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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • .... Funkadelic - Groovallegiance - YouTube

    Pledge a groovallegiance to the funk
    The United Funk of Funkadelica
    Uh, dey funk, well dey funk, today funk
    Of da United Funk of Funkadelica

    I pledge groovallegiance to the flag
    Of funky, funky, funkadelica, yeah


    Sun today — solar flares online

    ps: ... The Sky Tonight - Astronomy News UK, Night Sky, Celestial Events, Images, Books and Star Naming Service

    what does a***** do .... she turns tricks

    and what does a HOR ( HUR ) do ..... Hu turns Tricks .... Love Unlimited Orchestra - Midnight Groove - YouTube

    Be Hu U R .... HUR

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-07-2014, 12:56 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Great info about the bee attributes and the egyptian rock carvings (Andrew Gough's Arcadia).

      I had to check for some pictures of nordic carvings from about the same time, a few thousand years B. C., looking for 'antennas'.

      Last edited by Michael C; 01-07-2014, 03:12 PM.


      • Originally posted by Michael C View Post
        Great info about the bee attributes and the egyptian rock carvings (Andrew Gough's Arcadia).

        I had to check for some pictures of nordic carvings from about the same time, a few thousand years B. C., looking for 'antennas'.


        Funkadelic - Groovallegiance - YouTube ( sorry for the repeat but matches the images )

        thank you Michael C for the added Flow

        .... Funkadelic - Cholly (Funk Getting Ready To Roll!) - YouTube

        Ra in the underworld[edit]

        Ra was thought to travel on two solar boats called the Mandjet (the Boat of Millions of Years), or morning boat and the Mesektet, or evening boat.[4] These boats took him on his journey through the sky and the Duat, the literal underworld of Egypt. While Ra was on the Mesektet, he was in his ram-headed form.[4] When Ra traveled in his sun boat he was accompanied by various other deities including Sia (perception) and Hu (command) as well as Heka (magic power). Sometimes members of the Ennead helped him on his journey, including Set, who overcame the serpent Apophis, and Mehen, who defended against the monsters of the underworld. When Ra was in the underworld, he would visit all of his various forms.[4]

        .... One Nation Under A Groove - Funkadelic (1978) - YouTube
        what have we learned about dogs

        Others believe the image of the Sphinx portrays the dog Anubis ( the dark colored face )

        Why does the sphinx face east

        Sphinx - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( or Hun nb )

        Sphinxes in South and Southeast Asia
        Similar creatures[edit]

        The 32,000-year-old Aurignacian Löwenfrau Goddess is the oldest known anthropomorphic statue. Previously known as the Lion man, she has a human female body and a lioness head.

        Lion Power Animal, Symbol of Brotherhood, Feminine Energy
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-07-2014, 06:33 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • ps: Parliament - Give Up The Funk (Tear The Roof Off The Sucker - YouTube

          Houri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia or HUR ( can also mean Freedom see also HARE )

          Sun today — solar flares online

          winter = yin ( for the North Hemisphere ) ... Funkentelechy - Parliament - YouTube ..... Check M

          Rank: Queen
          Card Title: Queen of Pentacles
          Esoteric Title: Queen of the Thrones of Earth
          Astrological Attribution: Capricorn (cardinal earth)

          Decans: The Devil
          Dates & Timing: 20° Sagittarius to 20° Capricorn
          Corresponding Trump: December 13 to January 9
          Elemental Attributions: Water (cold, wet) of Earth (cold, dry)
          Elemental Combination: The Emotions transform the Senses
          Qabalistic World: Binah in Assiah
          Translation of World: The Understanding of Manifestation .... Hodges, James & Smith - Turn The People On - YouTube
          Suit Color: Pentacles – Green

          The Revelations - Soul 111 [1974] - YouTube
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-08-2014, 02:12 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Nanofibers align to the sound of Beethoven and Mozart

            ( —Humans create and perform music for a variety of purposes such as aesthetic pleasure, healing, religion, and ceremony. Accordingly, a scientific question arises: Can molecules or molecular assemblies interact physically with the sound vibrations of music? In the journal ChemPlusChem, Japanese researchers have now revealed their physical interaction. When classical music was playing, a designed supramolecular nanofiber in a solution dynamically aligned in harmony with the sound of music.
            Sound is vibration of matter, having a frequency, in which certain physical interactions occur between the acoustically vibrating media and solute molecules or molecular assemblies. Music is an art form consisting of the sound and silence expressed through time, and characterized by rhythm, harmony, and melody. The question of whether music can cause any kind of molecular or macromolecular event is controversial, and the physical interaction between the molecules and the sound of music has never been reported.
            .... 9th creation - Superheroes - YouTube

            Artstrology Date Checker

            DATE: Wednesday, January 8, 2014

            MAYAN DAY: 10/Aq'ab'al

            10 is Manifestation.

