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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • ps : Magic Circle Express - Magic Fever - YouTube

    read more at : .... Heart Attack And Vine - Screamin' Jay Hawkins - YouTube

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-20-2013, 10:21 PM.
    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Quran code - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      The Quran code is a series of numerical patterns claimed to exist in the text of the Quran, mostly using the number 19 as a common denominator. The study and results from this cipher have been popularized by the book The Quran: Final Testament by Rashad Khalifa.

      19 > 10 > 1 - 19 - 8th prime

      --- craving or need; woe! (19 > 10 reflects the need for perfection).
      --- pr.n. "Brother".
      --- male enemy.
      --- pr.n. "Union".
      --- pr.n. "Brotherly".
      --- pr.n. "Union".

      --- to hide, conceal.
      --- pr.n. "Job", "Greatly Injured", "Greatly Hated".
      --- to confide; to feel confident, to be secure.
      --- to be bulging, thick.
      --- confidence, security.
      --- villagers?
      --- aunt.
      --- to wet, flow; to dye; a bird of prey inhabiting ruins, kite, glede.
      --- pr.n. "Mighty".
      --- pr.n. "Endowed".
      --- pr.n. "Buzzing".
      --- to beat off, to beat out, to thresh.
      --- to breathe, to live; to speak; to wind, coil, encircle; life --- name of Eve ..... Nina Simone I Put a Spell on You - YouTube ; a round tent or encampment, a hamlet or village.
      --- to hew, cut, to fell; to be cut, marked with cuts; to be party-colored.
      --- to slaughter (cattle); to kill (men), to massacre; a slaughter, killing, butchering; slaughtered beast, butcher's meat; slayer, butcher; cook; executioner, life-guard, body-guard.
      --- to sound forth, speak out; to throw or cast; to stretch forth, extend.
      --- to become a Jew; pr.n. "Praise".
      --- pr.n. "Yah is Father."
      --- to flow away, to escape; to deliver or rescue.
      --- to be about to turn aside, deliver, rescue, avert, keep off.

      ps: there are more than one code .... fractal

      did you know :

      Generations of Adam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Seth to Sumer[edit source | editbeta]

      Both the Sethite line and the antediluvian Sumerian king list have ten names prior to a flood and speak of exceptional longevity that significantly diminishes after the flood. However, tentative homologies between the names on the two lists, besides possibly Adamu (Adapa) and Adam, are matters of dispute.[citation needed]

      Adapa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Adapa is often identified as advisor to the mythical first (antediluvian) king of Eridu, Alulim. In addition to his advisory duties, he served as a priest and exorcist, and upon his death took his place among the Seven Sages or Apkallū. (Apkallu, "sage", comes from Sumerian AB.GAL.LU (Ab=water, Gal=Great Lu=Man) a reference to Adapa, the first sage's association with water.)

      ...... I heard it through the grapevine - Creedence - YouTube
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-21-2013, 01:03 AM.
      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • ps :

        .[4] Each of the elements has several associated spiritual beings. The archangel of water is Gabriel,


        This divine water signifies the return of The Feminine ...... Queen of Angels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ..... Cane & Able - Maria - YouTube
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-21-2013, 03:06 AM.
        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • We know that each Planet corresponds to a Chakra Within ..... but did you know that each Planet has an "Angel" assigned to them.... Papa Brandao Y Su Ejecutivos - Decidete Mi Amor - YouTube

          The 7 Traditional Planets of the ancients. You must remember that Neptune, Pluto and Uranus had not been discovered, as the ancient magi did not have the necessary astronomical equipment. However the Archangels who are now associated with those planets where know.
          THE SUN

          So the Sun has rulership over health, vitality, ego, the heart, creativity, power and success, leadership, friendship and advancement. From a negative perspective the Sun is linked to pride, arrogance and bigotry.

          The Archangel who has rulership over the Sun is the Archangel Michael.

          Solar Magic Square - Magic Square of the Sun - Solar Numbers

          Associated Numbers
          The numbers associated with the Sun are 6, 36, 111, and 666.


          THE MOON

          The Moon has rulership over clairvoyance, sleep, psychic dreams, emotions, astral travel, imagination and secrets, women's mysteries, fertility and reincarnation. The main negative attribute is delusion.

          The Archangel who has rulership over the Moon - Gabriel.

          Moon Magic Square - Magic Square of The Moon - Lunar Numbers

          Associated Numbers
          The numbers associated with the Moon are 9, 81, 369, and 3321.



