Originally posted by hherby
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Use for the Tesla Switch
Firing in Order - Sure . . . but What Else?
@Bits, @Leroy -
I saw the charging/recirculation cap and realized that it fired back - and they fire in sequence . . . however, we don't know much about the transformers except the 1000 Ohms:8 Ohms notation (even there one wonders about the frequency). I mean 1000 Ohms pure resistance is a pretty hefty coil - no? But, maybe that is what is required to fire the tranny in that schematic.
Anyway - does JB infer that a coil(s)/transformers are necessary - maybe not for his version but we're not working on that. Seems something wound around a bobbin might be needed on our version of the switch.
So - I have an idea I'm going to pursue and it requires a separate, time-consuming build. If it pans out I'll post what I'm doing - but nothing more until I get some results.
Bye for Now,
Originally posted by ldissing View PostI've looked this circuit over many times and Bit's is right. Seems they are firing in order. You guys thinking that JB was meaning you need those transformers. I've thought about this too, but why is JBs working without them?
Originally posted by Bit's-n-Bytes View PostYour right, something is not quite right. Can you post your schematic?
AlexAttached Files
Originally posted by Plazma View Post[...]
. . . however, we don't know much about the transformers except the 1000 Ohms:8 Ohms notation (even there one wonders about the frequency). I mean 1000 Ohms pure resistance is a pretty hefty coil - no?
JB said they are standard audio transformers from Radio Shack if I recall correctly.
Baldinelli, Fred A.
Found this whilst researching Baldinelli:
"Baldinelli, Fred A. - Kingston Fred A. Baldinelli, age 89, formerly of Milton, died Monday, July 7, 2008 in Kingston after a long illness. Beloved husband of the ...
Published in The Patriot Ledger on 7/11/2008"
John K.
Transformer Link
Hi Alex,
VERY good recall- here's a link:
Audio Output Transformer - RadioShack.com
Originally posted by hherby View PostPlazma,
JB said they are standard audio transformers from Radio Shack if I recall correctly.
Originally posted by John_K View PostFound this whilst researching Baldinelli:
"Baldinelli, Fred A. - Kingston Fred A. Baldinelli, age 89, formerly of Milton, died Monday, July 7, 2008 in Kingston after a long illness. Beloved husband of the ...
Published in The Patriot Ledger on 7/11/2008"
John K.
I keep looking but there is nothing else. No sign of his charger patent.
Vtech'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'
General D.Eisenhower
Thank You
Originally posted by John_K View PostFound this whilst researching Baldinelli:
"Baldinelli, Fred A. - Kingston Fred A. Baldinelli, age 89, formerly of Milton, died Monday, July 7, 2008 in Kingston after a long illness. Beloved husband of the ...
Published in The Patriot Ledger on 7/11/2008"
John K.
Thanks for posting this. I was able to purchase the entire Death Notice from the Newspaper Archives. Unfortunately, the only information in it are the names of his children. Its another sad case of us "wising up" too late to be able to talk to the developer of an important technology.
Too late to ask questions....again
Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View PostJohn K,
Thanks for posting this. I was able to purchase the entire Death Notice from the Newspaper Archives. Unfortunately, the only information in it are the names of his children. Its another sad case of us "wising up" too late to be able to talk to the developer of an important technology.
Peter) several times, trying to find anything relevant to the device we're attempting to replicate. From technical side, we know it was solid state device (double relay) - battery charger operating on 12V and supplying AC. Most likely not complicated and possible to be made from readily available materials/components. Device could be plugged into the AC receptacle and capable of powering house (1000 - 1500W). About the size of car battery Also, scalable up with bigger components (changing size of the device). We also know that Volkswagen was equipped with this device and has been witnessed by Ford people. Measurements of batteries were taken. Device has been developed during Baldinelli's attempt to improve car alternator. What is in the alternator? Coils, diodes, regulator - a hint?
That's about all I found in technical details.
Non technical details were very interesting, indeed. Why this patent can't be found if it was issued? How the investigation into complains ended and what happened to the actual device. We may never know.
Vtech'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'
General D.Eisenhower
Originally posted by Plazma View Post
When I look at John pcb with Toyota batteries, there is no transformers or coils. There are two wires (red and black) going under the table. One is connected to the pin 2 of opto (which could be negative). This might be separate power to the oscillator part, but definitely not a wires going to the coil hidden under the table
My understanding was that we can get this done without any inductance (except inductive element of batteries).
Vtech'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'
General D.Eisenhower
Fred A. Baldinelli thread
To everyone that asked, yes, as John affirmed I was referring to
Fred A. Baldinelli.
Since the cat is out of the bag on the Baldinelli/Tesla Switch connection,
no pun intended, I'll start a thread on Baldinelli to compile the little known
data about him and his work.
I don't want it to distract from the Telsa Switch stuff John is sharing
with everyone. That other thread, I just wish it to be a compilation
resource that anyone can add info to as they uncover it.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
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Originally posted by Plazma View PostAnyway - does JB infer that a coil(s)/transformers are necessary - maybe not for his version but we're not working on that. Seems something wound around a bobbin might be needed on our version of the switch.Bye for Now,
Just my thoughts,
Originally posted by hherby View PostIt is the same layout as JB's 2 transistor, 2 load setup except I have transistors in place of the top two diodes. I attached a scope shot of the timer output. I might be getting some kind of interference between opto's. The opto's are in series with each channel terminated by an led and a 330ohm resistor to common ground.
Originally posted by Plazma View Post@Bits, @Leroy -
I saw the charging/recirculation cap and realized that it fired back - and they fire in sequence . . . however, we don't know much about the transformers except the 1000 Ohms:8 Ohms notation (even there one wonders about the frequency). I mean 1000 Ohms pure resistance is a pretty hefty coil - no? But, maybe that is what is required to fire the tranny in that schematic.
Anyway - does JB infer that a coil(s)/transformers are necessary - maybe not for his version but we're not working on that. Seems something wound around a bobbin might be needed on our version of the switch.
So - I have an idea I'm going to pursue and it requires a separate, time-consuming build. If it pans out I'll post what I'm doing - but nothing more until I get some results.
Bye for Now,
The frequency is still controlled by the 3524. The capacitor firing back across the transformers only occurs when the 3524 transistor (for the second side) is conducting. Anyway, it is still frequency controlled via the 3524. It is configured (hooked) up in a push pull mode, not the way we have it connected in JBs non-transformer circuit, where it is just pushing a current to the optos.
Perhaps you already knew this, but others may not.