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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Gnostic.Org: The Kybalion

    Table of Contents

    Introduction by The Three Initiates

    1. Hermetic Philosophy: The lips of wisdom are closed, except to...

    2. Seven Hermetic Principles: ..s/he who knows these..

    3. Mental Transmutation: Mind ... may be transmuted

    4. The All: ... Under, and back of, the Universe of Time, Space and Change...

    5. The Mental Universe: ...The Universe is Mental-held...

    6. The Divine Paradox: The half-wise... imagine...

    7. "The All" in All: To him who truly understands this truth...

    8. Planes of Correspondence: ...there is a harmony...and correspondence...

    9. Vibration: Nothing rests; everything moves...

    10. Polarity: Everything is dual; everything has poles...

    11. Rhythm: Everything flows out and in...

    12. Causation: Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause...

    13. Gender: Gender is in everything...

    14. Mental Gender: ... the persistence of the dual-mind idea...

    15. Hermetic Axioms: The Law of Use is Universal


    [QUOTE]HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 40 - 49

    47 > 11 > 2 - 47 - 15th prime

    pr.n. "Yah is Might" or "Yah is God".

    4. The All: ... Under, and back of, the Universe of Time, Space and Change...
    7. "The All" in All: To him who truly understands this truth...




    "Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right, is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-11-2013, 10:58 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Listening to music is an "intellectual" reward, which results from interactions between subcortical dopaminergic regions involved in forming predictions that we share with other animals, and cortically stored templates of previously heard music that are unique to each individual, along with some of the most evolved parts of the cerebral cortex involved in complex pattern recognition and sequencing. These regions ultimately work together to assign reward value to an abstract stimulus. Credit: Peter Finnie and Ben Beheshti

      Read more at:
      New study shows what happens in the brain to make music rewarding

      April 11, 2013 in Neuroscience

      A new study reveals what happens in our brain when we decide to purchase a piece of music when we hear it for the first time. The study, conducted at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital – The Neuro, McGill University and published in the journal Science on April 12, pinpoints the specific brain activity that makes new music rewarding and predicts the decision to purchase music.

      Read more at:

      ..... .... AlgoRythmiK - Jump for Swing - YouTube

      Lightning strokes can probe the ionosphere

      ( —Thunderstorms, and the resulting partially ionized plasma of the ionosphere, can distort radio signals traveling to satellites important to communications, navigation or national security

      Read more at:

      ----------- something you should know about granite ( as we often discussed it .... Google ) :

      Thomas Townsend Brown: Scientific Notebook, Vol. 4

      In certain special cases where the resistive materials, like granitic rocks, are electrically polarized, the diode rectifiers need not be used, but their use does not detract in such cases.

      Even with granitic rocks, which basically act as gravito-electric receptors, and are slightly polarized naturally, the use of the diode improves performance as an electrical energy source. The method therefore includes the 3 circuit elements, resistor, diode and (storage) capacitor.

      Page 4

      In describing the operation of this form of electric generator, it s believed that the resistor (any high resistance) intercepts radiation from the ambient (possibly gravitational radiation from space) and then coverts the incoming energy to RF (broad noise spectrum) intrinsically within the body of the resistive material. This RF noise appears at the terminals of the resistor or at the sides of the granite block (for example) to which electrodes have been attached.

      and Biefeld–Brown effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Thomas Townsend Brown, Electrogavitic propulsion inventor

