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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • info update :

    Study shows language can cause the invisible to be seen

    (Medical Xpress)—Researchers Gary Lupyan and Emily Ward from the University of Wisconsin and Yale respectively, have run experiments that show that in some instances, language can cause objects that are obscured from view, to come into focus. In their paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the team describes experiments they conducted that contradict the notion that vision and language processing are separated in the brain.

    Study shows differences in brain waves between people who recall dreams and those who don't

    (Medical Xpress)—Researchers at Lyon Neuroscience Research Center and University Lyon in France, have found that people who regularly recall their dreams have different alpha brain wave patterns than do people who rarely recall their dreams. They have published a paper describing their research in Frontiers in Consciousness Research.

    Brain Waves and Sex | Las Vegas Guardian Express

    What are your brain waves doing during sex? In hopes of discovering a cure for those who could not reach orgasm, Barry Komisaruk, a psychology professor at Rutgers University, has been studying the brain activity of women during orgasm. The findings are fascinating.

    Apparently, during an orgasm, you start out with localized stimulation, which then increases as the brain “recruits other neurons” and more and more regions of the brain become active. In a seven minute video of the brain recorded during a trial (where one woman stimulated herself), by the end nearly the entire brain is lit up – telling us that most of the brain systems become active at climax.

    a harmonic cascade effect ..... People Choice - Party Is A Groovy Thing - YouTube

    According to Komisaruk, this is what happens during sex:

    “After genital stimulation floods the sensory cortex, the limbic system — which is involved in emotional and physiological responses — is turned on.
    Then activity spreads to the two parts of the brain called the cerebellum and the frontal cortex…orgasm activity reaches its peak in the hypothalamus which secretes oxytocin which causes pleasurable feelings and the uterus to contract. Activity also peaks in the nucleus accumbens, which is an area also associated with pleasure and reward.”

    That’s the technical process anyway…the mystery in the science is how neurons produce pleasure and pain, which is still unknown

    VIDEO: Watch a woman’s brain as she approaches and reaches orgasm.
    read more .....

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-15-2013, 10:48 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • flow up ...... The Undisputed Truth - Help Yourself - 1974 - YouTube

      Music Study Reveals Some Songs Are Better Than Sex on Tone Deaf - The Home Of Australian Music


      Oxytocin: Fueling Music's Power in Human Emotions, Memory, and Restoration | Institute for Humanities Research

      ...... BIRD BRAIN - JAMES RIVERS - YouTube

      Birds and humans have similar brain wiring



      from :

      Sex on the brain: Orgasms unlock altered consciousness - life - 11 May 2011 - New Scientist

      Despite orgasm being a near-universal human phenomenon, we still don't know all that much about it. "The amount of speculation versus actual data on both the function and value of orgasm is remarkable," says Julia Heiman, director of the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction in Bloomington, Indiana.

      It is estimated that one in four women in the US has had difficulty achieving orgasm in the past year, while between 5 and 10 per cent of women are anorgasmic - unable to achieve orgasm at all. But without precise data to explain what happens during this experience, there are few treatment options available for women who might want help.

      Komisaruk is interested in the time course of orgasm, and particularly when an area of the brain called the prefrontal cortex (PFC) becomes active. The PFC is situated at the front of the brain and is involved in aspects of consciousness, such as self-evaluation and considering something from another person's perspective.

      Komisaruk's team recently found heightened activation in the PFC during female climax - something not seen in previous studies of the orgasm. Surprisingly, this was also the case in individuals who can achieve orgasm by thought alone. With fantasy and self-referential imagery often reported as being part of the sexual experience, Komisaruk and colleagues wondered if the PFC might be playing a key role in creating a physiological response from imagination alone. That is why I am here.
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-15-2013, 11:47 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Un petite Re-post .... with a twist

        Studies show women find men more attractive if they hold a guitar

        (Medical Xpress)—Two independent studies have found that women find men more attractive if they are holding a guitar. The first one, conducted by researchers in France was based on a young man asking strangers for a date—their results are outlined in an article they've had published in Psychology of Music. In the second study researchers used Facebook Friend requests to gauge guitar holding attractiveness. Their results have been detailed in an article they've had published in Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science.


        Chic funk solo Montreux - YouTube .....

        HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 60 - 69

        62 > 8 - 62 - 62 = 2x31
        --- band, priest's girdle, ornamental belt.
        --- to be strong, to heal.
        --- pr.n. "Healer", "Physician".

        --- (712 w/f, also 58/708); to separate, distinguish, mark; to see, discern hear, feel; to attend; to perceive.
        --- separation, internal, between.
        --- to well up, flow, pour over; pour together, to confound; to mingle in sexual connection, to defile; Baal.
        --- pr.n. "Built"; "Wise"; sons (of).
        --- (712 w/f); to grow; grain, millet.
        --- to beget, cohabit; to commit fornication; to commit adultery; to play the harlot; a shore, harlot; religious apostasy; to go whoring (after sex, idols, the True God, etc.).
        --- pr.n. "Place of Lizards".
        --- pr.n. "Yah has plunged", "Yah has consecrated", "Yah has baptised".
        --- (712 w/f); to understand. (compare )
        --- compass or compasses (for striking a circle).
        --- desirable or lovely.
        --- to thrust out or expel; to impel or strike; to be thrown out; to be driven out; an outcast.
        --- pr. n. "Nobility".
        --- to bound or spring; to spurt.
        --- fruit or produce.
        ..... Chic- Le Freak - YouTube
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-16-2013, 07:51 AM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Lets Groove Tonight Lyrics By: Earth,Wind,and Fire - YouTube .....


          Released October 21, 1981
          ..... Ju Par Universal Orchestra -funky music(1976) - YouTube
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-16-2013, 08:41 AM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Undisputed Truth I'm In the Red Zone - YouTube ....


            He is commonly designated as En-zu, which means "lord of wisdom". During the period (c.2600-2400 BC) that Ur exercised a large measure of supremacy over the Euphrates valley, Sin was naturally regarded as the head of the pantheon. It is to this period that we must trace such designations of Sin as "father of the gods", "chief of the gods", "creator of all things", and the like. The "wisdom" personified by the moon-god is likewise an expression of the science of astronomy or the practice of astrology, in which the observation of the moon's phases is an important factor.

            if you were to write EN ZU in Arabic .... you would get :

            1 + 50 + 7 = 58 ....


            Mayan Numbers Symbols

            The meanings of the 13 numbers are listed here in their simplest form.

            1 - The first energy. Initializing and the first gear. Complete.

            2 - Recognition of choices. Duality.

            3 - Vibration and communication.

            4 - Stability.

            5 - Empowerment.

            6 - Flow. Movement.

            7 - Middle of 13. Crest of wave.

            8 - Highest Male Authority. Infinity.

            9 - Highest Female Authority. 9 levels of creation.

            10 - Manifestation.

            11 - Transmutation of knowledge.

            12 - Awareness of complete picture.

            13 - Ascension. Rules all other numbers ..... Undisputed Truth__Atomic Funk (1979) - YouTube

            Kenaz is the symbolizes the control and harnessing of fire for warmth and illumination. It represents our having harnessed forces and energies greater than ourselves.

            Energy: Controlled energy, transformation (pheonix fire), teaching/learning dynamic, illumination

            Our Energetic Universe and Human Consciousness « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

            Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-17-2013, 04:17 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Artstrology Date Checker


              Meme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              A meme (/ˈmiːm/; meem)[1] is "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture."[2] A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena. Supporters of the concept regard memes as cultural analogues to genes in that they self-replicate, mutate, and respond to selective pressures.[3]

              The word meme is a shortening (modeled on gene) of mimeme (from Ancient Greek μίμημα Greek pronunciation: [míːmɛːma] mīmēma, "imitated thing", from μιμεῖσθαι mimeisthai, "to imitate", from μῖμος mimos "mime")[4] and it was coined by the British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene (1976)[1][5] as a concept for discussion of evolutionary principles in explaining the spread of ideas and cultural phenomena. Examples of memes given in the book included melodies, catch-phrases, fashion, and the technology of building arches.[6]

              Proponents theorize that memes may evolve by natural selection in a manner analogous to that of biological evolution. Memes do this through the processes of variation, mutation, competition, and inheritance, each of which influence a meme's reproductive success. Memes spread through the behavior that they generate in their hosts. Memes that propagate less prolifically may become extinct, while others may survive, spread, and (for better or for worse) mutate. Memes that replicate most effectively enjoy more success, and some may replicate effectively even when they prove to be detrimental to the welfare of their hosts.[7]
              NINE is the father, vast he of countenance,
              forming and changing from out of the formless.

