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Paid "Shills" (forum posters) How do we recognize them

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  • #16
    Hi folks, Hi t-rex, this hyrdozoan principle might also be linked to whats is called, 'arcons' I believe.
    These are unseen spirit energies that for what ever reason and purpose, possess peoples bodies and minds.
    Some believe, it is these interloper entities, that may be much of the cause of so called evil on this planet, with groups like the illuminati, etc. being a concentrated area of these negative entities and their paid shills as is being mentioned here.
    Though as t-rex points out, many can be manipulated, but not everyone, because many are immune to this manipulation.
    So the hydrozoan principle is true, it's just, the cause may not be what most think it is, it in part comes from beyond this physical dimension.
    I have caught these entities on numerous occasions, since I now have a keen sense when or if a human being is being possessed by an entity, though they are not all malevolent, many are benevolent, just like humans in this dimension can be kind and not so kind.
    peace love light


    • #17

      Thank you for your info on this subject. Yes, Israel, the land of hate. Their operatives have permeated every aspect of American society. They even put kids in grade school to attack "undesirables" in the school environment. This I know from my own childhood. And the D.O.E., the government bomb builders, AKA Lawrence Livermore Labs, is most likely the source of my recent bad fortune. Everyone hates Eric Dollard so anyone who looks into my history will learn much about the problem in general. There is an organization in Bolinas called Commonweal (AKA Al Gore, etc) that is very active in my life's problems. I would start here (see my Barbara Boxer report). Greenpeace is another big problem for my efforts, so are the Integratron "Girls".

      You are correct, in that a spiritual entity is active here.My archetype vision allows me to see its face and it is becoming very unified and powerful. Its image pervades all modern architecture particularly automobiles. Its face is most visible on the butt of the Honda CRV. This is, in Bolinas Lingo Sheva, or the She-Satan. But if I tell anyone this, lookout!

      Here is the secret of the Hydrozoan, its spirit form operates the cells in unison. People right in front of me wearing emblems of skulls and axes, but they cannot tell me why, then they say I imagine things. Untold of evil awaits around the corner, worse than the old testament of the bible. Who will write the third testament, the second one of Jesus Christ is now obsolete!

      73 DE N6KPH

      Purchase Eric Dollard's Books & Videos: Eric Dollard Books & Videos
      Donate by Paypal: Donate to EPD Laboratories


      • #18
        Hi t-rex, don't forget that everything is one and the same energy and so called evil is actually, not real.
        All that is real, vibrates with a neutral energy charge and thus cannot see anything as separate.
        Many may remember when they were very young and did not have an energy polarity charge built up yet within their auric fields.
        Imbalance, disharmony, suffering, fear are all methods to create this polarity within beings in this dimension, whereas normally we are pure unconditional loving beings.
        So I have nothing but compassion and love for paid shills or anyone for that matter causing division in any form, they truly know not what they do, even if they think they do.
        peace love light


        • #19
          Hydrozoan principle

          Originally posted by T-rex View Post
          You are correct, in that a spiritual entity is active here.My archetype vision allows me to see its face and it is becoming very unified and powerful. Its image pervades all modern architecture particularly automobiles. Its face is most visible on the butt of the Honda CRV. This is, in Bolinas Lingo Sheva, or the She-Satan. But if I tell anyone this, lookout!

          Here is the secret of the Hydrozoan, its spirit form operates the cells in unison. People right in front of me wearing emblems of skulls and axes, but they cannot tell me why, then they say I imagine things. Untold of evil awaits around the corner, worse than the old testament of the bible. Who will write the third testament, the second one of Jesus Christ is now obsolete!

          73 DE N6KPH
          Giving some thought on your point of view, the Hydrozoan principle and the entity unifying the organism. - It is a very apt description; if not a direct analog of the actual situation. - The gender of the entity is uncertain or genderless I feel, as it takes many forms however it is indeed Demonic or Satanic.