      The Biefeld–Brown effect is an electrical effect that produces an ionic wind that transfers its momentum to surrounding neutral particles, first discovered by Paul Alfred Biefeld (Germany) and Thomas Townsend Brown (USA). The effect is more widely referred to as electrohydrodynamics (EHD) or sometimes electro-fluid-dynamics, a counterpart to the well-known magnetohydrodynamics. Extensive research was performed during the 1950s and 1960s on the use of this electric propulsion effect during the publicized era of the United States gravity control propulsion research (1955 - 1974). Top secret experiments into the effect were also conducted in France 1955-1958 by Thomas Townsend Brown and SNCASO called Project Montgolfier.[1] During 1964, Major Alexander Procofieff de Seversky published much of his related work in U.S. Patent 3,130,945, and with the aim to forestall any possible misunderstanding about these devices, termed these flying machines as ionocraft. In the following years, many promising concepts were abandoned due to technological limitations. The effect has only recently become of interest again and such flying devices are now known as EHD thrusters. Simple single-stage versions lifted by this effect are sometimes also called lifters.

      most of the Granitic Constructions we know of ( ie: Pyramid ... ) have or had a body of Water ( humans / containers included ) close by

      Yoshida Brothers - Kodo (Inside the Sun Remix) - YouTube
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-12-2013, 09:35 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • The history of the Sidhe

        The people known as "The Sidhe" or people of the mounds
        Whenever a host of the Sidhe appears there is a strange sound like the humming of thousands of bees ( see 47 ) also a whirlwind or shee-gaoithe is caused.

        HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 40 - 49

        47 > 11 > 2 - 47 - 15th prime
        --- wry, perverse; foolish; a fool .; wicked; godless
        --- foolish.
        --- if not; whether not; perhaps; fearing, doubting or hoping.
        --- (607 w/f); hum, hubbub (exp. of noise tumult or alarm).
        --- (607 w/f); to be dumb, mute.
        --- an elevation, height, sacred or altar-height, shrines or chapels built on eminences; strong-holds; fastness; grave-mound, sepulcre.
        --- fringes ( science ), tassels; wreaths, festoons.
        --- to cut off; divide; measure; bind together; be strong, valiant; a dividing; ell or cubit; mighty men, warriors.
        --- this.
        --- (527 w/f); to be clean, bright, pure.
        --- to be shaky, to waver.
        --- pr.n. "Mole" or "Weasel".
        --- to draw out, to press (for information).
        --- head-dress, turban.
        --- pr.n. "Yah is Might" or "Yah is God".
        --- to be honored, renowned; to be great or chief, to be noble; excellency, preciousness

        when reduced it gives a number that has marked your SUBCONSCIOUS..... 9 1 1

        VULCAN ..... FULCANELLI ......

        Vulcan - Wiktionary

        Etymology 1

        From Latin Vulcānus, of Etruscan origin, but unknown meaning. Perhaps related to Ancient Greek πῦρ (pur, “fire” ..... see 47 ) and καίω (kaiō, “burn”)

        forgot to mention :

        (astronomy, historical) A hypothetical planet proposed to exist in an orbit between Mercury and the Sun in a 19th-century hypothesis.


        Mysterious planet-sized object spotted near Mercury
        wyrd .....

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-13-2013, 01:05 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • a little celestial update : Solar flares online — April 12, 2013

          TOOTS & THE MAYTALS...54-46 WAS MY NUMBER. - YouTube + Toots and the Maytals Reggae Got Soul - YouTube

          for the second time ... i actually woke up with this song : Tape Five - Dixie Biscuit (Feat. Henrik Wager) - YouTube in mind .... which made me suspect a Sol flare


          let's go further back into history :

          The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

          1.1.1 Enki and Ninḫursaĝa: transliteration | translation
          1.1.2 Enki and Ninmaḫ: transliteration | translation
          1.1.3 Enki and the world order: transliteration | translation
          1.1.4 Enki's journey to Nibru: transliteration | translation
          38-47. Enlil, the Great Mountain, has commissioned you to gladden the hearts of lords and rulers and wish them well. Enki, lord of prosperity, lord of wisdom, lord, the beloved of An, the ornament of Eridug, who establish commands and decisions, who well understands the decreeing of fates: you close up the days ……, and make the months enter their houses ( see Astro- Theology ) . You bring down ……, you have reached their number. You make the people dwell in their dwelling places ……, you make them follow their herdsman …….
          2 lines unclear

          Ancient Aliens Debunked - YouTube

          Ch. 13
          I conceive of nothing, in religion, science, or philosophy, that is more than the proper thing to wear, for a while.
          ...... Charles Fort

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-13-2013, 03:33 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • some of you must be familiar by now with the following Patterns :

            as in Brain .... or Boat

            The most obvious Truth is hidden deep within, and only you will ever know it.”