              9 - Highest Female Authority. 9 levels of creation..... Frisky - Burn Me Up (With My Love) " 12" Disco-Funk 1979 " - YouTube

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-17-2013, 08:14 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • from:

                Ighina says, then, that was the Madonna to inspire in the study of phenomena electromagnetic. He argues that the electromagnet is the crux of the existence and of nature. But Pier Luigi Ighina, a good man and simple as a child, as [infatigablecabile] still a man. While working even at night together with his collaborators and behind the precise instructions from the sky has noticed to be lagging behind in the construction of the mechanism designed. The times were accelerated the construction has made almost frantic and hurried accordingly.

                .... The Bar-Kays - "Soul Finger" (1967) - YouTube


                Pier Ighina's Cosmic Energy Inventions - The Tesla / Reich / Keely of Italy - English Subtitles - YouTube

                Pierluigi Ighina - Le Leggi del Ritmo e altro dispositivi -

                Ighina affirmed that we see only a part of the reality, from the moment that also the light of the Sun is rhythmic, pulsating, since it reabsorbs in itself as "shades" unnoticed from the human senses, the reflections of its light, that it not only receives from the Planets, but also from the Firmament, that is the screen on which the Sun projects the film of the Creation ( astrotheology ), that is underlined in apparent and deceptive way, in virtue of the retinic persistence as matter less or more in motion in the Space.

                NASA is tracking electron beams from the Sun

                ( -- In the quest to understand how the world's weather moves around the globe, scientists have had to tease apart different kinds of atmospheric movement, such as the great jet streams that can move across a whole hemisphere versus more intricate, localized flows. Much the same must currently be done to understand the various motions at work in the great space weather system that links the sun and Earth as the sun shoots material out in all directions, creating its own version of a particle sea to fill up the solar system.
                Memphis Black - Why Don't You Play The Organ, Man - 1967 - YouTube ...... 9
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-17-2013, 09:24 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • 'Christians airbrushed women out of history'

                  A band of forgotten women were hugely influential in the rise of Christianity, a five-year study has found.

                  But Professor Kate Cooper, from The University of Manchester, says their contribution has been neglected by the mainstream churches in a new book out this month.

                  The study identifies dozens of forgotten Christian women who were influential in the first and second centuries, during a period when Christianity was - in some respects - more progressive towards women than today.

                  According to Professor Cooper, women played a central role in spreading the new Christian faith through informal friendship and family networks.

                  Their authority within Christian communities was earned through their role as parents, community organizers, and small business owners.

                  Read more at:
                  + Uptown Funk Empire - Boogie - YouTube

                  Science fiction's invisible women | Books |

                  The Bible was written by a woman. Not all of it, just the good bits. Those fantastic old stories, like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, were written by a woman living in Jerusalem 3,000 years ago as works of literature, only later co-opted to the service of religious dogma. So argues Harold Bloom in his treatise on the bible as literature, The Book of J.

                  Bloom places the mysterious "J author" at the pinnacle of the literary canon alongside Homer and Shakespeare. Seen through the ironic female gaze, God becomes less the ultimate patriarch than a petulant child sulking and raging his way through history. The Bible, with its cornucopia of talking snakes, burning bushes, seven-headed dragons, apocalyptic floods, parting seas, epic battles, tribal sagas, prophecies, miracles and magic is arguably the greatest fantasy story ever written. So if this most timeworn of texts was written by a woman, where in God's name are the women in today's modern myth-making?

                  Everywhere, actually. Science fiction – our modern version of those ancient mythic stories – was invented by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley in Frankenstein; or, A Modern Prometheus. In recent decades much of the best SF writing has come from women writers, from Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale and Doris Lessing's Shikasta to Mary Doria Russell's The Sparrow and The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffeneger, with hundreds more catalogued at the excellent SF Mistressworks.

