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Positive Versus Negative Radiant Energy

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
    Jesus Farmhand...

    Really? magnetic field for a time?...and then explain to me and to All here, how come ALL the objects I levitate during my Nine minutes video do not collapse, neither vibrate but very steadily float in a very stable fashion?
    If there would be a "lack" of magnetic field for just one Milli second, the whole thing will come down like an Old type writer from the 1800's...

    I have not mentioned at all AC Current here...AC Sine waves or Triangular waves...I have written very clear DC Square Waves Pulsed Current.
    Have no idea why you are bringing AC create confusion?..not to me Farmhand...ever.

    ...Magnetism of "One Polarity"??!!...could you explain that?...a Monopole Magnetic Field?...just one North, no South?...or is it a South without a North pole?!!

    I really think you have a lot of concepts a bit confused here...or maybe forgotten.


    Yes when I said one polarity that was not really a good use of words I should have said the same polarity, that's what I meant.

    I brought up the AC example to better explain what I meant that's all.

    And a pulsating magnetic field of unchanging polarity can levitate things that it can repulse just fine.

    Example Stingo and the Hover magnet - YouTube

    Yes no magnetic field for part of the time.

    Are you saying the magnetic field in your levitating experiment is steady state ?


    • #32
      Hi UFO, just watched your videos, they are well done and do seem to show the things you claim but for the most part can be explained in the normal ways. What interests me is the magnet spin, we know that after a coil is switched off that we get the spike and then we have the current of the collapsing field with the flow still going through the coil in the same direction and your setup looks as if it is designed to do that. We know that the magnetic field should keep the magnet pointing in the same direction yet your magnet spins suggesting that the magnetic field has reversed.

      Can you explain simply what you think is happening?

      Farmhand, can you explain it? or have I missed something?

      I don't want to debate or take sides, I just want to understand.


      • #33
        I would need to study the device and see it work to make an opinion. But
        wouldn't it just work like a one magnet no bearing spinner ?

        I'm not here to explain UFO's stuff and I won't be drawn into a pointless
        argument. I think I've explained my point of view well enough and if there are
        any questions about what I posted and they make sense to me, I'll answer
        them if I can or I'll say I have no opinion.

        I would need a lot of info to make a proper opinion. I haven't studied UFO's stuff.

        I'll watch the video's. Though and keep an open mind.



        • #34
          UFO, Here is a magnet spinner using the same coil.

          Stingo Neo Spinner - YouTube

          Stingo is a circuit discovered/invented by Sucahyo, it's a good circuit.

          Magnetic levitation is not anti gravity as I see it. For it to be in any way
          interesting the coil and the magnet it levitates should be on a scale to
          measure weight, then when the magnet levitates the weight of the magnet
          should be removed from the scale and the scale should read a lighter weight.
          Otherwise the magnet is still influenced by gravity, it's just that the coil is
          now supporting it's weight.

          And talking of contradictions below here you say "Radiant energy is the energy of electromagnetic waves"

          But then you say what we see below in the last paragraph of the quote.

          "Radiant energy is the energy of electromagnetic waves"
          I agree with that simple concept Wikipedia wrote...

          My Concept of Radiant Energy:

          Radiant Energy is the energy within, contained or "of" electromagnetic waves.
          Electromagnetic waves exist in the Spectrum radiated in Electromagnetic Fields. However, it is also understood that Electromagnetic Waves also travel in space.
          Radiant Energy is present at all times in those waves, therefore in Electromagnetic fields Spectrum and also in SPACE.

          One form that Radiant Energy develops is as an inverse natural process, a response to our created, generated, pulsed electromagnetic field.
          It is exactly the opposite process to ours. We create a magnetic field by sending electrical pulses. This process triggers Radiant Energy Field to manifest within our Coil. Electromagnetic waves are converted to electrical flow, and since the RE EM Field is opposed to our EM Field, then is understood RE electrical flow is also opposed to our electrical flow direction.
          The Radiant Energy Electromagnetic Field exist in a permanent magnet, as it exist in a triggered/excited Coil. The difference is that a pulsed EM Field (electromagnetic field) triggers RE field to increase, gaining strength as we increase our pulses.
          Radiant Energy timing IN, is at our Times Off, of the square wave form.

