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Use for the Tesla Switch

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  • Originally posted by Plazma View Post
    Hi All,

    Watching JB's video has my head spinning (again) . . .

    A few observations (you guys probably pounced on all of what follows,
    and then some, but what the heck . . . ):

    1) Notice the 17+ (almost 18 volts from the "Solar Panel" as supplied to the battery pack - 18 volts is mentioned in a 12/22/2009 JB post/sketch);

    2) Looks like the modified TSw is about half of what I'm fighting on my 2X2 battery setup - ergo fewer drops, so the 18 volts above;

    3) Maybe there is some kind of "load" internal to JB's unit, or he has maybe
    16V or so slamming the battery bank - the reason for the uncertainty is the 10 Amps+ registering most of the time on the meter;

    4) At 10 Amps that might push the heck out of what I'm using as to SOA - suggests some really beefy hockey pucks at work;

    5) Pulses look like 2Hz or so - not sure about on time vs off time but my guess is fairly symmetrical;

    6) Have a weird "hunch" that the "switch" is in the neutral line running from the battery bank (-) over to the "Solar Panel" (-) - maybe this hunch is based on the early-on 3Bat switch John B posted - just speculation here.

    Caveat: This is NOT to second guess what John B showed. It is posted to stimulate review of a LOT of material recently posted in which there were a lot of good suggestions (and JB dropped a lot of hints). Again, like the SG motors, maybe the wild card for each of us is the batteries we're each fighting with and trying to tune around.

    Okay . . . back to frying more components - the lab is colder than a witch's broomstick . . .


    Yes, it is good stuff. If we want to go into guessing what JB is doing, I'll have a go at it....

    JB is never connecting the negatives of the batteries to the negative of the solar panel. He is using the negatives just like in the scalar charger or 4 battery TS. The positives may be connected, but I don't think that is true either, I think the positive of the battery is connected to the positive of one of the capacitors through a tranny or diodes.

    I believe he is filling two caps, then putting them in serial and sending that to the batteries. While he is applying that potential to the batteries, he is filling the other two capacitors. Notice the current on the generator, it is varying between 3 amps and .5 amps, meaning, the caps are filling up from 6.X (serial 12.X volts after discharge to parallel 12.X / 2) volts to 17.6 volts. Then he switches cap banks, and does it all again. Pulsing the potential into the batteries in a way that they like it. (He may not be switching cap banks either, just using two caps in parallel X 2, and filling them up and sending it to the batteries)

    It is a very simple operation, is my guess, but when you can see either the scalar charger or the 4 battery in operation it seems even easier.

    It looked like 1/2 hz or 1Hz to me, but it is somewhere between 1/2 to 2Hz would be my guess.

    You can only see 5 devices (switching neg of solar panel to each bank, swithing from parallel to series on the caps = 4, but don't know what the other is for), but you can see some optos on the board too. What is behind the big heat sink is anyone's guess, but probably some devices to send in the 10+ amps to the batteries.

    Wonderful stuff.


    P.S. If this also is working in low light conditions, then all my comments could just be hogwash.
    Last edited by ldissing; 01-08-2010, 06:23 PM.


    • Tesla Switch

      Hay Guys,
      I will say this much the caps are for the solar panel, like the solar kick, You will find a patent pending under my name on Google patents. what you can't see is drivers pnp, I did post the BI-Polar switch, it's part of it. The circuit is far different then what your working on so don't second guess this. Sixteen switching points. you need the basic circuit working with the Original Tesla Switch to understand this, no guessing, Peter also gave the hint in his second to last post about who invented the original. It's was not Ronald B.
      John Bedini


      • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
        Hay Guys,
        I will say this much the caps are for the solar panel, like the solar kick, You will find a patent pending under my name on Google patents. what you can't see is drivers pnp, I did post the BI-Polar switch, it's part of it. The circuit is far different then what your working on so don't second guess this. Sixteen switching points. you need the basic circuit working with the Original Tesla Switch to understand this, no guessing, Peter also gave the hint in his second to last post about who invented the original. It's was not Ronald B.
        Thanks JB, I knew it was a shot in the dark that's me, whistling Dixie.

        I guess I missed the "solar kick" somewhere. Is that posted here? I'll look for it.

        I figured out that one of my SCRs was always on (at least mostly) (referring to the 4 battery TS), therefore, one of my loads was not receiving nearly as much potential. Maybe just a bad SCR, but it was causing me some problems with charging. Things seem to be going somewhat better now, I'm using a digital TS too, not the 3524, FYI. Moved back to the NPNs for the series switching and things are going well.

        Any advice for me, or just keep plugging away?



        • Agreed - No Nore Guessing . . .

          Hi JB,

          Thanks for jumping in. I'll continue with my multi-tranny, 4bat rig. Well into the 3rd build with some new loads.



          Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
          Hay Guys,
          I will say this much the caps are for the solar panel, like the solar kick, You will find a patent pending under my name on Google patents. what you can't see is drivers pnp, I did post the BI-Polar switch, it's part of it. The circuit is far different then what your working on so don't second guess this. Sixteen switching points. you need the basic circuit working with the Original Tesla Switch to understand this, no guessing, Peter also gave the hint in his second to last post about who invented the original. It's was not Ronald B.


          • Can this be part of it?

            Directory:Bedini SG:Legal - PESWiki
            See the solid state patent
            US 2003/0117111 A1

            Device and method for pulse charging ... - Google Patent Search
            Last edited by nvisser; 01-08-2010, 09:21 PM.


            • Originally posted by nvisser View Post
              Could be . It would explain those "beefy" devices on the heat sink.... being paralleled IRFB or similar, driven by SG, H11D1, MJL's, perhaps? SG circuit is little different than one I'm working on. I posted this patent idea few months ago in Solid State thread, while I was working on Solid State and Radiant Charger but no one commented back then. Amazing stuff and pleasure to watch. A bit frustrating to work on

              'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

              General D.Eisenhower



              • Eric Dollard RE: closed loops

                Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                Seven C,
                I was out of state, had no computer hook up and the phone was way to slow for internet, but I'm here. Hope you all had a good New Year. I'm still reading all the posts here to play catch up. I will answer all I can shortly.
                Mr. John,
                I'm glad You still around here. Funny how I get out of sync as soon as You get some time to spare

                On the other hand, i can imagine how You must feel with us - I feel it in my guts "it's under our noses" yet still can't grasp it in my (dummy) mind

                You certainly must feel an urge to slap us on the back of the head so we finnaly "dip our nose in the cake", right?

                Anyhow, I read Eric Dollard really slowly now, and look forward for more time to delve deeper into this.

                Could You possibly comment of the drawing I attach here - it illustrates how I understand what E. Dollard writes about?
                The three flows:
                A. Ampere currents (hot electricity)
                E. Dielectric potentials
                M. Magnetic lines of force
                Attached Files


                • Originally posted by nvisser View Post
                  No, it's patent number US 2008/0129250 A1.

                  Spoke to JB this morning, he told me to say that the caps are there for the solar panel. The batteries you saw in the video were frozen, Rick put them out the back because they were gone. JB pulled them inside and used them for the test, the load tester is rated at 500A. So it's also a great battery rejuvenator.

                  Gotta go clean the pool, it's stinking hot here and the kids want to go swimming.

                  More later tonight...

                  John K.


                  • just gonna buy one

                    yea thats what I am going to do. solar panels and a couple of chargers. savin my money right now


                    • Originally posted by John_K View Post
                      No, it's patent number US 2008/0129250 A1.

                      Spoke to JB this morning, he told me to say that the caps are there for the solar panel. The batteries you saw in the video were frozen, Rick put them out the back because they were gone. JB pulled them inside and used them for the test, the load tester is rated at 500A. So it's also a great battery rejuvenator.

                      Gotta go clean the pool, it's stinking hot here and the kids want to go swimming.

                      More later tonight...

                      John K.
                      Thanks for clarification John .....but you didn't have to say those things about the pool and being hot, you know

                      'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                      General D.Eisenhower



                      • patent ap

                        Could this be what JB was referring to?

                        Circuits and related methods for ... - Google Patent Search

                        so much to consider.

                        Michael L


                        • Hello John

                          Is it possible to just put a 12 volt battery on the front end of the solar charger and get similiar results? Or do you need 17-18 volts input?

                          If its output is nearly 3 to 1 count me in, I will buy one as soon as they're available! I'll keep an eye on Ricks sight for when there for sale.



                          • RE: input

                            Originally posted by Mark View Post
                            Hello John

                            Is it possible to just put a 12 volt battery on the front end of the solar charger and get similiar results? Or do you need 17-18 volts input?

                            If its output is nearly 3 to 1 count me in, I will buy one as soon as they're available! I'll keep an eye on Ricks sight for when there for sale.

                            That was my thought exactly, use an inverter and then run a laptop power supply and then you have the power to run it. Then if it is true who needs solar panels...
                            See my experiments here...

                            You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                            • Tesla Switch

                              You can use either of these two devices to do the charging, as I said it's been in front of your eyes so long ,your burned out. These two patents were used with the solar kick. To use them you must change the impedance of the solar panels and use inverted circuits on the switching devices. The monopole group that Rick runs has built many of these chargers.
                              John B

                              Originally posted by Mavrick23 View Post
                              Could this be what JB was referring to?

                              Circuits and related methods for ... - Google Patent Search

                              so much to consider.

                              Michael L
                              John Bedini


                              • Tesla Switch

                                Hay Aaron,
                                How are you doing?
                                John Bedini

