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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna
In some of the ancient writings it is said, "He who understands the number 13 will be given power and dominion".
( Digital Painting Collection That Will Blow Your Mind Away – Part 2 | Graphics Remix )
Ocean Black Holes Defined By Mathematical Technique, Eddies Play ‘Mitigating Role In Climate Change’ [PHOTO]
Some of the world’s largest ocean eddies resemble black holes of space, according researchers from ETH Zurich and the University of Miami.
The eddies, or oceanic “black holes,” extend over 90 miles in diameter and drift across the ocean without letting anything caught in its path escape. While the boundaries of these swirling eddies have been previously undetectable, findings from a new study have shown they are mathematically equivalent to black holes.
”Mathematicians have been trying to understand such peculiarly coherent vortices in turbulent flows for a very long time,” study author George Haller, a professor of Nonlinear Dynamics at ETH Zurich, said in a statement.
In a paper published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Haller along with Francisco Beron-Vera from the University of Miami developed a mathematical technique to define ocean black holes. They did so by isolating water islands in a turbulent ocean using satellite observations. These findings allowed the scientists to find closed barriers that contained fluid particles that moved around in circles -- much like the path of light in a photon sphere. Not only that, nothing can escape the eddies, including water.
Scientists say the ocean black holes contribute to climate change. Since most are found in the Southern Ocean where the Gulf Stream lies, they help transport warm and salty water northwards, making sea ice melt in a warming climate.
“Their transient nature gives them special significance in global circulation, and a potential mitigating role in climate change,” Haller said following a study outlining his findings in May.
The ocean “black holes” made headlines in August when satellite images caught the whirlpools in action in the South Atlantic Ocean. Described as “maelstroms,” the whirlpools were seen moving in a spiral motion trapping anything in its path including debris, oil and possibly living creatures.
They “create moving oases for the marine food chain or even impact climate change through their long-range transport of salinity and temperature,” the study states, showing that there are visual similarities between the eddies and black holes found in space.
And the whirlpools have a lifespan. “Ultimately, they all leak, but they can remain coherent up to a year or more, with a core that does not leak,” Haller said.Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-23-2013, 10:14 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Africans in Ancient China & Vice Versa, Part 1: Chinese Explorations–Guest Blog by Eccentric Yoruba | Beyond Victoriana
I was intrigued to read about Coxinga and his battalion of African bodyguards.
Deodato - Caravan Watusi strut [1975] - YouTube ....
Koxinga - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Koxinga (a Westernization of Guoxingye 國姓爺 literally "Lord of the Imperial Surname"; August 1624 – 23 June 1662) or Zheng Chenggong was a Chinese military leader who was born in Hirado, Japan to the Chinese merchant/pirate Zheng Zhilong and his Japanese wife, and died on the Island of Formosa (Taiwan).Depending on which side of the Taiwan Strait, Koxinga is remembered differently. Koxinga is worshipped as a god in coastal China especially Fujian and Taiwan and by overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia.[41] There is a temple dedicated to Koxinga and his mother in Tainan City, Taiwan. The National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, one of the most prestigious universities in Taiwan, is named after him. Koxinga is still revered for expelling the Dutch from Taiwan.[42]
also considered the father of Taiwan
here is the Doozy ...
Chinese Scientist Proves The First Inhabitants Of China Were Black, page 1
“There is evidence of substantial populations of Blacks in early China. Archaeological studies have located a black substratum in the earliest periods of Chinese history, and reports of major kingdom ruled by Blacks are frequently in Chinese documents."
Harvard Africa Policy Journal » Telecommunications Surveillance and Cryptography Regulatory Policy in Africa
Liebniz, co-inventor of the infinitesimal Calculus was consumed by the I Ching’s[iv] tendency toward binary thought while developing the binary notation utilized in every modern computer. I Ching is one of many oracles of a binary order, yet examples from antiquity abound in the annals of African cultures. In recent scholarship for instance, Ron Eglash shows the presence of error correcting codes common in modern digital technologies utilized by traditional diviners of West African country of Mali.[v] The field of Computation is not anomalous to Africa, yet erroneous associations with Africa being a backward and uncivilized continent, clouds one’s ability to make important and longstanding historical links
.... Sven Libaek - Solar Flares [1975] - YouTubeLast edited by MonsieurM; 09-24-2013, 12:20 AM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Simply put; listening to this will let you know we are just one step from telepathy and as someone mentioned here it our limiting boundaries that create a barrier to it we just need to let it in.
