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How can these radioactive Thorium plasma batteries be safe?

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  • #16
    Hi Leviathan, Fair enough if no harmful radiations are possible I have no
    objection to them as far as that goes. But if the technology is suppressed how
    do you know so much about it ? And if you know so much about it why aren't
    other people building them ? Considering the energy they can supposedly output
    there would need to be significant safety control systems just for the electrical
    side of things.



    • #17
      Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
      Hi Leviathan, Fair enough if no harmful radiations are possible I have no
      objection to them as far as that goes. But if the technology is suppressed how
      do you know so much about it ? And if you know so much about it why aren't
      other people building them ? Considering the energy they can supposedly output
      there would need to be significant safety control systems just for the electrical
      side of things.

      Honestly I know nothing about the technology that was initially suppressed
      I just have a good understanding of the physics it would require, I am only
      reinventing the idea, but I have a good idea of how it would work and will
      be testing it as soon as I can. I might not be the only one trying to build
      these things, if someone has succeeded they probably they probably
      wouldn't tell many people about it, and if I succeed I will tell people anomalously
      as possible. The power output is very stable stable because there are no
      dangerous nuclear reactions occurring and you aren't changing
      the radio active source in any way, simply like a solar panel in front of a light
      source, collecting the light does nothing to effect the light source.


      • #18
        Batteries that could power houses and last for 50 years could destroy the
        economy and without a fair system in place many would suffer a lot. First
        thing is grid power prices would skyrocket, then anyone who could not afford a
        plasma battery would be forced to buy their energy from a company at
        elevated prices.
        This would apply to any free or cheap energy device.
        The system as it is is not fair. Its geared towards profitability for those in control of energy which is CEOs and stockholders which comprise a very small portion of the total population. There are 100 multi-billonares who control almost a Trillion dollars and most are energy related. How many of them get a huge tax break. Its their economics not the masses they worry about. Their apple cart needs to be upset.
        How many goods and services can you buy with just 100 Million let alone one Billion? Its ridiculous to stockpile that kind of money for ones self. Its just an outright sin to me when so many suffer.
        I did research on the contents of chicken feed from a company that supplys tractor supply. The content was not on the bags. I was given the run around all the way to the top. Still dont know the contents. But I did find something out. Bill gates owns about 2 % of tractor supply stock. Its worth is about $30 million. Its in a non-taxable trust fund. Give me a break!!!


        • #19
          Affordability & Safety Issues

          I agree...If these batteries are not affordable, or can be made affordable when mass-produced, they might be a non-issue for common consumers. But since they are based on Thorium, and less than 8 grams could power an automobile for a lifetime, I calculated that 48 grams would be required for a two bedroom house and 150,000 amps of appliances. Based on this I did some more math based on the cost of unprocessed, raw, Thorium (30 times more abundant than Uranium and current selling for $250 per kilogram) So less than $10 of Thorium is required to power a 2 bedroom house.

          But we have to factor in a profit margin and the costs of processing, manufacturing, marketing, sales, packaging, and distribution. So now we are up to $500 MSRP for a battery powerful enough for a 2 bedroom house. Given only a 10 year life cycle that comes out to $50 per year. But the government would surely want to find a way to tax it and probably add a disposal fee as well so now we double the MSRP to $1,000. When factored into the cost of a new home or even retrofitted, what homeowner cannot afford this? Especially when you consider that the average American home owner spends $3,857 a year on electricity. So, the costs and savings are only an issue to those that now greatly profit from metered electricity, and unless they can control and monopolize the new scalable batteries, they will conspire with the oil companies to find devious ways to keep them off the market.

          Getting back to Black Sheep Bill's OP, the attached chart shows that radiation is not an issue at all since we already use cellphones that give off the same amount of radiation and we would not be holding plasma batteries for our homes, cars, or laptops less than an inch away from our brains 2 hours of every day. But keep dreaming... the Pentagon will never let even see one of these batteries, much less use one in our cars. We will probably end up paying trough the nose to buy black market plasma batteries that will eventually be made in Russia or China.

          Here are related links:

          8 Grams of Thorium Could Replace Gasoline In Cars | Libertarian News

          Thorium Costs
          Attached Files
          Last edited by EXCELERATOR; 05-05-2012, 11:34 PM.
          The harder you work the luckier you get!