          Mars rules male sexuality, strength, lust, destruction, medical issues and surgery, competition, conflict and sports. From a negative perspective violence and anger.

          The Archangel of the planet Mars - Sa ma el

          Mars Magic Square - Magic Square of Mars - Martian Numbers

          Associated Numbers
          The numbers associated with Mars are 5, 25, 65, and 325



          Mercury rules communication, intellect, business, writing, contracts, information of all kinds, creativity, science and memory. From a negative perspective Mercury is associated with dishonesty and deception.

          The Archangel of the planet Mercury - Raphael.

          Mercury Magic Square - Magic Square of Mercury - Mercurial Numbers

          Associated Numbers
          The numbers associated with Mercury are 8, 64, 260, and 2080



          Jupiter rules success, abundance, money, growth, parties, visions and gambling. His negative side is greed and wastefulness.

          The Archangel of the planet Jupiter - Sachiel.

          Jupiter Magic Square - Magic Square of Jupiter - Jovial Numbers

          Associated Numbers
          The numbers associated with Jupiter are 4, 16, 34, and 136



          Venus rules love, pleasure, female sexuality, the arts and music, beauty, luxury and social affairs. From a negative perspective Venus has dominion over includes lechery, coldness and isolation.

          The Archangel of the planet Venus - Anael.

          Venus Magic Square - Magic Square of Venus - Venusian Numbers

          Associated Numbers
          The numbers associated with Venus are 7, 49, 175 and 1225



          Saturn rules gaining the astral plane, real estate, banking, obstacles and limitations, secret knowledge, time and discipline. The negative side to Saturn is oppression and pain.

          The Archangel of the planet Saturn - Cassiel

          Saturn Magic Square - Magic Square of Saturn - Saturnine Numbers

          Associated Numbers
          The numbers associated with Saturn are 3, 9, 15 and 45

          The Seven Traditional Planets

          so each Chakra has an " Arche Angel" assigned to it

          THREE holds the key of all hidden magic,
          creator he of the halls of the Dead;
          sending forth power, shrouding with darkness,
          binding the souls of the children of men;
          sending the darkness, binding the soul force;
          director of negative to the children of men.

          FOUR is he who looses the power.
          Lord, he, of Life to the children of men.
          Light is his body, flame is his countenance;
          freer of souls to the children of men.

          FIVE is the master, the Lord of all magic -
          Key to The Word that resounds among men.

          SIX is the Lord of Light, the hidden pathway,
          path of the souls of the children of men.

          SEVEN is he who is Lord of the vastness,
          master of Space and the key of the Times.

          EIGHT is he who orders the progress;
          weighs and balances the journey of men.

          NINE is the father, vast he of countenance,
          forming and changing from out of the formless.

          Meditate on the symbols I give thee.
          Keys are they, though hidden from men

          Angel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          Daniel is the first biblical figure to refer to individual angels by name,[15] mentioning Gabriel (God's primary messenger) in Daniel 9:21 and Michael (the holy fighter) in Daniel 10:13.


          Islamic view of angels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          One well known example is when God sent the angel Jibreel (Gabriel) to Maryam (Mary) in the form of a man, as God says in the Quran:

          ...then We sent her our angel, and he appeared before her as a man in all respects.

          —Quran, sura 19 (Maryam), ayat 17

          Queen of Angels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia +

          ..... Paul Mauriat And His Orchestra - Etude In The Form Of Rhythm & Blues - 1971 - YouTube
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-21-2013, 12:02 PM.
          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • .... the last king of Scotland 13.Love Is You - YouTube

            Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-21-2013, 12:36 PM.
            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • 69 ....

              Flying In A Plane (Video) Over A Human Butterfly Crop Circle | Beyond Science

              A Gigantic Human Butterfly Crop Circle formation (530 Meters x 450 Meters), the Biggest Crop Circle Ever … appeared in Netherlands near a town in southern Holland called ‘Goes’, on the 7th of August 2009 (7,8,9 … Activation Sequence Initiated … ツ). Quite interestingly the word ‘Goes’ when anagrammed gives us ‘Egos’ … pointing out towards transcending the ego as we journey forth in our spiritual evolution …
              The Butterfly is symbolic of the process of evolution and is used in many cultures and traditions to symbolize the ‘Psyche’ or the ‘Soul’ …
              The ancient Greeks depicted the spirit of a person as a winged stick figure. Interpretation of that symbol gave rise to the idea of the “Soul” or “Psyche” as a butterfly.

              ps : in arabic the Egg = Bayd ...... as in Al Bayd O or

              ... The Spirit Of Voodoo Voodoo Ju Ju Obsession - YouTube
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-21-2013, 03:03 PM.
              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • manu dibango - sun explosion - YouTube ....

