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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Lou Johnson the beat - YouTube .....

    The importance of keeping a beat: Researchers link ability to keep a beat to reading, language skills

    September 17, 2013

    The findings of a Northwestern University study of more than 100 high school students lend proof to the surprising link between music, rhythmic abilities and language skills.

    The study—the first to provide biological evidence linking the ability to keep a beat to the neural encoding of speech sounds—has significant implications for reading, according to Nina Kraus, director of Northwestern's Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory.

    Previous investigations found a link between reading ability and beat-keeping, says Kraus in a study published in the Sept. 18 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience. Previous research has established a link between reading ability and neural response consistency. "By directly linking auditory responses with beat-keeping ability, we have closed the triangle," Kraus says.

    The study demonstrates that accurate beat-keeping involves synchronization between the parts of the brain responsible for hearing as well as movement. Where previous research investigations focused on the motor half of the equation, Kraus and co-author Adam Tierney focused on the auditory component.

    Because hearing sounds of speech and associating them with the letters comprising written words is crucial to learning to read, the Northwestern researchers reasoned that the association between reading and beat synchronization likely has a common basis in the auditory system.

    To investigate the relationship between beat-keeping and auditory processing, 124 Chicago high school students visited Kraus's lab and were given two tests. In the first, they were asked to listen to a metronome and tap their finger along to it on a special tapping pad. Tapping accuracy was computed based on how closely their taps aligned in time to the tick-tock of the metronome.

    The Fon have a wonderful way of imagining Legba's mastery of crossings. Mawu tells the gods that whoever can come before her and simultaneously play a gong, a bell, a drum, and a flute while dancing to their music would be chief of the gods. All the macho gods attempt and fail, but Legba succeeds, not just demonstrating his agility, but his ability to maintain a balance of crossed or contrary forms and forces (and incidentally providing a window into the unique genius of African music and rhythm). Legba dances not only to the beat of a different drummer, but to the beats of many different drummers at the same time.
    ps: Eshu Legbara .... Es HU L Og Ba Ra .....

    the Original Gangst A Nate Dogg - Music and me - YouTube
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-17-2013, 10:12 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • care for some Coffey ..... dennis coffey scorpio 1971 - YouTube

      Eshu Food Offerings |

      Except in blood offerings, Eshu is always served first. One of the things he really loves is spiced coffee.

      History of coffee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      The history of coffee goes at least as far back as the thirteenth century with a number of myths surrounding its first use. The original native population of coffee could have come from Ethiopia, Sudan or Kenya ( also known as West Africa .... Trickster at the Crossroads, by Erik Davis ), and it was cultivated by Arabs from the 14th century.[1] The earliest credible evidence of either coffee drinking or knowledge of the coffee tree appears in the middle of the fifteenth century, in the Sufi monasteries of Yemen.[2] By the 16th century, it had reached the rest of the Middle East, Persia, Turkey and northern Africa. Coffee then spread to Balkans, Italy and to the rest of Europe, to Indonesia and then to the Americas.[3
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-17-2013, 10:55 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • DMT - The Spirit Molecule

        Hey MonsiuerM,

        Been awhile!

        Thought you would like this:

        DMT - The Spirit Molecule - 369 pages

        Page -81-82
        One of the most powerful reasons for my fascination with the pineal
        gland relates to its function in the life of the spirit. The importance and
        potential of this was brought home to me when, as a medical student in
        the mid-1970s, I learned of a startling coincidence involving the pineal
        and Buddhist beliefs about reincarnation. I cannot overemphasize
        how strong an impression this discovery made on me, and how it strengthened my search for a spiritual role for the pineal gland and, within it, the spirit molecule.

        I already knew that the Tibetan Buddhist Book of the Dead teaches
        that it takes forty-nine days for the soul of the recently dead to "reincarnate." That is, seven weeks from the time of death of one person elapses until the life-force's "rebirth" into its next body. I remember very clearly, several years later, feeling the chill along my spine when, reading my textbook of human fetal development, I discovered this same forty-nine day interval marking two landmark events in human embryo formation. It takes forty-nine days from conception for the first signs of the human pineal to appear. Forty-nine days is also when the fetus differentiates into male or female gender. Thus the soul's rebirth, the pineal, and the sexual organs all require forty-nine days before they manifest.

