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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Originally posted by Michael C View Post
    Sunnanvind, the warm southerly wind that lifts the ice off the soil. When Sunnanwind blows life back into us, it's time to spin the sun wheel once again.


    Sunna, Norse Goddess of the Sun

    Sunna is the Norse Goddess of the Sun, also known as Sól, though some hold that Sól is the mother and Sunna Her daughter. In Norse mythology, the Sun is female while the Moon is male. When the world was created from the body of the dead giant Ymir by the triad of Odin, Vili, and Ve, the Sun, Moon and Stars were made from the gathered sparks that shot forth from Muspellsheim, the Land of Fire.

    Sól ("Mistress Sun"), drives the chariot of the Sun across the sky every day. Pulled by the horses Allsvinn ("Very Fast") and Arvak ("Early Rising"), the Sun-chariot is pursued by the wolf Skoll. It is said that sometimes he comes so close that he is able to take a bite out of the Sun, causing an eclipse. Sol's father is Mundilfari, and She is the sister of Mĺni, the Moon-god, and the wife of Glaur or Glen ("Shine"). As Sunna, She is a healer.

    At Ragnarok, the foretold "Twilight of the Gods" or end of the world, it is believed the Sun will finally be swallowed by Skoll. When the world is destroyed ( as in the illusion of past beliefs is destroyed ) , a new world shall be born, a world of peace and love, and the Sun's bright daughter shall outshine Her mother.

    This card in a reading indicates brightness and warmth, energy and joy.

    Alternate names: Sól, Sun, Sunnu, Gull ("Gold").



    auk - Wiktionary


    Alternative forms
    awk, alk

    From Icelandic álka, from Old Norse álka (“auk”), from Proto-Germanic *allakōn, *allōn (“sea-bird”), from Proto-Indo-European *el- (a kind of bird). Cognate with Swedish alka (“auk”), Danish alke (“auk”), Swedish dialectal alla (fuligula glacialis, “long-tailed duck”), Latin olor (“swan”), Ancient Greek ελέα (eléa, “marsh-bird”), Welsh alarch (“swan”
    Animal Symbolism

    Swan- Sensitive, Emotional, Dreamer, Mystic, Longevity, Awakening the True Beauty of the Power of the Self, Soul, Love, Beauty, Self-Transformation, Self-Images, Intuition, Empathy, Moon Magicks, Grace, Balance, Innocence

    Frejya, Norse Goddess of Beauty and Leader of the Valkyries

    is considered the leader of the Valkyries, the swan-maidens who choose
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-07-2013, 05:35 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Continuing our exploration of the Sun Goddess :

      Fire Deities of the Celts
      The two most popular deities of the ancient Celts were Brighid/Bride/Brigantia and Lugh/Lugus/Llew. Both were deities of brightness and fire. Lugh was not a Sun God as is popularly supposed; he represented brilliance in craft and in thinking and was called "master of every art." Similarly, Brighid was a Fire Goddess, mistress or patroness of arts. She was a Goddess of Healing, Smith Craft (a magical art in ancient times), and Poetry, and also a patroness of mothers (because to be a mother was to be a mistress of every art to at least a small extent).

      Brighid was the Goddess invoked at Imbolc, the great Fire Festival of February 1 that celebrated the lactation of the ewes. Lugh gave his name to the festival of Lughnasad, the Fire Festival of the first fruits of the harvest, originally funeral games in honor of Lugh’s foster mother.

      In Irish tradition the Sun was also known as "Áine Clair," or Áine the Bright. She could appear to mortals as an old woman, a young princess, a mother, or a mermaid. "Áine Chliach" lived in a hill (Cnoc Áine). At Summer Solstice bundles of straw, or "cliars" were tied to poles, lit on fire, and carried around her hill. The cliars were then carried through the fields, around the cattle herd, and along boundaries to bless the land with Áine’s fire.
      Áine = Ain ( as in Ayn Soph Aur ) = Áine Clair ..... Ein Sof - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


      Jinn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      The Qurʾan mentions that the jinn are made of a smokeless and "scorching fire",[1] and they have the physical property of weight.[clarification needed][2] Like human beings, the jinn can also be good, evil, or neutrally benevolent.[3] The jinn are mentioned frequently in the Qurʾan, and the 72nd surah is entitled Sūrat al-Jinn.

      the image above ...... he finally found his Blue Jeans :