            Laguz - “Log-uhz” – Literally: “Water” or Ocean – Esoteric: Unconscious, Collective Memory
            “Our future selves call us from infinite pasts, and each night are eroded with our dreams.”


            Genesis 8:7 and sent out a raven, and it kept flying back and forth until the water had dried up from the earth.

            and sent out a raven, and it kept flying back and forth until the water had dried up from the earth.
            Laguz – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets

            for fu n :

            Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-13-2013, 05:38 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters...And God said, "Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear." And it was so. God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good." (Genesis 1:1-2,9-10 RSV)

              have you ever searched the etymology of the Word .... Water :


              From Middle English water, from Old English wæter (“water”), from Proto-Germanic *watōr (“water”), from Proto-Indo-European *wódr̥ (“water”


              The following are the arts to be studied, together with the Kama Sutra:

              The art of understanding writing in cypher, and the writing of words in a peculiar way

              The art of speaking by changing the forms of words. It is of various kinds. Some speak by changing the beginning and end of words, others by adding unnecessary letters between every syllable of a word, and so on

              Knowledge of language and of the vernacular dialects

              Shall we Dance

              WODR ......... WORD

              The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”
              Alan Wilson Watts

              Check it out : 334A Understanding Allah - YouTube!

              and also : H*DD3N MEAN*NG3S. How Opening Your Mind Can Change YOU!, page 1

              believe he mentions the following sufi author :

              121-) “Allah knows with certainty that none exists other than He. He is HU, there is no other, only HU... and (so do) the forces (potentials) of His names (angels; compositions of qualities that manifest through the knowledge of reality) and those of knowledge (those who possess this knowledge also know, and thus testify this reality) and maintain themselves in accord with this truth...” (Quran 3:18)

              Source: Ahmed Hulusi Official Website - Home Page
              Follow us: @AhmedHulusi on Twitter
              ...... Yoshida Brothers - Shamisen Six - YouTube

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-13-2013, 10:29 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Roger Marsh: Arizona Desert UFO Spotted Lifting Off From Ground Level Near Kingman

                Posted: 04/12/2013 12:04 pm

                A Kingman, AZ, witness reported watching an object on the ground at a distance that glowed just before lifting off from the desert floor about 3:33 a.m. on April 10, 2013, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

                The witness was looking "north to east across the valley" when a dim light was first noticed that appeared to grow brighter.

                "As I watched for approximately 90 seconds, it brightened, lifted off the desert floor, paused and hovered for approximately 33 seconds, and then suddenly flew in a straight path toward the northeast and disappeared into outer-space."

                The witness states that he has seen similar objects taking off from the ground level in the same area in the past. No photos or videos were included with MUFON Case 46727. Kingman is a city in Mohave County, Ariz., population 28,279.

                the track is on ......

                Along the 33rd Parallel: A Global Mystery Circle

                The number 33 enigmatically stretches as a latitude line across many diverse cultures in many different times. Known in numerology as the Master Teacher, 33 is the most influential of all numbers, indicating selfless devotion to the spiritual progress of humankind. The other two master numbers, 11 (vision) and 22 (vision with action) form the base of a two-dimensional pyramid, and added together equal 33 (guidance to the world), the apex of the pyramid. [1] On the reverse of the Masonically inspired Great Seal of the United States is the pyramid with the all-seeing eye of divine Reason at its apex. According to ritual Freemasonry, XXXIII is considered sacred because in most cases there is no higher degree or level to which a Mason may aspire.
                You Say Phoenix and I Say Phoenicia

                The first stop on our tour along the 33rd parallel is the metropolis of Phoenix, Arizona, located at 33 degrees 30 minutes latitude.