        I unearthed this synchronicity when I was in my early twenties. I didn't know exactly how to make sense of it at the time. I still do not. In fact, conjectures relating far-flung phenomena based upon similarities in time may be as much wishful thinking as the old herbal "doctrine of signatures," which suggested that an herb's properties depended upon how it looked. If a plant looked like a heart, it must be good for heart disease.




        • Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post
          Hey MonsiuerM,

          Been awhile!

          Thought you would like this:

          DMT - The Spirit Molecule - 369 pages

          Page -81-82
          One of the most powerful reasons for my fascination with the pineal
          gland relates to its function in the life of the spirit. The importance and
          potential of this was brought home to me when, as a medical student in
          the mid-1970s, I learned of a startling coincidence involving the pineal
          and Buddhist beliefs about reincarnation. I cannot overemphasize
          how strong an impression this discovery made on me, and how it strengthened my search for a spiritual role for the pineal gland and, within it, the spirit molecule.

          I already knew that the Tibetan Buddhist Book of the Dead teaches
          that it takes forty-nine days for the soul of the recently dead to "reincarnate." That is, seven weeks from the time of death of one person elapses until the life-force's "rebirth" into its next body. I remember very clearly, several years later, feeling the chill along my spine when, reading my textbook of human fetal development, I discovered this same forty-nine day interval marking two landmark events in human embryo formation. It takes forty-nine days from conception for the first signs of the human pineal to appear. Forty-nine days is also when the fetus differentiates into male or female gender. Thus the soul's rebirth, the pineal, and the sexual organs all require forty-nine days before they manifest.

          I unearthed this synchronicity when I was in my early twenties. I didn't know exactly how to make sense of it at the time. I still do not. In fact, conjectures relating far-flung phenomena based upon similarities in time may be as much wishful thinking as the old herbal "doctrine of signatures," which suggested that an herb's properties depended upon how it looked. If a plant looked like a heart, it must be good for heart disease.



          Hey IndianaBoys .... Good Reading you bro ..... been a while indeed

          the info you provided is quite impressive thank you for that

          so if i understand correctly :.... Dennis Coffey - Funk Connection (1976).wmv - YouTube

          it takes 49 days for the .....

          to complete its .....

          and the way to reconnect with our Soul is through the .... Phil Hurtt - PH Factor Boogie - YouTube

          .... ( from : ) Fellow HU MA N :

          5 + 40 + 1 + 50 = 96

          .... ... 6 - Love

          .... Dennis Coffey - Taurus - 1972 - YouTube

          image from : Digital Painting Collection That Will Blow Your Mind Away – Part 2 | Graphics Remix
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-18-2013, 12:24 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • ps: spirit molecule and Pineal Gland are like ..... Herbie Mann Bird in a Silver Cage (1977) (Vinyl) - YouTube

            so .... take it for a Herbie Mann - Bird Walk - YouTube

            103 > 4 - 103 - 27th prime

            HEBREW GEMATRIA File #2: Values from 100 - 299

            --- (583 w/f); pr.n. "Father is King" --- usual title of Philistine kings.
            --- to pound to dust, to crush.
            --- to grasp round; to twine round one another; to wrestle, to struggle.
            --- dust.
            --- pr.n. "Circuit".
            --- exultation.
            --- to be stiff, hard; to fling or hurl; quarrel, fight; be violently excited.
            --- (753 w/f); to cover, guard, defend.
            --- to profane, defile; abhor, reject, cast away; pr.n. "Loathing".
            --- pr.n. "Brilliant".
            --- to cut off, to divide; to cut in two, to halve.
            --- to set, place.
            --- to stammer or babble; to mock or deride; mockery, ridicule; scoffing, blasphemy; babbling or speaking as a barbarian or foreigner; a jester or buffoon .
            --- (753 w/f); pr.n. "Place of Troops", "Megiddon".
            --- (753 w/f); food.
            --- camp, band; court (of the Lord, station of a priest).
            --- a camp (of troops, nomads or Israelites); a host or army; a band or troop; swarm (of locusts).
            --- quiet, stillness; comfort or ease; settlement (in life or marriage); quietly; resting place.
            --- a gift or present (especially to a superior); tribute; an offering (especially a bloodless meat offering to the deity).
            --- (753 w/f); to strike or touch (especially a musical chord); to play a stringed instrument.
            --- pipe or flute.
            --- consolation, comfort.
            --- to turn round or roll; to skip or frisk about.
            --- round or circular.
            --- a calf; a young bullock.
            --- to stutter or stammer.
            --- stammering (also of a barbarian).
            I Feel A Song (In My Heart) Bob James(feat. Patti Austin).wmv - YouTube .... ( best part around 2 min )