That is what meditation is for quietening the left side of the brain your earthly side and create a space for the right side to come in or be.
Dr Jill Bolte Taylor a Neuro Brain Scientist gives a good insight.
From Personal Development Enlightenment Dody(The cats name)
welcome Dody to our Discussion
The ocean “black holes” made headlines in August when satellite images caught the whirlpools in action in the South Atlantic Ocean. Described as “maelstroms,” the whirlpools were seen moving in a spiral motion trapping anything in its path including debris, oil and possibly living creatures.
They “create moving oases for the marine food chain or even impact climate change through their long-range transport of salinity and temperature,” the study states, showing that there are visual similarities between the eddies and black holes found in space.
.... Eumir Deodato "Also Sprach Zarathustra" (1972) - YouTubeLast edited by MonsieurM; 09-24-2013, 11:16 AM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
Law XIII thereof provided, "When a pawn has reached the eighth square, the player has the option of selecting a piece, whether such piece has previously been lost or not, whose names and powers it shall then assume, or of deciding that it shall remain a pawn.
KMT: Origins of I-Ching (also Kalimat... - KMT Ancient Metaphysical Egypt -
first an introduction...
Also this is the origins of the Tarot, Astrology, I-Ching, Yoga, sabian symbols, and how they built the Pyramids
Nu (infinite energy) paired with Nut (infinite matter). Though fused they formed the basis for the eventual Yang & Yin polarities famous in Chinese Taoist philosophy.
Hehu (temporal infinity) paired with Hehut (spacial infinity). Kerh (darkness) paired with Kerhet and Kekui (inertia) paired with Kekuit (stillness).
Those 8 attributes, forces or "deities" formed the spiritual template for all differentiated phenomena:
8 DNA strands, 8 lunar phases, 8 bits per computer byte, octal number system, 8 brain circuits, 8 chakras, 8 solar directions and 8 I Ching trigrams.
The Nun or Oracle responds to the life force (sex force or libido) in people. When we shuffle cards or cast stones, minute changes in our nervous system determines what statement the Oracle will show us.
Sex is a transformative energy. The initiate harnesses that mighty force to empower a transformation into the embodiment (shrine) of a particular aspect of divine.
The tree is one of knowledge of positive and negative ("Yang and Yin") polarities.
Confucius (Ka’ung Fu-zi or Ka' ung Fu Tzu) or Master Ka ung (Ka) *was not a person (ka ung fu and the martial art originated out of Africa)
In Taoist philosophy Ching is sexual energy. The I Ching -- Book of Transformations -- is related to sexual force.
Life force (Chi, Ra, Kundalini) is inherently sexual) (electromagnetic). All oracles function in conjunction with the life force.
The 64 hexagram I Ching is the most complete oracle extant.
The 64 lessons of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam comprise a replica of the I Ching oracle, though NOI members are currently unaware of the Lesson's oracular function.
Nun! By the Oracle and
what they write. .
The Letter Nun is, in fact, spiritual code for oracle. Nu/Nun is the highest oracle.
To the Egyptians Nun meant water. The Hebrews made it mean "fish."
Nu represents the highest state of consciousness achieved via meditation. There is no thinking or objectification at the Nu (Samadhi/Nirvana) level and thus the Egyptians referred to that consciousness as Atem (no thing).
The Being at that ontological plateau is undifferentiated and therefore it is Amen (Hidden).
The Amen/Nu mind is Not Moving (Nirvana) for nothing exists but consciousness of being conscious.
That original unconditioned, undifferentiated state underlies all object and phenomena in the world. It is the Great Void or Wu Chi of Taoism and the Samadhi of Yoga. Tibetan Buddhists refer to it as the Unborn.