                  But a genre that women have done so much to shape seems to have been co-opted by men. Of 29 Grandmasters of Science Fiction, only four are women – Connie Willis, Ursula Le Guin, Anne McCaffrey and Andre Norton. This year the two major UK awards for science fiction – the Arthur C Clarke and the BSFA – both announced all-male (and also all white and rather elderly) shortlists. Women, we were told by the Clarke judges, were simply writing fantasy, not science fiction.

                  ps: I don't consider myself a Feminist ( in the modern definition ) .... more like a truth seeker... Men and Women are two different Truths worth discovering ... As a Man ( moi ) ... Women are a " Mystery worth exploring " and vice versa ..... know thyself ..... Ma + EL ..... james brown - People Get Up And Drive Your Funky Soul - YouTube
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-18-2013, 03:27 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • We know that each Planet corresponds to a Chakra Within ..... but did you know that each Planet has an "Angel" assigned to them.... Killer jazz funk soundtrack from the surf film "A Sea for yourself" - YouTube

                    The 7 Traditional Planets of the ancients. You must remember that Neptune, Pluto and Uranus had not been discovered, as the ancient magi did not have the necessary astronomical equipment. However the Archangels who are now associated with those planets where know.
                    THE SUN

                    So the Sun has rulership over health, vitality, ego, the heart, creativity, power and success, leadership, friendship and advancement. From a negative perspective the Sun is linked to pride, arrogance and bigotry.

                    The Archangel who has rulership over the Sun is the Archangel Michael.

                    Solar Magic Square - Magic Square of the Sun - Solar Numbers

                    Associated Numbers
                    The numbers associated with the Sun are 6, 36, 111, and 666.


                    THE MOON

                    The Moon has rulership over clairvoyance, sleep, psychic dreams, emotions, astral travel, imagination and secrets, women's mysteries, fertility and reincarnation. The main negative attribute is delusion.

                    The Archangel who has rulership over the Moon - Gabriel.

                    Moon Magic Square - Magic Square of The Moon - Lunar Numbers

                    Associated Numbers
                    The numbers associated with the Moon are 9, 81, 369, and 3321.



                    Mars rules male sexuality, strength, lust, destruction, medical issues and surgery, competition, conflict and sports. From a negative perspective violence and anger.

                    The Archangel of the planet Mars - Sa ma el

                    Mars Magic Square - Magic Square of Mars - Martian Numbers

                    Associated Numbers
                    The numbers associated with Mars are 5, 25, 65, and 325



                    Mercury rules communication, intellect, business, writing, contracts, information of all kinds, creativity, science and memory. From a negative perspective Mercury is associated with dishonesty and deception.

                    The Archangel of the planet Mercury - Raphael.

                    Mercury Magic Square - Magic Square of Mercury - Mercurial Numbers

                    Associated Numbers
                    The numbers associated with Mercury are 8, 64, 260, and 2080



                    Jupiter rules success, abundance, money, growth, parties, visions and gambling. His negative side is greed and wastefulness.

                    The Archangel of the planet Jupiter - Sachiel.

                    Jupiter Magic Square - Magic Square of Jupiter - Jovial Numbers

                    Associated Numbers
                    The numbers associated with Jupiter are 4, 16, 34, and 136



                    Venus rules love, pleasure, female sexuality, the arts and music, beauty, luxury and social affairs. From a negative perspective Venus has dominion over includes lechery, coldness and isolation.

                    The Archangel of the planet Venus - Anael.

                    Venus Magic Square - Magic Square of Venus - Venusian Numbers

                    Associated Numbers
                    The numbers associated with Venus are 7, 49, 175 and 1225



                    Saturn rules gaining the astral plane, real estate, banking, obstacles and limitations, secret knowledge, time and discipline. The negative side to Saturn is oppression and pain.

                    The Archangel of the planet Saturn - Cassiel

                    Saturn Magic Square - Magic Square of Saturn - Saturnine Numbers

                    Associated Numbers
                    The numbers associated with Saturn are 3, 9, 15 and 45

                    The Seven Traditional Planets

                    so each Chakra has an " Arche Angel" assigned to it

                    THREE holds the key of all hidden magic,
                    creator he of the halls of the Dead;
                    sending forth power, shrouding with darkness,
                    binding the souls of the children of men;
                    sending the darkness, binding the soul force;
                    director of negative to the children of men.

