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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • food for thought

    The term originated from Greek σόφισμα, sophisma, from σοφίζω, sophizo "I am wise"; confer σοφιστής, sophistēs, meaning "wise-ist, one who does wisdom," and σοφός, sophós means "wise man".
    Sufism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia = Sophism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:

    .............ready ..... shall we Dance

    Harlequin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Idries Shah has claimed that the name Harlequin is of Sufi origins [1][2] Classical sufi masters were indeed known to wear a pieced robe made of a patchwork of coloured fabric as early as the 11th century AD. Shah argues that the Arabic name aghlaq - which was given to such sufi masters - with plural form "aghlaqueen" pronounced with the guttural gh- as the Spanish jota, would have given the word Harlequin.
    Arlecchino often had a love interest in the person of Colombina,
    Number 3 in numerology

    Columb = Dove

    and number six :


    A gift for you, by Rumi

    You’ve no idea how hard I’ve looked for a gift to bring You.
    Nothing seemed right.
    What’s the point of bringing gold to the gold mine, or water to the Ocean.
    Everything I came up with was like taking spices to the Orient.
    It’s no good giving my heart and my soul because you already have these.
    So- I’ve brought you a mirror.
    Look at yourself and remember me.
    Rumi poem - A Gift to bring You - YouTube .....
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

      The HEAVENS And Their Story 392 page PDF year = 1908

      Couple chapters on the moon:


      PS: Jan.26.2013 Special Edition News: Earth-facing Solar Quiet
      Jan.26.2013 Special Edition News: Earth-facing Solar Quiet - YouTube

      sweet find IndianaBoys

      a new perspective we can learn from



      The gatekeeper lets Ishtar into the underworld, opening one gate at a time. At each gate, Ishtar has to shed one article of clothing. When she finally passes the seventh gate, she is naked.

      with the above in mind ..... you can read the complete story of ishtar

      Dee Finney's blog December 16, 2012 page 401* ISHTAR AND THE DESCENT INTO THE UNDERWORLD

      Chap. 60. Of Madness, and Divinations which are made when men are awake, and of the power of a Melancholy Humor, by which Spirits are sometimes induced into Men's Bodies

      One for Sorrow
      Two for joy
      Three for a girl
      Four for a boy
      Five for silver
      Six for gold
      Seven for a secret never to be told
      Eight for a wish
      Nine for a kiss
      Ten a surprise you should be careful not to miss
      Eleven for health
      Twelve for wealth
      Thirteen beware it's LOKI ( my version ) / the devil himself

      One brings Sorrow
      Two bring Joy
      Three a Girl
      And Four a Boy
      Five bring Want
      And Six bring Gold
      Seven bring secrets never told
      Eight bring wishing
      Nine bring kissing
      Ten, the love my own heart's missing

      Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-27-2013, 01:53 AM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
        food for thought

        and number six :

        Rumi poem - A Gift to bring You - YouTube .....

        Wunjo – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets

        Great minds think alike, though fools seldom differ.”

        Wunjo – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets

        Wunjo – “Won-joe” – Literally: “Joy” – Esoteric: Hope, Harmony, Perfection

        Key Concepts: joy, perfection, the art of correct wishing, correct application of the will, well-being, contentment, hope, expectation, relationship, family, bonding, trusted kinsfolk, shared ideals or aims, group harmony, symbols of shared identity, optimism, cooperative effort, like-mindedness, friendship

        Psi: contentment, optimism, like-mindedness, wishful thinking, shared identity

        Energy: harmony of like forces, effortless ease, fellowship, fulfillment, wishing, genuine friendship,

        Mundane: parties, friendship, family, community

        Divinations: Joy, harmony, fellowship, accomplishment, prosperity; or stultification, sorrow, strife, alienation, warns of caution, blindness to danger, deception, betrayal.= melancholy

        Strengthens links and bonds
        Invocation of fellowship and harmony.
        Banishes alienation and other inharmonious impediments to trust
        Creating joy through the use of true will
        Realization of the link and multiplicity of relationship of all things
        The art of correct wishing, ‘law of attraction’

        My Notes:

        Wunjo is the inner urge for realization of your soul’s true will to achieve perfection of consciousness and the drive to this realization in this life-time. It wards off woe and sorrow so that the abundant gifts of the multiverse have no trouble bestowing themselves upon you. In Wunjo we find harmonious energies characteristic in functional families, group affiliations, healthy societies and nations and ultimately, the world.