          You are not imagining things!! - I have witnessed this myself it pervades the western world everywhere, TV, Computer Games, Architecture but the particularly favoured form of pervasion is in music. (Or so-called “music”).

          The t-shirt example (made in China) for instance, images of death, sculls, mixed with the occult images of Saturn worship, Sun worship, Satan worship, and the like. Generally, the wearer has no idea in the world of the meaning behind these symbols or even recognise them.
          “Music” however is where this Demonic Entity has the strongest influence on the Hydrozoan, much of today’s music heavy metal, death metal, and other forms of satanic music, hold the cells of the hydrozoan in the same step.

          I exposed one young “hydrozoan cell”, whom is under heavy demonic influence, to repeated and sustained exposure to various compositions of J. S. Bach. - Concerto for 2 violins - Largo ma non tanto; Jesu Joy of Mans Desiring; Suite No. 3 – Air; Wachet auf ruft uns die Stimme; Toccata and Fugue in D minor – Toccata. - This exposure to J. S. Bach caused the young organism to violently squirm and protest however he had to deal with it.

          Indeed we have entered the Great Tribulation, however “For the elect sake those days will be shortened”.

          Thank you for your insights T-Rex.
          "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


          • #20
            Hi sputins, well thought words.
            Yes, I have seen my dog even influenced by this entity energy.
            When I recognized it, mainly due to his eyes starting to get larger, somehow the eyes literally appear larger and become black in color and when I said, get out of my dog, his body squirmed and jolted, just as you say and he seemed back to normal after that.
            And indeed, I have seen humans possessed by this also ,the eyes sometimes become larger, and can turn solid black in color, not the white part though.
            This is the reason we should not fight with people or even argue in a retaliatory or aggressive manner, mainly because that is precisely the intention behind some of the entities.
            It is possible that they feed off emotional energies such as fear, anger, stress, worry.
            Unconditional love is what creation is made of, nothing else can live without it, therefore, love everything, no matter the illusion that may present itself to us.
            peace love light


            • #21
              There is something that can be done about these non beneficial energies.

              Raymon Grace is a dowser that has put together a Public Service Video to assist in removing these non beneficial energies. These dowsing techniques probably stretch the imagination of most people and end up being mocked because they do not understand. This video is a distilled down version of thousands of dowsers and many years of work of a technique that produces positive beneficial results.

              Give this dowsing video a whirl. You provide the focus and Raymon does the work. Do an experiment by picking an area to focus on (could be a certain User Name on this forum, a forum topic, yourself personally, your family, etc) and watch the video. It is something you can do from the comfort of your couch and no one has to know. You can sit back and watch the results for yourself and then draw your own conclusion if this type of technique holds validity.

              Here is a link to the Blueprint for Freedom video:
              Blue Print For Freedom by Raymon Grace Part I
              Blue Print For Freedom by Raymon Grace Part I - YouTube

              This is a form of spiritual hygiene. Most people take a bath or shower everyday. You would not just take 1 bath or shower and expect to stay clean the rest of your life. Same way with this video, give it a chance by applying it everyday for awhile and watch for the positive beneficial changes.

              Last edited by IndianaBoys; 06-03-2012, 09:59 PM. Reason: Added youtube link


              • #22
                Hi folks, Hi indianaboys, thanks for sharing, that seems like valuable information, though I already knew most of that method, though just in a different form and it does work to some degree.
                Though I have had the intuitive feeling that we are all in so called separate physical bodies for a reason.
                I feel that as individual beings embodying these physical bodies, we can have a great impact upon our world, though others can just as well counter our efforts to one degree or another, else why would there be any so called others to begin with.
                There is only one source energy, as i feel you are aware, so I would say all physical life is a kind of experiment, one of pretending we are separate and while within the experiment, it seems obvious to me, many, many seem to forget what they really are.
                I would say this, I already have been transmuting situations and energies, though I feel it needs to be done for the highest good of all, otherwise, it may be possible that our intentions may conflict with lessons (remembering) that many may still need to experience or came willingly to experience in this world.
                Otherwise, you sharing is appreciated, thanks again.
                peace love light


                • #23
                  Rough Rules what the Shills use to manipulate a Conversation

                  Principles what been developed from E. Bernays and with what he worked with through the last Century.
                  Edward Bernays - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                  This Points are taken from the German Wikipedia, because it's not translated to English.