          P.S. Can you show me where the radiant energy is in the waveform I posted ?
          Or did my circuit not produce any.
          You are showing there the wave form of Your pulsed Electromagnetic Field predominating, Farmhand...In order to read Radiant Energy Field clearly, you must block Hot electrical flow to travel to your scope terminals. Or you will have a 'mixed signal' there...of Radiant and Hot flow.
          You are showing there the wave form of Your pulsed Electromagnetic Field predominating, Farmhand...In order to read Radiant Energy Field clearly, you must block Hot electrical flow to travel to your scope terminals
          So to see the "radiant" energy which is contained in electromagnetic waves I
          must block the electromagnetic field predominating to see it on the scope.



          • #35
            Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
            I would need to study the device and see it work to make an opinion. But
            wouldn't it just work like a one magnet no bearing spinner ?

            I'm not here to explain UFO's stuff and I won't be drawn into a pointless
            argument. I think I've explained my point of view well enough and if there are
            any questions about what I posted and they make sense to me, I'll answer
            them if I can or I'll say I have no opinion.

            I would need a lot of info to make a proper opinion. I haven't studied UFO's stuff.

            I'll watch the video's. Though and keep an open mind.

            Thanks for the reply, I haven't looked at the spinner either but having seen UFO's vid I thought how is that happening?

            I agree its never worth going into a pointless argument but when I see something I don't understand it makes me want to know more. I don't have time to do all the research on it, so If anyone could give a simple explanation I would be grateful. If there is something here then it is worth looking at.

            I always try to keep an open mind, hence I asked what seemed to be the obvious question, everything else seemed much as I expected.

            I don't see it as anti-gravity but a purely magnetic effect, having said that I would not be surprised if a flow of radiant could have an influence on mass. It has even been suggested to me that radiant or aether flow, is the force of gravity. To establish any anti gravity effects you would need the whole device on the balance and look for a change in weight when the lifter rises. If that happens then you do have something.

            On the transformer and motor information you gave me, it has been most useful in explaining what I am seeing and although I don't understand why the flux reduces, I do know how to mitigate it so It should not be too much of a problem in the Lockridge device, hopefully.

            Thanks again


            • #36
              Magnet Levitation and more...

              Originally posted by mbrownn View Post
              Hi UFO, just watched your videos, they are well done and do seem to show the things you claim but for the most part can be explained in the normal ways. What interests me is the magnet spin, we know that after a coil is switched off that we get the spike and then we have the current of the collapsing field with the flow still going through the coil in the same direction and your setup looks as if it is designed to do that. We know that the magnetic field should keep the magnet pointing in the same direction yet your magnet spins suggesting that the magnetic field has reversed.

              Can you explain simply what you think is happening?

              Farmhand, can you explain it? or have I missed something?

              I don't want to debate or take sides, I just want to understand.
              Hello Mbrownn,

              Thanks for your nice comments related to my videos.
              I have seen the Stingo video, it is the same principle, an oscillating Coil and a magnet suspended in the center...and I know it is not Anti-gravity, but an Electromagnetic Effect that creates a levitation of magnets only and resembles anti gravity.

              I do not think the magnet levitates just because of a simple repulsion from the Hot Pulsed Field, simple, just connect a Flywheel Diode...and the magnet collapses down to ground (I have done that experiment, not only collapses but light source output from diodes will also collapse, shut down) there is more to it.

              The same thing applies to the Rotating does it strongly in the Center of the Core, the center gravity point..
              Simple, the "Tempo" at low frequency pulses recorded in a Scope, shows clearly that the turning of the magnet, against Hot magnetic polarity occurs at the Off-Times of our pulses, then at our On-Time it swaps back to align with our Coil Hot magnetic orientation.

              I have attached a picture of what I am almost sure is happening there, if not, it should be a very similar approach, then you could evaluate it and tell me your thinking about it.
              This conclusions I have deducted not only from this test, but from many others I have conducted before and after this experiment took place.

              When we study the Magnetic Domains, we see that when a magnet is broken in pieces it develops "other Norths and Souths" in their new shattered pieces...But...They were there already, aligned links and chains of magnetic [N/S] patterns that keep the whole magnet as a unit to our testing and observations. Radiant Energy Field is right at center of every magnet and every Coil we excite, whether pulsing it or linear feeding it. However the Pulsing Effect at Square Waves of DC tends to magnify the inner Radiant Field strength at our T-Off times...