        ..........The rune of Love and Unity between all life is LAGUZ / LAGAZ, and it’s interesting to me that they have similar shapes.

        Stultification - definition of Stultification by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

        stul·ti·fy (stlt-f)
        tr.v. stul·ti·fied, stul·ti·fy·ing, stul·ti·fies
        1. To render useless or ineffectual; cripple.
        2. To cause to appear stupid, inconsistent, or ridiculous.
        3. Law To allege or prove insane and so not legally responsible.
        see also The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark i

        The play vividly portrays both true and feigned madness – from overwhelming sorrow to seething rage – and explores themes of treachery, revenge, incest, and moral corruption and family.

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-27-2013, 11:28 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • a repost from :

          Shamanism in Siberia: Part III. Religion: Chapter XIII: Gods, Spirits, Soul

          CHAPTER XIII

          GODS, SPIRITS, SOUL.

          Shamanism in Siberia, by M.A. Czaplicka, [1914], at

          BENEVOLENT supernatural beings are called by the Chukchee vairgit, i. e. 'beings'. The most important are the 'benevolent beings sacrificed to' (taaronyo vairgit), those to whom the people bring sacrifices. They live in twenty-two different 'directions' of the Chukchee compass. The chief of these beings is the one residing in the zenith, which is called 'being-a-crown' (kanoirgin), or 'middle-crown' (ginon-kanon). Mid-day, the Sun, and the Polar Star are often identified with the 'middle-crown '. The Dawn and the Twilight are ' wife-companions', several of the tales describing them as being married to one wife. The 'directions ' of the evening are together called 'Darkness'. Sacrifices are made to them only on special occasions, and are often mingled with those offered to the kelet ('evil spirits') of the earth.'

          The sun, moon, stars, and constellations are also known as vairgit; but the sun is a special vairgin,
          Vairgin = Virgin

          Among the stars, the pole-star is the principal vairgin, and is most often referred to as unpener, [2] the pole-stuck star', a name, .which, Mr. Bogoras asserts, is universal throughout Asia.[3]

          WYRD isn't it ( Flunkch )

          Wyrd is a concept in Anglo-Saxon culture roughly corresponding to fate or personal destiny. The word is ancestral to Modern English weird, which retains its original meaning only dialectically.

          CHAPTER IX

          IN this chapter, which deals with the different types of shamans, the duties of a shaman will be enumerated. In nearly all the more advanced tribes we shall see that certain shamans specialize in one sort of duty or another, while among the more primitive peoples each performs many different kinds of duties-a state of things made possible by the less complex nature of those duties. The high conception of a shaman's duties among certain tribes may be seen from Banzaroffs ideal picture of a Buryat shaman. He is (a) priest, (b) medicine-man, and (c) prophet.

          (a) 'As a priest, he knows the will of the gods, and so declares to man what sacrifices and ceremonies shall be held; he is an expert in ceremonials and prayers. Besides the communal ceremonies at which he officiates, he conducts also various private cerenionials.'[1]

          (b) As medicine-man, the shaman performs certain ceremonies to expel the evil spirit from the patient.

          (c) As a prophet, he foretells the future either by means of the shoulder-blade of a sheep or by the flight of arrows.

          This ideal type of shaman was probably rare even in Banzaroff's time, for he himself says that the shaman was not present at all communal sacrifices.[2] It is the same with some family sacrifices: the ongons are fed by the master of the house; and certain other sacrifices, as, for instance, those offered at child-birth, are made without the assistance of the shaman.[3]

          The fact that a communal or family ceremony is sometimes presided over by the head of the commune or family, or that a private individual occasionally performs divination, does not alter the fact that the original type of Buryat shaman had the performance of all these rites in his hands.[4] They had among the

          [1 Banzaroff, Black Faith, 1893, pp. 107-15.

          2 ibid.

