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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • are you familiar with :

    Cells Alive System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Cells Alive System (CAS) is a line of commercial freezers manufactured by ABI Corporation, Ltd. of Chiba, Japan claimed to preserve food with greater freshness than ordinary freezing by using electromagnetic fields and mechanical vibrations to prevent ice crystal formation.[1][2][3] The freezers have also been used to improve survival of periodontal ligament cells in frozen tooth banks.[4][5][6]

    Avoiding the use of chemical cryoprotectants during preservation can eliminate toxicity problems while still preventing cell wall damage from ice crystals.[7] CAS freezers work by supercooling tissue while applying electric and magnetic fields along with vibrations in sympathetic resonance to keep water molecules from crystallizing.[6]


    EVERY day, tonnes of uncooked meat in our supermarkets, restaurants and hotels are destroyed before reaching their recommended shelf life.

    Mr Sebestian Chua (left) and his brother, DrRichard Chua, hope the EsmoSphere will add another level of protection over food storage. -- Picture: KELVIN CHNG

    Even with refrigeration, meat still spoils easily because the temperature is not always consistent and has to be thrown away.

    Last year alone, almost half-a-million tonnes of food waste were incinerated.

    Now, thanks to a local company, Esmo Technologies, the amount of spoiled raw meat can be cut by about a third, simply by placing a specially modified magnet next to it in the refrigerator.
    also an awesome way for making Homemade Ice Cream

    In accordance with the invention, provision is made for enveloping the patient in a high potential and, in certain instances, a high frequency electric field, and for applying to the patient, while so enveloped in the electric field, radiations and emanations having therapeutic value
    ... While Freezing inside a Capacitor / oscillator ( ie Fridge )

    .... what is Heat and What is Cold ... Vibration Wise

    also: Refrigerator Ozone Generator -- Make Food Last Longer - YouTube ... Tesla Patent 568,177 - Apparatus for Producing Ozone

    Magnetic Interference CloudTM technology was developed by its chief founder and inventor, Dr. Richard Chua, who created a unique method of causing magnetic interfered fields to swirl around perishable or liquid objects in a manner that changes the binding force that hold them together, thereby improving cell rigidity, hydration and structure.
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-15-2013, 08:49 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Always good reading you MonsieurM
      I need to go back to catch up with your writing speed . I didn't have chance to move any further with water experiments but testing with MWO is on my list. I did some "priming" of sunflower seeds and the results were visible on adult plants. I posted some pictures in Electroculture thread on nvtronics forum. Wonder what may happen if we expose body of water to such broad spectrum of vibrations in electrostatic field I need to try that. Too many ideas not enough hours in a day
      I treat food with ozone and the results are good. Another benefit of such exposure is killing any bacteria which may be present, even in fresh veggies.

      Thanks for helping me to expand my brain capacity

      All the best
      'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

      General D.Eisenhower


      • Couple thoughts

        Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
        Think of your Heart and Brain as Two Large Capacitors ( there are others .... your bones for instance ) ... Enveloped in A Dielectric ( skin ) filled with Salt Water ( Another Capacitor / Oscillator )
        I would go down fractal alley to each cell in every living organism and compare to an oscillator. Which parts resemble the antennas, capable of receiving and transmitting vibrations and being tuned to particular distinct wavelength?
        Is our DNA just a storage of information?

        Good point regarding ice and water in other post. Ice has very low vibration and further cooling down to the absolute 0 will bring them down as well. Vibration of water in room temperature will be higher and further heating to the boiling point will raise them up as the water changes state for the second time.
        Another thought just arrived: if we can implode body of water, using several hundred W BaTi transducer, what could be done with block of ice being targeted with its resonant frequency at sufficient power level?

        'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

        General D.Eisenhower


        • Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
          I would go down fractal alley to each cell in every living organism and compare to an oscillator. Which parts resemble the antennas, capable of receiving and transmitting vibrations and being tuned to particular distinct wavelength?
          Is our DNA just a storage of information?