              Now the other thing here is the induction that takes place within the tiny coil...The Light Emitting Diodes (LED's) are purposely connected in order NOT to receive the normal, typical Hot Current Induction...but the reversed one...
              LED lights up and does not blow because of any "parasitic" high peak random spikes...but gives out a pretty steady illumination...
              I have performed bigger experiments with heavier secondaries inside the Radiant Center Core and NO Steel Laminated Core between Primary-Secondary...and have lit HV Bulbs like Xenon's 400V and HID of High Discharge Halide-Sodium.

              I have developed Motors that use that Off Tempo to Rotate, based on Attraction-Repulsion, that makes me certain about a reversal of Magnetic Polarity taking place inside ANY Square Wave Pulsed Coil...

              And I want to add something else...
              I use State of the Art Measuring Equipment to do this testings, not obsolete, old WWII, CRT Scopes, but Digital Storage Oscilloscopes linked to PC Software to analyze the signals in detailed fashion, that have a very fast response processors to be able to handle the Speed of Radiant Energy Electric flow and signals.
              I have spent thousands of USD on New Equipment, on New Supplies On New Tooling...on components to make my own electronic keeping a stock of all of them.
              I am not a "Garage Experimenter", I own Shops, where I have machining equipment, Lathes, MIG and TIG welders, Torches...etc,etc.
              My measuring Equipment starts from 50-100 USD to the $5000.00 Snap On meters with specific adapters to measure Marine Outboard Engines Permanent Magnet Generators at the Upper bell housing...with very high accuracy...No regular meter will measure the generating current from those engines generators precisely.

              Radiant Energy moves at "slow-idling" speeds in the 1KHz to 20KHz, all the way to Giga and Tera Hertz...and if we do not have the right measuring devices...simply we will see No-Thing.

              I have written on my forum about me...way back.
              I build motors from scratch and CAD and 3D Software all the way to the final product. I CAD the laminated pieces of Rotors and Stators, and send them to be cut via Water-Jet equipment...even though some I cut them and make them manually...I wind those motors myself...and they run excellent...and I make controllers also...

              I am not trying to "Bluff" about myself or nothing of that matter, I am just writing this things, so you know I am not a rookie on this fields. And I can prove it anytime anyplace.

              Thanks and regards to all

              Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-22-2012, 10:12 PM.
              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


              • #37
                Resistor Testing "On Load" of Radiant Energy... Debunk this.


                In that video could be observed the properties of Radiant Energy electricity related to Low Ohms resistance (Not Mega Ohms, and Not High Wattage, but "Tiny little Wattage Resistors" of 5%, used in Low Voltage Circuit Boards) connected in order to "Short Out" the main 120V/40Watts CFL Load while it is ON.
                Now, to those "knowledgeable of the Art" would be able to realize that doing this test with a regular Hot Electricity fed Bulb...will get that resistor on Fire till it brakes apart in carbonized pieces while bursting out in a heavy flame-torch...and the Lamp will Blink-Dim while circuit is shorted.
                However, temperature does not even raise One single degree above Room Temperature...and the light up Bulb does NOT even Blink...when I put resistor it in the copper-soldered contacts.
                The Oscillator Set-Up I am using there is a Dual Channel Square Wave Signal that I have designed, it "pumps" (pulses) Positive and Negative Drains...that is why we see a Double Anti-phase signal in the Scope, based on the Two Scope Channels signaling.

                Now for the Skeptics, the Non Believers on Radiant Energy...the Critics...and else, and "others"...go ahead, make my day...and please Debunk this one.

                P.D: I could supply more detailed videos making the Hot Test and blowing resistor on load (for the doubting and skeptics ones) any time.
                And no, no SFX or Special Effects here...This videos (as you have noticed) are not even edited in my Adobe After Effects or my Adobe Premiere Software., except to add the text, No fading tracks into others, no editing at all...but just straight through both video tracks, no cuts...sorry skeptics!


                Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-03-2012, 08:37 PM. Reason: addings
                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                • #38

                  Not sure if this is related, but very interesting video. There is no commentary whether it is a magnet or type of metal spinning, the voltage used or anything. At 1:45 things start happening and the results are not only surprising, but pretty extraordinary!


                  • #39
                    Hello Navigator

                    Originally posted by navigator View Post

                    Not sure if this is related, but very interesting video. There is no commentary whether it is a magnet or type of metal spinning, the voltage used or anything. At 1:45 things start happening and the results are not only surprising, but pretty extraordinary!
                    Well somehow it is related, this is A/C though, a very High Voltage AC Field (2-3KW) creates this physical phenomena, it is heating and melting the aluminum by induction. Aluminum is non magnetic but it conducts electricity, therefore becomes magnetic due to electrons being transferred through the heavy AC magnetic field.

                    Same experiment in English...

                    induction heater levitation melting aluminum - YouTube


                    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by navigator View Post

                      Not sure if this is related, but very interesting video. There is no commentary whether it is a magnet or type of metal spinning, the voltage used or anything. At 1:45 things start happening and the results are not only surprising, but pretty extraordinary!
                      The eddy currents induced in the aluminium create the magnetic field needed
                      for the magnetic field of the coil to levitate the aluminium block I think. The
                      eddy currents also do the heating I think.

                      A good example of why we want to reduce eddy current losses in our devices.

                      The aluminium block is levitated by magnetic levitation in my opinion.



                      • #41
                        Nikola Tesla, AC Electricity...

                        In the Nikola Tesla Museum of Belgrade, there is a 3/4 metal cylinder suspended in the air by a rotating AC Magnetic Field...since the 1800's
                        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                        • #42
                          But going back to Radiant Energy...


                          Skin Effect Testing:

                          Load :120V CFL 25 Watts, two parallel connected alligator clips cables to its positive-negative terminals, Lamp Fully Lit.(note that every time I contact both terminals, lamp blinks and sparks come out of gator clips.)
                          Output to Load: Radiant Energy coming out of Coil, filtered-regulated and rectified by two diodes.
                          Input: Three 11.4 Volts Lithium Eon Batteries (34-35.8V)
                          Oscillator: 5 N-Channel Mosfet's being triggered by a 555 timer chip. single N channel Drain.
                          Wet fingers, and touch live wires (both), the feeling is a light numbness and a minor clamp, but no muscle contractions (see my fingers freely move), no heavy shock either.
                          Normally in High Frequency electricity, this test would have contracted my short circuiting finger's muscles and nerves...I would not be able to move my left hand at all.
                          Making this test with typical 60Hz AC...could end in serious injury or death.
                          So do not attempt to try with AC from your house...
                          At the end I show the whole deal...all, cables, batteries Lamp, Oscillator and Coil...simple.

                          Regards to all

                          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                            In the Nikola Tesla Museum of Belgrade, there is a 3/4 metal cylinder suspended in the air by a rotating AC Magnetic Field...since the 1800's
                            Did they build the museum before he died or something ? What do you mean by
                            the statement above. Because it sounds like you are saying the cylinder has
                            been there suspended since the 1800's. Tesla died in the 1940's I think and I
                            assume the museum was built or opened after his death not before. I'm not
                            certain though.

                            NT MUSEUM

                            Nikola Tesla Museum is located in the central area of Belgrade, in a residential villa built in 1929 according to the project of Dragiša Brašovan, a distinguished Serbian architect. The building was used for various purposes until December 5, 1952, when Nikola Tesla Museum was founded in accordance with the decision of the Government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia.
                            Founded in 1952. The building was built in 1929.

                            Last edited by Farmhand; 05-04-2012, 03:00 AM.


                            • #44

                              Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                              Did they build the museum before he died or something ? What do you mean by
                              the statement above. Because it sounds like you are saying the cylinder has
                              been there suspended since the 1800's. Tesla died in the 1940's I think and I
                              assume the museum was built or opened after his death not before. I'm not
                              certain though.

                              NT MUSEUM

                              Founded in 1952. The building was built in 1929.


                              I know more about Nikola Tesla's life than maybe a Serbian loyal to his name...
                              I meant that in a metaphoric way...Tesla invented-discovered AC Systems, Poly-Phase Generators and Induction Motors in the late 1800' what I meant...his "rotating AC Field" was rotating since the 1800's..
                              Capisci now?