          3. Klenientz, E.R.E., 'The Buriats', p. 13 ).

          4. Ibid.]

          Mongols in the time of Djingis Khan, when the shamans were at the height of their power.[1] We cannot therefore agree with Mr. Mikhailowski, who says, 'Of all the actions of the shaman, the most characteristic of his calling is what is known as kamlanie,' i.e. invocations of spirits.[2] Although it may be that in the decadence of his office a shaman is sometimes nowadays no more than a medicine-man, even now in certain places shamans are present, not only at communal, but also at family rites, and even when not so present we find in the rites traces of their original participation,

          Good shamans have a red shamanistic coat and bad shamans a black one. The same colours are used by the Yukaghir shamans.

          The majority of shamans, however, combine in themselves the gifts of all these categories and in the name of 'spirits' perform various tricks, foretell the future, and pronounce incantations.


          Polymath - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          A polymath (Greek: πολυμαθής, polymathēs, "having learned much"),[1] sometimes (if male) referred to as a Renaissance Man, is a person whose expertise spans a significant number of different subject areas. In less formal terms, a polymath (or polymathic person) may simply be someone who is very knowledgeable. Most ancient scientists were polymaths by today's standards.[2] The term was first used in the seventeenth century but the related term, polyhistor, is an ancient term with similar meaning.

          history - Wiktionary


          From Middle English, from Latin historia, from Ancient Greek ἱστορία (historia, "learning through research, narration of what is learned"), from ἱστορέω (historeō, "to learn through research, to inquire"), from ἵστωρ (histōr, "the one who knows, the expert"), from *ϝίδτωρ, from Proto-Indo-European *wid- (“wit, knowledge”).
          Dramatic function
          'That, of course, is the great secret of the successful fool – that he is no fool at all.'
          Isaac Asimov, Guide to Shakespeare.[4]

          Rumi "Truth was a mirror in the hands of God
          It fell, and broke into pieces
          Everybody took a piece of it
          And they looked at it and thought they had the truth."
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-28-2013, 12:07 AM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • The majority of shamans, however, combine in themselves the gifts of all these categories and in the name of 'spirits' perform various tricks, foretell the future, and pronounce incantations.
            or in the words of Isaac Asimov


            , I would recommend anyone to read it:

            Foundation is the first book in Isaac Asimov's Foundation Trilogy (later expanded into The Foundation Series). Foundation is a collection of five short stories, which were first published together as a book by Gnome Press in 1951. Together, they form a single plot.

            The Psychohistorians

            (0 F.E.) (First published as the book edition in 1951)

            The first story is set on Trantor, the capital planet of the 12,000-year-old Galactic Empire. Whilst the empire gives the appearance of stability, beneath this façade it is suffering a slow decay. Hari Seldon, a mathematician and psychologist, has developed psychohistory which equates all possibilities in large societies to mathematics, allowing predictable long term outcomes.

            Seldon discovers a horrifying truth to the Empire's decay, but his results are considered treasonable and attract attention from the Commission of Public Safety — the effective rulers of the Empire. This leads to his arrest. A young mathematician Gaal Dornick, who has just arrived on Trantor, is also arrested. On trial, Seldon shares the discoveries made through psychohistory, such as the collapse of the Empire within 500 years, followed by a 30,000-year period of barbarism.

            Seldon proposes an alternative to this future; one that would not avert the collapse but shorten the interregnum period to a mere 1000 years. But this plan would require a large group of people to develop a compendium of all human knowledge, titled the Encyclopedia Galactica.

            A still skeptical commission, worried of making Seldon a martyr, offer him the choice of execution for treason or acceptance of exile with his group of 'Encyclopedists' to a remote planet Terminus. There, they will carry out the Plan under an imperial decree, while Seldon would remain barred from returning to Trantor.
            Hidden in plain sight when scifi becomes reality

            William C. Boyd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            Selected bibliography

            Races and People, by Isaac Asimov and William C Boyd, 1958.
            Genetics and the races of man: An introduction to modern physical anthropology, William C Boyd, 1950.