          Good reading you blackchisel97

          does this answer your question

          Magnetic vortices could form the basis for future high-density, low-power magnetic data storage

          With the ever-increasing amounts of digital information being processed, transferred and stored by computers comes a commensurate demand for increased data storage capacity. For magnetic data storage such as the ubiquitous hard disk drive, this requires not only physically smaller memory elements or bits, but also reduced switching power to avoid heat issues. Yoshinori Tokura and colleagues from the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science, in collaboration with a research team from the University of Tokyo, have now shown that structural control of small magnetic vortex structures called skyrmions could lead to a compact, low-power alternative to conventional magnetic data storage1.

          Read more at:
          energy and information are one and the same :

          food for thought : our connection to the Internet is done either through Copper Line ( electricity ) or Fiber Optic ( Light ) or BPL ( powerline ... Magnetic )
          or 4G ( also EM )
          etc ....

          next level is Quantum Internet Connection

          as Tesla Called it :

          My Inventions V – The Magnifying Transmitter from Electrical Experimenter, June, 1919

          “4. The ‘Art of Individualization.’ This invention of Tesla is to primitive ‘tuning’ what refined language is to unarticulated expression. It makes possible the transmission of signals or messages absolutely secret and exclusive both in the active and passive aspect, that is, non-interfering as well as non-interferable. Each signal is like an individual of unmistakable identity and there is virtually no limit to the number of stations or instruments which can be simultaneously operated without the slightest mutual disturbance.


          Good point regarding ice and water in other post. Ice has very low vibration and further cooling down to the absolute 0 will bring them down as well. Vibration of water in room temperature will be higher and further heating to the boiling point will raise them up as the water changes state for the second time.
          Another thought just arrived: if we can implode body of water, using several hundred W BaTi transducer, what could be done with block of ice being targeted with its resonant frequency at sufficient power level?
          ask a Plant use that water on it

          as for the ice ... it could become ferroelectric

          Scientists create one-dimensional ferroelectric ice

          ( -- Everyone knows that when water freezes, it forms ice. But a lesser known fact is that there is not one, but many different kinds of ice, depending on the way the ice crystals are arranged.
          Ice Ferroelectric capacitors

          what have we learned in a previous post


          Dave45 has done much research on Ice with coil immersed .... but i don't recall resonating the whole setup .....

          the following is an old experiment i ran ( coil hooked to battery while freezing)

          but i did not resonate the whole block ..... wonder if it is the missing piece of info .... ( oscillator within oscillator )

          also a treated water is different than a none treated one


          Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
          Always good reading you MonsieurM
          I need to go back to catch up with your writing speed . I didn't have chance to move any further with water experiments but testing with MWO is on my list. I did some "priming" of sunflower seeds and the results were visible on adult plants. I posted some pictures in Electroculture thread on nvtronics forum. Wonder what may happen if we expose body of water to such broad spectrum of vibrations in electrostatic field:thinking: I need to try that. Too many ideas not enough hours in a day
          I treat food with ozone and the results are good. Another benefit of such exposure is killing any bacteria which may be present, even in fresh veggies.

          Thanks for helping me to expand my brain capacity

          All the best
          My Pleasure and Honor in contributing

          what you can try .... Epsom salt solution treated to such broad spectrum of vibrations in electrostatic field ... then try it as a battery after a few adaptation

          same could be done while you are germinating a seed ( i think you already did it )

          if you don't have Epsom Salt .....

          experiment then on these ( as a Battery ) : Schuessler Cell Salts: List of 12 plus 15 tissue salts


          No. 6. Potassium sulphate Metabolism

          .... Rupert Sheldrake and Bruce Lipton A Quest Beyond the Limits of the Ordinary - YouTube
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-16-2013, 03:37 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • talking about Sulfate :

            Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Sulfides

            Carolyn I. Pearce, Richard A.D. Pattrick, David J. Vaughan
            School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, and Williamson Research
            Centre for Molecular Environmental Science
            University of Manchester
            Manchester, United Kingdom
            The metal sulfides exhibit a great diversity of electrical and magnetic properties with both
            scientific interest and practical applications. These properties apply major constraints on mod-
            els of the electronic structure (or chemical bonding) in sulfides (Vaughan and Rosso 2006, this
            volume). The pure and doped synthetic equivalents of certain sulfide minerals have actual or
            potential applications in the electronics industries (optical devices, photovoltaics, photodiodes
            and magnetic recording devices). Sulfides are also components of many thin film devices and
            have been extensively investigated as part of the nanotechnology revolution. Certain electrical
            and magnetic properties of sulfide minerals mean they contribute to geomagnetism and paleo-
            , and provide the geophysical prospector with exploration tools for metalliferous
            ore deposits. To the mineral technologist, these same properties provide methods for the sepa-
            ration of the metal-bearing sulfides from associated waste minerals after mining and milling
            and before extraction of the metal by pyrometallurgical or hydrometallurgical treatment.
            In this chapter, the theory and measurement of electrical and magnetic properties are
            outlined along with spectroscopic and diffraction studies that can provide insights into
            magnetic behavior are discussed. A brief review of electrical and magnetic studies of major
            sulfide minerals includes some examples of the applications of sulfide electrical and magnetic
            properties, including special consideration of the properties of sulfide nanoparticles. Most of
            the available data presented are for pure synthetic binary and ternary sulfides, as very small
            concentrations of impurities can dramatically affect electrical properties leading to problems
            of interpreting data from natural samples. Although data for several of the commonly found
            sulfides are discussed in this chapter, no attempt is made at a comprehensive coverage.
            The section below on theory and measurement of electrical and magnetic properties draws
            on the account given in Vaughan and Craig (1978) to which readers are referred for further
            details. It is useful to provide this overview as the electrical and magnetic properties of sulfides
            provide critically important information for understanding them as materials, as well as giving
            rise to important applications. Also, the theoretical background is not commonly dealt with in
            texts concerning mineralogy or geochemistry, hence its inclusion here.
  ‎ ....

            talking about photovoltaic :

            Playing loud pop music boosts output of solar panels by 40% > National News > News | Click Green

            The high frequencies and pitch found in pop and rock music cause vibrations that enhanced energy generation in solar cells containing a cluster of 'nanorods', leading to a 40 per cent increase in efficiency of the solar cells.

            it reminded me of an old post

            Originally posted by powerme View Post
            Crystals is the Key to Harvesting energy from the enviroment.

            All semiconducter electronics components are based on different types of crystals, different sizes, different geometries, each quality can be optimized to tune into different frequency.

            With the new development in nano crystals, there's a handful of people conducting nano piezoelectric research at home, I hope that We can also take advantage of this development and use this new technology as a way of obtaining Energy Freedom.

            There are many applications for these piezoelectric crystals, the technology is over 100 years old but not much was done until recently.

            I hope that we some of you will come together and start developing devices such as Nokia Self Charging Phone Battery, Piezo Cells for Self Charging small batteries AAA-C size etc.

            Current Project.Piezoelectric production of Atomize water with HHO for ICE water fuel.

            I have been trying to come up with a simple low temperature method to growing micro size single crystals at low temperature that is simple enough for anyone to perform. the mainstream ZnO single cystals are fused at high temperature and vapor deposited requiring complicated setup and technical expertise.

            This is a simplified version for home use.
            Please use all precaution, I am not responsible for anything that may occur.

            1lb. Zinc powder nano.
            1 gallon ammonia cleaning (ammonium hydroxide)

            Hot plate with Magnetic Stirrer
            teflon coated stir bar.
            1 liter boiling flask with rubber stopper.
            reflux condenser if available.
            water bath.

            Dissolve 30 grams of ZnO in each 300 ml of 30% ammonium chloride/ hydroxide. This is best done by filling 300 ml of 30% amonnium hydroxide into the flask and place on stirrer with teflon bar. Turn on the heat to medium, Turn on Stirrer to low speed, #3. Slowly add zinc oxide to solution. When all ZnO is dispensed, cap flask and turn up stirrer to maximum, bring the heat up to 60 deg C and let it mix for 30 minutes.

