us to calculate the cycles. The past, the present and the future (defined above) are divided by a unique initial time, into 12 periods of 2070 years each, making up the overall cycle of 24 840 years. The cycle has a transition period of 1080 years (i.e. 9 x 12) and so lasts 25 920 years. This corresponds to the precession of equinoxes, observed but never explained. It is also to be noted that this time separation equals 100 of Pluto's rotations around the Sun.
          Therefore there is a beginning and an end to the doubling of time, known to the ancients as "the end of time". The ancients differentiated the 12 periods by means of the 12 constellations on the horizon of the Earth ecliptic.
          I was able to demonstrate, using the doubling theory, that instantaneous information exchanges in the time openings utilised 12 information circuits, possessing dodecahedral symmetry (12 pentagonal surfaces). These are linked in pairs, and the movements of the planets in our solar system open those circuits.
          Modern astrophysics has recently demonstrated dodecahedral symmetry of the residual radiation that it calls the big bang. This is in fact the exchange of information between the past, present and future, necessary at the end of a cycle and the end of the doubling of the observers.

          The doubling theory allows us for the first time to calculate universal constants (the speed of light, and the fine structure constant). It defines, calculates and explains the equinox precession cycle (in accordance with observation, this cycle is the time doubling cycle). It overthrows our concept of time, and above all demonstrates an energy of exchange between past, present and future through imperceptible time openings.
          Our solar system's time doubling cycle is now arriving at its end, and this can generate upheavals on a planetary scale. The arrival of these planetoids in the distant Kuiper Belt is triggering not only serious changes to the asteroid belt but also violent solar flares. Meteorites are raining down on on the Earth. The only way our planet can offset this added mass is through volcanic explosions. All these information exchanges, which are exchanges of mass and therefore of energy, are generating upheavals and violent climate change in our world.
          It is by understanding the ether and the permanent information energy exchanges in the time openings between the three timescales (past, present and future) that we can restore balance to the planet, a balance that is being violently disturbed by the end of the doubling cycle, because of our ignorance of the doubling process.

          have not read it yet in its entirety .... you get to do it before i do ..... let's see what you can resonate with

          EMPATH = PATH OF M

          Ehwaz – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets


          Activating the energies of your inner Fetch
          Ability to detect deceit and uncover subtle queues
          Facilitates swiftness in every regard
          Establishing trust and bonds with animals (ie. horse whisperers and some are "man / woman whisperers ..... personally = Chinese whispers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-12-2012, 07:49 PM.
          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Agrippa considered six as a perfect number (191). Since the number 66 is a doubling of the number 6, it can be viewed as a doubling of perfection or a symbolic representation of achieving perfect balance. Further, when the two sixes are added together, the result is 12, and when 1 and 2 are combined, the result is 3. Thus, the entire charm can be reduced to a complete symbol of the divine trinity.
            S๘ren Kierkegaard mentioned Agrippa's book On the Nobility and Excellence of the Female Sex, and the Superiority of the Same over the Male Sex in his 1845 book Stages on Life's Way.[2]

            Vous le femmes - Julio Iglesias - YouTube

            The Prophet said that women
            totally dominate men of intellect and possessors of hearts,

            But ignorant men dominate women,
            for they are shackled by the ferocity of animals.

            Charles Aznavour-For me formidable - YouTube

            The Philosophy of Natural Magic, by Henry Cornelius Agrippa, L. W. de Laurence ed. [1913], at

            The Philosophy of Natural Magic: End Matter by Morley: The Nobility of Woman

            Now let us trace in a brief summary the argument for the Nobility of the Female Sex and the Superiority of Woman over Man, written at Dole, in the year 1509, by a doctor of divinity, aged twenty-three. He sets out with the declaration that when man was created male and female, difference was made in the flesh, not in the soul. He quotes Scripture to show that after the corruption of our bodies difference of sex will disappear, and that we shall all be like angels in the resurrection. As to the soul, then, man and woman are alike; but as to everything else the woman is the better part of the creation.