            ********The 13th day is Aq'ab'al. House.********
            Recognition of 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night.
            Energy coming to the house. Birth of a new being or way of being.
            Love, Happiness. Good spiritual guides. Aq'ab'al can do ceremony to fix marriage and add harmony to the home.
            They are youthful, and have ability to heal high blood pressure, heart disease, as well as facilitate easy childbirth.
            Aq'ab'al is strong against negative energies. Good marriage counselors.
            10 DAY DECAN IS: .... THE UNDISPUTED TRUTH - What It Is? - YouTube


            The 2nd decan of Capricorn is Lotus. It is a female decan ruled by Venus. (Jan 1-10)
            A beautiful woman with oval eyes shaped like lotus petals is experienced in the 64 arts.
            She wears metallic earrings and desires a variety of things.

            Quranic description[edit]

            The houri have variously been described as being "restraining their glances (chaste)",[7][8] "modest gaze",[4] "wide and beautiful/lovely eyes",[3][7][9] "like pearls",[3] "spouse",[10] "companions of equal age",[2] "splendid",[1] "voluptuous",[11] and much more besides

            Houri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
            .... P. Funk (Wants To Get Funked Up) - Parliament (1975) - YouTube

   ..... .... Funkentelechy - Parliament - YouTube

            Ace of Wands Dictionary[edit]

            Arrien-The Torch of Fire. A deep spiritual desire and opportunity for self-discovery and self-realization that the individual has to draw upon for a year's time.

            Cowie-New Idea. Having a new thought.

            Crowley-The Root of the Powers of Fire. The essence of the element of Fire in its inception. The primordial Energy of the Divine manifesting in Matter at so early a stage that it is not yet definitely formulated as Will.

            Eakins-Force. Transformative high energy. Great energy of new beginnings. A newly discovered source of power. Excitement. Exhilaration.

            Fairfield-A New Identity. Planting the seeds for a new, public identity. Beginning to create a new name for yourself or taking on a new role in life.

            Greer-Inspired consciousness. Consciousness Raising. Desire for self-growth. New idea. Burst of energy. The first impulse and the passionate will to begin.

            Noble-The beginning of fire-spirit, intuition, energy. A rebirth of the spirit. The passions are aroused and creativity is assured. Expansive activity and willpower for whatever your goal to dictate.

            Pollack-A gift of strength, power, great sexual energy, and the love of living. Or chaos and things falling apart.

            Sharman-Burke-Positive new beginnings and ideas in the element of fire. Creativity, energy and initiative. Can symbolize a new business venture, a new undertaking, new foundation, and creative power with plenty of potential and ambition to progress and succeed.

            Stewart-Fire/Light. In one sense the burning flame, while in a higher octave universal light, the energy of being. A balancing, affirmed power, an energy increasing in potency. The god of light in harmony and balance with the dragon power.

            Waite-Creation, invention, enterprise, the powers which result in these; principle, beginning, source; birth, family, origin, and in a sense of virility which is behind them, The starting point of enterprises; money, fortune, inheritance.

            Walker-Power. Power and the masculine element of fire with its connotations of heat, vigor, aspiration, contest, enlightenment, and avidity to consume.

            Wanless-Illumination. Purity, clarity, and honesty. State of enlightenment. Understanding. Having the courage to change and expand. Knowing what gives you energy and vitality.