Will (Hu) at the Amen level is totally fused with consciousness (Sa).
People incorrectly take their personalities -- their complex of emotions, habits and physical traits -- for their true selves.
True spirituality recognizes those as ephemeral, transitory and fictitious selves, lower selves. The True Self is Atman, Amen, Ausar, Brahman or Allah.
In astrology the parts of being include the Personality and the Emotional body (Rising Sign), and reflections of feelings (Moon) and the Identity (Sun).
The Sun is regarded as indicative of the Self spirit. The Ascendant (Rising Sign) and Moon are properties of the lower self, the false self which deceives us into thinking it is the true self. Thus the Tarot Moon Card denotes "deception, hidden enemies."
Personality comes from persona, i.e., a mask. In Greek theatre the actors wore masks (personae). In life we wear such masks and confuse the mask with our True Selves, our Ba or Atman. The masks are so glued onto our beings that we go to our graves without ever once encountering who we really are.
At the Amen/Nu level we strip off all personae and see ourselves and others "naked and not ashamed."
The initiate must submit his Face, his lower, conditioned personality, (jiva) to the Higher part of Being (Allah).
Muslims think they have to submit their wills to Allah. That notion comes from a mistranslation of verses like the one above. "
The Self is the Atman. But the Arabic word in the verse is wajh (face).
When an initiate reaches the Ba plane of development she / he ( hu ) can put on and take off faces at will. That is the Great Liberation of spiritual tradition.The Nun Fish ( see manu )
In Hebrew Nun means "fish." In the Nazarene and Essene orders an initiate was called a fish.
S.O.U.L. - Burning Spear - - YouTube
The Kemetian (Africans) understood the laws of Cosmogony and astrophysical study, spiritual magic and the secrets of the universe. THE LAW OF OPPOSITES (TAO) was not only a universal law, but the principle means of understanding reality. This is the GREAT LAW of the manifest universe. It is a law of reflections: to distinguish what is real, what is not real. It makes manifest that which is un-manifest. It displays itself in everything in this world, our lives and the universe."
They called it MAAT... which is also the Tao, Libra, Tantra,) .... Afrocan Pop Session - African Voodoo - YouTube
Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-24-2013, 03:39 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
..... Lalo Schifrin - Enter The Dragon - - YouTube
don't forget your Nun Shaku
Here is a list of lengths for different types of swords:[17]
Nodachi, Ōdachi, Jin tachi: 90 cm = HM 9 and over (more than three shaku)
Tachi, Katana: over 60.6 cm = HM 3 (more than two shaku)
Wakizashi: between 30.3–60.6 cm = HM 6 - HM 3 (between one and two shaku)
Tantō, Aikuchi: under 30.3 cm = HM 6 (under one shaku)
..... Licky - African Rock [1979] - YouTubeDeodato - Shazam (1979) - YouTube
etymology - Origin of the chess term "checkmate" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
mid-14c., from O.Fr. eschec mat, from Arabic shah mat "the king died" (see check (n.)), which according to Barnhart is a misinterpretation of Persian mat "be astonished" as mata "to die," mat "he is dead." Hence Persian shah mat, the ultimate source of the word, would be literally "the king is left helpless, the king is stumped." As a verb, from late 14c.
see also : SHAH RA ZAD ..... edited by MonsieurM; 09-24-2013, 09:03 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Originally posted by ImBill View PostThis is some very interesting information. I have to say, though, that if you haven't found proof of telepathy, you haven't read enough about it. I tend to look at it from the standpoint of our brains and minds (in particular, our self limiting thoughts and beliefs) are what are standing between us and our natural telepathic ability.Last edited by EonathanLelt; 09-27-2013, 03:11 AM.
“With an open mind, seek and listen to all the highest ideals. Consider the most enlightened thoughts. Then choose your path, person by person, each for oneself.” - See more at: With an Open Mind | Zoroaster Esoteric Quotes
..... Ratatat -Nostrand - YouTube ... check out the vid .... such a Beautiful Analogy
Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-26-2013, 10:30 AM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Al Hirt (United States) - Alley Cat - YouTube ....