                  1. Define your objects
                  2. Conduct research
                  3. Modify your objectives based on that research
                  4. Set a strategy
                  5. Establish themes, symbols, and appeals
                  6. Create an organization to execute your strategy
                  7. Decide on timing and tactics
                  8. Carry out your plans

                  Sounds familiar? Do not wonder. They still use it until today anywhere to sproad lies and false Statements, and it works also in Conversation with some training.
                  Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                  • #24
                    Nonserious discussions and desinformations tactics.
                    Whether at a disput in the personal enviroment, a debate about political issues or at
                    the clarification from a eventually gouvernmental crime from geopolitical extend.

                    This person or group, what want to maintain a lie, have no facts on her side,
                    and need to try therefor, to supress the facts, fabricate false Facts and most of all:
                    Avoide a real Discussion about the Facts.

                    React outraged, insist on that your opponent attacks a respected Group or a person.
                    Avoide the discussion on facts und urge your opponent into a devensive position.
                    This is also called the "How can you dare?!" maneuvre.

                    Denunciate your opponent as a monger of rumors, no matter what proof he shows. In case,
                    your Opponent use Internet sources, use this fact against him.

                    Insist on, that Mainstream-Media and the establishment-historiography solely reliable are,
                    despite the fact, that some few super-corporations divided the Media-market beneath herself,
                    the most Historicans "sing the song of whose bread they do eat"

                    Attack a Strawman argument: (Short: A fiktive Person what is created, from/with distorted Arguments.
                    Instead of answer the Arguments from the Opponent, this distorted Arguments will be put into the mouth of the Opponent.
                    Then it will be claimed, the disproof from the Strawman position would be the disproof from the position from the opponent Person)

                    Exaggerate, oversimplify or distort elsewhere an argument or a secondary aspect of an argument
                    from the Opponent and attack then this distorted Position. It is also simple, to intentionally misinterpret
                    your Opponent, and allege him a Postion, what can be easy attacked.

                    Destroy the Strawman position in such a way, that it shall give the Impression, that therefor
                    all the Arguments from your Opponent are done.

                    Associate the Opponent with inacceptable Groups: Nuts, Terrorists, Right wing extremist, Racist, Antisemite,
                    paranoid Conspiracy Theorist, religious Fanatic aso.
                    Distract with that from a Discussion of Facts.

                    5) Put a question mark at the Motives from your Opposite. Distort or overstate every fact,
                    to let your Opponent look like, as if he act with a personal Agenda or with prejudices.

                    Stay foolish. No matter, what Proofs or logical Arguments are shown from your Opponent, avoide principally
                    every Discussion with the Explanation, that the arguments from your Opposite doesnt make sense,
                    no Proof or no Logic contains

                    Explain, the Position from the Opponent is an old Hat, we have been over and over that a hundret times,
                    and therefor not worth to discuss.

                    State, that the crime is to complex, to ever find out the Truth.

                    Look only for Facts, what only supports your predefined Postion and ignore all other Facts, what contradict it.

                    Place social position equal with creditiliby: "Who are you, that you can imply something like that
                    this Politican / major industrialist whomsoever "

                    Demand, that your Opposite complete solve the Case. Demand impossible proofs.
                    Every uncertainity at the Opponent will be devaluated as a argumentative declaration of bankruptcy.

                    12) Provocate your Opponent until he shows emotional Reactions. After that, you can criticise him,
                    for his harsh Reaction and that he can not handle critic.

                    Dismiss flat, that big Conspiracies are impossbible to archive, because to much Peoples would be involved
                    and let out a Secret
                    Ignore the Fact, that at a big Operation the single executing Groups are isolated from eachoother,
                    and only know that much, what they do need to complete her part from an operation.
                    Ignore the fact, that there is a strong hierarchy, everone only follow orders and cant ask any unconvenient Questions.