            Riley-Evokes the Force. Unseen self-organizing. The Spirit rising up from within. The drawing of desire, passion, enthusiasm, creativity. Indicates some form of I desire.[8]
            Yo, this is mood control
            (Yo, ho)
            Saying you might as well pay attention
            (This is mood control)
            We can't afford free speech
            (Mood, mood, mood, someone's funkin' with the mood)

            Mood control is designed to render funkable ideas
            Brought to you by the makers of Mr. Prolong
            Better known as Urge Overkill
            The pimping of the pleasure principle

            Oh, but we'll be pecking lightly
            Like a woodpecker with a headache
            'Cause it's cheaper to funk than it is to pay attention, you dig?
            Huck-a-buck, A-Lo and behold
            Someone's funking with the mood control

            flow :

            Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-09-2014, 12:28 AM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Tinariwen - TENERE TAQQIM TOSSAM - YouTube ....

              Uan Muhuggiag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              Uan Muhuggiag is a place in central Libyan Sahara, and the name of the mummy of a small boy found there in 1958 by Professor Fabrizio Mori. The mummy displays a highly sophisticated mummification technique, and at around 5,500 years old is older than any comparable Ancient Egyptian mummy.[1]
              The culture that produced the mummy were cattle herders, and occupied much of North Africa, at a time when the Sahara was a savannah. Possible links with later Egyptian culture have also been found, including the representation in rock art of dog-headed human figures (resembling Anubis), and a type of pottery decoration later found in the southern Nile valley.

              also did you know :

              Morocco's Atlas Mountains defy the standard model for mountain structure of deep roots for support, instead floating on a layer of molten rock, scientists say.

              The mountains are sitting atop a layer of molten rock that flows beneath the region's lithosphere, perhaps all the way from the volcanic Canary Islands just off northwestern Africa, researchers at the University of Southern California said.

              Read more: Atlas Mountains in Morocco found to be floating on molten rock layer -
              Othala – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets

              We inherit ourselves.”

              Othala - “Oh-th all-ah” – Literally: “Homeland” or “Ancestral Lot” – Esoteric: Inheritance, estate, noble

              Psi: ancestral spiritual power

              Tinariwen - Lulla - YouTube
              Ululation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              An ululation (pronunciation: i/ˌjuːl.juː.ˈleɪ.ʃən/) is a long, wavering, high-pitched vocal sound resembling a howl with a trilling quality. It is produced by emitting a high pitched loud voice accompanied with a rapid movement of the tongue and the uvula.[1] The term ululation is an onomatopoeic word derived from Latin. It is produced by moving the tongue, rapidly, back and forth repetitively in the mouth while producing a sharp sound.

              Around the world .... read on

              . Oriyas call it Hulahuli. ....

              In ancient times[edit]

              In Ancient Egypt, reference to ululation appears on the inscription of the pyramid texts of Unas, on the West Wall of the Corridor (section XIII),[14] and of Pepi I, in the Spells for Entering the Akhet.[15] In ancient Greece ululation or ololuge was normally used as a joyful expression[16] to celebrate good news[17] or when an animal's throat is cut during sacrifice.[18] However, in Aeschylus' Agamemnon, along with being an expression of joy, it is also used for fury,[17] and in Sophocles' Electra it is employed as an expression of grief.[16]

              Homer mentions ololuge (ululation) in his works,[19][20] as does Herodotus, citing ululation in North Africa – where it is still practiced – saying:

              I think for my part that the loud cries uttered in our sacred rites came also from thence; for the Libyan women are greatly given to such cries and utter them very sweetly.[21]

              Or in another translation:

              I also think that the ololuge or cry of praise emitted during the worship of Athena started in Libya, because it is often employed by Libyan women, who do it extremely well.[22][23]

              ------ check this out :

              Links to Japanese and African Languages


              Just Genesis : A Kindling of Ancient Memory

              Ululation is practiced in certain styles of singing, as well as in communal ritual events, used to express strong emotion. In Arab countries ululation is commonly used to express celebration, especially at weddings ( Hierogamos ) . An example of the incorporation of ululations in traditional wedding songs can be found in Zaghareed, a collection of Palestinian traditional wedding songs reinterpreted and re-arranged by Mohsen Subhi and produced in 1997 by the Palestinian National Music and Dance Troupe (El Funoun).[2] It is especially used in West Bengal in India, especially during weddings and other auspicious events.


              In Ancient Egypt, reference to ululation appears on the inscription of the pyramid texts of Unas, on the West Wall of the Corridor (section XIII)
              Pyramid Texts Online - Corridor leading to outside, West wall

              EXIT CORRIDOR
              West Wall (south to north)

              Utterance 313

              502: The phallus of Babi is pulled out (lock of door), the doors of the sky are open.
              The doors of the sky are locked, (the way leads) over the fire glow,
              under that which assembles the gods.