In Egyptian mythology, Hu (ḥw) is the deification of the first word, the word of creation, that Atum was said to have exclaimed upon ejaculating or, alternatively, his self-castration, in his masturbatory act of creating the Ennead.
ps Hu has a dog just like Nehalennia ( see )
also Ptah was patron of the artisans and architects .... ( see previous pages )
Monkey god may refer to:
Hanuman, a Hindu deity
Sun Wukong, a main character in the classical Chinese epic novel Journey to the West
Howler Monkey Gods, a patron of the artisans among the Classic Mayas
Monkey god - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
... MONKEY: the Trickster God from Chinese mythology)
David Axelrod - Holy Thursday - YouTube .... Lalo Schifrin - Ape Shuffle - YouTube .... HUHU HU
Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-26-2013, 09:12 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Temptations Vs Rolling Stones - Papa Was An Out Of Control Rolling Stone - YouTube .... The Baboons and Monkeys of Ancient Egypt
Monkeys and baboons played an essential role in Egyptian cosmogony. Various gods were portrayed as these creatures, and some of the earliest deities were sometimes depicted with baboon heads. One of the Four Sons of Horus, Hapy, who was associated with mummification, was represented as a baboon-headed canopic god. The green monkey, particularly when depicted shooting with bow and arrows, was an aspect of the invisible primeval god, Atum
Read more: The Baboons and Monkeys of Ancient Egypt
The baboon also became an aspect of the sun god Re, as well as of the moon god Thoth-Khonsu. The ancient Egyptians who observed the baboon barking at the rising sun gave rise to a favorite theme in sculpture, paintings and reliefs of a baboon worshiping the sun with raised hands. Monkey demons as the companion of the sun god appear in the royal netherworld texts, though along side their positive role was the dangerous aspect of the baboon, whose form could also be assumed by the enemy of the gods such as Apophis and Seth.
( image from : )
..... Le Pamplemousse "Le Spank" (1977) - YouTubeLast edited by MonsieurM; 09-26-2013, 10:02 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
and thus the flow takes us to ....
Mary Magdalene – High Priestess and Sacred Prostitute | The Goddess of Sacred Sex
.... Jimmy Smith Feat. Lalo Schifrin - Theme From Joy House - 1964 - YouTube
.... 4 - High Priestess
In Babylon there was a hierarchy of prostitutes from the high-ranking priestesses known by various names including Qadishtu, Hereta, Naditu or Entu, right down to the tavern or street ***** called harimtu. The Goddess Ishtar did not differentiate in bestowing her blessings and honoured the sexual act howsoever it be performed[2]. “Who will plough my vulva?” calls Inanna in the old hymns…”Who will water the holy lap?”[3] The power of the divine feminine, embodied in the sexuality of all women both made the earth grow and was a power for transformation
Sacred Prostitutes
The term "sacred *****" is not oxymoronic. If we explore the etymology of the words "*****" or "harlot," we find that the split between "priestess" and "prostitute" is a relatively recent one. In her book When God Was A Woman, Merlin Stone informs us that the Hebrew word zonah means both prostitute and prophetess. Barbara Walker, in her Dictionary of Woman's Myths and Secrets, points out that the Hebrew word hor means a cave, pit, or dark hole. The Spanish word for *****, puta, derives from the Latin term for a well, but the Latin term for grave, literally "a hole in the earth, ( SEE ALSO EARTH CHAKRA )" is puticuli, meaning womb of rebirth ( or Berkano ). These terms for ***** were not derogatory.
The Latin term had its root in the Vedic, an early Sanskrit language, wherein the word puta is defined as pure and holy. The cave, the pit, the hole, and the bottomless black lake were metaphors for the Great Goddess, She who is unnameable, that darkness primordial from which all life (light) is born. She is the Everything and The Nothing -- Hole-y, Holy, Wholly. The Sacred ***** at work was, in fact, the manifestation the Great Goddess.
To the pure, all things are pure; to the base, all things are base.
The Kybalion: The Seven Hermetic Principles
HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 60 - 69
68 > 14 > 5 - 68 - 22x17
- --- wo! now!
--- I will extol him.