      ZZ Top - Blue Jean Blues - YouTube


      Celtic Folklore: The People of the Mounds

      In the early Irish manuscripts (which were recorded from an earlier oral tradition) we find references to the Tuatha De Danaan. In 'The Book of the Dun Cow' and the 'Book of Leinster' this race of beings is described as "gods and not gods" ( Djinn like ) , pointing to the fact that they are 'something in between'. Also in the Book of the Dun Cow it says of wise men that: "it seems likely to them that they [the Tuatha De Danaan] came from heaven, on account of their intelligence and excellence of their knowledge".
      1 - Magician

      Chap. 67. How the Mind of Man may be Joined with the Mind of the Stars, and Intelligences of the Celestials, and, together with them, Impress certain wonderful vertues upon inferior Things.

      HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

      67 > 13 > 4 - 67 - 19th prime
      --- (717 w/f); pr.n. "Father is Judge" --- father of the Tribe of Dan.
      --- to cause to consume, give to eat.
      - --- ingathering; time of harvest, 6th Hebrew month (from Sept. to Oct. new moon).
      --- nought.
      --- discernment, understanding; pr.n. "Intelligence", Binah ---the third Sephira, considered the feminine or passive potency12. Binah is (720) in Greek13. It corresponds14 to the Heart of Adam Qadmon (161).
      --- pr.n. "Yah Built-up"; building.
      --- (717 w/f); to pound, crush; to oppress; to grind; the grinders (molar teeth).
      --- pr.n. "He (God) Causes to Build".
      --- (717 w/f); to nourish; to pamper.
      --- (71); pr.n. "Firm".

      --- pr. n. "Devoted To Seve" (roughly "devoted to Chronos", the name of an Egyptian king Sevechus contemporary with King Hoshea of Israel).
      12. G-K p.90
      13. G-K p. 93

      A touch of the Magician's Wand: a word,
      A sight, a sound, a gift by chance conferred,
      Transforms your life, and leads the soul beyond
      Accustomed bounds, if only you respond.
      Attend the Guide whene'er the call is heard!

      The guide leads you to the doorway, then waits for your return.”

      Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-08-2013, 01:47 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Flow up

        It is at Cnoc Aine in Co. Limerick where Aine is most well remembered as a great queen. Every year on St. John's Eve (24 June or 06/24 ) local people would form a procession around the hill, then carry flaming torches through the fields of ripening crops. Aine herself was seen on many occasions leading the procession.

        Limerick (poetry) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)


        Fire Deities of the Celts
        The two most popular deities of the ancient Celts were Brighid/Bride/Brigantia and Lugh/Lugus/Llew. Both were deities of brightness and fire. Lugh was not a Sun God as is popularly supposed; he represented brilliance in craft and in thinking and was called "master of every art." Similarly, Brighid was a Fire Goddess, mistress or patroness of arts. She was a Goddess of Healing, Smith Craft (a magical art in ancient times), and Poetry, and also a patroness of mothers (because to be a mother was to be a mistress of every art to at least a small extent).

        Brighid was the Goddess invoked at Imbolc, the great Fire Festival of February 1 that celebrated the lactation of the ewes. Lugh gave his name to the festival of Lughnasad, the Fire Festival of the first fruits of the harvest, originally funeral games in honor of Lugh’s foster mother.

        In Irish tradition the Sun was also known as "Áine Clair," or Áine the Bright. She could appear to mortals as an old woman, a young princess, a mother, or a mermaid. "Áine Chliach" lived in a hill (Cnoc Áine). At Summer Solstice bundles of straw, or "cliars" were tied to poles, lit on fire, and carried around her hill. The cliars were then carried through the fields, around the cattle herd, and along boundaries to bless the land with Áine’s fire.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • They say if she manages to let u follow here, she will rip u to death slowly.

          It's an urban legend from morocco, and probably the most famous one.

          want to know why it happened ....... negative thoughts ..... lack of respectful thoughts ..... think firewall reaction

          I have only theories, not complete knowledge.
          When meeting energy beings, they will speak through you and who you are back to you. If you are afraid of them they will scare you. If you are humble and submissive in excess, they will act as your sovereign master. If you are a friend, you will meet a friend. You are welcomed in any state of mind you approach them. All Gaia want is to give us what we ask for through our mind, and so she does, to the last comma, to the smallest grit of sand. A wise shaman and writer of books said that the shaman must meet the forces respectfully but as an equal. Any other balance will turn back against the shaman himself, as I understand him. As earthly human beings at first hand, it is perhaps a long way to go to dare act equal in front of a deity, but, on the other hand, have we ever seen or heard anything but earthly human sources instruct us otherwise? The most important thing must be to understand what respect is. Then we are ready to face our friend. Respect for a friend is to accept and understand how he or she works in their mind, what their purpose in existence are, or at least to show interest for what their existence is like.