            Genesis 3:19 By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return." ...

            Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-18-2013, 03:54 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • flow up

              Roberta Kelly - Medley,Zodiac,Love Signs,Funky Stardust (1977) - YouTube ....

              'Rabbi Baruqa of Huza often went to the marketplace at Lapet. One day, the prophet Elijah appeared to him there, and Rabbi Baruqa asked him, "Is there anyone among all these people who will have a share in the World to Come?" Elijah answered, "There is none." Later, two men came to the marketplace, and Elijah said to Rabbi Baruqa, "Those two will have a share in the World to Come!" Rabbi Baruqa asked the newcomers, "What is your occupation?" They replied, "We are jesters. When we see someone who is sad, we cheer him up. When we see two people quarreling, we try to make peace between them."' (from the Talmud, Ta'anit 22a)

              Jimmy McGriff - Stump Juice - YouTube ...


              19 > 10 > 1 - 19 - 8th prime

              --- craving or need; woe! (19 > 10 reflects the need for perfection).
              --- pr.n. "Brother".
              --- male enemy.
              --- pr.n. "Union".
              --- pr.n. "Brotherly".
              --- pr.n. "Union".

              --- to hide, conceal.
              --- pr.n. "Job", "Greatly Injured", "Greatly Hated".
              --- to confide; to feel confident, to be secure.
              --- to be bulging, thick.
              --- confidence, security.
              --- villagers?
              --- aunt.
              --- to wet, flow; to dye; a bird of prey inhabiting ruins, kite, glede.
              --- pr.n. "Mighty".
              --- pr.n. "Endowed".
              --- pr.n. "Buzzing".
              --- to beat off, to beat out, to thresh.
              --- to breathe, to live; to speak; to wind, coil, encircle; life --- name of Eve; a round tent or encampment, a hamlet or village.
              --- to hew, cut, to fell; to be cut, marked with cuts; to be party-colored.
              --- to slaughter (cattle); to kill (men), to massacre; a slaughter, killing, butchering; slaughtered beast, butcher's meat; slayer, butcher; cook; executioner, life-guard, body-guard.
              --- to sound forth, speak out; to throw or cast; to stretch forth, extend.
              --- to become a Jew; pr.n. "Praise".
              --- pr.n. "Yah is Father."
              --- to flow away, to escape; to deliver or rescue.
              --- to be about to turn aside, deliver, rescue, avert, keep off.

              ps : 3 20 + 19 = 32 1 = 33

              ps : eve .... in roman numerals .... I V .... Jimmy McGriff - "Purple Onion" - YouTube

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-19-2013, 01:22 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post
                Hey MonsiuerM,

                Been awhile!

                Thought you would like this:

                DMT - The Spirit Molecule - 369 pages


                As to what we call music in everyday language, to me architecture is music, gardening is music, farming is music, painting is music, poetry is music. In all the occupations of life where beauty has been the inspiration, where the divine wine has been poured out, there is music
                The High Society Brothers - Don't Spill the Wine - YouTube ....

                Chris's third dose was relatively uneventful. He stayed aware of his
                body, his heart beating in his chest, his stomach growling from hunger.
                His fourth dose built upon the themes of the previous three and concluded
                with many features of a mystical experience:
                They were trying to show me as much as possible. They were communicating
                in words. They were like clowns or jokers or jesters or imps. There
                were just so many of them doing their funny little thing. I settled into it. I
                was incredibly still and I felt like I was in an incredibly peaceful place.
                Then there was a message telling me that I had been given a gift, that this
                space was mine and I could go there anytime. I should feel blessed to have
                form, to live. It went on forever. There were blue hands, fluttering things,
                then thousands of things flew out of these blue hands. I thought "What a
                show!" It was really healing.

                p203 of 369 ....

