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Paid "Shills" (forum posters) How do we recognize them

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  • #31
    So who is it that is making distractions ? All I see is over reactions.

    What is positive and what is negative depends on point of view.

    I did not misunderstand you.

    Who is mocking what ?

    Please answer the questions as clearly as possible or refrain from participating in
    this thread. That is a request.



    • #32
      Hi folks, Hi farmhand, In my view, UFOpolitics is being targeted by these negative spiritual energies to over react, there by discontinue his efforts to share and help.
      The term negative that is spoke of in that video, is anything that causes humans to be fighting with one another or lack of harmony or cooperation, which leads to divisions, disharmony and ultimately suffering and war.
      Which these negative spiritual energies feed off of.
      Maybe you have seen this very thing in people around you throughout you life or even in yourself at some point, I know I have seen these negative energies in people, in a big way some times, which is helpful to some degree, as it reveals the game at hand, which is mainly invisible.
      I myself have always found your questions reasonable farmhand and never really detected any kind of agenda, except to get a straight answer maybe from people.
      peace love light


      • #33
        Paid shills?

        For info on how to recognize paid shills, or at least, usefull idiots ( people who help the establishment, through their own stupidity), it's simple

        read all of farmhands posts, and see for yourself, see how many smart and gifted people, this usefull idiot has irritated.

        He even tried to have match wits with eric dollard, and irritated him so bad I thought he was going to leave the thread.

        Think about that, this fool dismissed Eric Dollard (one man who reproduced tesla's work), as well as ufopolitics ( the only other person I know, to reproduce Tesla's work).

        Therefore, in my opinion, this fool would have dismissed tesla, just imagine.



        • #34
          Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
          Yes I would encourage them to join in as well but as far as I can tell it's all
          theory and experiment, which is very good always. People should not join in if
          they think they are replicating a free energy machine. I am not aware of any
          shown efficiency over 100 %. If there is and I missed it then i will apologize.

          It's the implication of free energy, and the sideways sly claims that make me wary.

          What is it that he is claiming the devices will do ? UFO, anyone.

          There are others on the thread who will build and test the devices. We will see
          the results if they continue, I hope they do.


          Yes you did completely misunderstand my post.

          Look above at your reply. You are referring to them joining in to build.

          Where as I said, "I would encourage all those that would like to do something positive join in."

          What was meant, was to join in by watching the Blueprint For Freedom Video:

          Blue Print For Freedom by Raymon Grace Part I - YouTubek

          Then you went on with your own agenda.

          This is only a small example of your attention to detail going in straight and coming out sideways.

          I will refrain from further posting in you shrill thread as you request.



          • #35
            UFO did not reproduce Tesla's work, he's doing his own thing. Everything becomes clear when you take note of this.


            • #36
              Originally posted by thugugly View Post
              Think about that, this fool dismissed [...] ufopolitics ( the only other person I know, to reproduce Tesla's work).
              Please explain in what way Tesla's work has been reproduced. Serious science, no piddly playing about. Forget who has said and claimed what, that's not interesting nor relevant. With a working device displaying observable and measurable results, how does this machine IN OPERATION reproduce Tesla's work?

              Eric Dollard doesn't like it when Tesla's name is attributed with something that's not related at all, something that would distract from actually understanding Tesla's work, because this leads us further away from the truth and adds more crap to get through to get at actually understanding it, which undoes all the effort that various people such as Eric have put into it. Years of publications and public presentations undone in an instant, because now there is youtube and key word associations, which is far more effective than any amount of public speaking in any particular local area. There are many who attribute things with Tesla for example simply because the circuit is switched on and off, what they call pulsed DC. Presumably an idea taken from the disruptive discharge or "impulse currents" references. So the assumption is made that "pulsed DC = impulses = Tesla", and then we're in business. But the only business here is disinfo, whether deliberate or unwittingly, it's another sea of interpretation that we must get through to finally get back to what Tesla was doing. 99% of the so-called "Tesla" material out there is interpretations derived from interpretations. This is why no one else has replicated Tesla. It's hidden behind the rest of the "popular" crap, no one even knows what it is that Tesla was doing to be able to replicate it because everyone is receiving their information from the next person in the chain of Chinese whispers. This is disinfo paradise. The "science" and "experimenting" is itself the coverup!

              "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

              "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


              • #37
                Originally posted by Shanjaq View Post
                UFO did not reproduce Tesla's work, he's doing his own thing. Everything becomes clear when you take note of this.
                I stand corrected, Ufo reproduced his version, of tesla's work.

                Thanks Shanjaq,



                • #38

                  First, I am only me, not ufo or tesla, right, ok
                  dR-Green, the motor ufo built and tried to show, is based on Tesla's asymmetric motor design, but of coarse maxwell developed the equations right , many people posted the paper, someone even accused him of plagerizing, but like shanjac said, it was really ufo's work.

                  Asymmetric coils, allowing the cemf to be used as useful work, as oppossed to a force which must be stopped.

                  however, it wasn't just cemf in the regular symmetrical windings, it is eliminated because of the asymmetry. Ufo said it was the real cemf/or (bemf, please don't argue if you know what I mean), which was now being utilized.
                  His last video, which is removed but still on other's links, showed a homemade stator, wound with (unknown), configuration, pulsed, with diodes blocking hot current, allowing radiant energy to light cfl's .
                  He used I think 9-12( or even less)v, small lipo battery, it was lighting 5 (at least 12w cfl), as well, the shaft of the motor was spinning with much torque (it was obvious, Anyone who watched could see)

                  Was this based on tesla's work, sure looked like a similar motor, but it was ufo's design. Asymtrical motor design ( I'm sure is Tesla), how you wind it, thats your design.
                  I sure wished people could have left him alone long enough so we could of found out everything, he wanted to disclose.