              503: What lets every Horus glide through will also let Unas glide through,
              over the fire glow, under that which assembles the gods.
              They make a way for Unas that Unas may pass along it.
              Unas is a Horus.

              Utterance 314

              504: To say the words:
              "Back, you ox who should be slaughtered,
              in whose horns should be the fingers of Aker!
              Fall, glide away!"

              Utterance 315

              505: "Unas is a jan-baboon, a hTt-baboon, a pATT-baboon.
              Unas' bottom is according to Unas' own wish(?),
              blessedness is on the head of Unas.
              Unas will make the jubilations (hnj) of those (i.e., as those) who jubilate.
              He will sit among you, youthful ones."

              Utterance 316

              506: "O hmj, and sHd, Unas does not give you his magical power.
              Unas will sit, his back towards She-the-Holy-One in Heliopolis.
              Take Unas to the sky!"

              Utterance 317

              507: To say the words:
              "Unas came today, out of the overflow of the Inundation.
              Unas is Sobek with green feather, with watchful face, with uplifted brow, rushing up, coming from the leg and the tail of the Great One, she who resides in the brilliant light (jmj.t jax).

              508: Unas came to his water currents which are in the land of the flood of the Great Overflow (mH-wr.t) (= the sky), to the place of peace with green pastures, which is on the horizon.

              509: Unas causes the grass to become green on the two banks of the horizon.
              Unas brings the green brilliance to the Great Eye which resides among the pastures.
              Unas takes his seat which is on the horizon.

              510: Unas arises as Sobek, the son of Neith.
              Unas eats with his mouth, Unas urinates, Unas copulates with his phallus.
              Unas is the lord of seed, he who takes the women from their husbands,
              wherever Unas wants, according to the desire of his heart.


              Anahata - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


              Anahata is considered the seat of the Jivatman, and Para Shakti. In the Upanishads, this is described as being like a tiny flame that resided inside the heart. Anahata is so called because it is in this place that sages hear that sound (Anahata – Shabda) which comes without the striking of any two things together."[3] It is associated with the element of air, the sense of touch, and with actions of the hands.

              Anahata is associated with the ability to make decisions outside of the realm of karma. In Manipura and below, man is bound by the laws of karma, and the fate he has in store for him. In Anahata, one is making decisions, 'following your heart', based upon one's higher self, and not from the unfulfilled emotions and desires of lower nature. As such, it is known as the heart chakra.[4]

              It is also associated with love and compassion, charity to others, and forms of psychic healing.

              Meditation on this chakra is said to bring about the following siddhis, or occult powers; he becomes a lord of speech; he is dearer than the dearest to women; his senses are completely under control; and he can enter at will into another's body.

              'Little Horny Man': Rock Carving of Giant Phallus Discovered | Lapa do Santo Cave & Oldest Rock Carving in the Americas | Archaeology & Cave Art | LiveScience



              Pier Ighina's Cosmic Energy Inventions - The Tesla / Reich / Keely of Italy - English Subtitles - YouTube

              Pierluigi Ighina - Le Leggi del Ritmo e altro dispositivi -

              Ighina affirmed that we see only a part of the reality, from the moment that also the light of the Sun is rhythmic, pulsating, since it reabsorbs in itself as "shades" unnoticed from the human senses, the reflections of its light, that it not only receives from the Planets, but also from the Firmament, that is the screen on which the Sun projects the film of the Creation , that is underlined in apparent and deceptive way, in virtue of the retinic persistence as matter less or more in motion in the Space.
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-09-2014, 03:33 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Solar Flare Will Hit Earth Thursday; Northern Lights May Expand South : The Two-Way : NPR ... .... Funkadelic -- Vampy Funky Bernie ( 3rd Tune Olympic) - YouTube .... Bee swarms behave just like neurons in the human brain

                An intense solar flare is being blamed for disrupting a NASA mission and could force airlines to reroute some flights. That's the bad news. The good news is that the flare is also expected to expand the viewing field of the aurora borealis southward, perhaps down to Colorado and Illinois.