            ------------------------- wait not done yet

            In the Book of Daniel 4:13, 17, 23[4] there are three references to the class of "watcher, holy one" (watcher, Aramaic `iyr; holy one, Aramaic qaddiysh).
            The Watchers

            The name Watcher, or Grigori, means "Those Who Watch", or "Those Who Are Awake", or "The Ones Who Never Sleep".

            The mysterious eighth order of angels, the gentle Grigori were created by God to be Earthly shepherds of the first humans. The Grigori were both physically and spiritually gigantic, at least by the standards of the people who later wrote about them. They served early humanity as vast reservoirs of information concerning the finer points of civilization, and their selflessness was beyond compare. They were also called the Watchers, as it was their job to observe humanity, lending a helping hand when necessary but not interfering in the course of human development.

            Sun Angel Creations - Law of Attraction Secrets - NumberQuest Numerology - NQ-Multi Numerology Calculator - Calculate Pythagorean, Chaldean, Kabbalah and Gematria Numerology Numbers! :: 123 Free Numerology Reports! :: Unlimited Free Numerology Name,


            Watcher (Aramaic, עִיר, iyr; Theodotian trans: ir; from the verb ur, "to watch"; Heb. er, "being watchful";[1] Gk. ἐγρήγοροι, trans: egrḗgoroi; Slav transliteration, Grigori,[2] "Watchers", "those who are awake"; Chaldean, "guard", "watcher"[3]) is a term used in connection with biblical angels. Watcher occurs in both plural and singular forms in the Book of Daniel (2nd century BC), where reference is made to their holiness. The apocryphal Books of Enoch (1st and 2nd centuries BC) refer to both good and bad Watchers, with a primary focus on the rebellious ones.

            the Watch Tour


            The Rook (Corvus ( crow ) frugilegus) is a member of the Corvidae family in the passerine order of birds. Named by Carl Linnaeus in 1758,[2] the species name frugilegus is Latin for "food-gathering".
            history - Wiktionary


            From Middle English, from Latin historia, from Ancient Greek ἱστορία (historia, "learning through research, narration of what is learned"), from ἱστορέω (historeō, "to learn through research, to inquire"), from ἵστωρ (histōr, "the one who knows, the expert"), from *ϝίδτωρ, from Proto-Indo-European *wid- (“wit, knowledge”).
            Dramatic function
            'That, of course, is the great secret of the successful fool – that he is no fool at all.'
            Isaac Asimov, Guide to Shakespeare.[4]
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-28-2013, 01:47 AM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • In the Book of Daniel 4:13, 17, 23[4] there are three references to the class of "watcher, holy one" (watcher, Aramaic `iyr; holy one, Aramaic qaddiysh).
              The Watchers

              The name Watcher, or Grigori, means "Those Who Watch", or "Those Who Are Awake", or "The Ones Who Never Sleep".

              The mysterious eighth order of angels, the gentle Grigori were created by God to be Earthly shepherds of the first humans. The Grigori were both physically and spiritually gigantic, at least by the standards of the people who later wrote about them. They served early humanity as vast reservoirs of information concerning the finer points of civilization, and their selflessness was beyond compare. They were also called the Watchers, as it was their job to observe humanity, lending a helping hand when necessary but not interfering in the course of human development.

              The Emerald Tablets of Thoth - Secret of Secrets

              Four is it in qualities,
              shining in each of the planes of existence,
              but thirteen ( 13 - Death ) in one ( 1 - Magician ) ,
              the mystical number.
              Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers:
              each shall direct the unfoldment of being,
              each shall channels be of the Great One

              Online Etymology Dictionary

              bishop (n.)
              Old English bisceop "bishop, high priest (Jewish or pagan)," from Late Latin episcopus, from Greek episkopos "watcher, overseer," a title for various government officials, later taken over in a Church sense, from epi- "over" (see epi-) + skopos "watcher," from skeptesthai "look at" (see scope (n.1)). Given a specific sense in the Church, but the word also was used in the New Testament as a descriptive title for elders, and continues as such in some non-hierarchical Christian sects.

              read on .....


