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Amplification of Energy

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  • Amplification of Energy

    The Amplification of Energy
    April 15, 2012 (revised from a previous document)

    Leverage can amplify “Power” and save energy, too!

    Few men have ever run a mile in less than 4 minutes. Yet, many men and kids can do a mile in less than 2 minutes on their bicycles by using the same amount of energy.
    So, does “Power” and “Efficiency” increase with wheels and pulleys?
    Of course it does, but many teachers believe that bicycles only improve our efficiency by saving energy, and do not increase “Work”, nor increase the size of the “Workhorse”!
    Plus, few men or kids can lift 400 lbs., unless they use a lever, like “Atlas”.
    So, does leverage amplify horsepower, too? YES, if you define horsepower, correctly!

    Like, “Efficiency” should be defined as the distance a mobile object can travel on 1 gallon of fuel; where, “Power” could be defined as the “Best Time” over “Efficiency”;
    since “Fat Horses or Objects” require more “time & energy” to travel the same distance.

    So, one solution to the global energy problem may be an electric railroad locomotive running on a ¼ mile, circular track, with a lever about 210 ft. long turning a Turbine; where, a locomotive traveling at 15 mph would turn said turbine @ 1 rpm, etc. And, since, any locomotive without a train can pull lots of extra load, like the torque required to turn a 1 Giga-watt Turbine, if the lever didn’t bend.

    For instance, a steel “I-beam” lever about one foot high would weigh about 500 lbs. per feet, or about 105,000 lbs., if 210 feet long. So, a railroad car behind said locomotive would have to support about 26 tons, which is very possible. Plus, said lever could even be supported in the middle, if needed, by another railroad car with axels & wheels running on a smaller, circular railroad track, about 1/8 mile in circumference.

    Plus, an electric locomotive (or any electric horse) has the potential of receiving feedback power from said Turbine (or Grid) via a third rail, which would eliminate the need for any fossil fuel, except to get the National System started. And, said electric locomotive could be automated with remote controls, since no traffic would cross the special ¼ mile (in circumference) circular track, which could also be tilted or banked for maximum, safe speed.

    SO, PERPETUAL ENERGY is possible with the above system on about 15 acres of flat land, near the existing National Grid!

    Laughlin, NV. would be a good place to build the above experimental model before all American Grid access is “sold-out” to more Countries, like China, at bargain prices.

    James H. Armistead, Inventor
    Gen. Delivery,
    Laughlin, NV. 89029

  • #2
    This is good, but somebody thought about it previously. For example Tom Bearden but I guess he was not the first and only one. simply ; while there is law of conservation of energy there is no law of conservation of work!
    With highly nonlinear dependence of force on time we could amplify work done using the same energy amount.Period. This is the base for parametric amplification and the simplest example is "snow ball effect" when snowball rolling from the top of hill is rising mass expotentially and thus the final energy of impact is tremendous. First described by Nikola Tesla in his autobiography published in 1916.


    • #3
      The Creation of Energy

      If the Universe is still expanding, who is creating all NEW ENERGY?


      • #4
        Creating Energy

        A NEW LAW OF PHYSICS: (Rev. V)
        Energy is amplified by Leverage.
        New Energy is Expanding the Universe.
        April 16, 2012 (Revised from previous documents.)

        Few men have ever run a mile in less than 4 minutes (@15 mph). Yet, many men and kids can do a mile in less than 2 minutes (@30 mph) on bicycles and still do many more miles at the same speed. So, does “Power” and “Efficiency” increase with leverage?

        Of course it does, but many teachers teach that bicycles only improve our efficiency by saving energy, and do not increase “Work”, nor reduce the size of the “Workhorse”! Plus, few men or kids can lift 400 lbs., unless they use a lever, like legendary “Atlas”. So, does leverage amplify horsepower, too? YES, if we define horsepower, better!

        So, one solution to the Global Energy Problem may be an electric railroad locomotive running on a ¼ mile, circular track, with a lever (about 210 ft. long) turning a Turbine in the center; where, said locomotive moving at 15 mph would turn said turbine @ 1 rpm, or if moving at 60 mph, @4 rpm. And, almost any locomotive can pull heavy loads, like the torque required to turn turbines from 1 to 200 megawatts or more with extended leverage.

        At present, a Diesel/Electric GE Locomotive or “Mule” produces about 4000 hp and runs on less than ½ megawatts of electricity per hour and could produce “over unity” power, if configured as described, herein; where, Torque is multiplied by the length of the lever. Or, 200 ft. of leverage (x 4000 hp) creates the torque equal to about 800,000 ft. lbs.

        For example, a steel “I-beam” lever about one foot high would weigh about 500 lbs. per foot, or about 105,000 lbs., if 210 feet long. So, a railroad car behind said locomotive or “mule” would have to support about 26 tons, which is now possible. Plus, said lever could even be supported in the middle, if needed, by another railroad car with axels & wheels running on a smaller, circular railroad track, about 1/8 mile in circumference.

        Plus, said electric locomotive could create more energy (over unity) than consumed via a third rail, which would eliminate the need for any fossil fuel at major Power Plants. Plus, electric locomotive or “mules” could be automated, and the railroad track could be banked for maximum, safe speed of about 90 mph, or more.

        SO, MORE EFFICIENCY, or even Perpetual Motion & Energy, is possible with the above system on about 15 acres of flat land, anywhere near the existing National Grid!

        Laughlin or Primm Valley (near Las Vegas) in Nevada would be a good place to build the above experimental model before all American Grid access is “sold-out” to more countries, like China, at below bargain prices.

        James H. Armistead, Inventor
        General Delivery,
        Laughlin, NV. 89029


        • #5
          Your average rail car can hold 125 tons or thereabouts. An 18 wheeler with an extra set of axles like an overload trailer would have could even do 26 tons with no problem.
          There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


          • #6
            Originally posted by Splitwater View Post
            If the Universe is still expanding, who is creating all NEW ENERGY?
            This is the opposite conclusion most come to from the observation that the universe is expanding. Most believe that because the universe is expanding we are loosing potential energy, and therefore we have developed the idea of an entropic universe.


            • #7
              Creating New Energy

              Throwing a baseball or anything creates new energy.

              All life on Earth creates new Energy.

              And, a hollow copper pipe will conduct more electrical current than a solid copper pipe of the same diameter. Stranded Copper Wire will carry more current than solid copper wire. So, go TEST THIS, and figure-out WHY.

              The secret is in the Henry Cavendish Method of spliting water, called Electrolysis. Oxygen flows through water to the positive electrode, after the water boils at the Negative pole.