            Place flask in the Freezer and freeze solution to -0 degrees C.
            When you reach this temperature, allow an additional 1 hr.

            Before reflux, bath flask in a bowl of room temperature water for 5 minutes to avoid thermal shock and breakage of flask.

            Set up water bath, large boiling glass bowl with water. Put your flask of cold solution in the water bath and set up reflux condenser with water tube, if you don't have one then just cap your flask tightly and turn on heat. Allow solution to heat up to 60 degrees C, maintain 60 deg C temperature for 2 hours, crystals will grow during this time.

            Let solution cool to room temperature, Filter solution and recover crystals

            the crystals are self seeding. these crystals are not the typical large crystals that most people grow at home. the single crystals are very small, nano size, at this size, they are able to pick up all induced waves and convert waves into electrolysis of water.

            There is already a thread on HHO, we can discuss HHO piezoelectric application there,

            and discuss Growing of Crystals here, there are many different types of crystals, and many different method of utilizing them.
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-16-2013, 06:39 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • i wonder if you can make An Ice Capacitor with:

              treated water ( or not )


              Embedded Coil ( see Tesla Electrolytic Clock aka Tesla Patent 567,818 - Electrical Condenser )


              ZnO Nanorods ( mixed in water ) or Copper oxide nanorods ( maybe ) .... Epsom salt like Battery

              ps: Chapter 3: Electrochemistry

              Make a solar cell in your kitchen

              Our solar cell is made from cuprous oxide instead of silicon. Cuprous oxide is one of the first materials known to display the photoelectric effect, in which light causes electricity to flow in a material.

              The Pointer Sisters - I'm So Excited - YouTube .... DNA is also Piezoelectric so are your bones etc ....
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-16-2013, 08:29 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Fela Kuti - Water no get enemy - YouTube


                • +

                  Fela Kuti - Beasts of No Nation - YouTube

                  Mysterious cosmic rays constantly bombard Earth from outer space. Now scientists find these energetic particles could limit where life as we know it might exist on alien planets

                  Cosmic rays continue to baffle scientists more than a century after they were first discovered . These charged subatomic particles zip through space at nearly the speed of light, a few strangely with energies up to 100 million times beyond what is possible from the most powerful particle accelerator on Earth. Cosmic rays are believed to be atomic nuclei, with the vast majority being protons, or hydrogen nuclei.

                  When cosmic rays hit Earth's atmosphere, they generate a shower of other particles, including muons, which are essentially much heavier versions of their cousin the electron. Some of these particles reach Earth's surface, potentially damaging life on land and in the oceans—muons can even penetrate hundreds of feet below a planet's surface.

                  Read more at:

                  Cosmic rays zap a planet's chances for life
                  The researchers concentrated on two factors that might influence the cosmic ray dose a planet gets—the strength of its magnetic field, and the depth of its atmosphere.

                  Read more at:

                  I have harnessed the cosmic rays and caused them to operate a motive device.

                  N. Tesla


                  Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Sulfides

                  Carolyn I. Pearce, Richard A.D. Pattrick, David J. Vaughan
                  School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, and Williamson Research
                  Centre for Molecular Environmental Science
                  University of Manchester
                  Manchester, United Kingdom
                  The metal sulfides exhibit a great diversity of electrical and magnetic properties with both
                  scientific interest and practical applications. These properties apply major constraints on mod-
                  els of the electronic structure (or chemical bonding) in sulfides (Vaughan and Rosso 2006, this
                  volume). The pure and doped synthetic equivalents of certain sulfide minerals have actual or
                  potential applications in the electronics industries (optical devices, photovoltaics, photodiodes
                  and magnetic recording devices). Sulfides are also components of many thin film devices and
                  have been extensively investigated as part of the nanotechnology revolution. Certain electrical
                  and magnetic properties of sulfide minerals mean they contribute to geomagnetism and paleo-
                  , and provide the geophysical prospector with exploration tools for metalliferous
                  ore deposits.
                  ... Chango - The Last Ride & Meeting The Gods - YouTube

                  In accordance with the invention, provision is made for enveloping the patient in a high potential and, in certain instances, a high frequency electric field, and for applying to the patient, while so enveloped in the electric field, radiations and emanations having therapeutic value.