              Comparison to other pieces
              Versus rook

              A rook is generally worth about two pawns more than a bishop (see Chess piece relative value and the exchange). The bishop has access to only half of the squares on the board, whereas all squares of the board are accessible to the rook. On an empty board, a rook always attacks fourteen squares ( 13 + 1 ), whereas a bishop attacks no more than thirteen and as few as seven, depending on how near it is to the center. Also, a king and rook can force checkmate against a lone king, while a king and bishop cannot.
              Bob Seger - Like a rock - Lyrics - YouTube

              Stood there boldly

              Sweatin' in the sun

              Felt like a million

              Felt like number one

              The height of summer

              I'd never felt that strong

              Like a rock

              I was eighteen

              Didn't have a care

              Working for peanuts

              Not a dime to spare

              But I was lean and

              Solid everywhere

              Like a rock

              My hands were steady

              My eyes were clear and bright

              My walk had purpose

              My steps were quick and light

              And I held firmly

              To what I felt was right

              Like a rock

              Like a rock, I was strong as I could be

              Like a rock, nothin' ever got to me

              Like a rock, I was something to see

              Like a rock

              And I stood arrow straight

              Unencumbered by the weight

              Of all these hustlers and their schemes

              I stood proud, I stood tall

              High above it all

              I still believed in my dreams

              Twenty years now

              Where'd they go?

              Twenty years

              I don't know

              Sit and I wonder sometimes

              Where they've gone

              And sometimes late at night

              When I'm bathed in the firelight

              The moon comes callin' a ghostly white

              And I recall

              I Recall

              Like a rock. standin' arrow straight

              Like a rock, chargin' from the gate

              Like a rock, carryin' the weight

              Like a rock

              Like a rock, the sun upon my skin

              Like a rock, hard against the wind

              Like a rock, I see myself again

              Like a rock

              forgot TO MENTION :

              BISHOP ( in english ) = FOU (in frenchéchecs) )

              SEE ALSO:

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-29-2013, 03:10 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Hey Bro your gonna like this

                Last edited by Dave45; 01-29-2013, 01:39 AM.
                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                  excellent Dave ..... a beautiful sacred geometry :
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Fractals & Windows used to prevent Ingo Swan from Remote Viewing


                    I know you like all things fractal:

                    4 - Psychic Skills & Miracles - technology used for telepathy and remote viewing
                    4 - Psychic Skills & Miracles - technology used for telepathy and remote viewing - YouTube

                    You will hear how they set up an experiment that was able to block/prevent Ingo Swan from remote viewing running a signal through coils using Windows and some type of Fractal was created. He could successfully remote view when the same signals were run through the coils using DOS.

                    This could lift the lid off of "WHY" some people do not get good results when listening to sound files that are supposed to be therapeutic through windows or allow them to access higher states.

                    Also begs the question as to just having your Windows computer on and have they purposefully created some type of higher state blocking fractals that are emitted so many feet around the computer?????

                    Subliminal Fractals????


                    PS - also around the 32 minute mark he states research about the human brain containing single magnetite crystals. 5 million crystals/gram. 1,400 grams in average human brain = 7,000,000,000 billion magnetite crystals in the average human brain tissue.
                    Last edited by IndianaBoys; 01-29-2013, 01:04 PM. Reason: Add ps note


                    • So If I understand well ...... they took a screen and attached along the edges of the screen Coils which had current pass through them to create a Fractal ..... sound familiar


                      ps: If you can stop remote viewing with these screens .... the flip side is you can enhance remote viewing with these screens as well

                      see Caduceus in Steven Gibbs -- Hyper Dimensional Resonator -- astral time travel

                      Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

                      I know you like all things fractal:

                      4 - Psychic Skills & Miracles - technology used for telepathy and remote viewing
                      4 - Psychic Skills & Miracles - technology used for telepathy and remote viewing - YouTube

                      You will hear how they set up an experiment that was able to block/prevent Ingo Swan from remote viewing running a signal through coils using Windows and some type of Fractal was created. He could successfully remote view when the same signals were run through the coils using DOS.

                      This could lift the lid off of "WHY" some people do not get good results when listening to sound files that are supposed to be therapeutic through windows or allow them to access higher states.