          • Originally posted by Michael C View Post
            I have only theories, not complete knowledge.
            When meeting energy beings, they will speak through you and who you are back to you. If you are afraid of them they will scare you. If you are humble and submissive in excess, they will act as your sovereign master. If you are a friend, you will meet a friend. You are welcomed in any state of mind you approach them. All Gaia want is to give us what we ask for through our mind, and so she does, to the last comma, to the smallest grit of sand. A wise shaman and writer of books said that the shaman must meet the forces respectfully but as an equal. Any other balance will turn back against the shaman himself, as I understand him. As earthly human beings at first hand, it is perhaps a long way to go to dare act equal in front of a deity, but, on the other hand, have we ever seen or heard anything but earthly human sources instruct us otherwise? The most important thing must be to understand what respect is. Then we are ready to face our friend. Respect for a friend is to accept and understand how he or she works in their mind, what their purpose in existence are, or at least to show interest for what their existence is like.

            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • "He who knows nothing, loves nothing. He who can do nothing understands nothing. He who understands nothing is worthless. But he who understands also loves, notices, sees...The more knowledge is inherent in a thing, the greater the love... Anyone who imagines that all fruits ripen at the same time as the strawberries knows nothing about grapes."

              Paracelsus (1493 - 1541)

              --------------------- a bit of " reality check " for you

              AFP: Americans less healthy than others

              WASHINGTON — Americans are in worse health, die earlier and suffer from more disease than residents of other wealthy nations, according to a new study out Wednesday.
              The disadvantage spans all ages from birth to 75, said the report, conducted jointly by the National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine.
              Some details were surprising: even wealthier Americans and those with health insurance were not as healthy as counterparts in other prosperous nations, it found.


              Shock findings in new GMO study: Rats fed lifetime of GM corn grow horrifying tumors, 70% of females die early


              pharmaceutical industry : 400% Rise in Anti-Depressant Pill Use: Americans Are Disempowered -- Can the OWS Uprising Shake Us Out of Our Depression? | Alternet


              Who else is the enemy of Nature but he who mistakes himself for more intelligent than Nature, though it is the highest school for all of us? Paracelsus
              The art of medicine has its roots in the heart. If your heart is false, then also the doctor in you is false. If it is fair, then also the doctor is fair. Paracelsus
              The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician. Therefore the physician must start from nature, with an open mind Paracelsus.
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-09-2013, 09:57 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician. Therefore the physician must start from nature, with an open mind Paracelsus.

                so let us find earth chakras .... it is quite easy ( ...sort of )

                Chakra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                6 Description of the chakras
                6.1 Sahasrara: The Crown Chakra
                6.2 Ajna: The Brow Chakra
                6.3 Vishuddha: The Throat Chakra
                6.4 Anahata: The Heart Chakra
                6.5 Manipura: The Solar Plexus Chakra
                6.6 Swadhisthana: The Sacral Chakra
                6.7 Muladhara: The Root Chakra

                let's start with The Sacral Chakra

                The Sacral Chakra is located in the sacrum (hence the name) and is considered to correspond to the testes or the ovaries that produce the various sex hormones involved in the reproductive cycle. Swadisthana is also considered to be related to, more generally, the genitourinary system and the adrenals. The key issues involving Swadisthana are relationships, violence, addictions, basic emotional needs, and pleasure. Physically, Swadisthana governs reproduction, mentally it governs creativity, emotionally it governs joy, and spiritually it governs enthusiasm.[40]
                since earth is historically associated with with a Female Deity .... we will consider a female body when using the Principle of Correspondence

                so the Sacral Chakra in a Female Body is to be found include uterus, ovaries, vagina, cervix

                in other words a Humid Place

                Equator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                Equatorial seasons and climate
                Main article: Tropics

                Near the Equator there is little distinction between summer, winter, autumn, or spring. The temperatures there are usually high year-round—with the exception of parts of the Equator that cross high mountains in South America and in Africa. (See Andes Mountains and Mt. Kilimanjaro.) The temperature at the Equator can also plummet during rainstorms. In many tropical regions people identify two seasons: the wet season and the dry season , but many places close to the Equator are on the oceans or rainy throughout the year. The seasons can vary depending on elevation and proximity to an ocean.