                Kingman, Arizona - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                Motto: "The Heart of Historic Route 66"
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-13-2013, 11:18 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • believe the crop circle season is about to begin :

                  last year we had 69 crop circles ( some we discussed ) ..... can't wait

                  Crop Circles 2013 - The Crop Circle Connector

                  ...... to be continued
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-14-2013, 02:17 AM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • so we have :

                    HU nab Ku
                    HU man
                    Allah HU

                    from :

                    This sound develops through ten different aspects because of its manifestation through ten different tubes of the body; I sounds like thunder, the roaring of the sea, the jingling of bells, running the water, the buzzing of bees, the twittering of sparrows, the Vina, the whistle, or the sound of Shankha until it finally becomes Hu, the most sacred of all sounds.

                    This sound Hu is the beginning and the end of all sounds, be they from man, bird, beast, or thing. A careful study will prove this fact, which can be realized by listening to the sound of the steam engine or of a mill, while the echo of bells or gongs gives a typical illustration of the sound Hu.


                    don't recall having covered the following :

                    Huginn and Muninn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    The Emerald Tablets of Thoth - Secret of Secrets

                    Four is it in qualities,
                    shining in each of the planes of existence,
                    but thirteen ( 13 - Death ) in one ( 1 - Magician ) ,
                    the mystical number.
                    Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers:
                    each shall direct the unfoldment of being,
                    each shall channels be of the Great One.

                    Huginn and Muninn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    In Norse mythology, Huginn (from Old Norse "thought"[1]) and Muninn (Old Norse "memory"[2] or "mind"[3]) are a pair of ravens that fly all over the world, Midgard, and bring information to the god Odin

                    HU GINN + MUN INN .... HU MAN ( )

                    How Odin Lost His Eye

                    .... Fever Ray 'If I Had A Heart' - YouTube

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-14-2013, 01:30 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.



                      In Norse mythology, Mjölnir (pron.: /ˈmjɒlnɪər/ or /ˈmjɒlnər/ MYOL-n(ee)r; also Mjǫlnir, Mjollnir, Mjölner or Mjølner) is the hammer of Thor, the Norse god of thunder. Distinctively shaped, Mjölnir is depicted in Norse mythology as one of the most fearsome weapons, capable of leveling mountains. Though generally recognized and depicted as a hammer, Mjölnir is sometimes referred to as an axe or club.


                      Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - Allah Hoo Allah Hoo Full Qawwali By A.Raziq Piracha - YouTube

                      from :

                      This sound develops through ten different aspects because of its manifestation through ten different tubes of the body; I sounds like thunder, the roaring of the sea, the jingling of bells, running the water, the buzzing of bees, the twittering of sparrows, the Vina, the whistle, or the sound of Shankha until it finally becomes Hu, the most sacred of all sounds.

                      This sound Hu is the beginning and the end of all sounds, be they from man, bird, beast, or thing. A careful study will prove this fact, which can be realized by listening to the sound of the steam engine or of a mill, while the echo of bells or gongs gives a typical illustration of the sound Hu.