                              I know also how this great and better inventor than Thomas Alva Edison...died in extreme poverty...alone, in his room in the New Yorker Hotel, in July 1943...

                              But, if you prefer, we could better discuss about Nikola Tesla's research, development and patenting on Radiant Energy Apparatus..Methods to obtain it from the Medium, from the Aether...from the Vacuum...
                              Or we could talk about the 1930 Pierce Arrow he converted into an all electric pro-pulsed by Westinghouse designed specifically for this purpose Motor Generator of Radiant Energy... and got up to 90 MPH in 1930's...

                              Since RE is the main field to discuss here on this Forum.

                              Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-04-2012, 03:51 AM.
                              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                                Hello Mbrownn,

                                Thanks for your nice comments related to my videos.
                                Your welcome

                                Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                                I do not think the magnet levitates just because of a simple repulsion from the Hot Pulsed Field, simple, just connect a Flywheel Diode...and the magnet collapses down to ground (I have done that experiment, not only collapses but light source output from diodes will also collapse, shut down) there is more to it.
                                I hear what you are saying but there are interactions between coils in a changing magnetic field that are complex, such as polarity reversal if the output is blocked one way by a diode. For now I think we need a scope on the little coil and to look at its waveform when it is held in one direction and then in the other to establish if it is this effect.

                                Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                                The same thing applies to the Rotating does it strongly in the Center of the Core, the center gravity point..
                                Simple, the "Tempo" at low frequency pulses recorded in a Scope, shows clearly that the turning of the magnet, against Hot magnetic polarity occurs at the Off-Times of our pulses, then at our On-Time it swaps back to align with our Coil Hot magnetic orientation.

                                I have attached a picture of what I am almost sure is happening there, if not, it should be a very similar approach, then you could evaluate it and tell me your thinking about it.
                                This conclusions I have deducted not only from this test, but from many others I have conducted before and after this experiment took place.
                                I see what you are saying and its a logical conclusion. to be sure this needs to be investigated further.

                                If I understand you correctly, you are saying that the "current" produced magnetism is remaining at the same polarity although varying between zero and full, but there is a magnetism produced in the core of the large coil of the opposite polarity in the off time, or is it in the on time? And you attribute this to radiant flow?

                                It sort of makes sense to me but I would like to clarify that.

                                An interesting experiment would be to put a neon in the core with one terminal wrapped around the neon and the other going to earth or somewhere on the circuit to see if it lights up.

                                Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                                Now the other thing here is the induction that takes place within the tiny coil...The Light Emitting Diodes (LED's) are purposely connected in order NOT to receive the normal, typical Hot Current Induction...but the reversed one...
                                LED lights up and does not blow because of any "parasitic" high peak random spikes...but gives out a pretty steady illumination...
                                This refers to what I said earlier about a coils ability to reverse itself.

                                Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                                I have performed bigger experiments with heavier secondaries inside the Radiant Center Core and NO Steel Laminated Core between Primary-Secondary...and have lit HV Bulbs like Xenon's 400V and HID of High Discharge Halide-Sodium.

                                I have developed Motors that use that Off Tempo to Rotate, based on Attraction-Repulsion, that makes me certain about a reversal of Magnetic Polarity taking place inside ANY Square Wave Pulsed Coil...
                                Again this refers to what I said about a neon but the question is, was the bulb open circuit as I described or did you have a return wire? Radiant does not need the return by its nature although it prefers one. This alone, if it works, is significant evidence of a radiant field.

                                Unfortunately my equipment ifs far inferior to yours

                                Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                                I am not trying to "Bluff" about myself or nothing of that matter, I am just writing this things, so you know I am not a rookie on this fields. And I can prove it anytime anyplace.
                                I don't doubt you, but throwing out challenges etc does not help your cause and can antagonize some, try to chill a bit

                                You are clearly demonstrating something but we have to eliminate all the other possibilities and maybe a few that we haven't even thought of before anything is accepted. I have had my theories dashed before, sometimes justifiably and sometimes not, but when people point out a different possibility I try it and try to prove which one is correct.

                                Keep up the work and keep posting the videos.