--- pr.n. "Long Eared".
--- pr.n. "Wise".
--- to tread to the ground, trample on (enemies); to despise.
--- pr.n. "Building".
--- (718 w/f); covered, enclosed.
--- harlot, prostitute.
--- pr.n. "Abundance".
--- (628 w/f); life; livelihood.
--- (718 w/f); grace, beauty.
--- (628 w/f); to be wise, to gain wisdom; to gain by wisdom; to teach, make wise; to be a well trained (magician); wise, intelligent, understanding, discreet, cunning.
--- poor.
--- to turn, move round, bore through, perforate; writhe, be pained; to be loose, free, common, profane; to revolve, a flute; piper; one thrust through, dispatched, slain; unholy, unclean; defiled; a prostitute.
--- wheat.
--- pr.n. "Yah is Great".
--- pr.n. "A Relative" or "A Connection".
--- pr.n. "Plaited".
--- a prophetess; a mistress of song, a female bard; a prophet's wife.
--- to enclose or shut up.Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-27-2013, 12:36 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
what is the common link between Adam Qad Monand Qad ishtu ....
45 > 9 - 45 - 45 = 32x5
--- (605 w/f); to stamp down, to make solid; to dam.
--- to be blood or red colored; to sparkle.
--- pr.n. "Adam" -- the first man; man, men, mankind; a male. (Note that = mother; = symbol of the womb or maternal signature. = woman within woman = man is inwardly woman).
--- land of Edom; father of the race of Edom.
--- (see also 241/801) Aramea.
--- a red (precious stone) --- garnet, carnelian.
--- (see also 84/644); to be dumb, silent; to be struck dumb; to be amazed; to rest, to leave off; to stand still; to become silent; to be destroyed
--- pr.n. "Bright".
--- plunder.
--- (605 w/f); pr.n. "Multitude"; noise, crowdings (of people); they; such as they.
--- a habitation; heaven.
--- to creep, glide; to slink away, be timid.
--- a pledge or pawn.
--- pr.n. "Fatness".
--- to lift, to cast.
--- so and so, thus and thus.
--- to hide, conceal; to be sticky or tough; a covering or veil; pr.n. "Concealment", the name of Lot.
--- a (kind of) lizard.
--- garlands or festoons.
--- force, might; exceedingly, very; energetically, quickly.
..... also check out : 19 > 10 > 1 - 19 - 8th prime ( )
ps : 19 = Priestess + Prostituta + Qad Ishtu .... Mon KeysLast edited by MonsieurM; 09-27-2013, 02:56 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
you are familiar with the rule of Islam about Having Four Wivesthink in terms of Energies within .... the four letters, Heh , Ain, Resh and Mem
Tarot: The Queen Cards of the Tarot -
Queen of Swords
tribeca tarot reader: Queen of Swords
“The Queen of Swords is able to allow others to go through their necessary life lessons without the need to take care of everything.”Rank: Queen
Card Title: Queen of Swords
Esoteric Title: Queen of the Thrones of Air
Astrological Attribution: Libra (cardinal air)
Decans: 20° Virgo to 20° Libra
Dates & Timing: September 12 to October 12
Corresponding Trump: Justice
Elemental Attributions: Water (cold, wet) of Air (hot,wet)
Elemental Combination: The Emotions transform the Intellect
Qabalistic World: Binah in Yetzirah
Translation of World: The Understanding of Formation
Suit Color: Swords- Yellow
Keywords: Bright, Sharp Tongued, Stern, Determined, Dominating, Cautious, Intelligent, Analytical, Fair, Independent, Perceptive, Compassionate, keen observer, Intense Individualist, Rational, Confidant, Just, Gracious, Quick, Graceful, Accurate, Goal Oriented.
Ill-Dignified:Bitter, Malicious, Jealous, Prudish, Demanding, Browbeating, Pushy, Defensive, Untrusting, Intolerant, Gossip, Deceptive, Sly, Cruel, Unreliable, Cold, Unforgiving.
