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High RPM to Low RPM, Motor-Generator: Public Discolsure - The Real McCoy

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  • High RPM to Low RPM, Motor-Generator: Public Discolsure - The Real McCoy


    I am proud to go public, and share the findings of my group. This is a simple example of over-unity ready for America now. The video I am sharing, is crammed full of information you need to know. Also, please visit the link to the overunity and ATS forum, to read the questions I have already answered.


    Youtube Link:
    High RPM to Low RPM, Motor-Generator: Public Announcement - YouTube Thread:
    High RPM to Low RPM, Motor-Generator: Public Discolsure - The Real McCoy

    ATS Thread:
    High RPM to Low RPM, Motor-Generator: Public Discolsure - The Real McCoy -ATS Thread
    Last edited by bradagilah; 04-16-2012, 06:31 AM.

  • #2
    I smell a rat. No offense.

    Show us a working prototype and I will investigate deeper. Watching the video screams of a person who thinks they have it figured out but who wants to let other people actually spend time, energy, and money testing it. Not to mention you demonstrate that you really don't understand electricity.

    Prove me wrong, where is the working generator? How many watthours does it use compared to how many it produces? How did you make thsoe measurments?

    Until then...

    PS, that crash video you uploaded is crazy. Poor person. No-one deserves to die like that. Thanks for sharing. Hopefully it will make some people slow down during storms (both rain and snow). Edit: You seem to exaggerate things. You claim that crash had no survivors however I see it very likely that the big rig driver survived?
    Last edited by Shadesz; 04-16-2012, 06:10 AM.
    Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's ~BW~ It's kind of fun to do the impossible ~WD~ From now on, I'll connect the dots my own way ~BW~ If I shall be like him, who shall be like me? ~LR~ Had I not created my whole world, I would certainly have died in other people’s ~AN~


    • #3
      Read up on the ATS forum, you reply has already been answered multiple times.
      High RPM to Low RPM, Motor-Generator: Public Discolsure - The Real McCoy, page 1

      If what you have to say is not redundant I will gladly reply here.


      • #4
        That thread confirms it. No real working prototype. No real understanding of Lenz Law, thermodynamics, and basic conservation physics.

        Not to mention I just easily confirmed that the claim you made on your other video is false as well. It appears that the only fatality of that crash was the guy that swerved. The people in the semi, box truck, and car beside the semi survived. Only one reported fatality.
        Ńňđŕříóţ ŕâŕđčţ âî Âëŕäčěčđńęîé îáëŕńňč ńí˙ë âčäĺîđĺăčńňđŕňîđ // KP.RU

        So everyone else, don't waste your time. This guy doesn't do his real homework before making a claim. I'm moving on.

        Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's ~BW~ It's kind of fun to do the impossible ~WD~ From now on, I'll connect the dots my own way ~BW~ If I shall be like him, who shall be like me? ~LR~ Had I not created my whole world, I would certainly have died in other people’s ~AN~


        • #5
          Originally posted by Shadesz View Post
          That thread confirms it. No real working prototype. No real understanding of Lenz Law, thermodynamics, and basic conservation physics.

          Not to mention I just easily confirmed that the claim you made on your other video is false as well. It appears that the only fatality of that crash was the guy that swerved. The people in the semi, box truck, and car beside the semi survived. Only one reported fatality.
          Ńňđŕříóţ ŕâŕđčţ âî Âëŕäčěčđńęîé îáëŕńňč ńí˙ë âčäĺîđĺăčńňđŕňîđ // KP.RU

          So everyone else, don't waste your time. This guy doesn't do his real homework before making a claim. I'm moving on.

          You didn't read the ATS read, nor did you read the thread. I am welcoming any credible and trusted individuals, to come to my facility in person, and validate the prototypes on behalf of the community.

          Instead of researching, a video you have no clue the context off, because you've got an axe to grind, spend that time on the website of major motor manufacturers, including Baldor, Leeson, and AO Smith. Look at the specifications of a premium efficiency four pole AC induction motor such as the Baldor EM3710T, notice the 576 VA per HP breakdown. And then go match that to the specifications of say an Alcir permanent magnet 3PH 24 pole generator head, rated for 6.7 Hp, which supplies 746 VA of electrical energy out, per horsepower mechanical IN. Or, since you seem to be so good at doing your own research, why don't contact Baldor, or Leeson and ask them to quote you on the price for a 24 Pole 3-Phase permanent magnet generator head rated for 5KW, and ask them for all the NEMA name plate specifications. If your willing to do that, your doing the forum members on a favor.

