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Use for the Tesla Switch

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  • Leroy
    I think only Mr. bedini can tell us how that circuit operated.
    I also looked at it from all angles
    The transformers are 8 ohm on the primary and 1k on the secondary between base and emitter which indicated that the signal is maybe amplified a lot in amplitude.
    Pin 11 output has a 1k resistor to 0Vand o/p pin 14 not.
    Then all 6 transformers are in series between the 2 flip flop outputs and the middle of them connects through a 1000uf cap to 0V. That can cause an interesting waveform and I would not dare try to draw it as I got no idea.
    Your explanation is probably correct. “high initial current into the base, and it trails off as the capacitor is charged.”
    The 5th battery was used to drive the oscillator so no power was taken from the switch to not influence the data.
    Switch 1 that course slow pulsing for charging also switch the 5th battery in to be charged.


    • Originally posted by ldissing View Post
      but may cause something unique to happen that I have not figured out.

      The transformer signaling method is unique in that there is a high initial current into the base, and it trails off as the capacitor is charged. So, the transistor is hit hard with current at a high voltage, and then gradually descends as the cap is charged up/or discharged through the opposite side.
      In this scenario, we can program the chip to simulate this action with the pulsout command;

      Let's say pin 4 equals the biasing of Q1;

      pulsout 4, 800 (which means, send a pulse (5v) signal out pin 4 for 800 ms)
      pulsout 4, 600
      pulsout 4, 400
      pulsout 4, 200
      pulsout 4, 100

      Obviously this would not be a nice declining slope in the circuit Leroy illustrates but it would come close.

      Just my thought's



      • JBs comments

        JB commented in one post, that perhaps the transformer version (or maybe he said coil" was the "correct" one. I have not been able to find it. Does anybody have this information?

        Thank you in advance,



        • For smoother results you could use

          FREQOUT Pin, Duration, Freq1 {, Freq2} The freak out command. LOL

          No seriously you could use FREQOUT coupled with a timer. Start at a low frequency and raise the frequency from there. The faster the frequency the less current will get through. I know it works with the stamp chip I am using and so far most code seems compatible to the PIC.

          I VAR Byte
          I = 0
          I = (I +1)
          FREQOUT 4,(I),(I)
          LOOP UNTIL (I = 10)
          Might work who knows.



          • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
            For smoother results you could use

            FREQOUT Pin, Duration, Freq1 {, Freq2} The freak out command. LOL

            No seriously you could use FREQOUT coupled with a timer. Start at a low frequency and raise the frequency from there. The faster the frequency the less current will get through. I know it works with the stamp chip I am using and so far most code seems compatible to the PIC.

            Might work who knows.

            You are an elusive fellow...wondered when you would pop back up. In your new house yet?



            • Ya finally unpacked to. I think unpacking my junk was harder than building the house. LOL

              I've been following along the whole time.



              • It's not a 'true' negistor

                Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                Try here and see if you understand what I'm saying. I think you all will catch it. Don't Let this guy kidd you about negative effects, he has not found the way to use it.
                A Negative Differential Resistance Oscillator with a Negistor

                KeelyNet on negative resistance - 04/07/00
                Yes JB,
                This was not a real 'true' negistor.
                Current can flow in opposite direction through the semiconductor,
                but its not a real 'TRUE' negistor.
                Anyway I cleared one misunderstanding and corrected my way to ' Negistor'


                • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                  Ya finally unpacked to. I think unpacking my junk was harder than building the house. LOL

                  I've been following along the whole time.

                  @Matt: Looking forward to anything you have to say! Glad your move is over...mine is just starting, don't know how long it will take to sell this house in this market....



                  • Originally posted by JANGYD View Post
                    Yes JB,
                    This was not a real 'true' negistor.
                    Current can flow in opposite direction through the semiconductor,
                    but its not a real 'TRUE' negistor.
                    Anyway I cleared one misunderstanding and corrected my way to ' Negistor'

                    I'd be interested to hear your findings on the Negistor. I've done some research in this area, but just to dense to figure it out I guess. Any input is appreciated.




                    • Originally posted by nvisser View Post
                      I think only Mr. bedini can tell us how that circuit operated.
                      I also looked at it from all angles
                      The transformers are 8 ohm on the primary and 1k on the secondary between base and emitter which indicated that the signal is maybe amplified a lot in amplitude.
                      Pin 11 output has a 1k resistor to 0Vand o/p pin 14 not.
                      Then all 6 transformers are in series between the 2 flip flop outputs and the middle of them connects through a 1000uf cap to 0V. That can cause an interesting waveform and I would not dare try to draw it as I got no idea.
                      Your explanation is probably correct. “high initial current into the base, and it trails off as the capacitor is charged.”
                      The 5th battery was used to drive the oscillator so no power was taken from the switch to not influence the data.
                      Switch 1 that course slow pulsing for charging also switch the 5th battery in to be charged.
                      I believe you are looking at the same diagram based on your description. I don't know exactly how that is working based on the connections. When Q1 is on (SG3524 pins 13,14), current goes through all the transformers, but the last 3 are backward through a 1K resistor to ground (i.e. left side biased on, right side biased off), but there is also the 1000uF cap in there to suck up some voltage and allow a higher current to get through than the 1K resistor would allow. What I do not understand completely is what is happening with Q2 (SG3524 pins 11,12). It would do the same same, I reckon, charging the cap when Q2 shuts is on, and when off the cap will discharg completely through 3 transformers on the right and the 1K resistor, which causes a REALLY sharp decrease in current through those last three transformers, because the current is flowing backward through them (as when Q1 is on), i.e. they are not biasing the transistor "on". The first three transformers on the left hand side do not get this same treatment, which may be why he is using the right hand side for charging of battery 5.