                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • +

                  1970's old school funk: Maceo & The Macks "Soul Power 74" - YouTube

                  ... Dowsing / etheric energies :


                  Medical Applications - WikiRota

                  The universal currents conditioning the movement of worlds, they affect the earth and we must be grateful for without them we would go into the infinite. When there is a lack of accord between them we feel annoying effects; tidal waves, earthquakes and even stranger the appearance of social disturbance. This brings to mind a conversation had between M. Rota, Commandant Lachouque and myself, the first time that the latter took me to Mont-Saint-Aignan.

                  “ We enter, said he, a period from 1936 to 1946 where certain currents in certain places and at certain dates will produce strange effects. For example, I am able, to indicate that there will be the reappearance of events where suddenly an individual considered up to that point normal will massacre anyone using the first instrument of death which is at hand”.
                  What are the Universal Currents

                  According to M. Rota they are constant in their direction, but variable in their intensity and density, depending on the time and place. They are at the origin of worlds, assuring the mechanism of the universe and dispensers of life and death.

                  The characteristic of a current at a given ιpoque ( see our discussion and Harmonic Math ) and in a given place are reproduced with a frequency which it has been possible to determine. The laws which govern them are in effect immutable.

                  The Universal Currents create, maintain, modify, remove organic and inorganic life on the earth. The variations of intensity and density which occur are the causes of the actions and reactions which operate the one upon the other according to the place and ιpoque. They give rise to phenomena which can be verified without being able always to explain them ( see also Astrotheology ) .

                  It is true that the equinoxes are the period where M. Rota passes his days and nights leaning over his apparatus because certain universal currents at that time reach formidable intensities.
                  from a great Master :

                  For one country is different from another; its earth is different, as are its stones, wines, bread, meat, and everything that grows and thrives in a specific region.

                  ( Digital Painting Collection That Will Blow Your Mind Away – Part 2 | Graphics Remix )

                  ps : my sign is Pisces ..... probably why it was a bit difficult lately
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-21-2013, 05:09 PM.
                  “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • ps:
                    Equal Day and Night. Autumn equinox is at 4:44 pm ET on Sunday, September 22

                    4 Sky Events This Week: Harvest Moon, Green Giant, and Fall Equinox – News Watch

                    Tidal range - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    The most extreme tidal range occurs around the time of the full or new moons, when the gravitational forces of both the Sun and Moon are in phase, reinforcing each other in the same direction (new moon), or are exactly the opposite phase (full). This type of tide is known as a spring tide. During neap tides, when the Moon and Sun's gravitational force vectors act in quadrature (making a right angle to the Earth's orbit), the difference between high and low tides is smaller. Neap tides occur during the first and last quarters of the moon's phases. The largest annual tidal range can be expected around the time of the equinox, if coincidental with a spring tide.

                    .... MANU DIBANGO - PEPE SOUP - YouTube

                    Matthew 13:44 NIV - The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and - Bible Gateway

                    44 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.

                    .... ✿ MARVIN GAYE - A Funky Space Reincarnation (1978) ✿ - YouTube

                    ....let's magnetize
                    magnets makes the love rise

                    1 fun
                    2 you
                    3 me
                    4 more
                    5 no jive
                    6 no tricks
                    7 we in heaven
                    8 everything is straight
                    9 FINE..... TEEEEEN! next week we'll do it again!



                    Then there is the Sanskrit word Manu to consider. The root nu has already been discussed above as meaning 'ship', 'time' as well as the numbers 9 and 0. The root ma means 'measure' as well as 'mother'. So Manu could be translated as 'Mother Ship'. The Sanskrit work Anu, means 'fine, minute, atomic', 'an atom of matter' or 'an atom of time.' Anu in this light, can be seen as a microcosm of Manu (as is 'Man'). Ma is the Sanskrit root of English words: 'mom', 'mother', 'matter', 'math', 'matrix', 'matriarch', 'mark', 'material', 'manifest', 'many,' 'manual,' 'month', 'map,' 'mass', 'man', 'mantle', 'magi', and 'magic'; and Sanskrit words mas, masa, mahi, mata, maya, mana, mani, maha, mandala, and manipura.4

                    Circumsolatious: Noah's Ark, the Zodiac, the 0/9 Number System & the Preservation of Knowledge
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-21-2013, 09:30 PM.
                    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Manu, in the mythology of India, the first man, and the legendary author of an important Sanskrit law code, the Manu-smriti (Laws of Manu). The name is cognate with the Indo-European “man” and also has an etymological connection with the Sanskrit verb man-, “to think.” Manu appears in the Vedas, the sacred literature of Hinduism, as the performer of the first sacrifice. He is also known as the first king, and most rulers of medieval India traced their genealogy back to him, either through his son (the solar line) or his daughter (the lunar line).