          While your at it, go track the motor specification trends on Baldor's website. Notice how, as the pole count of a motor goes up, its rpm decreases, and its torque increases, and so does its current draw. The inverse holds true with a high pole count generator head, as the pole count goes up, so does the current produced, and the torque required to turn the generator shaft. Toque and current are intimately related quantities with motors. I challenge you to find a circumstance where this doesn't hold true. You are good at doing your research after all? The volt/frequency pattern is also directly correlated with RPM. This fact holds true with DC and AC motors.

          What we are doing here is using leverage to achieve overunity, which can't be done mechanically alone, but in the field of electricity it is possible, and the information inside of the text books, and the specifications of every major motor/generator manufacturer corroborate exactly what I am saying.

          I made a mistake by not being more careful with my choice of titling in that youtube video, and I never expected it to get that many views, but somehow Joe Roggan got hold of it and tweeted it to everyone. And men like you with a melon up your ass and an axe to grind find a way to turn it into a character flaw. Very well played sir. I'll correct the title, but I was fully aware that the truck driver survived... I am surprised you had, a bit of hesitancy with the full sized eighteen wheeler ramming into an SUV, you actually considered for a second there the possibility of the driver in that eighteen wheeler having not survived? There's a huge difference in mass there, and through instinct alone, let alone hard physics, one would be lead to the deduce that the truck driver would end up alive. But really, I think you knew better from the moment you watched that video, you just wanted to make something out of nothing. Sounds like you are into overunity? Something out of nothing... Isn't that what overunity is supposed to be?

          Last edited by bradagilah; 04-16-2012, 07:40 AM.


          • #6
            Hi bradagilah, thanks for sharing the information.
            This reminds me of my electric plane that uses a 6 to 1 gear box to turn the propeller, it becomes very efficient in spite of the gear box losses, as long as the correct propeller is used.
            Kinds similar to your setup, the correct generator is needed to match the drive motor and ratio.
            I would think a small home built device could be made, if people are encouraged enough to verify the claims, I don't think with the state of funny money land, that many are going to spend much time or anything until they see something tangible.
            What about rc car dc motors or something like that in that size running a home built multi pole generator.
            Does this need to be a certain scale you think to work.
            peace love light


            • #7
              Hi Bradagilah,

              Can you post me a link to the generator specifications and performance curves. I cant seem to find the detail required. A generator will not output a static set of data, but rather as you pointed out there is a dependency on Torque and RPM.

              I found the motor spec's:
              AC Motors: EM3710T

              I am trying to run the numbers on your setup, as a good engineer should do!
              This sort of thing defies engineering principles, but nevertheless I will run the numbers.


              • #8
                Wrong conclusion

                I read all the posts at OU and also posted a comment there which I will share here. This guy is mixing up full load current and output power. On OU he claims the output power rating on a 3 phase motor is for each phase and therefore using his calculations you should be able to get overunity. I worked as an industrial maintenance electrician for 30 years. He is wrong about how motors are rated. The rating on a motor is for the total power available at the shaft. He is correct that a 3 phase motor has less current draw on each phase but not about how the horsepower of a motor is rated. If you have any doubts about this just go to any motor manufacturer's site and see how they rate their motors. Wikipedia also says the same thing.


                Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                • #9
                  Guys please read the thread (just 2 pages now) at bradagilah has already made it clear he is not looking for any money on this and just wants to share it with everyone. He has also stated he will do an in person demo with anyone who can make it to any of several locations in the U.S. including Texas and California.

                  And as far as going by what your college training has taught you or your experience on the job don't we all know by now that the PTB have done all they can to suppress and hide the information we need to make overunity? Do you really trust what is stated on motor ratings? Do we really know through our own testing that it is NOT possible to do what bradagilah is describing here? I say give him a chance to show us before chasing him off. If he is willing to do an in person demo then those who attend will be able to say if this is valid or not. I'll assume a demo will be done in a way to clearly show overunity. Self looping would be the best but if this is only achieving in the area of COP ~ 1.5 it may or may not be possible. But if the right measurement equipment is available I'm sure it can be determined if this is valid overunity.
                  There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                  • #10
                    electricity multiplier= slow-large-pulley-DC to fast-small-pulley

                    God’s Electricity Machine

                    self generating electricity machine

                    this is relatively easy to build
                    and should be very cheap
                    built out of junkyard parts even
                    to reproduce in any scale, any voltage,

