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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • MonsieurM
    a repost #463 from :

    follow up: the next commentary is embodies very well many posts we have discussed

    Principle of polarity

    Opposites are common: white and black, summer and winter, day and night, new and old, above and below, and so on. And it is easy to see that there is a half-way point that is neither quite one nor the other: grey, spring (or autumn), dawn (or dusk), middle age, the middle ground.

    The Daoists, like many Oriental philosophers were intrigued by the idea of the middle way, and instinctively distrusted extremes. Even peace, if pursued as an end in itself, could lead to inactivity, lethargy and decay, resulting in death just as surely as war (and that's if the peace movement hadn't already become intolerant, fanatical and militant and, thereby, self-defeating).

    An ultra thin line separates the yang from the yin on the Taiji Tu. Arguably, the width of this line is no greater than that of the momentary present separating the past from the future. Yet it is on the cusp of this line that we experience life. The interactions of opposites produce the infinite complexity of the universe.

    In the I Ching it says: The sage rises-up as if on the back of 6 headless dragons, to attain Heaven’, as without intention or forethought the place of the 7th step, the place of rest, is attained. The steps therefore are states of awareness of the creative process within the body that is constructed in the 6 steps, and upon the attainment of the 7th level the sage allows universal wisdom (the law) to move matter, while he rests in a state of clear awareness in the 6 centres or Chakra of physical movement (the movement is on 384 lines of energy).

    Chap. 67. How the Mind of Man may be Joined with the Mind of the Stars, and Intelligences of the Celestials, and, together with them, Impress certain wonderful vertues upon inferior Things.

    The 6s and 7s are found in the 9 x 9 Magic Square of the Moon
    in which the constant flow of 10s gives the total of the integer pairing 1 to 9, 2 to 8, 3 to 7, 4 to 6 in each decimal step 1234(5)6789. The total of each expansion is given as an average value in 5 and the total of 10 + 5 = central values of the 5 Element or Direction (into which the 10 Cyclic Signs fit). The x 6 gives the value of The Binary Trigrams or Trines, the Binary expands = 124875(10 = 1 = 64)24875 in the bound-up Torus 1 to 10, as in 3 6 9 and 9 6 3. In The Well a zig-zag of values are created in the Sequence of heaven ld by Ch’ien, and Earth led by K’un = 369369369 and 639639639 the (9 + 9 giving the 18 Transitions or Alternations of Light to Dark.)
    hope this shades a bit of light....pun intended


    Originally posted by Michael C View Post
    Just recieved this:

    I was into rune magic a bit earlier, but put the 'terror helmet' on hold for some reason. Now i know why, it's an 'almost' terror helmet in the cross of the labyrinth! A clue to the labyrinth itself perhaps?
    first drawing :

    Magic Square of the Moon :

    People See Odd Numbers as Male, Even as Female | Grammatical Gender | Psychology & Abstract Concepts | Male & Female Objects | LiveScience

    Daisy Grewal, Scientific American
    Date: 31 August 2011

    People See Odd Numbers as Male, Even as Female

    Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Of Occult Philosophy, Book I
    Agrippa argued that “all things that are, and are made, subsist by, and receive their vertue from numbers. For time consists of number, and all motion, and action, and all things which are subject to time, and motion” (171-72).


    Gnostic.Org: The Kybalion



    "Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on planes."-The Kybalion.
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-20-2012, 12:01 AM.

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  • MonsieurM
    remember Philip K Dick : see

    Social rejection can boost creativity, researchers find

    (Medical Xpress)— October 18, 2012 Social misfits, rejoice. You might be more like Steve Jobs, Lady Gaga and Albert Einstein than you realize, if rejection boosts your creativity, reports a new Cornell study.
    Being an outcast can lead to heightened creativity—even commercial success, according to research by Lynne Vincent, M.S./Ph.D. '12, an ILR visiting lecturer; Sharon Kim, M.S./Ph.D. '11, an assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University; and Jack Goncalo, ILR associate professor.

    see also :

    The Hermit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Hermit (IX) is the ninth trump or Major Arcana card in most traditional Tarot decks. It is used in game playing as well as in divination.
    Interpretation The Eagles-Journey of the Sorcerer ( Long Version) - YouTube

    The Hermit has internalized the lessons of life to the point that he is the lesson. The Hermit, as a kind of shamanistic hero, has made the complete journey – both the withdrawal and the return. As Joseph Campbell said, “A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.” (The Hero with a Thousand Faces)

    There are two possible ways this card can be interpreted:
    First, the need to withdraw from society to become comfortable with himself.
    Second, the return from isolation to share his knowledge with others.