            In the first place, woman being made better than man, received the better name. Man was called Adam, which means Earth; woman Eva, which is by interpretation Life. By as much as life excels earth woman therefore excels man. And this, it is urged, must not be thought trivial reasoning, because the

            p. 263

            maker of those creatures knew what they were before he named them, and was One who could not err in properly describing each. We know, and the Roman laws testify, that ancient names were always consonant with the things they represented, and names have been held always to be of great moment by theologians and jurisconsults. It is written thus of Nabal: "As his name is, so is he; Nabal is his name, and folly is with him." (1 Samuel, xxv., 25.) Saint Paul, also, in his Epistle to the Hebrews, speaks of his Lord and Master, as "made so much better than the angels, as he hath obtained a more excellent name than they." (Heb., i., 4.) The reader's memory will at once supply the next passage of Scripture quoted, I do not like to cite it. Agrippa then dilates, as well he may, on the immense importance of words, according to the practice of all jurists, he tells how Cyprian argued against the Jews that Adam's name was derived from the initials of the Greek words meaning east, west, north, and south, because his flesh was made out of the earth, though that derivation was at variance with Moses, who put only three letters in the Hebrew name. For this, however, adds Agrippa, Cyprian was not to blame, since, like many saints and expounders of the sacred text, he had not learnt the Hebrew language

            GOT TO GIVE IT UP - MARVIN GAYE - YouTube + โœฟ MARVIN GAYE - Sexual Healing (1982) โœฟ - YouTube

            “When you have come to the edge of all the light you have and step into the darkness of the unknown believe that one of the two will happen to you, either you’ll find something solid to stand on or you’ll be taught how to fly!” ~Richard Bach
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-12-2012, 11:11 PM.
            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Marvin Gaye - Lets get it on - YouTube ............. .... I Heard it Through the Grapevine-lyrics - YouTube .......a Snake whispered it

              [B][I]In the first place, woman being made better than man, received the better name. Man was called Adam, which means Earth; woman Eva, which is by interpretation Life . By as much as life excels earth woman therefore excels man.

              p. 263


              Originally posted by Michael C View Post
              He is one of us
              I met her in the forest

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-13-2012, 12:18 AM.
              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • read the following article with the info below in mind

                key word : Quartz + Snake

                Below The Superstition Mountains | Paranormal


                Superstition Mountains - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia + Phoenix Lights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                Superstition legends

                The legend of the Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine centers around the Superstition Mountains. According to the legend, a German immigrant named Jacob Waltz discovered a mother lode in the Superstition Wilderness and revealed its location on his deathbed in Phoenix in 1891 to Julia Thomas, a boarding-house owner who had taken care of him for many years. Several mines have been claimed to be the actual mine that Walzer discovered, but none of those claims have been verified.[1]

                Some Apaches believe that the hole leading down into the lower world is located in the Superstition Mountains. Winds blowing from the hole are supposed to be the cause of severe dust storms.[

                : 33ฐ28′41″N 111ฐ14′20″W = 247 = 13
                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Man was called Adam, which means Earth; woman Eva, which is by interpretation Life
                  He is one of us
                  I met her in the forest
                  Ooh, that is so great. I'm freezing, crying, shivering like jelly right now, understanding is such a wonderful gift.

                  When you have come to the edge of all the light you have and step into the darkness of the unknown believe that one of the two will happen to you, either you’ll find something solid to stand on or you’ll be taught how to fly!
                  I feel I'm standing at that egde nowadays, sniffing around it and trying to find different ways to cross it, moving the limit small step by small step. There is two possible outcomes from mixing black and white; either grey or the rainbow. I would like to find Bifrost but I must become better in knowing my heart in order to know where my path will take me.

                  Analogue with Adam and Eva, I had a new experience yesterday that was quite mind-bending. Suddenly a sort-of chant flew in my mind. Imagine native-american, samic or siberian repetitive humming song. Go with the flow I thought, so I did and kept singing it loud, or rather whisper, because I felt that it was a breathing pattern as well as a song. I did this for maybe 5-10 minutes or so, wanting to imprint it in my mind so I could come back to it later and investigate it further. "This is your trance-song" I thought (or someone said) but I didn't expect more than being given a hint on how to go there at some other time when I was more focused and not in a hurry. "I must remember this rythm" I thought, and then it changed into a twice as fast one, and the one I've been chanting/breathing before were totally forgotten. In this raised tempo, things started to happen around me and in my head. I stared upon a snowclad tree, about my own height. It was a man. Next to him another were another tree. It was a woman. At that point, my bucket of 'what I could handle' was full and I wanted to return 'home' so I did, snapping out of the altered mind state and by will returning to the preceeding rythm tempo and slowly silence it and letting it go.

                  I have never tried any drugs beside alcohol or tobacco, and I never will. I have never been there before where I was now, but now I know what insanity is and feels like, what losing control is like, what exceeding your limits is like, some of what there is beyond the limit of my light. I was invited to take a sneek-peak behind that veil, and it really was a great experience.


                  • Good reading you Michael C .... and glad to see you stretch your wings ..... Bro

                    I must confess unlike you .... I have the bad habit of being a smoker and coffee lover .... ..... trying to make up for it with a healthy diet ....