                The Equator lies mostly on the three largest oceans: the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Indian Ocean. The highest point on the Equator is at the elevation of 4,690 metres (15,387 ft), at 0°0′0″N 77°59′31″W, found on the southern slopes of Volcán Cayambe [summit 5,790 metres (18,996 ft)] in Ecuador. This is slightly above the snow line, and is the only place on the Equator where snow lies on the ground. At the Equator the snow line is around 1,000 metres (3,280 ft) lower than on Mount Everest and as much as 2,000 metres (6,560 ft) lower than the highest snow line in the world near the Tropic of Capricorn on Llullaillaco.

                Tropics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                The tropics is a region of the Earth surrounding the Equator. It is limited in latitude by the Tropic of Cancer in the northern hemisphere at approximately 23° 26′ 16″ (or 23.4378°) N and the Tropic of Capricorn in the southern hemisphere at 23° 26′ 16″ (or 23.4378°) S; these latitudes correspond to the axial tilt of the Earth. The tropics are also referred to as the tropical zone and the torrid zone (see geographical zone).


                commonly found in Latin America

                Marianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                Marianism may refer to:
                Veneration of the Virgin Mary, especially in the Roman Catholic Church; see Blessed Virgin Mary (Roman Catholic).

                Major religious groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                where do you think is Sahasrara: The Crown Chakra ... the crown White


                Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-09-2013, 10:54 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Thanks for the flow, my friend Great as always.

                  I realized today what it really means, that the simplest answer always is the right answer. Not just intellectually understood, but emotionally as well. This means that anything of mythologiacal character must be approached as if it was described literally, not just symbolically. I gave you a hint in that direction the other day, today I finally understood the meaning of it. Everything is fractals in multiple layers and the entrance to the temple is the most obvious one, regardless of what we imagine as the most likely one.

                  It's a bit amusing how I got there. Recently I got into a mess regarding the subtle interpretation of a rune, Thurisaz. I tried to illustrate it with describing a person captured by the energy of chaos. I felt sure about my interpretation, as the person himself confirmed that I was doing him justice by using his image in that connection. But I wasn't able to carry the message forward in the dialogue with others. So chaos struck me instead.

                  A few hours ago, I turned on the TV. On one channel there was a frozen picture of Spiderman (Spider=Locke/Loki) wrestling with a green, furry giant monster, (a Thurs giant?) and it looked quite funny, there was humour in the arrangement. The subtitle in this frozen picture said 'you are confused'. True flunkch moment. Thankyou forces of nature, forces of the universe, I am listening.


                  • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

                    where do you think is Sahasrara: The Crown Chakra ... the crown White


                    to be clear each chakra has its "Crown White" linked to Earth's Crown White and so on ( Fractal )

                    Spiritual Crown :

                    take into account the area the Sami live in .... and the scarcity of food / material things and the documentary on magic mirrors
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Originally posted by Michael C View Post
                      Thanks for the flow, my friend Great as always.

                      I realized today what it really means, that the simplest answer always is the right answer. Not just intellectually understood, but emotionally as well. This means that anything of mythologiacal character must be approached as if it was described literally, not just symbolically. I gave you a hint in that direction the other day, today I finally understood the meaning of it. Everything is fractals in multiple layers and the entrance to the temple is the most obvious one, regardless of what we imagine as the most likely one.

                      It's a bit amusing how I got there. Recently I got into a mess regarding the subtle interpretation of a rune, Thurisaz. I tried to illustrate it with describing a person captured by the energy of chaos. I felt sure about my interpretation, as the person himself confirmed that I was doing him justice by using his image in that connection. But I wasn't able to carry the message forward in the dialogue with others. So chaos struck me instead.

                      A few hours ago, I turned on the TV. On one channel there was a frozen picture of Spiderman (Spider=Locke/Loki) wrestling with a green, furry giant monster, (a Thurs giant?) and it looked quite funny, there was humour in the arrangement. The subtitle in this frozen picture said 'you are confused'. True flunkch moment. Thankyou forces of nature, forces of the universe, I am listening.