                    (I happen to be disabled + unable to build this)
                    It should be very cheap

                    I know that it seems too simple to work
                    but I proved that it works with my electric wheelchair experiment

                    if you put DC power into a large wheel turning very slowly
                    and then take AC power out of the small wheel(s)
                    that spin hundreds of times faster

                    Help me, help others, help themselves
                    we could start a new + improved industrial age
                    one that not only cause little mess of pollution
                    like in the original industrial age brought with it

                    This one could actually help our environment
                    by producing costless to run air and water filters
                    we could possibly have every back yard mechanic
                    coming out with very specialized adoptions
                    for this free energy box, cube, machine

                    And how, you might add, did I come up with this,
                    I didn’t, it was God,(Holy Spirit) Who showed this to me,
                    When I ask Him to show me how I might help
                    The Saints survive the soon coming great tribulation

                    how to get electricity to generate itself.

                    I have stumbled upon the
                    PERPETUAL MOTION machine

                    Yes,,,,, and even better than perpetual,,,,
                    ,,, this machine actually makes its own power,
                    as in – this system uses passing time to gain electrical energy,
                    yessss,,, we can let electricity generate itself,,,,
                    No more dependency on OIL, and the middle east oil supplies,,,
                    and the world says,

                    Now hold on just a moment,,,
                    I know that this is not a true example of perpetual motion,,,
                    Because of bearings alone,
                    or should I say, the fact that they will wear out eventually,
                    That is why I added the word "machine" afterwards

                    This is a man made machine,
                    Which only mimics perpetual motion,
                    As it continues to run, seemingly forever,
                    Producing electricity as a side effect, (bonus !!!)

                    This is a gift from God,,,
                    As He has shared this with me
                    To share with the world,

                    I do not know why my Lord has chosen to share this with me, at this time,
                    Maybe it is because my Father knows that time is short,
                    and He wants to show all mankind,
                    just one more way that He is Love,,,

                    God has shown me,
                    a way of gaining free energy,
                    seemingly from nothing,

                    This came to me when I was over visiting at the park,
                    I was thinking about how electricity worked,
                    and how my electric chair had the ability to charge itself,
                    on most any type of downhill run,
                    (as it uses an electrical breaking system)

                    I don't know if you know anything about me or not,
                    but learning new things is one of my greatest pleasures
                    When investigating how things work,,,
                    I always have to push the limits,,, lol
                    not only learning how things works,
                    but then tinker with trying to improve them,,,,, lol

                    I went with the idea of a ten speed bicycle, (something that I knew about)
                    Where I wanted to go uphill in tenth gear, (least rotations of the pedals)=motor
                    and then downhill in first gear, (most rotations of pedals)=motor
                    so, I would go uphill at full speed,
                    and then downhill at slow speed
                    So,,, now I had something to experiment with,
                    now I had measurable tests to do,

                    I started off with a low battery, (so that I did not have the power to drive all the way up)
                    driving up a long steep hill at the park in the full speed position, (tenth gear)
                    (until my chair would not go any further, as my battery was dead)
                    and then going back down the hill in slow speed, (first gear)
                    (not super slow, as I had time limits = only 4-6 hours of sunlight left)
                    Then I immediately turned around, and went back up at full speed,
                    And guess what happened,,,,
                    I could travel twenty feet higher up the hill,
                    so, I had a net gain of electricity,,, (a blessing)

                    Logic and common sense says,
                    that you will have energy losses,
                    do to heat from friction if nothing else,
                    causing you to not be able to make it as far up the hill,
                    the second time you drive up it,

                    Well, I first thought that this might just be a strange happening,
                    so I did it again and again, doing it three times,
                    each time gaining twenty more feet, up a steep hill, (60 feet total)
                    Not only did I do it three times that day,
                    but I later thought that this went against logic, (I must have dreamed it)
                    and I did the whole experiment over,
                    with the same electricity gaining results

                    I know that there are inner workings of the motor + drive system,
                    that I have not even roughly looked into,
                    to find out why + how it works like a 10 speed,
                    Sorry, but I have no time to color + shade in this drawing,
                    I could only give you this rough sketch,
                    and let others get the enjoyment of coloring in the details,
                    may this bring you at least some of the thrills that I have experien-ced,
                    when I was showed this amazing reasoning,
                    Please read (Luke 18:29-30)