                .... Bryan Ferry - Slave to Love (Extended Version) - YouTube
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-19-2013, 02:30 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • ps: as mentioned previously ( several times ) ..... never tried psychedelics .... ( would be one funky experience but not really into it )

                  What We Hear And See Can Be Changed By Our Imagination - ...


                  Taana Gardner - When You Touch Me (instrumental) - YouTube ... Pee Wee Ellis - Moon Walk - YouTube

                  Digital Painting Collection That Will Blow Your Mind Away – Part 2 | Graphics Remix
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-19-2013, 07:45 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • MonsieurM,

                    You naturally produce these chemicals so you already have them in your body. If you did not already have them, they would have no effect on you as Michael Persinger discovered. They are referred to as "endogenous":

                    Endogenous substances are those that originate from within an organism, tissue, or cell.

                    There has been debate going on for many years as to how can you arrest someone for an illegal drug that the body produces. DMT, GHB, THC, etc.

                    You have the ability to shift these as desired. Check out a book called NeuroSpeak to get an idea of how powerful words arranged into certain sentence structures can effect the body:

                    Transforms Your Body, While You Read
                    Neurospeak: Transforms Your Body, While You Read - Robert Masters - Google Books

                    Michael Persinger did some interesting work as well:
                    In other, related speeches, Michael Persinger speaks about the effects various
                    controlled substances (marijuana, alcohol, heroin, cocaine, and LSD) have on various
                    receptors in the brain, and he suggests that these drugs would not have any effect
                    on you if you didn’t already have the relative receptors in your brain for these
                    drugs could stimulate. In the proper setting, electrical stimulation can achieve
                    the same results, he states. “Can I get stoned using electromagnetic stimulation?”
                    Persinger says he is often asked when he speaks to college students. “You certainly
                    can,” says Persinger. Electrical stimulation can trigger specific parts of the
                    brain in the exact same manner a chemical can trigger specific parts of the brain.
                    Excessive electrical stimulation of certain parts of the brain can also provide some
                    of the same deleterious effects that chemical triggering can, or any excessive,
                    exterior triggering for that matter.


                    Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post


                    • thank you IndianaBoys for the update


                      "French Physicist Creates New Melodies - Plant Songs"

                      Remember those song birds we used to hear in the fields? The sounds of animals in nature singing a symphony of soft and subtle sounds as all things flow together to create a living and vibrant concerto? Science is now showing that these sounds actually do influence the growth of plants. Researchers have demonstrated that plants respond to sounds in pro-found ways which not only influence their overall health but also increase the speed of growth and the size of the plant

                      Joel Sternheimer -- Protein Music -- French Patent # 2,136,737.


                      Shamanic Birth: The Union of Ecstatic and Sacred Birthing | The Shaman's Well

                      The Ecstatic Hormones of Labor and Birth

                      As a women progresses in labor she naturally falls into a birth trance facilitated by the release of ecstatic hormones, including oxytocin and endorphins. These hormones of labor are nature's perfect design to support women to give birth naturally with the potential for ecstatic, orgasmic, and even pain-free birth. When a women is allowed to labor and birth with privacy, patience, and the intimacy of those she feels the most comfortable with, then she and the baby are able to experience peak states of consciousness through the shamanic journey of ecstatic birth.

                      The hormones of oxytocin, beta-endorphins, nor-adrenaline, and prolactin all work together to enhance labor, decrease pain, and facilitate deep love and bonding. Oxytocin is known as the love hormone and rises during labor, peaking at birth, facilitating the mother and baby to fall deeply in love and bond. Beta-endorphins are nature's opiates and allow mothers to fall into the birth trance reducing pain. Nor-adrenaline rises during the pushing stage and peaks at birth to focus the mother and baby to be alert for the immediate birth and initial bonding upon emergence. Prolactin is the mothering hormone, released during labor and breastfeeding to facilitate nurturing, breastfeeding, and love.