                      In the story of the great flood, Manu combines the characteristics of the Hebrew Bible figures of Noah, who preserved life from extinction in a great flood, and Adam, the first man. The Shatapatha Brahmana recounts how he was warned by a fish, to whom he had done a kindness, that a flood would destroy the whole of humanity. He therefore built a boat, as the fish advised. When the flood came, he tied this boat to the fish’s horn and was safely steered to a resting place on a mountaintop. When the flood receded, Manu, the sole human survivor, performed a sacrifice, pouring oblations of butter and sour milk into the waters. After a year there was born from the waters a woman who announced herself as “the daughter of Manu.” These two then became the ancestors of a new human race to replenish the earth. In the Mahabharata (“Great Epic of the Bharata Dynasty”), the fish is identified with the god Brahma, while in the Puranas (“Ancient Lore”) it is Matsya, the fish incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

                      In the cosmological speculations of later Hinduism, a day in the life of Brahma is divided into 14 periods called manvantara, each of which lasts for 306,720,000 years. In every secondary cycle the world is re-created, and a new Manu appears to become the father of the next human race. The present age is considered the seventh Manu cycle

                      Manu (mythology) -- Encyclopedia Britannica.
                      what happens when you reach the eighth level : .......

             ... Right on for The Darkness - Curtis Mayfield - YouTube

                      Promotion is a chess rule describing the transformation of a pawn that reaches its eighth rank into the player's choice of a queen, knight, rook, or bishop of the same color.[1] The new piece replaces the pawn on the same square and is part of the move. Promotion is not limited to pieces that have already been captured.[2] Every pawn that reaches its eighth rank must be promoted. Pawn promotion, or the threat thereof, often decides the result of a chess endgame.

                      Mayan Numbers Symbols

                      8 - Highest Male Authority. Infinity.

                      The original idea was that a foot soldier that advanced all the way through the enemy lines was promoted to the lowest officer

                      Law XIII thereof provided, "When a pawn has reached the eighth square, the player has the option of selecting a piece, whether such piece has previously been lost or not, whose names and powers it shall then assume, or of deciding that it shall remain a pawn."
                      .... Los Pekenikes - PersΓ©polis [1971] - YouTube
                      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • ps:

                        Manu (mythology) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

                        pouring oblations of butter and sour milk into the waters

                        60 > 6 - 60 - 60 = 22x3x5
                        --- Samekh.
                        (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , , ; , , ; , , , ).
                        (May be added initially or finally.)
                        (Samekh = --- 120/600 --- A Prop or Support).
                        --- (620 w/f); pr.n. "Father's Brother".
                        --- (710 w/f); to bind, to plait.
                        --- (710 w/f); to try; to make glow, to melt; to purify (by fire); to test or prove; to watch.
                        (Good confirmation of Tarot "Temperance" correspondence to = 60).
                        --- prying-place, watch-tower.
                        --- (710 w/f); mounting, swelling; excellency, majesty; pride, haughtiness.
                        --- curdled milk --- cheese.
                        --- a theft; a thing stolen.
                        --- to gather together, store up, hide; treasurers; chests for keeping valuables, treasure-chest; coverings.
                        --- (710 w/f); to tread, press down, subdue, have power, rule; to contend (at law); to judge; vindicate, defend, punish; judgment.
                        --- sound (of a harp).
                        --- they; themselves; hither, to this place; lo!, see!.
                        --- to enclose, contain; a basket.
                        --- (66); to hold, contain; to be capable of; to be able; to prevail, to succeed; to control oneself; to master, comprehend.
                        --- (540 w/f); to go, to walk.
                        --- anything prepared or made up; what holds or contains; a vessel or utensil; garment; baggage; instrument or tool; weapons; a vessel or boat; grasping one --- a miser.
                        --- a sight, vision.
                        --- a view, a window.
                        --- a broom.
                        --- a spinning, spunwork.
                        --- to bark or bay (as a dog).
                        --- pr. n. "Barking" (of a city).
                        --- southward.
                        --- pr. n. ""Brilliance" or "Beauty", (Venus).
                        --- to call or cry, to wail or lament.
                        --- to move to and fro, to wave or nod; to wander about; to wander away; to nod or incline towards, to condole or comfort; to bemoan.
                        --- to heap up.
                        --- to move off or flee.
                        --- a moving or wandering about (pr. n. of the region of Cain's wanderings).
                        --- condolence.
                        --- to comfort.
                        --- wailing.

