The Amplification of Energy
April 15, 2012 (revised from a previous document)
Leverage can amplify “Power” and save energy, too!
Few men have ever run a mile in less than 4 minutes. Yet, many men and kids can do a mile in less than 2 minutes on their bicycles by using the same amount of energy.
So, does “Power” and “Efficiency” increase with wheels and pulleys?
Of course it does, but many teachers believe that bicycles only improve our efficiency by saving energy, and do not increase “Work”, nor increase the size of the “Workhorse”!
Plus, few men or kids can lift 400 lbs., unless they use a lever, like “Atlas”.
So, does leverage amplify horsepower, too? YES, if you define horsepower, correctly!
Like, “Efficiency” should be defined as the distance a mobile object can travel on 1 gallon of fuel; where, “Power” could be defined as the “Best Time” over “Efficiency”;
since “Fat Horses or Objects” require more “time & energy” to travel the same distance.
So, one solution to the global energy problem may be an electric railroad locomotive running on a ¼ mile, circular track, with a lever about 210 ft. long turning a Turbine; where, a locomotive traveling at 15 mph would turn said turbine @ 1 rpm, etc. And, since, any locomotive without a train can pull lots of extra load, like the torque required to turn a 1 Giga-watt Turbine, if the lever didn’t bend.
For instance, a steel “I-beam” lever about one foot high would weigh about 500 lbs. per feet, or about 105,000 lbs., if 210 feet long. So, a railroad car behind said locomotive would have to support about 26 tons, which is very possible. Plus, said lever could even be supported in the middle, if needed, by another railroad car with axels & wheels running on a smaller, circular railroad track, about 1/8 mile in circumference.
Plus, an electric locomotive (or any electric horse) has the potential of receiving feedback power from said Turbine (or Grid) via a third rail, which would eliminate the need for any fossil fuel, except to get the National System started. And, said electric locomotive could be automated with remote controls, since no traffic would cross the special ¼ mile (in circumference) circular track, which could also be tilted or banked for maximum, safe speed.
SO, PERPETUAL ENERGY is possible with the above system on about 15 acres of flat land, near the existing National Grid!
Laughlin, NV. would be a good place to build the above experimental model before all American Grid access is “sold-out” to more Countries, like China, at bargain prices.
James H. Armistead, Inventor
Gen. Delivery,
Laughlin, NV. 89029 shakespirit@gmail.com
The Amplification of Energy
April 15, 2012 (revised from a previous document)
Leverage can amplify “Power” and save energy, too!
Few men have ever run a mile in less than 4 minutes. Yet, many men and kids can do a mile in less than 2 minutes on their bicycles by using the same amount of energy.
So, does “Power” and “Efficiency” increase with wheels and pulleys?
Of course it does, but many teachers believe that bicycles only improve our efficiency by saving energy, and do not increase “Work”, nor increase the size of the “Workhorse”!
Plus, few men or kids can lift 400 lbs., unless they use a lever, like “Atlas”.
So, does leverage amplify horsepower, too? YES, if you define horsepower, correctly!
Like, “Efficiency” should be defined as the distance a mobile object can travel on 1 gallon of fuel; where, “Power” could be defined as the “Best Time” over “Efficiency”;
since “Fat Horses or Objects” require more “time & energy” to travel the same distance.
So, one solution to the global energy problem may be an electric railroad locomotive running on a ¼ mile, circular track, with a lever about 210 ft. long turning a Turbine; where, a locomotive traveling at 15 mph would turn said turbine @ 1 rpm, etc. And, since, any locomotive without a train can pull lots of extra load, like the torque required to turn a 1 Giga-watt Turbine, if the lever didn’t bend.
For instance, a steel “I-beam” lever about one foot high would weigh about 500 lbs. per feet, or about 105,000 lbs., if 210 feet long. So, a railroad car behind said locomotive would have to support about 26 tons, which is very possible. Plus, said lever could even be supported in the middle, if needed, by another railroad car with axels & wheels running on a smaller, circular railroad track, about 1/8 mile in circumference.
Plus, an electric locomotive (or any electric horse) has the potential of receiving feedback power from said Turbine (or Grid) via a third rail, which would eliminate the need for any fossil fuel, except to get the National System started. And, said electric locomotive could be automated with remote controls, since no traffic would cross the special ¼ mile (in circumference) circular track, which could also be tilted or banked for maximum, safe speed.
SO, PERPETUAL ENERGY is possible with the above system on about 15 acres of flat land, near the existing National Grid!
Laughlin, NV. would be a good place to build the above experimental model before all American Grid access is “sold-out” to more Countries, like China, at bargain prices.
James H. Armistead, Inventor
Gen. Delivery,
Laughlin, NV. 89029 shakespirit@gmail.com