                      DMT, known as the "God-seeing hormone", is released at birth creating expansive spiritual consciousness in both the baby and the mother. Dr. Rick Strassman in DMT: The Spirit Molecule, hypothesizes that DMT, Dimethyltryptamine, is released in the pineal gland of the baby beginning at 49 days gestation and in large amounts at the time of birth. DMT is released only during peak life-experiences of birth (in the baby and mother), death, near-death experiences, and powerful orgasms. The over-medication of human beings at the time of birth, and the time of death, can cause challenges for the physical and spiritual journey of the soul coming in and out of the human body.

                      .... King Curtis - Memphis Soul Stew - YouTube

                      Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

                      You naturally produce these chemicals so you already have them in your body. If you did not already have them, they would have no effect on you as Michael Persinger discovered. They are referred to as "endogenous":

                      Endogenous substances are those that originate from within an organism, tissue, or cell.

                      There has been debate going on for many years as to how can you arrest someone for an illegal drug that the body produces. DMT, GHB, THC, etc.

                      You have the ability to shift these as desired. Check out a book called NeuroSpeak to get an idea of how powerful words arranged into certain sentence structures can effect the body:

                      Transforms Your Body, While You Read
                      Neurospeak: Transforms Your Body, While You Read - Robert Masters - Google Books

                      Michael Persinger did some interesting work as well:
                      In other, related speeches, Michael Persinger speaks about the effects various
                      controlled substances (marijuana, alcohol, heroin, cocaine, and LSD) have on various
                      receptors in the brain, and he suggests that these drugs would not have any effect
                      on you if you didn’t already have the relative receptors in your brain for these
                      drugs could stimulate. In the proper setting, electrical stimulation can achieve
                      the same results, he states. “Can I get stoned using electromagnetic stimulation?”
                      Persinger says he is often asked when he speaks to college students. “You certainly
                      can,” says Persinger. Electrical stimulation can trigger specific parts of the
                      brain in the exact same manner a chemical can trigger specific parts of the brain.
                      Excessive electrical stimulation of certain parts of the brain can also provide some
                      of the same deleterious effects that chemical triggering can, or any excessive,
                      exterior triggering for that matter.

                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-19-2013, 11:00 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Curtis Mayfield - Kung Fu - YouTube

                        when you use your imagination ..... what crystal gives color to your minds eye ..... you obviously dream in color ( for most of us ) .... DMT .... don't think you need a powerful orgasm to make it function ..... you can control the "flow" in your brain circuits ..... Aha ( or Hu Re Ka moments ) or mmmh moments

                        think of a book that made you want to ... laugh .... cry ..... scream at the protagonist ..... throw the book against the wall etc ....

                        those were just words .... yet your imagination took over and transported you somewhere ( in a way using your innate ability for Empathy )

                        or is an adaptation of a book into a movie usually better than the written words
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-20-2013, 12:02 AM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • ps : you may not have noticed but the rhythm of the postings slowed down a bit as i am full on in the Nigredo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia of a new kind ....

                          last week felt it coming .... kind of disturbed my rhythm ... and " faced " my dark self in a dream ..... and acceptance ( some call it renunciation ) at work now .... Curtis Mayfield, "Sweet Exorcist" - YouTube

                          Freestyle ....

                          There is no coming to consciousness without pain - Carl Jung

                          Suffering is the ultimate spiritual guide. If you are suffering, it means you have an opportunity to evolve. There is a lesson in everything, even if the lesson may not be apparent right now. The fact that the lesson is not apparent is the whole point of you experiencing this life. Thank the universe for sending you this experience to stimulate your evolution. We all make it home safe in the end. Don't be afraid to feel and learn from what life has to show you.
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-20-2013, 11:31 AM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • a bit of info update :

                            Goodbye Big Bang, hello black hole? A new theory of the universe's creation

                            Could the famed "Big Bang" theory need a revision? A group of theoretical physicists suppose the birth of the universe could have happened after a four-dimensional star collapsed into a black hole and ejected debris.

                            Read more at:

                            Circadian clock's rhythm ensures steady energy supply to cells during times of fasting .... James Brown - Mind Power - YouTube

                            Each of our cells has an energy furnace, and it is called a mitochondrion. A Northwestern University-led research team now has identified a new mode of timekeeping that involves priming the cell's furnace to properly use stored fuel when we are not eating.