                From the AP:

                "Federal space weather forecaster Joe Kunches said the sun shot out a strong solar flare late Tuesday, which should arrive at Earth early Thursday. It should shake up Earth's magnetic field and expand the aurora borealis south, possibly as far south as Colorado and central Illinois. He said best viewing would probably be Thursday evening, weather permitting."
                result for : Henna + Electrostatic :

                Parliament-I Call My Baby Pussycat(1972) - YouTube

                Utterance 316

                506: "O hmj, and sHd, Unas does not give you his magical power.
                Unas will sit, his back towards She-the-Holy-One in Heliopolis.
                Take Unas to the sky!"

                .... Tinariwen-Tenhert - YouTube

                Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-09-2014, 11:10 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • ps:

                  In Norse mythology, hamingja (Old Norse "luck"[1]) refers to two concepts:
                  the personification of the good fortune or luck of an individual or family,
                  the altered appearance of shape-shifters.

                  Both Andy Orchard and Rudolf Simek note parallels between the concept of the hamingja and the fylgja.[2]

                  Hamingja - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                  Unas ....

                  Others believe the image of the Sphinx portrays the dog Anu bi S – or Anpu, and curiously, the vital force of Anpu’s skin is frequently represented by Bees.

                  bi - Wiktionary


                  Etymology 1[edit]

                  From Old Norse bý, from Proto-Germanic *bijō, from Proto-Indo-European *bʰī-.

                  bi n
                  Bombino-Tigrawahi Tikma - YouTube ....

                  .... Tinariwen & Kiran Ahluwalia Mustt Mustt - YouTube .... Mayan Numbers Symbols

                  .... Pyramid of Unas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  It is believed that within the inscriptions of the Pyramid Text in Unas's tomb, there are also some lines of a Semitic dialect, written in Egyptian script and comprising the earliest evidence of written Semitic language.[2]

                  Coordinates: 29°52′06″N 31°12′53″E

                  History of surfing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  History of surfing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  Ancient Hawaii[edit]

                  The Ancient Hawaiian people did not consider surfing a mere recreational activity, hobby, extreme sport, or career as it is viewed today. Rather, the Hawaiian people integrated surfing into their culture and made surfing more of an art than anything else.[citation needed] They referred to this art as heʻe nalu which translates into English as “wave sliding.” The art began before entering the mysterious ocean as the Hawaiians prayed to the gods for protection and strength to undertake the powerful mystifying ocean. If the ocean was tamed, frustrated surfers would call upon the kahuna (priest), who would aid them in a surfing prayer asking the gods to deliver great surf. Prior to entering the ocean, the priest would also aid the surfers (mainly of the upper class) in undertaking the spiritual ceremony of constructing a surfboard..

                  Hawaiians would carefully select one of three types of trees.
                  Ka Hu Na ( or Anu )


                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-10-2014, 06:59 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

                    Unas ....

                    Others believe the image of the Sphinx portrays the dog Anu bi S – or Anpu, and curiously, the vital force of Anpu’s skin is frequently represented by Bees.

                    bi - Wiktionary


                    Etymology 1[edit]

                    From Old Norse bý, from Proto-Germanic *bijō, from Proto-Indo-European *bʰī-.

                    bi n
                    Bombino-Tigrawahi Tikma - YouTube ....


                    anu - Wiktionary





                    Aymara people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    The Aymara or Aimara (Aymara: aymara About this sound listen (help·info)) are an indigenous native nation in the Andes and Altiplano regions of South America; about 2 million live in Bolivia, Peru and Chile
                    Funkadelic -- Vampy Funky Bernie ( 3rd Tune Olympic) - YouTube

                    ... The Ancient Americas (1)
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-10-2014, 07:29 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • By 5800 BC brighter skies had returned, although the Sun was not yet seen regularly. The swirling 'cloud' remained, but very slowly a gigantic circular object came to be discerned in the skies above the Earth's north polar regions. This was the actual physical shape of the planet Saturn in an enclosing coma. This is the egg of the creation myths. All the later tales recall that when the first God emerged, it was as a smaller object from within the egg-like sphere.

                      After 900 years of the static fluffy cloud above the north horizon of Earth, in about 4900 BC, and at the location above the north pole of Earth, a circular shape became visible through the swirling clouds, a globe ten or twenty times the diameter of the Moon. The globe stood, inactive, for another 700 years. The globe looked white, but was the actual planet Saturn seen through the intervening plasma.