                    I feel I'm standing at that egde nowadays
                    seems like everyone is ..... just flow .... as for the music .... isn't it cool ..... most inspired Minds hear their souls music .... ask any Artist

                    shivering ..... you are resonating very highly to the post

                    Originally posted by Michael C View Post
                    Ooh, that is so great. I'm freezing, crying, shivering like jelly right now, understanding is such a wonderful gift.

                    I feel I'm standing at that egde nowadays, sniffing around it and trying to find different ways to cross it, moving the limit small step by small step. There is two possible outcomes from mixing black and white; either grey or the rainbow. I would like to find Bifrost but I must become better in knowing my heart in order to know where my path will take me.

                    Analogue with Adam and Eva, I had a new experience yesterday that was quite mind-bending. Suddenly a sort-of chant flew in my mind. Imagine native-american, samic or siberian repetitive humming song. Go with the flow I thought, so I did and kept singing it loud, or rather whisper, because I felt that it was a breathing pattern as well as a song. I did this for maybe 5-10 minutes or so, wanting to imprint it in my mind so I could come back to it later and investigate it further. "This is your trance-song" I thought (or someone said) but I didn't expect more than being given a hint on how to go there at some other time when I was more focused and not in a hurry. "I must remember this rythm" I thought, and then it changed into a twice as fast one, and the one I've been chanting/breathing before were totally forgotten. In this raised tempo, things started to happen around me and in my head. I stared upon a snowclad tree, about my own height. It was a man. Next to him another were another tree. It was a woman. At that point, my bucket of 'what I could handle' was full and I wanted to return 'home' so I did, snapping out of the altered mind state and by will returning to the preceeding rythm tempo and slowly silence it and letting it go.

                    I have never tried any drugs beside alcohol or tobacco, and I never will. I have never been there before where I was now, but now I know what insanity is and feels like, what losing control is like, what exceeding your limits is like, some of what there is beyond the limit of my light. I was invited to take a sneek-peak behind that veil, and it really was a great experience.

                    Enjoy the ride

                    ps: no clue what it means ..... but fits NUM ..... just came as a thought , last night

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-13-2012, 01:54 PM.
                    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • forgot

                      LOKI .............. How Would you read it in Runes ...... Inguz – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets ........... L - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ..... Loki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      FU .... Rune Calling - YouTube ..... thought it might interest you ...... Akawapa ..... looks to be Swahili

                      one more play on words

                      INGUZ = INGUS = LINGUS = ....... VENUS BUTTERFLY ....... ......

                      Cuneiform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      Cuneiform script[1] is one of the earliest known forms of written expression
                      so CUNEI LINGUS ....edited. LANGUAGE OF SYMBOLS

                      The Emerald Tablets of Thoth Tablet

                      The Key of Wisdom

                      All eyes do not see with the same vision,
                      for to one an object appears of
                      one form and color
                      and to a different eye of another.
                      So also the infinite fire,
                      changing from color to color,
                      is never the same from day to day.
                      try ......... Sun Angel Creations - Law of Attraction Secrets - NumberQuest Numerology - NQ-Multi Numerology Calculator - Calculate Pythagorean, Chaldean, Kabbalah and Gematria Numerology Numbers! :: 123 Free Numerology Reports! :: Unlimited Free Numerology Name,

                      Last edited by Aaron; 02-09-2015, 11:18 PM.
                      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Below The Superstition Mountains | Paranormal

                        As I was walking up an inner trail in the Mt’s I looked up and saw a man coming towards me on the trail. He had appeared out of thin air. As I walked toward him I noticed his eyes, they were reptoid, vertical slits. When he sensed that I knew what he was, he hit me with a pshycic blow that I can only describe as being hit in the head with a sledge hammer. It stunned me and almost drove me to my knees. As I shook this off I looked up and he was gone. I had a headache for 2 days after that and think that he could have killed me if he wanted to.

                        This story got me thinking ..... there maybe a reason for that ..... Brain Plasticity ..... Many people report being pushed back psychically from some places .... Think of it as A Firewall / FU Wall ... an emotional Firewall .... those who did cross the threshold in those areas .... usually came back transformed ..... Brain Plasticity ..... if it is not adapted ...... one would go over the edge ..... Sun Tzu the Art of War with your energies .... imho

                        your = Yr rune - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-13-2012, 07:31 PM.
                        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Tone-Loc - Wild Thing - YouTube

                          Master of ceremonies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          A master of ceremonies (MC or emcee), or comp่re, is the official host of a staged event or similar performance. An MC usually presents performers, speaks to the audience, and generally keeps the event moving. An MC may also tell jokes or anecdotes. The MC sometimes also acts as the protocol officer during an official state function. In hip hop music, rock music and electronic dance music, an MC is a music artist and/or performer who usually creates and performs vocals for his/her own original material.
                          and here is a nice vid that shows you the evolution of hip hop overtime ..... enjoy .....