                        the Sanskrit word Manu to consider. The root nu has already been discussed above as meaning 'ship', 'time' as well as the numbers 9 and 0. The root ma means 'measure' as well as 'mother'. So Manu could be translated as 'Mother Ship'.
                        Manu, in the mythology of India, the first man

                        45 > 9 - 45 - 45 = 32x5

                        HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 40 - 49
                        --- pr.n. "Adam" -- the first man; man, men, mankind; a male. (Note that = mother; = symbol of the womb or maternal signature. = woman within woman = man is inwardly woman)
                        .... The Revelations - Soul 111 [1974] - YouTube

                        Traveler Zhenia Rafalovsky was lucky to share life of African tribes of the Himba, Herero and Bushmen for a while

                        The Herero have their special food customs too. For example, women cannot drink sour milk. It is believed to be a male drink symbolizing semen


                        Swingin Soul Machine - Sponkys Day Off - YouTube ....
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-23-2013, 11:11 AM.
                        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Tonio Rubio - Bass In Action [1973] - YouTube .... more info ( posted ) on semen here : Google

                          Manu, in the mythology of India, the first man, and the legendary author of an important Sanskrit law code, the Manu-smriti (Laws of Manu). The name is cognate with the Indo-European “man” and also has an etymological connection with the Sanskrit verb man-, “to think.” Manu appears in the Vedas, the sacred literature of Hinduism, as the performer of the first sacrifice. He is also known as the first king, and most rulers of medieval India traced their genealogy back to him, either through his son (the solar line) or his daughter (the lunar line) ( find sol o moon in pic above ).
                          J. Carole - Bantu Beat [1971] - YouTube

                          ... Pierre-Alain Dahan & Pierre Hollassian - Jungle Melody [1976] - YouTube

                          Law XIII thereof provided, "When a pawn has reached the eighth square, the player has the option of selecting a piece, whether such piece has previously been lost or not, whose names and powers it shall then assume, or of deciding that it shall remain a pawn."
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-23-2013, 01:08 PM.
                          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • with the above post in mind ... Law XIII .... flow on this repost :

                            Am I A Hindu

                            "I AM GOD" CONCEPT

                            1. When Jesus Christ said: I AM GOD,
                            Jews misunderstood him.
                            Romans crucified him.

                            2. When Sufis [ The Mystical Muslims] said: I AM GOD,
                            religious fanatics killed all of them.
                            In the 9th century, Sufi Ibn MansurAl Hallaj was dismembered for proclaiming “ I AM GOD.”

                            3. When Shirley Maclaine said: I AM GOD,
                            they went after her also. Lucky for her, she only had to deal with verbal abuses not any physical attacks

                            The Prisoner - OST - YouTube ....

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-23-2013, 01:44 PM.
                            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • ps: food for thought .... The Revelations - Soul 111 [1974] - YouTube

                              the only tarot card that originally did not have a number is :


                              Barry Morgan & Ray Cooper - Impulsion [1979] - YouTube Hartmut Kiesewetter - Wind it up! [1973] - YouTube

                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-23-2013, 04:53 PM.
                              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • ...... Earl Cunningham - The Emperor [1978] - YouTube .... 3 - Emperor

                                Potens Pater conservator orbis (Mighty Father, preserver of the world)
                                Zeus, Jupiter.
                                1+3 = Love+Male (Water); 2+2 = Couple+Male (Fire).

                                1+3+3 = Love+Ruler+Male.
                                Greek Letter = Delta:
                                Dike = justice, judgement, right; Dunastes = ruler, master ( see also 60 > 6 - 60 - 60 = 22x3x5.... previous page ) .
                                III Name: Ch'ien = the Creative. Image: Heaven, Sky. The Father, associated with strength, creativity, firmness, endurance, purity and the word. South in the Earlier Heaven.

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-23-2013, 07:34 PM.
                                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