Tarot Journey with Leisa ReFalo » 13. Queen of Swords
The Queen of Wands
Rank: Queen
Card Title: Queen of Wands
Esoteric Title: Queen of the Thrones of Flame
Astrological Attribution: Aries (cardinal fire)
Decans: The Emperor
Dates & Timing: 20° Pisces to 20° Aries
Corresponding Trump: March 11 to April 10
Elemental Attributions: Water (cold, wet) Fire (hot, dry)
Elemental Combination: The Emotions transform the Will
Qabalistic World: Binah in Atziluth
Translation of World: The Understanding of Emanation
Suit Color: Wands-Red
Keywords: Capable, Kind, Generous, Self-Governing, Dramatic, Optimistic, Performer
Ill-Dignified:Pretender, Domineering, Disorganized, Flighty, High-strung, Bitter, Judgmental
Tarot Journey with Leisa ReFalo » 13. Queen of Wands
The Queen of Cups
Rank: Queen
Card Title: Queen of Cups
Esoteric Title: Queen of the Thrones of Waters
Astrological Attribution: Cancer (cardinal water)
Decans: The Chariot
Dates & Timing: 20° Gemini to 20° Cancer
Corresponding Trump: June 11 to July 11
Elemental Attributions: Water(cold, wet) of Water (cold, wet)
Elemental Combination: The Emotions strengthen the Emotions
Qabalistic World: Binah in Briah
Translation of World: The Understanding of Creation
Suit Color: Cups – Blue
Keywords: Deliberate. Caring, Nurturing, Practical, Charming, Big Heart, Honest, Timid
Ill-Dignified:Superficial, Status Seeker, Gold Digger, Very Materialistic, Name Dropper
Tarot Journey with Leisa ReFalo » 13. Queen of Cups
The Queen of Pentacles
Rank: Queen
Card Title: Queen of Pentacles
Esoteric Title: Queen of the Thrones of Earth
Astrological Attribution: Capricorn (cardinal earth)
Decans: The Devil
Dates & Timing: 20° Sagittarius to 20° Capricorn
Corresponding Trump: December 13 to January 9
Elemental Attributions: Water (cold, wet) of Earth (cold, dry)
Elemental Combination: The Emotions transform the Senses
Qabalistic World: Binah in Assiah
Translation of World: The Understanding of Manifestation
Suit Color: Pentacles – Green
Keywords: Deliberate, Caring, Nurturing, Charming, Timid, Big Heart, Sensual, Kind, Truthful, Impetuous, Orderly, Comfortable, Productive, Honest, Self-Satisfied, Resourceful, Practical, Hard working, Sensible, Domestic.
Ill-Dignified:Mean, Selfish, Materialistic, Hard nosed, Greedy, Capricious, Foolish, Changeable, Ruthless, Manipulative, Suspicious, Unreliable, Status Seeker, Insecure, Lazy, Gold Digger, Name Dropper, Superficial.
Tarot Journey with Leisa ReFalo » 13. Queen of Pentacles
..... Galerie The Labyrinth Tarot | L'Univers de Luis Royo.
see also:
Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-27-2013, 05:52 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
ps : to be cured = BRA .... in Moroccan Arabic .....,d.bGE
Abracadabra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Abracadabra is an incantation used as a magic word in stage magic tricks, and historically was believed to have healing powers when inscribed on an amulet. The word is thought to have[weasel words] its origin in the Aramaic language, but numerous conflicting folk etymologies are associated with it. Many[weasel words] consider that the word “Abracadabra” is actually a Hebrew phrase meaning “I create (A’bra) what (ca) I speak (dab’ra).”..... Eddie Drennon & B.B.S. Unlimited - Do It Nice And Easy 12" - YouTube
The Crimson Tarot, a mixed media art deck of the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot
The history of the Tarot is shrouded in myth and legend. Among the stories of its origins are that the Gypsies, or Rom, brought the cards to Western Europe from Egypt in the early middle ages. Similarly, it is said that the Knights Templar brought them back to Western Europe in the time of the Crusades. It is also told that a group of sages met in Fez , Morocco , and produced the Tarot to preserve the body of ancient mystical wisdom destroyed at the great Library at Alexandria .Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-27-2013, 07:24 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.