                  Thomas H. Moray: Transmutation of Low Grade Ores by High Energy Bombardment
                  I have found that, be enveloping a patient in a high potential, high frequency field in such a manner that no closed circuit is completed through his body, radioactive and other electronic and radiation phenomena can be used therapeutically with considerably greater effectiveness than if used alone. The exact reason for this is not known, nor is it known definitely which, the electric field or the radioactive phenomena, acts upon the other to produce the advantageous results. It is thought, however, that the electric field permeating the body of the patient as it does attracts the radioactive emanations or radiations and enables them to penetrate considerably deeper into the tissues and vital organs of the patient than would otherwise be the case. In any event, remarkable therapeutic results have been achieved by use of the invention in the treatment of malignant tumors. Arthritis, sinus infections, and various other diseased conditions.
                  ... Mu ON

                  Because muons have a very large mass and energy compared with the decay energy of radioactivity, they are never produced by radioactive decay. They are, however, produced in copious amounts in high-energy interactions in normal matter, during certain particle accelerator experiments with hadrons, or naturally in cosmic ray interactions with matter. These interactions usually produce pi mesons initially, which most often decay to muons.
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-17-2013, 06:22 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Amazing..

                    First, cancer cells ferment glucose, a very inefficient mechanism.

                    Second, as part of this fermentation, cancer cells create lactic acid.
                    Hi M,

                    I was reading the other day regarding a Therapy for Cancer that swears by drinking Rock Salt water solutions daily, to help flush the toxins of blood borne cancers from the body. This MD also stated that he has amazing results (Clinical) with terminal leukemia patients and High VIT C (Natural not Industrial) via IV. Obviously this sort of thing is difficult for non medical ppl to experiment with, but it sounds "Right", based upon the info contained in your post....very interesting.

                    Your Body Needs to be Alkaline - YouTube Dr Coldwell, NOT tried myself, but will be.
                    Last edited by PYak1967; 11-17-2013, 11:49 PM. Reason: add link to pls


                    • Good reading you PYak1967

                      The Other Name for a Battery ..... Alkaline battery

                      a nice "coincidence"

                      Talking about Battery / Capacitor :

                      It has long been known that many substances which are more or less conducting when in the fluid condition become insulators when solidified. Thus water, which is in a measure conducting, acquires insulating properties when converted into ice. The existing information on this subject, however, has been heretofore of a general nature only and chiefly derived from the original observations of Faraday, who estimated that the substances upon which he experimented, such as water and aqueous solutions, insulate an electrically-charged conductor about one hundred times better when rendered solid by freezing, and no attempt has been made to improve the quality of the insulation obtained by this means or to practically utilize it for such purposes as are contemplated in my present invention. In the course of my own investigations, more especially those of the electric properties of ice, I have discovered some novel and important facts, of which the more prominent are the following: first, that under certain conditions, when the leakage of the electric charge ordinarily taking place is rigorously prevented, ice proves itself to be a much better insulator than has heretofore appeared; second, that its insulating properties may be still further improved by the addition of other bodies to the water; third, that the dielectric strength of ice or other frozen aqueous substance increases with the reduction of temperature and corresponding increase of hardness, and, fourth, that these bodies afford a still more effective insulation for conductors carrying intermittent or alternating currents, particularly of high rates, surprisingly-thin layers of ice being capable of withstanding electromotive forces of many hundreds and even thousands of volts. These and other observations have led me to the invention of a novel method of insulating conductors, rendered practicable by reason of the above facts and advantageous in the utilization of electrical energy for industrial and commercial purposes.
                      This method consists in insulating an electric conductor by freezing or solidifying and maintaining in such state the material surrounding or contiguous to the conductor, using for the purpose a gaseous cooling agent circulating through one or more suitable channels extended through or in proximity to the said material.
                      Tesla Patent 390,413 - System of Electrical Distribution