                      Thurisaz – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets

                      Thurisaz is also a fertility rune in the sense that it breaks down the barren and hard, rocky realms into workable soil as to bring fruitfulness to crops and wombs. .
                      and this is what happened to you

                      turn it 90 deg anticlockwise and you get the symbol of :

                      Surf your Flunkch , Michael C

                      The shaka sign, commonly known as "hang loose", is a gesture often associated with Hawaii and surfer culture. It consists of extending the thumb and smallest finger while holding the three middle fingers curled, and raising the hand in salutation while presenting the back; the hand may be rotated back and forth for emphasis.
                      that is probably what Odin did ..... he Hung Loose

                      Meaning and use

                      Hawaiian locals use the shaka to convey what they call the "Aloha Spirit", a gesture of friendship and understanding between the various ethnic cultures that reside within Hawaii, and thus it does not have a direct semantic to literal translation. Depending on context it can also be used to communicate notions such as "thank you", "hi", "howzit", and the like. The shaka gets a lot of use on the roads as an effective drivers sign language and in photographs to communicate a distant greeting.
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-09-2013, 11:31 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • I still had more to learn before this day ended. Thank you so much for this Monsieur.


                        • Originally posted by Michael C View Post
                          I still had more to learn before this day ended. Thank you so much for this Monsieur.
                          Learning is like Ice Cream tastes better when it is shared

                          Chris Barber - Ice Cream - YouTube


                          The shaka sign, commonly known as "hang loose", is a gesture often associated with Hawaii and surfer culture. It consists of extending the thumb and smallest finger while holding the three middle fingers curled, and raising the hand in salutation while presenting the back; the hand may be rotated back and forth for emphasis.
                          that is probably what Odin did ..... he Hung Loose

                          Meaning and use

                          Hawaiian locals use the shaka to convey what they call the "Aloha Spirit", a gesture of friendship and understanding between the various ethnic cultures that reside within Hawaii, and thus it does not have a direct semantic to literal translation. Depending on context it can also be used to communicate notions such as "thank you", "hi", "howzit", and the like. The shaka gets a lot of use on the roads as an effective drivers sign language and in photographs to communicate a distant greeting.


                          "He who knows nothing, loves nothing. He who can do nothing understands nothing. He who understands nothing is worthless. But he who understands also loves, notices, sees...The more knowledge is inherent in a thing, the greater the love... Anyone who imagines that all fruits ripen at the same time as the strawberries knows nothing about grapes."

                          Paracelsus (1493 - 1541)
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-10-2013, 08:01 AM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Let's TOG ETHER

                            Here is a Product of Kali Yuga :

                            Henry Kissinger - Wikiquote

                            Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.
                            Intellectuals are cynical and cynics have never built a cathedral.

                            LOVE is the ultimate Aphrodisiac : .............. Chris Barber - It's Tight Like That - YouTube


                            Erzulie, Voodoo Goddess of Love + Nancy Sinatra - These Boots Are Made for Walkin' - YouTube

                            In the Voodoo Pantheon, there is an important group of female loa (goddesses) whose first name

                            is Erzulie. While all of them share in their role as Goddess of love, art, and sex, each has additional areas of life which is theirs to defend and assist. Erzulie is three in aspect: she can be Erzulie Freda, a virgin goddess likened to the Virgin Mary; Erzulie Dantor, loa of jealousy and passion; or La Siren, a personification of the sea and goddess of motherhood. Her color is pink, her animal a white dove. She is associated with the Lukumi Orisha Oshun, and sometimes Chango ( Django Unchained - Official Trailer (HD) - YouTube ) (as Erzulie Dantor).

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-10-2013, 09:00 AM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • moving on .....

                              an interesting UFO witness

                              Astronaut Tells Of UFOs, Space Serpents, Saucers Materializing | Beyond Science


                              More Proof Of A Holographic Universe - Unexpectedly Similar And Unknown Laws Govern The Universe And The Human Brain -

                              - Using a supercomputer and other calculations, researchers have discovered that there are striking similarities between the unknown laws that govern the Universe and human brain.
                              By performing complex supercomputer simulations of the universe and using a variety of other calculations, researchers have now proven that the causal network representing the large-scale structure of space and time in our accelerating universe is a graph that shows remarkable similarity to many complex networks such as the Internet, social, or even biological networks

                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-10-2013, 02:43 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • A. T. Mann - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                                an enlightening interview of his ( many of his topics intersect with our discussion )

                                A.T. Mann (1 of 5) Astrology, Architecture and Time with A.T. Mann - YouTube

                                --------- fun fact

                                just learned astrologically speaking :

                                in Celtic Signs

                                Animal: Seal, Sea Horse, Seagull
                                Color: Green
                                Flower: Wood Anemone
                                Gem: Coral

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-10-2013, 06:08 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