                    If you cant bring your Opponent into line, continue as long as your Opponent will stay back because of been tired and frustrated.
                    Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                    • #25
                      15) "You can believe in me..."

                      Trust in Me - The Jungle Book (1967) - YouTube

                      "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                      "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                      • #26
                        One Of The Paid Shills Here Is You...


                        You Are One Of The First Paid Shills Here, How Do You Dare To Open Such A Confuse Ppl???
                        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                        • #27
                          Then who pays me and where is the money ?

                          I have nothing to hide, nothing to fear. I don't need to post anything but I do
                          because I think it is right and correct to question things.

                          I made this thread because I'm tired of seeing people being misled by bogus
                          claims and psych talkers.

                          If someone asks a question then they should be answered to the best of your
                          ability, if they dispute you then you can ask them not to. But to accuse
                          everyone who asks a tough question of being a suppressor or whatever other
                          insult you choose will not affect me other than to respond to it.

                          I think you must be nervous because you know you are making claims you
                          cannot prove.

                          This reminds me of RomeroUK, when an estimate is made of the amount of
                          money wasted by all the people trying to replicate his faked device it is a
                          staggering figure.

                          Why not just say in the thread that you have not yet seen any over C.O.P 1
                          measurements from your devices, or if you have why not show it ?

                          You string people along with promises, but promises of what ?

                          Show us the measurements to back up the claims, retract the claims or be
                          prepared to be questioned repeatedly, if not by me by someone else.



                          • #28
                            Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post
                            There is something that can be done about these non beneficial energies.

                            Raymon Grace is a dowser that has put together a Public Service Video to assist in removing these non beneficial energies. These dowsing techniques probably stretch the imagination of most people and end up being mocked because they do not understand. This video is a distilled down version of thousands of dowsers and many years of work of a technique that produces positive beneficial results.

                            Give this dowsing video a whirl. You provide the focus and Raymon does the work. Do an experiment by picking an area to focus on (could be a certain User Name on this forum, a forum topic, yourself personally, your family, etc) and watch the video. It is something you can do from the comfort of your couch and no one has to know. You can sit back and watch the results for yourself and then draw your own conclusion if this type of technique holds validity.

                            Here is a link to the Blueprint for Freedom video:
                            Blue Print For Freedom by Raymon Grace Part I
                            Blue Print For Freedom by Raymon Grace Part I - YouTube

                            This is a form of spiritual hygiene. Most people take a bath or shower everyday. You would not just take 1 bath or shower and expect to stay clean the rest of your life. Same way with this video, give it a chance by applying it everyday for awhile and watch for the positive beneficial changes.

                            UfoPolitics and all those that support his work,

                            It is easy to see who creates the distractions.

                            I would encourage all those that would like to do something positive join in.

                            It is rather simple. Hold the shill(s) name in mind while you focus on applying the above technique to them. Can be comfortably done from the comfort of your couch.

                            We mock that which we do not understand.



                            • #29
                              Yes I would encourage them to join in as well but as far as I can tell it's all
                              theory and experiment, which is very good always. People should not join in if
                              they think they are replicating a free energy machine. I am not aware of any
                              shown efficiency over 100 %. If there is and I missed it then i will apologize.

                              It's the implication of free energy, and the sideways sly claims that make me wary.

                              What is it that he is claiming the devices will do ? UFO, anyone.

                              There are others on the thread who will build and test the devices. We will see
                              the results if they continue, I hope they do.



                              • #30

                                I believe you misunderstood the last communication.

                                "I would encourage all those that would like to do something positive join in."

                                What I meant was to join in by watching the Blueprint For Freedom Video:

                                Blue Print For Freedom by Raymon Grace Part I - YouTube

                                It is rather simple. Hold the shill(s) name or your own in mind while you focus on applying the above technique to them. Can be comfortably done from the comfort of your couch.

                                We mock that which we do not understand.