                      Most generally I employed receiving circuits
                      in the form of loops, including condensers, because the discharges of my high-tension transmitter
                      ionized the air in the hall so that even a very small aerial would draw electricity from the
                      surrounding atmosphere for hours

                      My Inventions by Nikola Tesla Autobiography YouTube - YouTube


                      Tesla Patent 514,168 - Means for Generating Electric Currents


                      Tesla Patent 685,012 - Means for Increasing the Intensity of Electrical Oscillations ... also called Shivering .... 5 Ways to Raise Your Metabolic Rate / Fitness / Exercises

                      The best and most convenient manner of carrying out the invention of which I am now aware is to surround the freely-vibrating circuit or conductor, which is to be maintained at a low temperature, with a suitable cooling medium, which may be any kind of freezing mixture or agent, such as liquid air, and in order to derive the fullest benefit from the improvement the circuit should be primarily constructed so as to have the greatest possible self-induction and the smallest practicable resistance, and other rules of construction which are now recognized should be observed. For example, when in a system of transmission of energy for any purpose through the natural media the transmitting and receiving conductors are connected to earth and to an insulated terminal, respectively, the lengths of these conductors should be one-quarter of the wave length of the disturbance propagated through them.
                      The drawing illustrates in perspective two devices, either of which may be the transmitter, while the other is the receiver. In each there is a coil of few turns and low resistance, (designated in one by A and in the other by A'.) The former coil, supposed to be forming part of the transmitter, is to be connected with a suitable source of current, while the latter is to be included in circuit with a receiving device. In inductive relation to said coils in each instrument is a flat spirally-wound coil B or B', one terminal of which is shown as connected to a ground-plate C, while the other, leading from the center, is adapted to be connected to an insulated terminal, which is generally maintained at an elevation in the air. The coils B B' are placed in insulating-receptacles D, which contain the freezing agent and around which the coils A and A' are wound.
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-18-2013, 11:52 AM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • one more thing ....

                        Spiders' Electrostatic Charge Helps Them Trap Prey In Their Webs, New Study Shows

                        Spiders may trap unsuspecting prey by sucking them in using electrostatic attraction, new research suggests.

                        The new study, published today (July 4) in the journal Scientific Reports, found that the spiderweb of the common cross spider (or garden spider) is attracted to electrically charged objects, with the sticky threads of spider silk arcing toward each other in response to a charged object.


                        Honey, It's Electric: Bees Sense Charge On Flowers : NPR

                        Flowers are nature's ad men. They'll do anything to attract the attention of the pollinators that help them reproduce. That means spending precious energy on bright pigments, enticing fragrances and dazzling patterns.

                        Now, scientists have found another element that contributes to flowers' brand: their distinct electric field.
                        --------- Capacitor / Oscillator

                        also a good read


                        Quite different conditions exist in my system in which the electromagnetic waves or radiations are designedly minimized.

                        The apparatus not only makes the breeding of insects impossible, but is in a sense
                        a very efficient trap

                        Nikola Tesla’s Fountain from Scientific American, February 13th, 1915

                        the connection of one of, the terminals of the transmitting circuit to the ground having, itself, the effect of reducing the energy of these radiations to about one-half, Under observance of 'proper rules and artifices the distance is of little or no consequence, and by skillful application of the principle of "individualization," repeatedly referred to the messages may be rendered both non-interfering and non-interferable. This invention, which I have described in technical publications, attempts to imitate, in a very crude way, the nervous system in the human body.'

                        Nicolas Tesla
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-18-2013, 12:25 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Flowers often produce bright colours, patterns and enticing fragrance to attract their pollinators. Researchers at Bristol's School of Biological Sciences, led by Professor Daniel Robert, found that flowers also have their equivalent of a neon sign – patterns of electrical signals that can communicate information to the insect pollinator.
                          These electrical signals can work in concert with the flower's other attractive signals and enhance flower power, or floral advertising power.