                      Although in some legends of creation only a globe is remembered, other sources recall the figure as a duck or a goose, having noticed the planet Uranus, which was displaced from the central axis of rotation of the Saturnian planets. Uranus still looked like the head of a bird -- with a beak and with a neck seemingly connected to the globe of Saturn.

                      Thus any number of creation legends hold that the creator god was a duck or goose. The Egyptian heiroglyph for Ra, the creator God, is a goose. The sacred animal of Brahma, the Vedic creator God, is a goose.


                      • "The "squatter" or " stickman" figure is a ubiquitous symbol found in nearly every culture. It is often confused with a crude, distorted version of the human form. Some cultures speak of it as the big red man in the heavens.When appearing in the heavens, this plasma discharge column--the axis mundi of world mythology--evolved through a series of "plasma instabilities" documented in high energy laboratory experiments.

                        As we have noted a columnar discharge current breaks up into a string of sausage-like cells—usually 7 to 9 in number—which evolve into donut-like ring currents (toroids). The stacked toroids flatten into disks, and their edges fold away from the disk plane—upward in the top toroids and downward in the bottom ones.

                        The form that we see as the "Stickman" is the culmination of a late phase, as a number of the flattened toroids fold up to form the stickman's head. This squatting figure is one of the more stable (longer-lasting) plasma “instabilities,” and in this phase it was the the brightest and most terrifying component in a configuration of stunning impact on human imagination.

                        The discharge form was recorded on stone by all human communities that witnessed it, and it influenced sacred designs across several millennia.
                        Last edited by BBX; 01-11-2014, 12:12 AM. Reason: edit


                        • BBX , my friend good reading you

                          Swan-Goose. The Cygnus Mystery

                          Saraswati was goddess also of the Rig Veda, the oldest body of literature in the Orient, which can be traced to a mysterious civilization that inhabited the Saraswati Valley in West India c. 3300-1900 BC. They are known to have been a shamanic based society, which almost certainly used trance states, and Soma, the drug of enlightenment, to obtain otherworldly information. This might have included the writing of the Vedas, as well as knowledge of Kalahamsa, the Swan-Goose of Eternity, the form of Brahma who brought the universe into manifestation.
                          Kala Hamsa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :

                          Originally posted by BBX View Post

                          The discharge form was recorded on stone by all human communities that witnessed it, and it influenced sacred designs across several millennia.
                          what have we learned about the effect of a discharge on a Tuned Antenna .... Kiran Ahluwalia & Terakaft "Rabba ru" - YouTube

                          .... Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. Mustt Mustt (Massive Attack Remix). - YouTube

                          yhu posted a nice post a while ago worth sharing once more :

                          Originally posted by BBX View Post
                          The Chullpa towers at Sillustani near Lake Titicaca are thought by most academics to be burial places of the Inca and others. However, engineers I have taken there are of the opinion that the finest ones are far older than the Inca, and were of some energetic purpose.

                          Ancient Energy Generating Towers Of Lake Titicaca Peru - YouTube

                          Aymara people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                          Most present day Aymara-speakers live in the Lake Titicaca basin beginning in Lake Titicaca through Desaguadero River and into Lake Poopo (Oruro, Bolivia) also known as the Altiplano, and are concentrated south of the lake.

                          food for thought : .... Tinariwen Toumast - Aman Iman - YouTube

                          forgot to add ....

                          kala - Wiktionary + Kalevala - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                          Finnish Wikipedia has an article on:


                          From Proto-Uralic *kala. Cognates include Northern Sami guolli, Ter Sami kɨll'e (“fish”), and Hungarian hal.




                          From Sanskrit काल (kāla, “time”).
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-11-2014, 02:29 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Canto Ostinato - dervish dance and organ - YouTube



                            • =

                              Some say existence like a Pirouot
                              And Pirouette , forever in one place,
                              Stands still and dances, but it runs away;
                              It seriously, sadly, runs away
                              To fill the abyss's void with emptiness.

                              Robert Frost, West-running Brook

                              good reading you P~0

                              Ma ai literally means "harmony of space" ,
                              ( and Time )

                              Music is an art form consisting of the sound and silence expressed through time, and characterized by rhythm, harmony, and melody.
                              TAMIKREST | Aicha | - YouTube .... ay - Wiktionary Shah ... Ma Ay
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-13-2014, 01:04 AM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