                            Read more at:
                            The interdisciplinary team has identified the "match" and "flint" responsible for lighting this tiny furnace. And the match is only available when the circadian clock says so, underscoring the importance of the biological timing system to metabolism.

                            "Circadian clocks are with us on Earth because they have everything to do with energy," said Joe Bass, M.D., who led the research. "If an organism burns its energy efficiently, it has a better chance of survival. Our results tell us how the circadian clock triggers the cell's energy-burning process. Cells are most capable of using fuel when the clock is working properly."

                            Read more at:


                            A brake in the head: Researchers gain new insights into the working of the brain

                            Scientists of the Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases have managed to acquire new insights into the functioning of a region in the brain that normally is involved in spatial orientation, but is damaged by the Alzheimer's disease. They investigated how nerve signals are suppressed inside the so-called entorhinal cortex. According to the researchers, this neuronal inhibition leads nerve cells to synchronize their activity. The results of this study are now published in Neuron.
                            The entorhinal cortex is a link between the brain's memory centre, the hippocampus, and the other areas of the brain. It is, however, more than an interface that only transfers nervous impulses. The entorhinal cortex also has an independent role in learning and thinking processes. This is particularly applicable for spatial navigation. "We know precious little about how this happens," says Prof. Dietmar Schmitz, a researcher at the Cluster of Excellence NeuroCure at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Site Speaker for the DZNE in Berlin. "This is why we are investigating in animal models how the nerve cells within the entorhinal cortex are connected with each other."

                            Stronger sexual impulses, not weaker self-control, may explain why men cheat more than women, study reveals

                            (Medical Xpress)—A recently published study strongly suggests men succumb to sexual temptations more than women—for example, cheating on a partner—because they experience strong sexual impulses, not because they have weak self-control.
                            Previous research has shown that men are more likely than women to pursue romantic partners that are "off limits." However, until now, the explanation for this sex difference was largely unexplored.

                            One possible explanation for this effect is that men experience stronger sexual impulses than women do. A second possibility is that women have better self-control than men. The current study's results support the former explanation and provide new insight into humans' evolutionary origins.


                            Researchers envision switching a heart beat on and off with light

                            With a few flicks of a light switch—on-off-on-off—Stanford University's Oscar Abilez is one step closer to changing the lives of millions.

                            Why? Because as a focused speck of light turns on and off in Abilez's lab, a cluster of heart cells begins to expand and contract. He demonstrates that he can control the rhythm of a heart using just light.

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-20-2013, 02:14 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • ... Right on for The Darkness - Curtis Mayfield - YouTube

                              Promotion is a chess rule describing the transformation of a pawn that reaches its eighth rank into the player's choice of a queen, knight, rook, or bishop of the same color.[1] The new piece replaces the pawn on the same square and is part of the move. Promotion is not limited to pieces that have already been captured.[2] Every pawn that reaches its eighth rank must be promoted. Pawn promotion, or the threat thereof, often decides the result of a chess endgame.

                              Mayan Numbers Symbols

                              8 - Highest Male Authority. Infinity.
                              Since the queen is the most powerful piece .... Curtis Mayfield - Move On Up (FULL SONG) - YouTube , the vast majority of promotions in practical play are to a queen. Promotion to a queen is often referred to as queening. A promotion to a piece other than the queen is called underpromotion (Golombek 1977).

                              The original idea was that a foot soldier that advanced all the way through the enemy lines was promoted to the lowest officer

                              Law XIII thereof provided, "When a pawn has reached the eighth square, the player has the option of selecting a piece, whether such piece has previously been lost or not, whose names and powers it shall then assume, or of deciding that it shall remain a pawn."
                              ... Curtis Mayfield We are the People Darker Than Blue - YouTube
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-20-2013, 03:01 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • with the above in mind .... you will understand the spiritual meaning of :

                                k&k learn french 99 - se mettre sur son 31 (trente-et-un) - katia and kyliemac learn french

                                "Se mettre sur son 31 / trente-et-un" (to get dressed to the nines) is an expression you'll often hear regarding getting really dressed up to go out on the town
                                Pretty Lights - I Can See It In Your Face - YouTube

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-20-2013, 09:24 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