                      P.S. My transformer version is slightly different, allowing the "computer" to control two transistors which charge and discharge the cap through the transformers, but my current is different, because I'm using 12V and the same 8ohm transformers, so maybe I need a little more resistance in there. He has 24ohms at 5V. I have 16 (only using serial and top transformer/transistors at 12V. It can definitely drive a 12V 10W bulb, but maybe the currents are still too high, or said another way, maybe the transformers are not on long enough...could use a bigger cap I guess or just put in a resistor or two.
                      Last edited by ldissing; 02-04-2010, 02:50 PM.


                      • Adjusting the load

                        I started experimenting again tonight on the full TS as I got DoubleD`s oscillator working again and I could introduce dead time.
                        It uses a decade counter and you can choose how you use the ten output pulses. I used only 2 pulses to drive a side. That is 2 pulses on, 3 pulses off, then 2 pulses on for the other side and again 3 pulses off
                        In short it is a pulse with a 20% duty cycle for each side of the switch
                        It pulses about every 1 second. That is every 2 sec on a side.
                        I cannot say if the batteries are charging yet.
                        When I use 4 x 15ma, 6v pilot lamps in parallel as my 2 loads, I measure about 6v saw tooth pulses over the lamps on the scope. It rises with a saw tooth, like a cap charging up and then drops sharp. Lamps burn bright.
                        When using a 6V 21W lamp, the pulse voltages are about 3V. Lamps glow dim
                        When using 12V 21W lamps the pulse voltage over the lamps are only 1.3V and the lamps does not even glow.
                        That indicates to me that with more current flowing and the lower voltage drop over the lamp, more voltage are available for charging….And probably also used for discharging the series bank.
                        Time will tell


                        • Originally posted by nvisser View Post
                          I started experimenting again tonight on the full TS as I got DoubleD`s oscillator working again and I could introduce dead time.
                          It uses a decade counter and you can choose how you use the ten output pulses. I used only 2 pulses to drive a side. That is 2 pulses on, 3 pulses off, then 2 pulses on for the other side and again 3 pulses off
                          In short it is a pulse with a 20% duty cycle for each side of the switch
                          It pulses about every 1 second. That is every 2 sec on a side.
                          I cannot say if the batteries are charging yet.
                          When I use 4 x 15ma, 6v pilot lamps in parallel as my 2 loads, I measure about 6v saw tooth pulses over the lamps on the scope. It rises with a saw tooth, like a cap charging up and then drops sharp. Lamps burn bright.
                          When using a 6V 21W lamp, the pulse voltages are about 3V. Lamps glow dim
                          When using 12V 21W lamps the pulse voltage over the lamps are only 1.3V and the lamps does not even glow.
                          That indicates to me that with more current flowing and the lower voltage drop over the lamp, more voltage are available for charging….And probably also used for discharging the series bank.
                          Time will tell
                          That is similar to what I see. I see bigger voltages like you do with the smaller lamps. Like 8-9 V over the 6V small amperage 25ma lamps. With a 12V 10W lamp, I have depending on the frequency, very fast up to 12V, but at low frequencies, I can get it down to 0.5-2V. With a very big 12V 50W lamp, I have almost no voltage over the lamp, maybe .12V or something. The bigger the load, the faster the discharge at any frequency, but at frequencies where it is switching very fast, it discharges very fast. My opinion was that the bigger lamps are not using the voltage, but that current is flying through the system and the batteries (especially at high frequencies) can not get into recharge mode. When I run them at lower frequencies, they do stabilize but I do not think any re-charging is actually taking place. I'm very disturbed and disappointed .... so far.



                          • Originally posted by ldissing View Post
                            That is similar to what I see. I see bigger voltages like you do with the smaller lamps. Like 8-9 V over the 6V small amperage 25ma lamps. With a 12V 10W lamp, I have depending on the frequency, very fast up to 12V, but at low frequencies, I can get it down to 0.5-2V. With a very big 12V 50W lamp, I have almost no voltage over the lamp, maybe .12V or something. The bigger the load, the faster the discharge at any frequency, but at frequencies where it is switching very fast, it discharges very fast. My opinion was that the bigger lamps are not using the voltage, but that current is flying through the system and the batteries (especially at high frequencies) can not get into recharge mode. When I run them at lower frequencies, they do stabilize but I do not think any re-charging is actually taking place. I'm very disturbed and disappointed .... so far.

                            Replying to myself...par for the course. The batteries seem to be higher than at 11:00 am right now. UP about .3 volts total, utilizing a 10W 12V bulb. Better than down by a long shot. I added resistances on the cap/transformers until they were approximately even charging and discharging, without depleting the batteries too much. Seems good so far, 0.3V doesn't mean much...but better than down 0.3V or 3V...FYI.



                            • 0.3v

                              0.3v, that's what I got in total. Nothing spectacular, until one realises that one has been running a load and circuitry with losses. Quite spectacular really

                              Keep up the good work
                              Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                              • scope shots


                                I'm doing all my best to study 'the switching' as JB emphasized,
                                1) Switching in the Differential Mode
                                2) (Inverted) Potential swithing
                                3) Crurrent Charge Pumping(Negistor) on the Semiconductor

                                Attached scope shots are captured from emitter to collector on the MJL21194.
                                I am afraid I'm right or not, so need any comments on these scope shots.


                                Attached Files