          • #20
            Originally posted by EXCELERATOR View Post
            I agree...If these batteries are not affordable, or can be made affordable when mass-produced, they might be a non-issue for common consumers. But since they are based on Thorium, and less than 8 grams could power an automobile for a lifetime, I calculated that 48 grams would be required for a two bedroom house and 150,000 amps of appliances. Based on this I did some more math based on the cost of Thorium (30 times more abundant than Uranium and current selling for $25 per kilogram) So less than $10 of Thorium is required to power a 2 bedroom house.

            But we have to factor in a profit margin and the costs of manufacturing, marketing, sales, packaging, and distribution. So now we are up to $500 MSRP for a battery powerful enough for a 2 bedroom house. Given only a 10 year life cycle that comes out to $50 per year. But the government would surely want to find a way to tax it and probably add a disposal fee as well so now we double the MSRP to $1,000. When factored into the cost of a new home or even retrofitted, what homeowner cannot afford this? Especially when you consider that the average American home owner spends $3,857 a year on electricity. So the costs and savings are only an issue to those that now profit from metered electricity and unless they can control and monopolize the new scalable batteries, they will conspire with the oil companies to find devious ways to keep them off the market.

            Getting back to Black Sheep Bill's OP, the attached chart shows that radiation is not an issue at all since we already use cellphones that give off the same amount of radiation and we would not be holding plasma batteries for our homes, cars, or laptops less than an inch away from our brains 2 hours of every day.
            My question is, How do you know so much about a secret technology ? Where
            is the information which states the radiations ? If the Tech is so secret and
            suppressed how do you know how a battery is built and what it radiates ?

            Besides do you really think thorium will remain the same price. Supply and
            demand will kick in. Because the people who own and run the mining
            companies are part of the problem.

            If your government deems it a national security threat and it isn't, the
            government is the problem for sure, what to do about it though. Lobby them ?

            The truth is we vote in our governments, we decide who runs them either by
            choice or by apathy, the suppression is our own, we should own it we allow it
            to be done by our employee's (the government) to ourselves. Our countries to
            not belong to our governments. Our governments work for us as our
            employees. If any changes are to be made we need to sack the whole lot of
            them. And take back control of our countries and the resources.

            Multi national companies can buy the resources of a certain country
            and destroy the environment while depleting those resources against the
            wishes of the people using the laws they pay to have passed to protect and
            enable them. Just look at the control they have over us. It is because we
            allow it.

            No use complaining to a snake for being a snake.

            In my opinion the whole occupy wall street thing was misdirected. The real
            problem is with the Central Banking System itself and it's ability to control the
            government. Our governments have no need whatsoever to loan money and
            pay interest, but they do. The question is why and how to stop it.

            I think the argument about the safety of these batteries is pure conjecture
            and pointless anyway unless there is a major shift in what the people want
            and will tolerate as far as government corruption and control goes.

            In my opinion if a country cannot close it's borders indefinitely without
            starving or risking the safety or well being of the citizens it has a national
            security problem And a resource problem mostly caused by the existing money system.



            • #21
              [QUOTE=Farmhand;191659]My question is, How do you know so much about a secret technology ? Where is the information which states the radiations ? If the Tech is so secret and suppressed how do you know how a battery is built and what it radiates ? [QUOTE]

              Green Energy Technology Suppression Exposed

              If you go Google and read the links especially this one here, you will see that in 2010 there was quite a bit of information and specifications at Office of Scientific and Technical Information, OSTI, U.S. Department of Energy which is the official database site for the DoE. Sometime in late 2010 all those posts were deleted without explanation. My memory is not photgraphic but I do remember some of the details. You can also still get some information that the censors overlooked, and the physical properties of Thorium are well known. And since only the Th232 isotope would be the most practical and easiest choice it is not to difficult to extrapolate basic conslcusions.
              Last edited by EXCELERATOR; 05-06-2012, 02:39 AM.
              The harder you work the luckier you get!


              • #22
                Temporarily safe?

                Okay Excelerator, I read all of your posts and the others so I am NOT ignorant. I am not even confused. Tell where my thinking is wrong here... Even if each of the batteries by itself puts of small amounts of radiation that you say are harmless (maybe true), eventually these batteries will be thrown away and end up where - a landfill? What happens when 10,000 of these old radioactive batteries end up in one place? Doesn't all that collective radiation cause a safety hazard?