                          Key & Peele: Bling Benzy & Da Struggle - YouTube

                          Tone loc - funky cold medina - YouTube
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-13-2012, 07:40 PM.
                          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Robert Palmer - Simply Irresistible - YouTube

                            AKAWAPA seems to mean Give in Swahili .... also found


                            Luka 18,Luke 18 SNT;NIV - Kisha Yesu akawapa wanafunzi wake ...
                   Search for a Bible passage in 60 languages and 159 versions.... - Translate this page
                            Kisha Yesu akawapa wanafunzi wake mfano ili kuwafundisha kuwa yawapasa kuomba ... To choose a different translation, use the dropdown menu below.

                            Luka 5:36-39 SNT - Yesu akawapa mfano akawaambia: ``Hakuna ...
                   Search for a Bible passage in 60 languages and 159 versions.... - Translate this page
                            Yesu akawapa mfano akawaambia: ``Hakuna mtu anayechana nguo mpya ili apate ... New English Translation (NET Bible), New International Reader's Version ...

                            Luka 5:36-38 SNT - Yesu akawapa mfano akawaambia: ``Hakuna ...
                   Search for a Bible passage in 60 languages and 159 versions.... - Translate this page
                            Yesu akawapa mfano akawaambia: ``Hakuna mtu anayechana nguo mpya ili apate ... New English Translation (NET Bible), New International Reader's Version ...

                            Luka 18:1 SNT - Kisha Yesu akawapa wanafunzi wake mfano ...
                            Luka - Introduction - Many have undertaken to - Bible Gateway... - Translate this page
                            Kisha Yesu akawapa wanafunzi wake mfano ili kuwafundisha kuwa ... Version, New English Translation (NET Bible), New International Reader's Version, New ...

                            Luka 18,Luke 18 SNT;NIV - Kisha Yesu akawapa wanafunzi wake mfano - Bible Gateway

                            Luke 18

                            New International Version (NIV)
                            The Parable of the Persistent Widow

                            . For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

                            ps: count the number of lovely models in vid .....

                            Food for thought ......

                            how would you read LUKE .... IF it was written the following way .... LUK ....... E ...... Sepultura - Angel (Massive Attack cover) - YouTube
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-13-2012, 10:32 PM.
                            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • funky mama soul beats - YouTube

                              On Being in the Void | Whole Living Today

                              There is a space. A space left vacant when we change, change any part of our self. It won’t stay empty for long, as this is the portal through which the new arrives. So much is changing now, individually and collectively. We are on the threshold of what some are referring to as The New World. When we change collectively, change occurs exponentially, faster. Time gives the appearance of speeding up. Once change is initiated, either consciously or not, there is no stopping it. Energy has been put into motion.

                              After change, there is a period of settling in, percolating, integrating the shift in energy, much like water that has been stirred up. Beliefs and ideals that were once held as truths are being questioned and released. What no longer works or is not in alignment with who we are is being left behind. Many lives are being simplified and minimalized. A sense of lightness, wholeness, authenticity fills our being. Which brings us to the void, the space ready to be filled with the new. The more change, the bigger the void. Feelings of uncertainty, loss of direction, lack of motivation and maybe even overwhelm. Just as trees release their leaves in the fall and stand barren throughout the winter, we should use this time to rest and regroup before moving forward. Grounding, drawing our energies into building a solid foundation, like roots. When the time is right, doors will open, synchronicities and messages will guide and life will flow again.
                              Mop Mop - So High - YouTube



                              = Sepultura - Angel (Massive Attack cover) - YouTube + Pantera- Planet Caravan(Lyrics) - YouTube

                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-14-2012, 12:26 AM.
                              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Brain cells activated, reactivated in learning and memory

                                December 13, 2012 in Neuroscience (Medical Xpress)—Memories are made of this, the song says. Now neuroscientists have for the first time shown individual mouse brain cells being switched on during learning and later reactivated during memory recall. The results are published Dec. 13 in the journal Current Biology.

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                                12 matter particles suffice in nature

                                How many matter particles exist in nature? Particle physicists have been dealing with this question for a long time. The 12 matter particles contained in the standard model of particle physics? Or are there further particles with too high a mass to be produced by the experiments performed so far? These questions are now answered by researchers of KIT, CERN, and Humboldt University in the current issue of the Physical Review Letters.

                                Read more at:
                                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