                          A flower's electric field (right, with associated electric potential on the left) helps bumblebees predict where to find the most nectar

                          Plants are usually charged negatively and emit weak electric fields. On their side, bees acquire a positive charge, up to 200 Volts, as they fly through the air. No spark is produced as a charged bee approaches a charged flower, but certainly a small electric force builds up that can potentially convey information.

                          Bees and flowers communicate using electrical fields, researchers discover


                          • The precisely selective content of the La Maná water has been documented in several laboratories around the world; its most astounding feature being spherical nanoparticles of gold and silver less than 10nm in size that are potent antibacterial and even antiviral agents. The curative potential of this water has yet to be confirmed by clinical trials, although it has been in use in Ecuador for over a decade, with surprisingly little international awareness or demand.

                            The high vibratory characteristics of the sacred mountain of La Maná imbues its springwaters with an intense electrical vibration by resonant transfer from the piezoelectric stone of the mountain itself. During a recent visit to the sacred mountain on August 13, 2010 with several friends, we hiked to one of the many sacred springs dispersed high on the mountainside to enjoy its celestial waters. We took turns standing barefoot on the black basalt rock as we collected handfuls and cupfuls of pristine water. I briefly described the higher-dimensional beings that I very often noticed at energetic sacred sites as rapidly ascending and darting about among us (and which no one else seemed to notice, as usual).

                            One particular photograph from this series presents a large, radiant white/violet orb with very distinct sets of concentric circles distributed like petals around a nucleus (below), that perfectly reflect the quadratic formula [ zn+1 = zn2 ] that also defines standing wave patterns observed during resonant atmospheric stimulation of the Earth by intense bombardment of radiation from the 2001 solar maximum! Does increasing solar activity heighten the electrical influence of this sacred springwater, perhaps contributing to enhanced bioeletrification throughout the human body?

                            Resonance in Sacred Electrum Water


                            • BBX

                              here an old post by a friend of our Discussion :


                              Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

                              Here is a picture representing frozen colloidal gold.

                              Did it many years ago.

                              Created the colloidal gold using a plasma process.

                              Picture does not quite capture the fine detail of the spikes radiating out from the center.

                              It was quite beautiful.



                              ice proves itself to be a much better insulator than has heretofore appeared; second, that its insulating properties may be still further improved by the addition of other bodies to the water ; third, that the dielectric strength of ice or other frozen aqueous substance increases with the reduction of temperature and corresponding increase of hardness, and, fourth, that these bodies afford a still more effective insulation for conductors carrying intermittent or alternating currents, particularly of high rates
                              Tesla Patent 685,012 - Means for Increasing the Intensity of Electrical Oscillations

                              .... does it inspire you ... Colloidal gold / silver water .... I'm singin in the rain (lyrics) - YouTube

                              also check out this new thread :


                              La Maná – Land of the Seven Cascades
                              have you ever walked by a Waterfall and felt Exhilarated when tiny droplets of the water touched you

                              ps: looks like the rain answered my update as it just started pouring as i finished posting
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-19-2013, 12:52 AM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • with an intense electrical vibration by resonant transfer from the piezoelectric stone of the mountain itself

                                but where is the Spark Plug .... ... and why is it so charged up compared to other waterfalls

                                if you know where to look .... the Land that gave us many Miss Universe ( and two very charismatic Leaders ) .... we might find the Answer

                                The everlasting storm: Stunning images of unique phenomenon in Venezuela where lightning has raged almost EVERY OTHER NIGHT for thousands of years

                                Read more: The everlasting storm: Stunning images of unique phenomenon in Venezuela where lightning has raged almost EVERY NIGHT for thousands of years | Mail Online
                                Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


                                Schumann resonances - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.
                                Loudest Plasma Speaker - Class-E Audio Modulated Tesla Coil - YouTube
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-19-2013, 01:26 AM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

