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So-called fossil fuel

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  • So-called fossil fuel

    America is not running out of oil or natural gas.We have
    enough to last at least 50 years.With new technologies
    like petro-fracking and horizontal drilling we are able to
    produce all we need for less than $20.00 a barrel .there
    is no need of wind, solar, or coal.

    Energy crisis endgame: America is energy self-sufficient - by Terrence Aym - Helium

  • #2
    I agree and it can be done without fracking which is a most dangerous practice.


    • #3
      From what I’ve read we do have 50 years worth of oil it is more like about 200 years and that is figuring in increased usage. Apparently if you go to the North Slope and a place called Gull Island in Alaska we have more known oil deposits then Saudi Arabia. If that is no enough then there is the northern US and southern Canada where there is an equal or even greater amount.

      At the oil refineries in Alaska they are also getting nice clean burning natural gas. Some of which is piped down here through the Alaska pipe line. Of course there is only so much gas that can be stuffed through one pipe. The other two carry liquid. Thus this can cause a shortage and “Oh gee were are sorry but we will have to raise prices”. But what happen to the rest of the gas that won’t fit in the pipe? Well it is pumped right back into the ground. This only requires the need of 48 747 type jet engines running 24 hours a day to pump these excess billions of cubic feet of gas back into the ground.

      We do not have an energy crisis, we have more oil and gas then we know what to do with. But we are not doing anything with it.
      If this is true it then begs the question why are we buying oil from half way around the world from people that do not particularly like us?

      And that gets us to our worthless fiat money system and the people who control it and what to control the world.

      Regarding the danger of fracking there is some debate as to just how great this danger really is. There are indications that this is nothing more then a disinformation campaign designed to keep the price of oil high.