                      14 > 5 - 14 - 14 = 2x7
                      --- (see also 13); to go slowly; softly.
                      --- to look out or hope.
                      --- to join.
                      --- to penetrate, to stick in.
                      --- buckthorn.
                      --- pr.n. "Boyish".
                      --- to tread, despise.
                      --- despised.
                      --- prey, booty.
                      --- pr.n. "Cavern of the Defile", "A Defile".
                      --- to be curved, arched; body, ridge, back; a lifting up; pride; person.
                      --- a depression, valley; hollow; body; person; a people; troops; swarms.
                      --- to sacrifice; a sacrifice.
                      --- to boil; to warm or move (the heart); to love; and object of love, a beloved; a friend; uncle; nephew, pr.n. "David" = "Beloved"; boiler, pot, kettle; basket.
                      --- want, need; sufficiency, enough,; who , which, that.
                      --- aha!
                      --- gift, offering.
                      --- to stretch out (the hand); to point, lead.
                      --- to shine, glitter (as gold); to be bright yellow; gold; shekels (when preceded by a numeral); gold light, brilliance; oil.
                      --- locust.
                      --- to turn about, move in a circle, dance; to reel; to celebrate a festival or holiday.
                      --- to shout, to shout afar or aloud.
                      --- (20); the hand, the letter Yod; power, force; help; a slap or stroke; the side, the brink; space, place; a monumental pillar.
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-14-2013, 02:18 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Greek Myths and Epic Poems (Odyssey, Ilias) Actually Took Place in the Baltic Sea and Scandinavia, page 1

                        Topic started on 12-4-2013

                        The Baltic Origins of Homer's Epic Tales is an essay written by Felice Vinci, a nuclear engineer and nonprofessional historian, published for the first time in 1995. The book, translated in several languages, submits a revolutionary idea about Iliad and Odyssey's geographical setting. Felice Vinci started reading Greek classics and learnt about a passage from the De facie quae in orbe lunae apparet, by Plutarch, which points out the location of Ogygia. This island became the point of departure of Vinci's theory.

                        According to his assumptions, the events told by Homer did not take place in the Mediterranean area, as the tradition asserts, but rather in the seas of Northern Europe, Baltic Sea and Northern Atlantic. This theory has been widely taken into consideration (both in Italy, where the author has been invited to state it in some universities and high schools, and in the rest of the world) and has caused heated debate among the academic community: some of them agree with Vinci, others claim that his ideas don't have well-grounded linguistic and archeological bases.
                        "The real scene of the Iliad and the Odyssey can be identified not in the Mediterranean Sea, where it proves to be weakened by many incongruities, but in the north of Europe. The sagas that gave rise to the two poems came from the Baltic regions, where the Bronze Age flourished in the 2nd millennium B. C. and many Homeric places, such as Troy and Ithaca, can still be identified. The blond seafarers who founded the Mycenaean civilization in the 16th century B. C. brought these tales from Scandinavia to Greece after the decline of the "climatic optimum". Then they rebuilt their original world, where the Trojan War and many other mythological events had taken place, in the Mediterranean; through many generations the memory of the heroic age and the feats performed by their ancestors in their lost homeland was preserved, and handed down to the following ages. This key allows us to easily open many doors that have been shut tight until now, as well as to consider the age-old question of the Indo-European diaspora and the origin of the Greek civilization from a new perspective."

                        WODR ....... Wont Get Fooled Again - YouTube


                        From :

                        Amazons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        The Amazons are also said to have undertaken an expedition against the island of Leuke ( or Loki / Luck E ), at the mouth of the Danube, where the ashes of Achilles had been deposited by Thetis. The ghost of the dead hero appeared and so terrified the horses, that they threw and trampled upon the invaders, who were forced to retire. .

                        Snake Island, also known as Serpent Island, (Ukrainian: Острів Зміїний, Ostriv Zmiinyi; Romanian: Insula şerpilor), is a Ukrainian island located in the Black Sea near the Danube Delta.
                        Coordinates 45°15′N 30°12′E ..... ......


                        The island is an igneous rock formation located 35 km from the coast, east of the mouth of the Danube River. The island's coordinates are 45°15′18″N 30°12′15″E. The island is X-shaped, from S-W to N-E 690 meters by 682 meters from N-W to S-E, covering an area of 0.205 km². The highest area is 41 metres (135 ft) above sea level. The island does not have a prominently featured mountain, but rather a low-slope hill.
                        The Who - Baba O'riley - YouTube .....