    Alternative decks

    In some decks it is also called Le Moine ("The Monk") or Time.

    In the Vikings Tarot, the Hermit is Heimdall living at the edge of Asgard, standing ready with Gjallarhorn watching for the signs of the coming of Ragnarok.

    In the X/1999 Tarot version made by CLAMP, The Hermit is Satsuki Yatouji.

    In the Mythic Tarot deck, the Hermit is depicted by Cronus.

    Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Of Occult Philosophy, Book I
    Agrippa argued that “all things that are, and are made, subsist by, and receive their vertue from numbers. For time consists of number, and all motion, and action, and all things which are subject to time, and motion” (171-72).

    1 - Magician

    HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99

    67 > 13 > 4 - 67 - 19th prime
    --- (717 w/f); pr.n. "Father is Judge" --- father of the Tribe of Dan.
    --- pr. n. "Devoted To Seve" (roughly "devoted to Chronos", the name of an Egyptian king Sevechus contemporary with King Hoshea of Israel).
    12. G-K p.90
    13. G-K p. 93

    ps: 9 + 13 =

    a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
    Chap. 67. How the Mind of Man may be Joined with the Mind of the Stars, and Intelligences of the Celestials, and, together with them, Impress certain wonderful vertues upon inferior Things.

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-20-2012, 12:07 AM.

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  • MonsieurM
    An interesting info :

    A Mars-Sized Body Collided With The Early Earth Creating The Moon - Scientists Claim -

    The moon was born in a flaming blaze of glory when a body the size of Mars collided with the early Earth, according to recent evidence found by a team of scientists led by Frédéric Moynier from Washington University.

    The evidence might not seem all that impressive to a nonscientist: a tiny excess of a heavier variant of the element zinc in moon rocks. But the enrichment probably arose because heavier zinc atoms condensed out of the roiling cloud of vaporized rock created by a catastrophic collision faster than lighter zinc atoms, and the remaining vapor escaped before it could condense.

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  • MonsieurM
    a bit of info update :

    remember Philip K Dick : see

    Social rejection can boost creativity, researchers find

    (Medical Xpress)— October 18, 2012 Social misfits, rejoice. You might be more like Steve Jobs, Lady Gaga and Albert Einstein than you realize, if rejection boosts your creativity, reports a new Cornell study.
    Being an outcast can lead to heightened creativity—even commercial success, according to research by Lynne Vincent, M.S./Ph.D. '12, an ILR visiting lecturer; Sharon Kim, M.S./Ph.D. '11, an assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University; and Jack Goncalo, ILR associate professor.

    see also :


    Large-scale study confirms link between creativity and mental illness

    (Medical Xpress)—People in creative professions are treated more often for mental illness than the general population, there being a particularly salient connection between writing and schizophrenia. This according to researchers at Karolinska Institutet, whose large-scale Swedish registry study is the most comprehensive ever in its field.
    wonder if any study has been done on people with such mental states and their relations to their body ph .... Mens sana in corpore sano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Monitoring your Body's PH levels


    Might lefties and righties benefit differently from a power nap?

    People who like to nap say it helps them focus their minds post a little shut eye. Now, a study from Georgetown University Medical Center may have found evidence to support that notion.