                  I believe the stator input wattage could be matched with output wattage, but then we had this extra torque produced at the shaft which was all extra, but again, Until i get this built or Ufo decides to come back...

                  I really wish Dollard would analyse ufo' s work, I'm not a giant like those men.


                  Please do not think of this truth, only the asymteric motor design was based on Tesla, IMHO.


                  • #39
                    Did I get that right ufo?

                    Your work is based on ;

                    1.Tesla's asymmetric coil motor design
                    2.tesla's theories based on radiant energy capture and utilisation.



                    • #40
                      or maybe,
                      induced Cemf is removed with, independant nature of coils, Real cemf is shuttled away with asymmetry.

                      See, really, I don't know what ufo knows, I'm no giant.

                      But I sure wanted to know.



                      • #41
                        "Asymmetric" and "electrodynamic" are terms that I know Tom Bearden likes to use, and I know UFO highly respects Tom. Eric considers Tom Bearden to be a source of disinfo.

                        As for radiant energy, this term has not been properly defined and/or hijacked to mean whatever the author wants it to mean. The sun is an example of a source of radiant energy, and I fail to see how pulsing a coil and getting high voltage spikes = radiant energy.

                        So while someone may have good intentions, that person also needs to be very careful about making definite claims that may lead people in the wrong direction for another 100 years due to a simple error or a confusion of terms that have not been defined but only interpreted as whatever the perceiver wants it to mean. A mistake like that will cause more harm than good.

                        [edit] Also getting mad/aggressive/defensive when someone wants to see scientific results of claimed effects is highly suspicious. In order to be science conditions needs to be noted, variables measured. This way everything in the system can be compared and easily referenced to. Launching an offensive against people who want to see this is, not the right way, to put it politely. Providing indisputable data that can be repeated by anyone would shut up any questioners and wouldn't allow room for any doubt. Ultimately I believe this is what everyone wants to see, they don't WANT to see it proven wrong and waste more money and energy, they want it proven true. This has not been done.
                        Last edited by dR-Green; 07-18-2012, 09:54 PM.

                        "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                        "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                        • #42

                          The fact that dollard does not respect Bearden's work and Ufo does, was also something that troubled me. But nonetheless, ufo was trying to show a working prototype, and was trying to help those who wanted to reproduce it.


                          Rotating a coil in a stator with a constant d.c source would obviously not produce a parametric variation in inductance or capactitance, but what about pulsed dc.
                          This is a question I had but did not want post on that thread. If you know Dollard maybe you could ask for him to analyse ufo's work?

                          Theory should have been kept off that thread, most people there just wanted to build thier own prototype and test it. It can only lead to arguements, theory is much like religion, until it proven it's just faith.

                          Also, with pulsing neons many were able, including myself, to produce pink light and blue light at different frequencies, which to me, looked very similar to the color of stars at night. Radiant?, looked possible based on colors. zeropointenergy posted some nice pictures of these colors, i'm sure they arte still posted, they were evoked at 40-80 hz if I remember correctly.



                          • #43
                            Originally posted by thugugly View Post
                            Also, with pulsing neons many were able, including myself, to produce pink light and blue light at different frequencies, which to me, looked very similar to the color of stars at night. Radiant?, looked possible based on colors. zeropointenergy posted some nice pictures of these colors, i'm sure they arte still posted, they were evoked at 40-80 hz if I remember correctly.

                            Have you done any tests to see if there are any light-matter related phenomenon? If the light can attract physical objects then that makes it more interesting. In my opinion this would be exhibiting effects of radiant energy/matter. The test would be to dangle a piece of tinfoil/aluminium/copper tape so it's free to move, then expose it to the light, having the neon maybe 1cm away, or less as necessary. What happens?

                            "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                            "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                            • #44
                              Are you saying that, because you feel it may be magnetic current as leedskaleen wrote about.
                              Unfortunately, i did not consider that. However, i will actually preform that simple test, but i am trying to build a working prototype, a high/low hv switch to pulse a 1-2 ohm coil, and rewire a new stator and armature, based on a technology, which I think i uderstand, but not like I probably need to. The man who may have, who i believe did, took his posts down, because some, like farmhand, ask the same question, (and not really a good like you just did), so many times they drove the man off, again useful idiots.

                              Also, pulsing a cfl evoked a green light which ufo managed to capture on film, it was oscillating way to fast to be seen with the naked eye. evoked around 60-80 hz. also confirmed and photographed by others
                              I posted that at the dollard thread, oh well!

                              Thanks again farmhand (useful idiot)



                              • #45
                                I'm not familiar with Leedskalnin's work, only the basic story. It's a demonstration Eric gave in one of his videos which relates to the radiant energy patent. He also charges a capacitor from the light, showing, or confirming, that as the patent claims either natural sources or artificial sources of light can be used when they are energised through the proper method.

                                This is only my opinion but I'm guessing your post about the CFL lights was ignored for being too "insignificant" for lack of a better word The focus has been on understanding the fundamentals, getting back to the basics. Meaning, trying to explain and being impressed by green lights in CFLs is irrelevant if we don't understand the basics of what's happening and why, because the extra circuitry etc comes into it. Hence why I believe Eric says things like throw the Bedini and Bearden etc stuff in the trash, none of it matters because we want to focus on what's going on at the most basic level, forget the extra circuitry. You can build whatever you like if you know how and why these things happen. That's how I see the "politics" of all this.

                                "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                                "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall

