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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Learning a new language alters brain development

    The age at which children learn a second language can have a significant bearing on the structure of their adult brain, according to a new joint study by the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital - The Neuro at McGill University and Oxford University. The majority of people in the world learn to speak more than one language during their lifetime. Many do so with great proficiency particularly if the languages are learned simultaneously or from early in development.


    a bit of info for you:

    Researchers find thinking in a foreign language causes people to make more rational decisions

    Researchers find thinking in a foreign language causes people to make more rational decisions
    April 25, 2012 by Bob Yirka in Psychology & Psychiatry

    (Medical Xpress) -- While at first glance it might seem irrational, researchers from the University of Chicago have found that people who speak two languages tend to make more rational decisions when thinking in their non-native tongue. They came to this conclusion after conducting a series of experiments, the results of which they have published in a paper in the journal Psychological Science.


    Does the quantum wave function represent reality?

    ( -- At the heart of quantum mechanics lies the wave function (principle of Mentalism ) , a probability function used by physicists to understand the nanoscale world. Using the wave function, physicists can calculate a system's future behavior, but only with a certain probability. This inherently probabilistic nature of quantum theory differs from the certainty with which scientists can describe the classical world, leading to a nearly century-long debate on how to interpret the wave function: does it representative objective reality or merely the subjective knowledge of an observer? In a new paper, physicists Roger Colbeck of the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Ontario, and Renato Renner of the Perimeter Institute who is based at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, have presented an argument strongly in favor of the objective reality of the wave function, which could lead to a better understanding of the fundamental meaning of quantum mechanics.


    Info update :

    Explainer: What is foreign accent syndrome?

    In the past few days, a great deal of media attention has been paid to Leanne Rowe, a Tasmanian woman who has lived eight years with a French accent she acquired after a car accident. This phenomenon is known as foreign accent syndrome, a rare disorder that usually arises after brain damage as a result of, for example, stroke or head injury.
    Foreign accent syndrome has always been the source of much media interest and the stories often sound sensational. There has been, for example, an American who spoke with a British accent, a British Yorkshireman with an Irish accent and another British man with a Russian accent.

    More spectacular are tales of people waking from strokes or comas speaking fluently in languages they hardly knew before. While there is no scientific verification of cases of speaking a new language, speaking with a foreign accent is well documented, as shown in the video below.

    Study shows cultural images may hinder proficiency in second language skills

    (Medical Xpress)A team of combined researchers from Columbia Business School and Singapore Management University has found that people who have learned a second language become less proficient at speaking it after being exposed to cultural images. In their paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the team describes three exercises they carried out to test second-language skill proficiency after exposure to cultural images.

    New research shows metaphors reveal personality

    (Medical Xpress)A new study by Adam K. Fetterman, a recent doctoral graduate in psychology, and Michael D. Robinson, professor of psychology at North Dakota State University, shows that metaphors for the head and the heart have a surprisingly wide scope in capturing people's personalities.

    Researchers identify emotions based on brain activity


    Brain can plan actions toward things the eye doesn't see

    People can plan strategic movements to several different targets at the same time, even when they see far fewer targets than are actually present, according to a new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.
    -------------- and my fav of the day :

    The rhythm of everything

    Dawn triggers basic biological changes in the waking human body. As the sun rises, so does heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature. The liver, the kidneys and many natural processes also begin shifting from idle into high gear. Then as daylight wanes and darkness descends, these processes likewise begin to subside, returning to their lowest levels again as we sleep.

    These internal biological patterns are tightly linked to an external cosmic pattern: the earth's rotation around the sun once every 24 hours. This endless loop of light and darkness and the corresponding synchrony of internal and external clocks, are called circadian rhythms, from "circa diem," Latin for "approximately a day." Circadian rhythms influence almost all living organisms, from bacteria to algae, insects, birds and, as is increasingly understood by science, humans beings.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.


    • Researchers find thinking in a foreign language causes people to make more rational decisions


      it is quite true .... ask any person who speaks more than one language .... to what language do they revert to when they get really pissed off ....

      Researchers identify emotions based on brain activity .... Black Rite - Mandingo - Primeval Rhythm of Life - YouTube

      you might think that Funk has nothing to do with technology ...

      Hidden in Plain Sight: Is Ancient Alchemy Secret Source of Silicon Valley Geek Dynasty? | Mysterious Universe

      Whether by happy chance or divine plan, many wizards, powerful as kings, chose to settle side-by-side in a single, fertile valley, where they created a new and glorious civilization using magic so ingenious that even during their lifetimes, their names Apple, Google, Facebook, HP, Intel, Cisco, eBay, Adobe, Agilent, Oracle, Yahoo, Netflix were uttered with a reverence usually reserved for gods.

      The question remains, why did they pick that spot on Earth? Theres no sacred Nile River to float their boats, and they couldnt grow silicon in the valleys dusty fields and groves.

      I recently traveled to the milquetoast-modern city of San Jose to cover Hidden in Plain Sight: The Influence of Western Esoteric Movements on Modern Thought, a four-day conference hosted by the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC) at Rosicrucian Park, a place I knew existed but had seen with my own eyes. Now that I have seen it, I think I have the answer to the previous question.
      .... Mandingo-Medicine Man - YouTube

      In 1969, the Stanford Research Institute (now SRI International), operated one of the four original nodes that comprised ARPANET, predecessor to the Internet.[8]

      Silicon Valley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Etymology[edit source | editbeta] Look up funk in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

      Funk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      The word funk as applied in the music world initially referred to a strong odor. The anthropologist/art historian Robert Farris Thompson, in his work Flash Of The Spirit: African & Afro-American Art & Philosophy, postulates that funky has its semantic roots in the Kikongo word "lu-fuki", which means "bad body odor". He says: "Both jazzmen and Bakongo use funky and lu-fuki to praise persons for the integrity of their art, for having 'worked out' to achieve their aims" supposedly meant to signify "the irradiation of positive energy of a person. Hence 'funk' in American jazz parlance can mean earthiness, a return to fundamentals".[3] African-American jazz musicians originally applied the term to music with a slow, mellow groove.

      Then it evolved to a rather hard-driving, insistent rhythm, implying a more carnal quality ( FA ) . This early form of the music set the pattern for later musicians.[4] The music was identified as slow, "sexy", loose, riff-oriented and danceable. Funky typically described these qualities rather than a distinct genre. In early jam sessions, musicians would encourage one another to "get down" by telling one another, "Now, put some stank on it!". At least as early as 1907, jazz songs carried titles such as "Funky Butt", a piece by Buddy Bolden.[5] As late as the 1950s and early 1960s, when "funk" and "funky" were used increasingly in the context of jazz music, the terms still were considered indelicate and inappropriate for use in polite company. According to one source, New Orleans-born drummer Earl Palmer "was the first to use the word 'funky' to explain to other musicians that their music should be made more syncopated and danceable."[6]
      Funk is a music genre that originated in the mid-late 1960s when African-American musicians created a rhythmic, danceable new form of music through a mixture of soul music, jazz, and R&B. Funk de-emphasizes melody and harmony and brings a strong rhythmic groove of electric bass and drums to the foreground. Funk songs are often based on an extended vamp on a single chord, distinguishing it from R&B and soul songs, which are built on chord progressions.
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-30-2013, 04:40 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.


      • from:

        Originally posted by Michael C View Post
        "FA LAGAZ"

        It intrigues me. May I add a few thoughts and ideas to your vision? You decide the relevance of it

        FA is reminding of F, f meaning 'domestic cattle', f being the contemporary word connected to Fehu.

        Do re mi fa so la si do

        Dagaz Raidho Mannaz Fehu Sowilo Lagaz Isaz Othala(Odal)
        (Just a thought)

        Fehu Lagaz:

        'Satisfied Water'
        'Achieved Dreams'
        'Wealthy Feelings'

        Fehu = 24
        Lagaz = 20
        Michael C , always a pleasure re reading your posts


        have a good laugh

        Time-Traveling Porn - Daryl Bem - The Colbert Report - 2011-27-01 - Video Clip | Comedy Central


        Precognition and Porn | Science | Fortean Times


        Its rare for academic parapsychological research to garner coverage in the mainstream press, but a paper by Professor Daryl J Bem of Cornell University has managed to cause something of a stir outside the usual circles. Perhaps thats because its author, unlike his mostly cautious and often actively sceptical academic peers, claims to have produced results suggesting that humans are capable of such feats as precognition and premonition.

        Prof. Bem of Cornell University, New York State, carried out a series of nine different experiments involving over 1,000 volunteer students, and has published the results in a paper entitled Feeling the Future: Experimental Evidence for Anomalous Retroactive Influences on Cognition and Affect, which will appear in the peer-reviewed Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

        Bem, a self-described maverick, started out as a physicist but switched fields in the 1960s, becoming a social psychologist. He has held senior posts at Cornell, Stanford and Harvard, and has published widely on self-perception, personality theory and sexual orientation. He also has a long-standing interest in psi, and this paper is the culmination of eight years of research.

        Bem defines psi as anomalous processes of information or energy transfer that are currently unexplained in terms of known physical or biological mechanisms, and chose to study precognition (conscious cognitive awareness) and premonition (affective apprehension) of a future event that could not otherwise be anticipated through any known inferential process. His methodology was simple, testing for anomalous retroactive influence of some future event on an individuals current responses by time reversing well-established psychological effects so that the individuals responses are obtained before the putatively causal stimulus events occur.
        .... gut feeling .... Marvin Gaye - Just like Music (Music Feel The Soul) - YouTube ( read the comments )

        "good" in German
        ------------ Left brain, right brain: Different patterns of cortical interaction

        (Medical Xpress)The human brain is divided into two hemispheres left and right in which neural functions are said to be lateralized. (For example, language and motor abilities are associated with the left hemisphere, and visuospatial attention with the right.) Although hemispheric lateralization is generally thought to benefit brain function, relationships between lateralization degree and functioning levels have not been quantified. Recently, however, scientists at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD demonstrated that the two hemispheres have qualitatively different biases: the left prefers to interact with itself especially for regions associated with language and fine motor coordination while the right visuospatial and attentional processing regions interact with both hemispheres. Moreover, the researchers provided direct evidence that an individual's degree of lateralization is associated with enhanced cognitive ability.

        ..... 0 and O are not much different ..... shapewise ..... Marvin Gaye - Lets get it on - YouTube imagine it is the Voice of the Light speaking to yhu .....or you to her

        Let's Get It On [Marvin Gaye] lyrics - Foolish soundtrack lyrics from album: Foolish

        ...... Marvin Gaye - Sexual Healing - Extended Version - YouTube ( check out the stat of music in bed )
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-30-2013, 09:48 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.


        • ps:

          Got To Give It Up - Keep On Dancing - YouTube .... The brain is actually wired like a chess board and a new scanner reveals how in stunning detail | Mail Online

          - 7 - 4th prime
          --- Zain.
          (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , ; .)
          (Zain = --- 67/717 --- Weapon; Ornament; Sword.)
          --- the name of the seventh Sephira is --- 148.
          --- to be severed, forsaken; to stray (in solitude); to loose oneself,
          to vanish; to perish, to be undone; to sever, scatter, to dissipate;
          destroy, to bring to ruin, to rob.
          --- annihilation, ruin. (many offshoots of this root).
          --- the royal title of the Amalekite princes.
          --- perhaps: circle.
          --- to cause to pine, to vex.
          --- to train.
          --- will, choice, desire.
          --- or, either; or rather; or else, unless, perhaps; of if; if.
          --- where? (implying "not").
          --- to prate, to lie, to invent.
          --- to be curved, crooked, bent; to dig; to be convex, high.
          --- coriander; fortune, a deciding, apportioning; luck.
          --- to melt, flow away, languish.
          --- (12, 17); yield up!, give!, come on!
          --- to flow; affluence, fullness.
          --- a fish.

          - 8 -
          ...... Spanish Tango - James Horner - YouTube The Funk Tango - YouTube
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-30-2013, 11:50 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.


          • BIRD BRAIN - JAMES RIVERS - YouTube

            ..... name of the bird : HU MA ... Huma bird - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia....

            .... Fellow HU MA N :

            5 + 40 + 1 + 50 = 96

            The Huma (Persian: هما‎, pronounced Homā, Avestan: Humaya), also Homa, is a legendary bird especially of the Persian branch of Iranian mythology [1][2] and Sufi fable. It is said to never come to rest, living its entire life flying invisibly high above the earth ( see chakra representing earth ) , and never alighting on the ground

            ..... The Beatles - Love Me Do - YouTube

            It is named as bird of fortune[5] see also ( - 7 - 4th prime --- Zain. )
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-31-2013, 11:25 AM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.


            • ready for another round .... Yoshida Brothers "KODO" 吉田兄弟「鼓動」 - YouTube

              first read ( logos ) :

              ..... Tribe of Dan and the Red Haired Race


              Ginger Snaps: Are People with Red Hair More Sensitive to the Paranormal? | Mysterious Universe

              Among the quite colorful theories and quips proposed by American author Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finns creator also was known to have guessed about the origins of of humankinds most admired and often-stereotyped recessive trait. While the rest of the species is descended from apes, Twain wrote, redheads are descended from cats.
              interesting .... visions of black cat and red head

              Red hair has often been stereotyped for being associated with sexual desire, bad temperament, and immoral activity. Aristotle was said to have expressed his similar feeling that redheads were emotionally un-housebroken. With little doubt, these sorts of myths were the obvious byproduct of the redhead presence among the cultural minorities; recognition of this aspect alone, however, would do little to qualm the superstitions that have persistently haunted those with red hair and fair skin. Even today, there are still a number of beliefs associated with red haired individuals, among them that gingers may have a greater propensity for harnessing things such as psychic abilities.
              In Greek myth, it is said, redheads turned into vampires after they died. Others have claimed throughout the ages (in the pejorative sense, though largely tongue-in-cheek) that redheads may likely be vampires from birth.
              in other words .... femme fatal like .... FA M FA tal


              HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 40 - 49

              45 > 9 - 45 - 45 = 32x5

              --- (605 w/f); to stamp down, to make solid; to dam.
              --- to be blood or red colored; to sparkle.
              --- pr.n. "Adam" -- the first man; man, men, mankind; a male. (Note that = mother; = symbol of the womb or maternal signature. = woman within woman = man is inwardly woman).
              --- land of Edom; father of the race of Edom.
              --- (see also 241/801) Aramea.
              --- a red (precious stone) --- garnet, carnelian.
              --- (see also 84/644); to be dumb, silent; to be struck dumb; to be amazed; to rest, to leave off; to stand still; to become silent; to be destroyed
              --- pr.n. "Bright".
              --- plunder.
              --- (605 w/f); pr.n. "Multitude"; noise, crowdings (of people); they; such as they.
              --- a habitation; heaven.
              --- to creep, glide; to slink away, be timid.
              --- a pledge or pawn.
              --- pr.n. "Fatness".
              --- to lift, to cast.
              --- so and so, thus and thus.
              --- to hide, conceal; to be sticky or tough; a covering or veil; pr.n. "Concealment", the name of Lot.
              --- a (kind of) lizard.
              --- garlands or festoons.
              --- force, might; exceedingly, very; energetically, quickly

              see also : red = HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 110 - 119


              one more bit of funk for you :

              54 > 9 - 54 - 54 = 2x33
              --- (704 w/f); basin, cup. --- to enclose, to hold or contain.
              --- stillness, rest.
              --- (704 w/f); pr.n. "Judge"; tribe of Dan; Dan --- a Phoenician deity also called Eshmun; this.
              --- pr.n. "god's Present".
              --- (614 w/f); to burn, to be scorched; black, dark-colored.
              --- soft curds; curdled milk.
              --- unclean, condemned; stolid.
              --- one born; descendant.
              --- to take or catch; to seize; to master, to capture; to select or choose; snaring.
              --- entrances, havens.
              --- contempt.
              --- an altar.
              --- to be firm.
              --- downwards.
              --- a branch or shoot; a rod or stick; a scepter; empire; a spear; a stem or tribe.
              --- a couch, divan; a litter or palanquin; a bear (for the dead).
              --- spreadings or expansions.
              --- a stretching or straining.
              --- to bore through or make hollow; vain, foolish.
              --- a heap; waves (poetic reference to waves as heaped up in the sea).
              Pablo Cruise _ Ocean Breeze - YouTube

              Runes Fa, Dorn and Os + Laguz Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets

              The Rune Fa

              We generally study Fa in its form with the two arms upwards. Yet, when delving into the Rune Fa, sometimes we find another shape of this Rune, where the right arm protrudes from the very bottom of the vertical line, and the left arm emerges from the middle. This is another modification of this Rune; it resembles the shape of the letter ש Shin of the Hebrew alphabet. The letter Shin symbolizes fire. When we see the letter Shin, we see the symbol of fire. In Hebrew , in order to write the word fire, we use two letters: Aleph and Shin, which together are pronounced Esh. The letter Aleph symbolizes air, and the letter Shin is fire. It is very significant that in order to write fire in Hebrew , you use these two letters, which symbolize air and fire respectively. In many lectures, we have explained that the airAleph, whose shape symbolizes the Holy Trinitythat enters through our nostrils, represents the three aspects of the Akashic force, or the Akashic fire, which is Kether, Chokmah, Binah / Father, Son, Holy Spirit; they enters through the nose and in the lungs, they purify the Shin, which is in the blood, the fire of our organism. This is why air and fire (Esh) Aleph and Shin, are always together in our blood. So, from this point of view, we say that indeed fire has air within, or in other words, Shin contains Aleph within. This is why, when we address the Rune Fa, we are also addressing the letter Aleph, which is the symbol of air. Fire and air are above, water and earth are below.

              ps : fire = 1 + 300
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-31-2013, 12:55 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.


              • for a good ear-gasm

                Pablo Cruise | Zero to Sixty in Five - YouTube

                54 > 9 - 54 - 54 = 2x33
                --- a heap; waves (poetic reference to waves as heaped up in the sea)

                .... if you are into the six strings .... otherwise .... find your own eargasm .... Funkadelic - Funkadelic - 04 - I Got A Thing, You Got A Thing, Everybody's Got A Thing - YouTube



                Track listing[edit source | editbeta]

                1. "Crystal" (Jenkins/Lerios) -
                2. "Don't Believe It" (Ron Nagle) -
                3. "Tearin' Down My Mind" (Eugene Autry) -
                4. "(I Think) It's Finally Over" (Jenkins/Lerios) -
                5. "Lifeline" (Nagle) -
                6. "Zero To Sixty In Five" (Jenkins/Lerios) -
                7. "Look To The Sky" (Cockrell) -
                8. "Never See That Girl Enough" (Jenkins) -
                9. "Who Knows" (Cockrell) -
                "Good Ship Pablo Cruise" (Jenkins/Lerios/Price)

                from : ...... Yvonne Fair ~ Let Your Hair Down ♫ - YouTube

                'Rabbi Baruqa of Huza often went to the marketplace at Lapet. One day, the prophet Elijah appeared to him there, and Rabbi Baruqa asked him, "Is there anyone among all these people who will have a share in the World to Come?" Elijah answered, "There is none." Later, two men came to the marketplace, and Elijah said to Rabbi Baruqa, "Those two will have a share in the World to Come!" Rabbi Baruqa asked the newcomers, "What is your occupation?" They replied, "We are jesters. When we see someone who is sad, we cheer him up. When we see two people quarreling, we try to make peace between them."' (from the Talmud, Ta'anit 22a)
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-01-2013, 03:36 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.


                • Bloody Mary - The Urban Legend

                  Analysis: As best anyone can tell, the Bloody Mary legend and its most common variants ("Hell Mary," "I Believe in Mary Worth," "I Believe in Mary Whales," etc.) date from the early 1960s. Like so many folk rituals and belief tales, its exact origin is impossible to pin down with much specificity. Folklorists didn't begin recording examples of it until the 1970s.

                  That said, there is a body of myth and superstition attributing magical and/or divinatory properties to mirrors dating back to ancient times. Such traditions typically include elements of danger and foreboding. The most familiar of these lingering into modernity is the centuries-old superstition that breaking a mirror brings bad luck. The idea that one can foretell the future by peering into a mirror is even older, described in the Bible (I Corinthians 13) as "see[ing] through a glass, darkly." There are mentions of looking-glass divination in Chaucer's Squire's Tale (c. 1390), Spenser's The Faerie Queen (1590), and Shakespeare's Macbeth (1606), among other early literary sources.

                  HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 40 - 49

                  ..... Bloody Mary - Pheonix - YouTube

                  40 > 4 - 40 - 40 = 23x5
                  --- Mem.
                  (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , .)
                  (Mem = --- 80/640; --- 90/650 --- Water.)
                  --- As a prefix: what!; whatever, somewhat; from, out of (particle of departure, sometimes used for indications of comparison or contrast)
                  --- pr.n. "Deceptive".
                  --- loathing; to loath, to abhor.
                  --- pr.n. "Brightness".
                  --- pr.n. "Son of Strife".
                  --- to cut, strip off, flay; to tear, snatch away, seize; to rob, steal, plunder; evaporate water; peep, twitter.
                  --- to bear, bring forth; child, offspring.
                  --- to draw, lift out.
                  --- a Jewess.
                  --- to wrap together, twist, bind; to bind, pledge; act torturously; to wound, to hurt, to destroy; to overthrow; writhing (labor pains); pangs; cord, rope, measuring line; a portion, an estate; a district, region; a snare, a toil; a band, a troop; destruction, desolation; hurt, harm; pledge; perverseness; a ropeman, shipman, sailor; a cable, ship's cable; a mast, helm.
                  --- to stick on, smear over; to be sticky, greasy, fat; to be white; milk, fresh milk; fatness; the best part.
                  --- to hang about, to be torn; to be mended in pieces or patches.
                  --- pr.n. "Yah Sees".
                  --- in secret, stealthily; to conceal or hide; to utter privily or softly; gentleness; gently.
                  --- to languish or faint; to wander or err, to act or speak rashly or foolishly.
                  --- to be burnt, swarthy.
                  --- to hide.
                  --- if not; whether not; perhaps; unless.
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-31-2013, 06:21 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.


                  • let's do a bit of Fortean connections

                    In 1970 and in the following years even more spectacular finds were found; a fisherman found in his nets parts of votive altars, dedicated to Nehalennia

                    Like so many folk rituals and belief tales, its exact origin is impossible to pin down with much specificity. Folklorists didn't begin recording examples of it until the 1970s.

                    both paintings by : Jean-Jacques Henner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    in a more contemporary archetype :

                    Anime Redhead Photos, Anime Redhead Pictures, Anime Redhead Images (page 2)

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-31-2013, 07:24 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.


                    • ps:

                      Whatever your age, your body is many years younger. In fact, even if you're middle aged, most of you may be just 10 years old or less.

                      This heartening truth, which arises from the fact that most of the body's tissues are under constant renewal, has been underlined by a novel method of estimating the age of human cells. Its inventor, Jonas Frisen, believes the average age of all the cells in an adult's body may turn out to be as young as 7 to 10 years.

                      An Eye is Forever, but Is a Liver?

                      But Dr. Frisen, a stem cell biologist at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, has also discovered a fact that explains why people behave their birth age, not the physical age of their cells: a few of the body's cell types endure from birth to death without renewal, and this special minority includes some or all of the cells of the cerebral cortex.
                      both Life and Death resides within YHU

                      food for thought : Most Great Inventors acted / had more energy than their actual birth age and an Open Mind to think out of the box

                      ..... Moments In Love (Full Version) - Art Of Noise - YouTube
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-31-2013, 09:13 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.


                      • Love potion number 9, The Searchers - YouTube ..... shall we ... Rare Earth - Get Ready 1969 Remastered. - YouTube

                        Originally posted by Michael C View Post
                        A Vlva stick:

                        Vlr = stick
                        Vlva = stick owner or carrier

                        Modern day archeologists think the Vlva stick is a tool for 'spinning', where the cage holds the wool to be made into a thread. A Vlva stick would then hold the wool to the thread of life during astral travel, according to this theory.



                        Sufi | Define Sufi at

                        Sufi (ˈsuːfɪ)

                        n , pl -fis
                        an adherent of any of various Muslim mystical orders or teachings, which emphasize the direct personal experience of God

                        [C17: from Arabic sūfīy, literally: (man) of wool, from sūf wool; probably from the ascetic's woollen garments]


                        310 > 4 - 310 - 310 = 2x5x31

                        --- outpouring; gully, ravine.
                        --- to tread out, to thresh; to crush; to spring; to trample to pieces.
                        --- to bind on; to bind up; a healer; to saddle; to shut up, restrain, rule. .... david christie - saddle up - YouTube .... sleipner
                        --- pr.n. "Village of Luck".
                        --- to bind or weave; to combine, to think; to count for or as; to impute; to invent; to regard; girdle; artificer.
                        --- to be heavy; to be dear, precious, costly; to be worth; grave, calm; preciousness, value, price; honor, magnificence; weight; treasure.
                        --- to spit; to out forth leaves, sprout; to become green; what is green; greens, herbs; greenness, verdure, foliage.
                        --- existence; substance.
                        --- a strong one; a young lion; a village.
                        --- to be sold; to be delivered up; to sell onself; to be sold; to be addicted.
                        --- nakedness; privy part; empty space.
                        --- (870 w/f); hidden things, treasurers.
                        --- evil-doing.
                        --- friendship.
                        --- (1120 w/f); a thorn-hedge, thicket of thorns.
                        --- (870 w/f); clean of hands (innocent in one's doings).
                        --- (960 w/f); to pierce or penetrate. --- an axle or pivot; a prince or chief.
                        --- (870 w/f); naked or stripped.
                        --- to bind or combine; to be crafty or wily.

                        --- to bind or collect to contain.. .... Berkano Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets

                        --- wool. ..... Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs Woolly Bully - YouTube
                        --- a sheaf or bundle; an omer (dry measure of 3 1/2 quarts).
                        this version of Undisputed truth is quite amazing :

                        Disco Funk Boogie _ Super Value Special Edits - The Undisputed Truth - Show Time Re-Edit - YouTube

                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-31-2013, 11:10 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.


                        • ps: when you start a new subject in a forum such as this one .... it is called starting a new .... Lou Johnson - Beat (1971).wmv - YouTube

                          1970's old school funk: Maceo & The Macks "Soul Power 74" - YouTube


                          on a side note : what i like to do .... most of the time in this discussion .... is play one of the songs posted and review what has been posted .... then switch to another one .... let the water absorb the rhythm and new perspectives / Patterns start clicking in the mind .... It Opens the Mind .... david christie - saddle up - YouTube ..... Open Sesame

                          from :

                          More Proof Of A Holographic Universe - Unexpectedly Similar And Unknown Laws Govern The Universe And The Human Brain -

                          - Using a supercomputer and other calculations, researchers have discovered that there are striking similarities between the unknown laws that govern the Universe and human brain.
                          By performing complex supercomputer simulations of the universe and using a variety of other calculations, researchers have now proven that the causal network representing the large-scale structure of space and time in our accelerating universe is a graph that shows remarkable similarity to many complex networks such as the Internet, social, or even biological networks

                          【Mushibugyou OP2】 Denshin Unchained by Free - YouTube ..... Kamui no Ken OST 01. Kamui Densetsu - YouTube ..... Naruto- Strong and Strike(Extended #2) - YouTube

                          .... Maya jaguar gods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          God L[edit source | editbeta]

                          God L (according to the designation of codical gods), one of the oldest Mayan deities, and associated with black sorcery and riches, belongs to the jaguar deities: He has jaguar ears and a jaguar mantle and lives in a jaguar palace. Some take him to be the main ruler over the Underworld. In that sense, god L would have to be considered the true "Jaguar God of the Underworld".
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-01-2013, 01:39 AM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.


                          • Funkadelic - Funkadelic - 04 - I Got A Thing, You Got A Thing, Everybody's Got A Thing - YouTube

                            Between 1950 and 1969, increasingly large audiences for manga emerged in Japan with the solidification of its two main marketing genres, shōnen manga aimed at boys and shōjo manga aimed at girls.[2][29] Up to 1969, shōjo manga was drawn primarily by adult men for young female readers.[2][30]
                            History of manga - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .....

                            Mayan Numbers Symbols

                            9 - Highest Female Authority. 9 levels of creation.....
                            45 > 9 - 45 - 45 = 32x5
                            --- (605 w/f); to stamp down, to make solid; to dam.
                            --- to be blood or red colored; to sparkle.
                            --- pr.n. "Adam" -- the first man; man, men, mankind; a male. (Note that = mother; = symbol of the womb or maternal signature. = woman within woman = man is inwardly woman).
                            --- land of Edom; father of the race of Edom.
                            --- (see also 241/801) Aramea.
                            --- a red (precious stone)
                            --- (see also 84/644); to be dumb, silent; to be struck dumb; to be amazed; to rest, to leave off; to stand still; to become silent; to be destroyed
                            --- pr.n. "Bright".
                            --- plunder.

                            --- to creep, glide; to slink away, be timid.

                            --- to lift, to cast.

                            --- to hide, conceal; to be sticky or tough; a covering or veil; pr.n. "Concealment", the name of Lot.

                            --- force, might; exceedingly, very; energetically, quickly
                            .... Kamui no Ken OST 02. Kamui mu Hyoushi - YouTube

                            Patience up to a point. Know your time, but work your wyrd always.

                            Jera Yehr-ah Literally: Year Esoteric: Harvest

                            Rune of harvest and reward for, or reaction to, right actions in a horizontal (naturally ordered) cyclical process. Rune of peace on the land and in the heart.

                            Psi: psychological time, patience, the measurement of time

                            Energy: good harvest, orbits, cycles, progress, biorhythms, right effort

                            Mundane: waiting, gardening, farming, the seasons, harvest

                            Divinations: Reward for positive action, plenty, peace, proper timing; or repetition, bad timing, poverty, conflict, regression.


                            Fertility, creativity and harmony with the land
                            Peace, prosperity and plenty
                            Realization of the cyclical nature of the multiverse, invoking the power of time and cycles
                            Bringing other concepts gently into material manifestation
                            Initiating gradual and lasting change in flow of life

                            Jera Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets
                            .... Funkadelic - Funkadelic - 07 - What Is Soul - YouTube

                            Time is like a sword, if you don't cut it, it will cut you. .... Clickety Clack ~ Sage Francis - YouTube

                            ― Imam Shafi
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-01-2013, 08:47 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.


                            • how many lives do cats have .... according to Legend

                              45 > 9 - 45 - 45 = 32x5

                              --- to hide, conceal; to be sticky or tough; a covering or veil; pr.n. "Concealment", the name of Lot.
                              a repost from:

                              vertex (n.)
                              1560s, "the point opposite the base in geometry," from L. vertex "highest point," lit. "the turning point," originally "whirling column, whirlpool," from vertere "to turn" (see versus). Meaning "highest point of anything" is first attested 1641.
                              say ....... vertere .... doesn't it sound like vertebrae

                              Online Etymology Dictionary

                              versus (prep.)
                              mid-15c., in legal case names, denoting action of one party against another, from L. versus "turned toward or against," from pp. of vertere "to turn," from PIE *wert- "to turn, wind," from root *wer- "to turn, bend" (cf. O.E. -weard "toward," originally "turned toward," weorthan "to befall," wyrd "fate, destiny," lit. "what befalls one;" Skt. vartate "turns round, rolls;" Avestan varet- "to turn;" L. vertere (frequentative versare) "to turn;" O.C.S. vruteti "to turn, roll," Rus. vreteno "spindle, distaff;" Lith. verciu "to turn;" Gk. rhatane "stirrer, ladle;" Ger. werden, O.E. weoran "to become" (for sense, cf. turn into); Welsh gwerthyd "spindle, distaff;" O.Ir. frith "against").


                              The following are the arts to be studied, together with the Kama Sutra:

                              The art of understanding writing in cypher, and the writing of words in a peculiar way

                              The art of speaking by changing the forms of words. It is of various kinds. Some speak by changing the beginning and end of words, others by adding unnecessary letters between every syllable of a word, and so on

                              Knowledge of language and of the vernacular dialects

                              so we have :

                              Vlva ...... Vulva ..... Vagus nerve ..... Vertere ..... Venus ...... Victory ..... see the Pattern

                              13 in 1 = 5 = V (in roman numeral ) .... Funkadelic - Funkadelic - 05 - Good Old Music - YouTube

                              FIVE / V is the master, the Lord of all magic -
                              Key to The Word that resounds among men

                              A pentagram (sometimes known as a pentalpha or pentangle or a star pentagon) is the shape of a five-pointed star drawn with five straight strokes.

                              Pentagrams were used as an important religious symbol by the Babylonians and by the Pythagoreans in ancient Greece. Pentagrams are used today as a symbol of faith by many Neopagans, and may be found in jewelry incorporating the symbol. Several faiths also associate the pentagram with magic. Christians in the past commonly used the pentagram to represent the five wounds of Jesus,[1][2] and it has associations with Freemasonry.[3]
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-01-2013, 08:28 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.


                              • Kama Sutra - Part 1 - Chapter 3 - On the study of the Sixty-four Arts

                                Chapter 3 - On the study of the Sixty-four Arts

                                HM 3 + HM 1 = 13 .............. Principle of Gender

                                MAN ( or HU MA N ) (he / she ) should study the Kama Sutra and the arts and sciences subordinate thereto, in addition to the study of the arts and sciences contained in Dharma and Artha. Even young maids should study this Kama Sutra along with its arts and sciences before marriage .... Whitesnake - Slow an' Easy - YouTube ... , and after it they should continue to do so with the consent of their husbands.


                                ... Flash Light - Parliament (1977) - YouTube

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-01-2013, 09:18 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.