                    FOUR is he who looses the power.
                    Lord, he, of Life to the children of men.
                    Light is his body, flame is his countenance;
                    freer of souls to the children of men.

                    FIVE is the master, the Lord of all magic -
                    Key to The Word that resounds among men.

                    SIX is the Lord of Light, the hidden pathway,
                    path of the souls of the children of men.

                    SEVEN is he who is Lord of the vastness,
                    master of Space and the key of the Times.

                    EIGHT is he who orders the progress;
                    weighs and balances the journey of men.

                    NINE is the father, vast he of countenance,
                    forming and changing from out of the formless.

                    Meditate on the symbols I give thee.
                    Keys are they, though hidden from men

                    Angel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    Daniel is the first biblical figure to refer to individual angels by name,[15] mentioning Gabriel (God's primary messenger) in Daniel 9:21 and Michael (the holy fighter) in Daniel 10:13.

                    Islamic view of angels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    One well known example is when God sent the angel Jibreel (Gabriel) to Maryam (Mary) in the form of a man, as God says in the Quran:

                    ...then We sent her our angel, and he appeared before her as a man in all respects.
                    —Quran, sura 19 (Maryam), ayat 17
                    ..... gweee - richard fudoli - maestro - YouTube
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-19-2013, 12:28 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Japanese funk - Jamisen - Killer breaks - Victor Kiswell Archives - YouTube ..... Japanese Funk 45: Jun Mayuzumi - Black Room (1968) - YouTube

                      a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:

                      .... Ongaku 70: Vintage Psychedelia in Japan - 06 - The Apryl Fool - The Lost Mother Land (Part1) - YouTube
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-19-2013, 06:07 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • The Juju Orchestra - Funky Nassau - YouTube .... flow up

                        By determining the three-dimensional structure of proteins at the atomic level, researchers at the National Institutes of Health have discovered how some commonly used flame retardants, called brominated flame retardants (BFRs), can mimic estrogen hormones and possibly disrupt the body's endocrine system. BFRs are chemicals added or applied to materials to slow or prevent the start or growth of fire.

                        Read more at: 3-D images show flame retardants can mimic estrogens
                        ...... James Brown - Body Heat - YouTube

                        Hormone levels predict attractiveness of women - life - 02 November 2005 - New Scientist

                        Feminine beauty, the subject of philosophical and artistic musings for millennia, can be predicted by something as basic as hormones - in women, but not men. Researchers at the University of St Andrews in Fife, UK, have found that women's facial attractiveness is directly related to their oestrogen levels.


                        Quantum teleportation: Transfer of flying quantum bits at the touch of a button

                        By means of the quantum-mechanical entanglement of spatially separated light fields, researchers in Tokyo and Mainz have managed to teleport photonic qubits with extreme reliability. This means that a decisive breakthrough has been achieved some 15 years after the first experiments in the field of optical teleportation. The success of the experiment conducted in Tokyo is attributable to the use of a hybrid technique in which two conceptually different and previously incompatible approaches were combined.

                        Read more at:

                        People Quantum Entanglement | New Paradigm

                        An over simplified definition of the quantum entanglement phenomena is the study of a sub-atomic particle behavior prediction, according to the behavior of another. The scientific community has been making successful scientific experiments of quantum entanglement theory effects, and now that quantum particle entanglement is real and a tested-in-lab fact of science, some begin to wonder if people quantum entanglement is also possible? According to fractal theory, there is a very good possibility for people (or spiritual) entanglement to be real. Since science can prove that particles can be entangled, that alone is by it self, proof that on a higher level people can also experience some sort of quantum entanglement process. In theory, people that might be under the influence of some sort of a sub-atomic entanglement process might experience to be under the influence of a similar sub-atomic vibration rate. The similar vibration rate acts as catalyst to the pre-disposition for a spiritual (not physical) connection system, allowing people to be quantum entangled. - See more at: People Quantum Entanglement | New Paradigm