                    Someone could easily build a self supplying energy producing power supply,
                    With a 12v battery,(not needed) two motors, a small and large pulley, and a belt,
                    You connect the motor with the big pulley up as a power in, driver motor,
                    And then connect the motor,(s) with the small pulley to be used as an output
                    When you put power into the drive motor,
                    You get out a multiple of this power, (on each of the out generators)
                    Compared to the size difference of the drive motor, (large pulley)
                    And your output or generator motor. (small pulley)

                    I will be emailing this to all of our Canadian government
                    as well as to as many news services that I can
                    to help get this new technology out in our world fast
                    and start helping our environment

                    believe me,,, I know how unbelievable this sounds
                    I had to repeat the experiment three times
                    to get a better understanding of how to believe what I was seeing
                    and then I even thought that I must have dreamed it
                    and had to repeat the exercise the three times again, about a week later

                    All I need is, for one person to take this serious
                    and to actually take the minimal time to build this contraption for me
                    I feel that this will take off like wildfire
                    as soon as the world gets a chance to take a look at this

                    THIS IS A FREE FOR ALL
                    Perpetual Motion machine
                    self generating electricity

                    Just think of it, We could all have our own stand alone, self powering electricity generators, with only the initial cost of building it,(could be made of junkyard parts). These power manufacturers could be producing a seemingly endless supply of free electricity, all for the cost of upkeep. It is easy enough to build, as all you need is a twelve volt battery, two 12 Volt motors,(one DC + one AC) one large pulley, and at least one small pulley, a belt that fits the pulleys, and the hardware to put these parts together.(nuts + bolts + framing to mount on). This could even be done with 120 volt motors, to produce power for yourself, or to use as an income when you sell it back to the power company.

                    ((along with electronics, such as an AC and a DC motor, a battery=(not needed), wires, a bridge rectifier and a voltage regulator, of equal voltage))
                    ((all of the electronics to run this could be easily built on a simple proto-board))

                    (you might even be able to use any voltage motors - even 120 Volt)
                    ((taking your output from the ac motor leads))
                    (((as I don’t think the battery is a necessary component)))

                    It is a very simple mechanism in its workings, as it works by putting power into the motor with the big pulley attached, and you take power out from the motor-(generator) with the small pulley attached. The output motor, or several motors even, the one(s) with the small pulley attached, rotates a lot faster than your input motor,(more speed = increase in power). There is a belt connecting the two,(or more) motors together, that can be as small as you want, depending on if you required size constraints, or as large as you want, to accommodate multiple output generators,,, like in our petrol fuelled power stations, they could be easily modified to run on their own power. I cannot be sure, without having results from tests, but I think that we can gain more power, with every output generator that you add with a small pulley. But there is a warning that I have to give you, of a possible haardous flaw in this free electricity generating system.

                    If this system is allowed to run freely,
                    without having any outside drain of power,
                    this system will overcharge itself,
                    and may even explode.
                    So, please,,,
                    be careful when experimenting with this mechanism.

                    Maybe this should be called an Energy Multiplier,
                    as you always need at least a little power,
                    to generate the greater amount of power.

                    I later found a site on the web that said
                    That if you published something on the web
                    But did not choose to patent it
                    You would open it up to be used freely by everybody
                    So,,, this was the choice I decided on
                    To put the plans out on the web for all to use freely

                    Why not let electricity generate itself,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

                    Benefits to humanity:
                    - To be an effective way to decrease our negative environmental effects on our earth,
                    - To be able to give free electrical power to all people,
                    - To greatly reduce our oil dependency,
                    - To give the Middle East less power,
                    - To lessen the chance of our need for oil getting us into another war,
                    - To put a needed boast to our economy,
                    --- by creating many new items to manufacture and sell

                    I want to get this out in the market fast,,,
                    so that there are many of these around,
                    for everybody to get their hands on,
                    so that we can all have free running electric cars
                    As well as having their own 120 volt power supplies
                    there is a full diagram of this device at

                    how about energy multiplication
                    where you have two equal voltage motors
                    one is DC for input
                    which has a large pulley attached to it
                    the second motor is AC
                    on a much smaller pulley
                    this way your driver motor only turns a few times
                    while your output motor spins hundreds of times
                    you get a multiple of power out
                    compared to the power you put in
                    you run your output motor, (or multiple motors)
                    through a full wave bridge rectifier and voltage regulator
                    to power your DC input motor
                    and take AC power straight off your AC generator
                    You could start this system running by giving the big pulley a little turn

                    (I had to set my chair to max torq=1st gear and max speed=10th gear)