                        + let's add a Vairgin

                        Ancient Egyptian necklace found on the skeleton of a ‘virgin priestess’ in Siberian burial mound - In2EastAfrica - East African news, Headlines, Business, Tourism, Sports, Health, Entertainment, Education


                        ( from : )
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-15-2013, 12:41 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • New study shows different brains have similar responses to music

                          Do the brains of different people listening to the same piece of music actually respond in the same way? An imaging study by Stanford University School of Medicine scientists says the answer is yes, which may in part explain why music plays such a big role in our social existence.

                          Read more at:
                          "We spend a lot of time listening to music—often in groups, and often in conjunction with synchronized movement and dance," said Vinod Menon, PhD, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and the study's senior author. "Here, we've shown for the first time that despite our individual differences in musical experiences and preferences, classical music elicits a highly consistent pattern of activity across individuals in several brain structures including those involved in movement planning, memory and attention."

                          Read more at:
                          TEN YEARS AFTER - A Space in Time (FULL ALBUM) - YouTube

                          Despite what you may think, your brain is a mathematical genius

                          The irony of getting away to a remote place is you usually have to fight traffic to get there. After hours of dodging dangerous drivers, you finally arrive at that quiet mountain retreat, stare at the gentle waters of a pristine lake, and congratulate your tired self on having "turned off your brain."

                          Read more at:
                          "Actually, you've just given your brain a whole new challenge," says Thomas D. Albright, director of the Vision Center Laboratory at of the Salk Institute and an expert on how the visual system works. "You may think you're resting, but your brain is automatically assessing the spatio-temporal properties of this novel environment-what objects are in it, are they moving, and if so, how fast are they moving?

                          Read more at:
                          ...... the watchman

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-15-2013, 12:46 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • since we already discussed the number 33 ( see Along the 33rd Parallel: A Global Mystery Circle )

                            let's add another one to it :

                            Laws of physics must be rewritten: Mysterious sun particles alter radioactive decay on Earth

                            The link between sun activity and radioactive decay rates still seemed very circumstantial. But at the very least, the connection suggested by Jere's observation provided enough evidence to warrant further research. As this research progressed, a pattern eventually emerged that did indeed show a regular repeating fluctuation in radioactive decay rates which appeared to occur every 33 days.

                            The 33-day cycle happens to correlate with the rotational period of the core of the sun. And, as it happens, the core of the sun is the source of solar neutrinos, atomic particles that bombard the earth in accordance with the sun's regular cycles. Could neutrinos have something to do with the shifting decay rates?

                            Learn more:

                            Mysterious pulse on Earth that seemed to ‘answer’ sun’s blast | THE TRUTH BEHIND THE SCENES

                            forgot to add : 13 in 1 ( 1 being you )

                            Radioactivity of the human body

                            A typical human body contains approximately 40 grams of potassium. About 1/1000 of this is potassium-40, a radioactive isotope. This means that you contain 0.04 grams = 40 milligrams of a radioactive cancer-producing isotope in your body. This is not an artificial radioactivity, but it is left over from the formation of potassium in the supernova that gave birth to our solar system. The half life of potassium-40 is 1.26 billion years. The solar system was created about 5 billion years ago. That is not enough time for all of the radioactive potassium to decay, and that is why there is so much in our bodies.
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-15-2013, 02:48 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Odjbox - Golden Ft J5 & Haynes - YouTube

                              just a thought .....

                              freemasons .... these clowns ... are really annoying .... hierophants .... useful for a time but i think they have reached their expiration date .... domesticated bees .....