                      Also begs the question as to just having your Windows computer on and have they purposefully created some type of higher state blocking fractals that are emitted so many feet around the computer?????

                      Subliminal Fractals????


                      PS - also around the 32 minute mark he states research about the human brain containing single magnetite crystals. 5 million crystals/gram. 1,400 grams in average human brain = 7,000,000,000 billion magnetite crystals in the average human brain tissue.



                      one of your old posts

                      Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post
                      The Effects of Magnetic Water

                      The Effects of Magnetic Water
                      By John V. Milewski

                      What I think is happening is that the magnetite which is a strong magnetic suscepter is concentrating the earth's magnetic fields into it's cylindrical shape and the shape effect, in turn, sets up a magnetic spiral vortex in the core of the cylinder in which the water is stored. This in turn activates the water with the magnetic energy.


                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-29-2013, 02:27 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • as usual .... an great article from an amazing Watcher

                        The Pernicious Power of Partial Truth | Alternative

                        Enlightenment is a destructive process ( Ragnarok or is it Ragna Rook ). It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” -Osho
                        Meaning of name Ragna

                        Etymology : Short form of Old Norse names beginning with the element regin "advice, counsel".


                        Gnostic.Org: The Kybalion

                        The great Fourth Hermetic Principle-the Principle of Polarity-embodies the truth that all manifested things have "two sides"; "two aspects"; "two poles"; a "pair of opposites," with manifold degrees between the two extremes. The old paradoxes, which have ever perplexed the mind of men, are explained by an understanding of this Principle. Man has always recognized something akin to this Principle, and has endeavored to express it by such sayings, maxims and aphorisms as the following: "Everything is and isn't, at the same time"; "all truths are but half-truths"; "every truth is half-false"; "there are two sides to everything"; "there is a reverse side to every shield," etc., etc.

                        just stumbled on the following : (in light of the world's events .... afghan war )

                        Roshaniyya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        Roshaniya was a 16th century Sufi reformation/enlightenment movement which conspiracy theorists have been quick to liken to everything from being remnants of the Assassins to having influenced the creation of the Illuminati in Bavaria in the 18th century to the "New World Order" etc. etc. ad nauseam. The reality, as exemplified in Pir Roshan, and which made him so very popular with disparate Pushtun qaums, was that he spoke of liberating oneself from self-inflicted ignorance and from the tyranny of the hereditary rulers/despots. Liberation of all humanity from the shackles of intolerance was his message and he inculcated the right for each human being to seek knowledge (to include women ).

                        Because Pir Roshan failed in his mission, ever since, his message has been demonized/distorted by the powers that be who wished to retain the status quo. His ideas were congruent with the Enlightenment movement that followed in Europe. Thus, the predilection to somehow link his struggle with that of the Europeans (to include cult like entities), and even the American and French revolutions. His ideas did appear to make their way to the Universities of Europe but that was the extent of it.
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-30-2013, 05:32 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Michael Persinger on No More Secrets


                          Another good video if you have the time.

                          More on the Ingo Sawn experiment:

                          Michael Persinger on No More Secrets
                          Michael Persinger on No More Secrets - YouTube

                          Uploaded on Mar 30, 2011

                          Big Ideas presents Michael Persinger, winner of the 2007 Best Lecturer Competition, on Just Suppose You Could Know What Others Are Thinking: No More Secrets.



                          • The Emerald Tablets of Thoth - Secret of Secrets

                            Four is it in qualities,
                            shining in each of the planes of existence,
                            but thirteen ( 13 - Death ) in one ( 1 - Magician ) ,
                            the mystical number.
                            Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers:
                            each shall direct the unfoldment of being,
                            each shall channels be of the Great One

                            Let me show you 13 in 1

                            Dimensions of the Cheops (Khufu) pyramid and building materials involved.

                            Slope = 14 / 1 14 ( 13+1 ) /11 (6+5 or hierogamos )

                            Coordinates Pyramide de Khéops - Wikipédia

                            29° 58′ 44″ N = 2 13 8 = 13 1
                            31° 08′ 02″ E = 31 8 2 = 4 1 = 13 1

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-30-2013, 08:32 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • meet : Harmonia axyridis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              Harmonia axyridis is a large coccinellid beetle. Its colour ranges from yellow-orange to black, and the number of spots between 0 and 22. It is native to eastern Asia, but has been introduced to North America and Europe to control aphids and scale insects. It is now common, well known and spreading in those regions.