                    We could all be putting power back into the system, by building a rough Perpetual Motion mechanisms out of junk yard parts even. I would imagine that the manufacturing industry would quickly come out with these mechanisms in all sizes, so that people could easily supplement their incomes by selling power to the power companies

                    PLEASE let us act FAST
                    Let this be a Gift to all mankind
                    this energy multiplication system works
                    it does not work on electronics calculations
                    but works on large speed differences
                    between your input and your output motors

                    this major multiplication of rpms is great enough
                    to negate any loss due to friction losses
                    because of the vast circumference difference
                    between your input motor (extremely slow)
                    and the output motor (extremely fast)

                    ok, lets just keep talking about how this wont work
                    never really even trying to build it, (it is too far fetched to believe)
                    and let this blessing to mankind be missed


                    I have a great idea
                    If someone could build this device
                    on a circuit diagnostic program
                    they could both prove that it works
                    and we would have a video of it to put on utube

                    let’s change the world


                    • #11
                      Hi folks, Hi warrior, I have read your information elsewhere a few times already.
                      He did say this can be done different ways and it seems you found that the drive motor can be a slower rpm high torque, high number pole motor and that the generator can be a high speed less number pole design, which is opposite to what he suggests, though as you point out, works also.
                      I seem to recall and have information in my library of garry stanley making tests on this, though I don't think he used a step down or step up mechanical ratio change.
                      I wonder if this is possible with solid state, the solid state exciter that woopy has shown with one turn step down seems similar, very high input frequency drive coil, stepped down to very low voltage, though what happens to the frequency, I assume it is similar, yet is now at a voltage that can charge back the source.
                      peace love light


                      • #12
                        hi folks + SkyWatcher

                        One multiplication factor is
                        the circumference difference between
                        the drive motor (very large)
                        and the generator motor(s) (smaller the better)

                        Another multiplication factor
                        could be the number of AC generators
                        that you have on this one drive motor + pulley
                        it could be tens or hundreds of them on a large belt

                        I wish that I had the dexterity
                        and the experimental equipment
                        to be able to see these tests work for myself
                        (please, report back on any test results)

                        but remember the circuit simulator software
                        I should be able to use it to do experiments
                        And even see the figures on the multiplication factors
                        If,,, I can ever figure out how to use it..... lol

                        this is sooo,,,,,,,,, simple

                        your Bro,
                        . . . . joe

                        Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                        Hi folks, Hi warrior, I have read your information elsewhere a few times already.
                        He did say this can be done different ways and it seems you found that the drive motor can be a slower rpm high torque, high number pole motor and that the generator can be a high speed less number pole design, which is opposite to what he suggests, though as you point out, works also.
                        I seem to recall and have information in my library of garry stanley making tests on this, though I don't think he used a step down or step up mechanical ratio change.
                        I wonder if this is possible with solid state, the solid state exciter that woopy has shown with one turn step down seems similar, very high input frequency drive coil, stepped down to very low voltage, though what happens to the frequency, I assume it is similar, yet is now at a voltage that can charge back the source.
                        peace love light

                        Last edited by one_christian_warrior; 04-18-2012, 08:35 PM.


                        • #13

                          If he doesn't get the specs out in public may be short lived!

                          ....or he may?


                          • #14
                            one_christian_warrior, what you do discribe is not discovered, because usual the transmission from power is usual a 1:1 Ratio minus losses.
                            One Question, your chair has a Motor in what charge the Batteries?
                            I been thinking about your Story too, but i found a hook there. When you charge your Batteries with a second motor, when its in idle or downhill, then it happens with the Power from gravity and the weight with the Chair,
                            not with the Power from the Batterie alone or with a Flywheel, what drives only the Generator.
                            Its another Force, what you do need to add, when you want to calculate it, even when you need more Power to drive uphill. Not sure, how this comes out but mostly negative at the transmission factor.
                            For emailing the Gouvernment, i would not do that, mainly they are not interested, probatly speak with a Person there, what really wanna invest into a Idea, but else it is waste of Time. And even more wasted at higher Offices.
                            Last edited by Joit; 04-17-2012, 09:19 AM.
                            Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                            • #15
                              Goodness gracious. I am so spread across forums right now, I forgot to check back here. I getting setup for a video, please be patient. And I'll request some performance curve data from a few generator head manufactures who have low RPM designs.

                              I suggest reading up on EVERY POST IN the ATS thread. It has gotten pretty intense.
                              High RPM to Low RPM, Motor-Generator: Public Discolsure - The Real McCoy, page 1