                              had to let it out

                              moving on ...... freemason constructions are also made of Granite and some lined with 33 deg : Along the 33rd Parallel: A Global Mystery Circle

                              Unknown Entities, EMF Waves, Mythology, and how they all May or May Not be connected, page 1


                              Pyramid at Resonance

                              Another ancient wisdom tradition from Aboriginal Australia, perhaps the oldest surviving culture of humanity that stems back at least 70,000 years, describes the nature of unified consciousness as the Rainbow Snake: "Oneness is essence, purity, creativity, love, unlimited, unbounded energy. Many of the tribal stories refer to the Rainbow Snake which represents the weaving line of energy or consciousness that starts as total peace, changes vibration, and becomes color, sound, and form" (Morgan, "Mutant Message Down Under" p 149). Quantum biology and nonlinear acoustics now possess the tools to comprehend the seemingly abstract concepts of indigenous cosmovision in quantified terms. The octagonal structure of Earth’s consciousness is quantified in this work; the very shape of the collective unconscious to which sentient beings attune themselves. The Orion pyramids’ output likely induces a shift in the fundamental frequency of the Earth down to the lowest frequency of SR at 1.5 hz, allowing a parallel shift in the entrained human consciousness. Yaqui knowledge keepers precisely describe this shift in the alignment of the perception of man as an awareness of previously inaudible frequencies of infrasound:
                              [T]he portion of the emanations inside man’s cocoon is in there only for awareness, and that awareness is
                              matching that portion of the emanations with the same portion of emanations at large. They are called emanations
                              at large because they are immense... inside man’s cocoon the unknown is the emanations untouched by awareness.
                              When the glow of awareness touches them, they become active and can be aligned with the corresponding
                              emanations at large. Once that happens the unknown is perceived and becomes the known.
                              (Castenada, "The Fire From Within" p 207)
                              This process of alignment that allows a heightened perception of otherwise inaudible infrasound is clearly shown by indigenous teachings to be the key to understanding the unknown; phenomena that remain for misaligned modern humanity as "paranormal."

                              The internal chambers of the Great Pyramid are constructed of massive rose granite blocks cut with precise right angles and perfectly planed faces, brought from the nearest granite quarry in Aswan directly to the south. The surface of the stone is covered in a thin glaze of quartz....

                              Rose granite was used in the construction of the internal chambers because of its resonant properties. The quartz matrix of the granite stones is like a hall of mirrors with billions of parallel faces reflecting energy. The effect of this encasement in granite is that the airspaces can be given harmonic dimensions to specify the wavelengths, which will resonate through the formation of standing waves. The dimensions of the upper chamber reflect a 1:2 ratio, allowing standing waves of interger multiples to store acoustic energy. Acoustical engineer J. Reid carried out acoustic experiments revealing the resonant frequency of the upper chamber to be 121 hz. Resonance in the upper chamber’s granite box (erroneously dubbed the "sarcophagus") was found at 117 hz. The interaction of these slightly offset resonant frequencies was most strongly felt while inside the granite box, creating a resounding beat frequency that closely matches the human heartbeat. Reid’s subsequent research into human heartbeat rhythms revealed that the beats recorded in the granite box matched exactly those of newborn infants. As the heart rhythms of an individual change over the course of its development, an adult’s heartbeat may be entrained through the acoustic beating of the granite box to imitate the heart rate of an infant. The most astounding aspects of Reid’s work in the Great Pyramid involved cymatic experiments which are best described in his own words, revealing the tonal origin of heiroglyphic symbols.
                              see also :


                              From The Codex of Love:

                              The laws of men are bound by the rocks of their churches, and
                              chains of their minds
                              . The laws of women are held by the knots of
                              their hearts, and the bonds of their fears and desires. The laws of the
                              stars bind the angels and the spirits of peace. The fires of faith (in yourself ) hold
                              the shades and shadows at bay. All is bound by a word and a sigh.
                              The word is ‘ I’ and the sigh is ‘Am’
                              . The breath became the Word,
                              and stood by the I. The I expanded the Am, and became the Lord
                              and Lady of time.
                              The Word contemplated its meaning, and formed
                              the Scale and the Law. The Breath chanted the Word, and the Light became the ink of its pen. All belong to the I before the Am. Pay heed,
                              for nothing in the world is greater than its sigh. Do you not sigh, O
                              lover, for your beloved? The Am sighs for the I. Love is the chain of
                              law, and hate is the elixir of death. Sing to the I Am, and let the wine
                              of ecstasy be your rapture.