                              It is commonly known in North America as Asian lady beetle, or Japanese ladybug, and in the United Kingdom as the Harlequin ladybird (the last because it occurs in numerous colour forms). It is also known in North America as the multicolored Asian lady beetle, and (because it invades homes in October in preparation for hibernation) as Halloween lady beetle.[1][2] In Japan it is not generally distinguished from the seven-spot ladybird which is also common there.

                              When the species first arrived in the UK, it was labelled "the many-named ladybird", because among the names listed were: multivariate, southern, Japanese, and pumpkin ladybird.[3]
                              Ladybug Legends & Lore!

                              "Ladybug, Ladybug, fly away home....your house is on fire, and your children will burn. Except
                              little Nan, who sits in a pan, weaving gold laces as fast as she can!"

                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • a repost from another thread / as it fits quite nicely in this thread :

                                Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
                                "Well, Honeycomb, won't ya be my baby, Honeycomb be my own"

                                I'm searching for more evidence that this style coil yields a larger
                                magnetic field...
                                Honeycomb Shape:

                                MetaTron's cube:



                                Optics InfoBase: Optics Express - Unidirectional broadband radiation of honeycomb plasmonic antenna array with broken symmetry


                                CADUCEUS COIL LEVITATION 1 - YouTube

                                A 2 INCH CADUCEUS COIL ENERGIZED BY A 23 HERTZ SINE WAVE
                                IS LEVITATING AN N45 ONE INCH SPHERE MAGNET WITH EASE
                                gatewurm 3 months ago

                                Your welcome to try the 'set-up' used in this video

                                I use 'Audacity' and generate a 23 hz sine wave

                                From the 'headphone-out' of the computer to the signal input of a 100 watt car stereo amplifier with the gain turned all the way down

                                Left channel out to the coil

                                The volume in 'Audacity" and the computer are at max

                                Adjust the track gain to vary the intensity

                                The magnet is an 'N45' 1 inch neo


                                Caduceus + Honeycomb

                                one more piece of info for you ..... From Mother Nature

                                In the Key of B Flat « More to Explore

                                And bees aren’t the only animals connected to B Flat. In the 1940s, the New York Philharmonic performed a concert at the American Museum of Natural History. During rehearsals, a musician played a note that got Oscar, the museum’s resident alligator, to begin bellowing. A quick test of instruments and notes determined that it was B Flat, played on any instrument, that got Oscar’s attention. This experiment has been repeated, and when it comes to alligators, B Flat causes a commotion every time. Good thing alligators aren’t native to South Africa, or there would have been even more commotion during the World Cup.

                                But B Flat doesn’t just pop up in surprising places on Earth. This note is universal – literally.

                                The next time you have a chance to look up at the Milky Way, the galaxy in which our Solar System is located, try to imagine its rotation. The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy, looking a lot like a pinwheel, and it rotates like one, too. This compilation of stars, planets, gas and dust rotates at approximately 270 kilometers per second (168 miles/second), which translates to 970,000 kilometers/hr ( 600,000 miles per hour). And the note that impressive rotational speed translates to? B Flat.
                                the difficulty is to figure out Bflat frequency ..... based on either 440 HZ standard or 432 HZ Natural ......

                                440Hz to 432Hz


                                Ban (law) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

                                When calculated in equal temperament with a reference of A above middle C as 440 Hz, the frequency of the B♭ above middle C is approximately 466.164 Hz. See pitch (music) for a discussion of historical variations in frequency.

                                ------------------------ check this out

                                a little search on the caduceus + Bees in symbology

                                Laughing Cavalier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                There are many emblems in the embroidery: signifying "the pleasures and pains of love" are "bees, arrows, flaming cornucopiae, lovers' knots and tongues of fire", while an obelisk or pyramid signifies strength and Mercury's cap and caduceus fortune.[4]

                                been laughing at us since 1624
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-31-2013, 02:49 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