    Set of criteria for 'hypersexual disorder' proposed as new mental health condition

    (Medical Xpress)—The idea that an individual might suffer from a sexual addiction is great fodder for radio talk shows, comedians and late night TV. But a sex addiction is no laughing matter. Relationships are destroyed, jobs are lost, lives ruined.
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-19-2012, 03:44 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Let's Resonate a few Fractals ..... it will make more sense as you read

    Superstition Mountains - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia + Phoenix Lights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Superstition legends

    The legend of the Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine centers around the Superstition Mountains. According to the legend, a German immigrant named Jacob Waltz discovered a mother lode in the Superstition Wilderness and revealed its location on his deathbed in Phoenix in 1891 to Julia Thomas, a boarding-house owner who had taken care of him for many years. Several mines have been claimed to be the actual mine that Walzer discovered, but none of those claims have been verified.[1]

    Some Apaches believe that the hole leading down into the lower world is located in the Superstition Mountains. Winds blowing from the hole are supposed to be the cause of severe dust storms.[

    : 33°28′41″N 111°14′20″W = 247 = 13

    USU geophysicist links quartz deposits to mountains and faults

    Geophysical measurements collected in the western United States reveal correlations between high concentrations of quartz and high temperatures deep in the Earth’s crust. USU geophysicist Tony Lowry says quartz is key to rock cycles resulting in large-scale deformation of continents. Image courtesy Tony Lowry, Utah State University.
    USU geophysicist links quartz deposits to mountains and faults | The Salt Lake Tribune


    The Scole Experiment

    Image examples:

    Images were captured during an experiment we were conducting using a Herkimer quartz crystal (see The Scole Experiment. We were focusing a concentrated light source onto the side of this crystal and capturing from the image generated.

    We have to study the resulting images in the minutest detail; a task which has to be repeated over and over again to ensure we haven’t overlooked a positive result.

    Sometimes we resort to using magnification, as some of the faces we see are very small. We cannot overemphasize the importance of studying every detail, and these particular results are a good example of what could be missed. We had put most of the originals aside, after looking at them in depth several times but, on a further study and using a mirror as an aid to recognition, the results were there for all to see.
    During the five years of the Scole experiments the top afterlife scientists in the UK, Europe and America witnessed amazing physical mediumship. In this trailer for the wonderful documentary Afterlife Science by Tim Coleman you can see briefly the scene where Professor Arthur Ellison (pictured) was invited to touch a quartz crystal which was lit up from the inside. As he watched, the crystal dematerialized and when he went to touch it again the outline was there but his hand went straight through it

    Time Travel: "It's About Time" (by Robert A. Nelson) ~ Ernetti, Kozyrev, von Lubec, &c

    In February 2003, the Russian newspaper Pravda printed a story about an unidentified scientist who has developed a time camera that uses pure quartz lenses as a critical component. Following is an excerpt:

    "The object-glass is made of pure quartz, which lets ultraviolet radiation run through it without any losses.
    As it turned out, it is the ultraviolet radiation that carries the images and the information of the past. We have already managed to take some pictures; for example, we photographed several days of World War II. I have a very good picture of two warriors, who aim their looks at the forest. Another picture depicts horsemen wearing pointed hats and holding bows and shields in their hands. There is an image of some leader with slanting eyes on their shields. We have another picture of a mammoth silhouette with big tusks standing against the background of some giant trees. This is a picture of the paleolith era."

    In 1897, two British men claimed to have invented a camera that could photgraph the past. William Maplebeck (67) and amateur photographer Robert Stookes (56), demonstrated their "chronoscope" at Esme Collings Photographers on Rodney Street in Liverpool. Maplebeck said that he had discovered an arrangement of mirrored quartz lenses which could project images of the past on a photographic plate in a random (uncontrolled) manner. The inventors showed magic lantern slides of cave men, Roman soldiers stationed in Chester, and an Elizabethan woman in the streets of Liverpool. The lecture was disrupted by jeers and cries of "Fraud!" and "Charlatans!". Maplebeck and Stokes put their invention into its case and left, as it was pointless to continue their lecture.

    The great scientist Charles Steinmetz allegedly developed a time camera that could photograph the past, based on a technical secret revealed to him by the Englishman Baird T. Spalding, also using quartz lenses.

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