                              wine - Wiktionary ...... UB40 - Red Red Wine Lyrics! - YouTube

                              Old English

                              From Proto-Germanic *winiz, from Proto-Indo-European *wen- (“ 6 - Love , desire”). Cognate with Old High German wini, Old Norse vinr (Danish ven, Swedish vän, Norwegian ven/venn), Old Saxon wini. Related to Old English wynn, wenian. The Indo-European root is also the source of Latin venus, Proto-Celtic *wenja- (Old Irish fine, Breton gwenn, Welsh gwen).
                              Etymology 1

                              Latin vieō (“to bind, interweave”), Serbo-Croatian vȉjem (“I twist, wind”), Sanskrit vájati (“he weaves”).[1][2]

                              FitzGerald's first edition (1859)

                              A book, a woman, and a flask of wine:
                              The three make heaven for me; it may be thine
                              Is some sour place of singing cold and bare —
                              But then, I never said thy heaven was mine.

                              Omar Khayyám - Wikiquote
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-15-2013, 10:50 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • while we are still on :


                                Sanskrit Dictionary for Spoken Sanskrit

                                सुरा surA f. wine edit
                                warrior for good edit
                                शूर zUra m. brave man edit

                                सूर sUra m. sun edit

                                सूर sUra m. propeller edit
                                सूर sUra m. Calotropis Gigantea edit
                                सूर sUra m. wise or learned man edit
                                सूर sUra m. inciter edit
                                सूर sUra m. teacher edit
                                सुरा surA adj. drinking vessel edit
                                सुरा surA f. alcoholic drink edit
                                सुरा surA f. snake edit
                                सुरा surA f. water
                                सुरा surA f. wine edit
                                सुरा surA f. spirituous liquor edit
                                सुर sura m. deity edit
                                सुर sura m. divinity edit
                                सुर sura m. image of deity [ idol ] edit
                                सुर sura m. sage edit
                                सुर sura m. learned man edit
                                सुर sura m. image of a god edit
                                सुर sura m. symbolical name for the number thirty-Three edit

                                सुर sura m. sun edit
                                सुर sura m. idol edit
                                सुर sura n. same as surA edit
                                शूर zUra adj. warlike edit
                                शूर zUra adj. daring edit
                                शूर zUra m. hero edit
                                शुर zura adj. brave edit
                                शुर zura adj. valiant edit
                                शुर zura m. lion ( A ZURA ..... ) edit
                                शुर zura m. hero edit
                                खलाः सुराम् अपिबन् khalAH surAm apiban sent. the wicked persons drank wine edit

                                FitzGerald's first edition (1859)

                                A book, a woman, and a flask of wine:
                                The three make heaven for me; it may be thine
                                Is some sour place of singing cold and bare —
                                But then, I never said thy heaven was mine.

                                Omar Khayyám - Wikiquote
                                6 - Love

                                33 day rotation period of the sun's core.

                                There is One Holy Book, the sacred manuscript of nature, the only scripture which can enlighten the reader.’

                                The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan in 14 volumes. Volume Index

                                Just fyi : History of the Mariachi

                                Serenata Huasteca, intérprete Mariachi Samurai - YouTube

                                The first Mariachi Mass was the concept of a Canadian priest, Father Juan Marco Leclerc, and has been celebrated in Cuernavaca since 1966. It originally took place in a small chapel, but news of it spread so rapidly, and the crowds grew so large, that the regular Sunday Mariachi Mass had be moved to the Cathedral of Cuernavaca. It is now frequently performed throughout Mexico, and In many areas in the United States where people of Mexican origin live.
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-16-2013, 01:05 AM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