                        Tuning an Orchestra with the Help of Multiphysics Simulation

                        Multiphysics applications are all around us. Consider, for example, a setting where science may be the last thing on our minds: a music concert. You might be enjoying the slight sinusoidal variations in atmospheric pressure we call sound waves, or music, but those pressure variations must come from somewhere. In fact, they are due to a multiphysics effect where sinusoidal structural vibrations in an object disturb the surrounding air, causing pressure variations in the air that then propagate outward and create the sound waves your ears recognize as music. When it comes to tuning an orchestra to produce perfect sound, we can get help from a multiphysics simulation.
                        Tuning an Orchestra

                        In order to determine the sound produced by an object, you must know all of the structural qualities of that object. Conversely, in order to understand the structural behavior of an object, you must take into consideration the properties of the fluid (such as air or water) surrounding the object and the sound waves produced in that fluid. The load (or pressure) of the air on the structure will also affect the ability of the structure to vibrate.
                        ps : You are the Orchestra

                        ... Mahavishnu Orchestra - Can't Stand Your Funk - YouTube
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • This is your brain on music -


                          ask yourself .... do you listen to the same music during the day ( or the month / year etc .... ) or do you switch depending on your Mood .... Dream On by Aerosmith lyrics - YouTube


                          Circadian rhythm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-19-2013, 06:43 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • A shout out from P~0

                            Hello Monsieur M.... I like your style, great read !

                            Have you ever felt the presence of a brain ?
                            The Presence Of A Brain - Parliment - YouTube



                            • Originally posted by P~0 View Post
                              Hello Monsieur M.... I like your style, great read !

                              Have you ever felt the presence of a brain ?
                              The Presence Of A Brain - Parliment - YouTube

                              thank you P~0 and welcome to our discussion

                              Wash the dust from your SOUl and HEART with wisdom’s WATER.” Rumi
                              rain .... Be Rain ...... Terence Trent D'Arby - Rain - YouTube

                              The most obvious Truth is hidden deep within, and only you will ever know it.

                              Berkano – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets

                              Berkano – “Burr-can-oh” – Literally: “Birch Goddess” – Esoteric: Birth, Sanctuary

                              Rune of continued growth and continual rebirth or renewal in all things. The rune of becoming.

                              Psi: secrecy, silence, safety, mature wisdom, dependence

                              Energy: container/releaser, female fertility, trees and plantlife

                              Mundane: motherhood, healing, gardening, child raising, the womb

                              Divinations: Birth, becoming, life changes, shelter, liberation, sanctuary, secrets; or blurring of consciousness, deceit, sterility, stagnation, conspiracy, insecurity

                              Rebirth in the spirit
                              Strengthens the power of secrecy
                              Works of concealment and protection
                              To contain and hold other powers together
                              Realization of stillness, the Now-ness of all things
                              Bringing ideas to fruition in the creative process
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-20-2013, 01:13 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Originally posted by P~0 View Post
                                Hello Monsieur M....

                                Have you ever felt the presence of a brain ?

                                to answer your question .... all the Time .... hidden within all those I encounter ...... SOVIET FUNK Melodia ensemble - Like in first TIME+Rain TOP # 88 - YouTube ....

                                HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 30 - 39

                                38 > 11 > 2 - 38 - 38 = 2x19
                                --- pr.n. "God's Training".
                                --- will of God.
                                --- to glide; move away; to depart; to flow off or ebb; to vanish.
                                --- departure.
                                --- to spring up or issue forth, to flow; to produce.
                                --- a streaming, rain; produce, increase; bough; what is produced.
                                --- Toll, tribute; consumption (tax), excise.
                                --- pr.n. "Valley of Vision".
                                --- to make bare, to strip, uncover, disclose, reveal, open; betray; to fling away; drive into exile; open up; cause to migrate, lead away captive; pr.n. "Circuit"; exile, captivity; a well; bowl-shaped capital (of a pillar); oil-bowl.
                                --- to lift or draw (water). ..... Chubukos - House Of Rising Funk - YouTube
                                --- host, army; unconsecration, unholiness; common use.
                                --- pr.n. "Yah is Good".
                                --- his or its unions; together; alike; all together.
                                --- to be straight, even, direct.
                                --- to strive or quarrel.
                                --- study or learning.
                                --- to burn or parch ( or p arch ).
                                --- moist, sappy, fresh, new; freshness, vigour ..... The JB's - Doing It To Death - YouTube
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-20-2013, 03:44 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

