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Use for the Tesla Switch

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  • Originally posted by nvisser View Post
    See what this guy has got to say about solid state TS. It is as if he knows something that we dont


    Free energy is a much maligned term. Etheric force , as per Edison, is a tangible asset if you know what it is and how it works. I would also suggest that it is not quantum physics either, but something far more simpler to manipulate.


    I'm not saying that he doesn't know, but why didn't he tell us what "Etheric force" is, and how it works? If it is so freakin' simple to manipulate, then why can't we do it? Because we do not know what it is.

    This is just my interpretation of what I've read (so far) in the book by Gerry Vassilitos, any other intrepretations are welcome. Mr. Vassilitos describes what JB has been saying of Tesla and what JB is saying of his devices. Namely, aetheric energy shows up when there is no current. Electricity is flowing, moving electrons and the etheric force is already there, but married to the electricity. In order to get the etheric component out, there can be no "current" flow, it must be devoid of electrons. Tesla needed some electricity to get the aetheric component out, and it is much more powerful than the electricity it is married to. JB needs some electricity to get the aetheric component out too, at least it is the easiest way, but Stubblefield apparently did not need electricity to get the aetheric component out.

    The aetheric component is a neutral energy, not composed of positive or negative electricity.

    Not that this helps, but it is my understanding at the present which is probably not correct. Tesla used HV, because it was easier to manifest this aetheric component and Aaron has shown in some of his videos what a wheel will do pulsing HV from a capacitor and gray tube setup...that puppy moves. JB says that this can be achieved with low voltages and the SSG is a good example of how this can be done.

    So, our goal should be to stop the "current", keep the electrons from flowing, which is, of course, the dipole destroyer. We want the neutral energy to flow, so how do we do that. How do we "manipulate" the aetheric energy?

    Having written all that, my dilemma is that this flies in the face of what I thought JB has been saying. I'd think that very fast pulses and many of them would be the way to go, but JB says to pulse for 125ms or 1 sec, the longer the better? This will yield current as far as I know, and the aetheric component would only be on the switch closure (or opening which ever way you want to look at it). Tesla impulses are very short in duration, not a long is all very confusing and JB is off playing (working) in the fictitious world of a "corporation", maybe he will come back again a join us in the real world again.

    Last edited by ldissing; 03-03-2010, 02:24 PM.


    • Originally posted by nvisser View Post
      “Ron knew better. A few years later, he tried the same technology in his car, only different batteries, but was unable to achieve resonance and hence got only twice the expected distance out of his car, about 100 miles. He thinks the batteries made later were not uniform to achieve resonance.”

      Benitez also used the old galvanic batteries of those times.
      Go look at this thread, , post 15 , to see what JB has got to say about batteries.
      Maybe Matt should give us a short course in battery building .See post 22.
      I would love to know if 4 of those batteries would give better results on the TS
      I have only built 2 jars. But they work good and are easy to make. but they do point out the differences in material make. Rolled lead can be on a single sheet and perform differently. If they perform differently on as individual plates they will also throw the solution in the cell out of balance.
      Lead Acid might not be the best choice

      If you go back to the post (Deep cycle battery) a guy posted some links to the Edison Battery. Or an Iron Nickel Alkaline battery. They are 2 x as efficient as lead acid. I am trying to locate some materials now and trying to find out what kind of nickel you need. (IE nickel plating on steel or raw nickel in sheet)

      One thing I am sure of after playing with the jars is the batteries formatting can be critical. A straight DC charged / Discharge battery doesn't seem to perform as well as a radiantly charge / DC discharge battery does.
      Bedini shows that is a film about the battery jars.

      I have for some time thought that if I formatted the batteries on a Tesla a switch just after the initial charge they might perform better under the circumstances. If they are charged and discharged under High Frequency they very well may not allow amperage to flow as expected. They must just want to release real high frequency pulses. But will they take them?

      I know the radiant batteries won't hardly charge from anything else.

      But this iron nickel thing has got me curious as they do not have as much potential but deliver 2 times the energy on 1/2 the charge. Maybe properly formatted they would deliver exactly what we want. And be more efficient in the process.

      I have tried a dozen or better slow switch's since JB posted. I have not had as much success with them as I have had with high frequency switch's.
      50 hz or better is working for me. The problem is taking that and using it.

      The Benitez patent and the article on Brandt give a little more insight as to how the high frequency can do work for you.

      The best setup I have to date is one in which I made pulse motor that ran the timing on the switch. 2 coils and they pulse at separate times.
      It ran 6.5 months off of 4 Walmart tractor batteries before they were not switching the transistors in the motor. The 12 volt batteries were reading 5.1 volt on the meter. Once we shut it off the batteries bounced back up to 12.2 volt over the next couple of days and it ran another week before they stopped the motor again.
      It was 2 coils five magnets on the rotor and ran consistently at 2200 rpm.
      That setup runs at or about 183 hertz. The batteries I used on it were the first 4 batts I ever had and they primarily ran on a monopole for about a 2 years prior to using them in this setup.
      The motor produced no BEMF and no visible (ON the scope) Spikes and had a 2 amp flow off the positive of diode and a 1 amp flow the motor before the diode. The tractor batteries are 13.5 amp hour batts. You do the math.

      If you could drive a transformer in the same fashion or faster to induce energy on the secondary coil and put that in a capacitor then transform it back down the usable levels you would have it made.
      The primary coil in a transformer would re gauge the amperage into into voltage and if the battery were formatted to receive voltage they would perform better.

      When you weren't using the load you could use the power supply to back charge itself in a timely fashion. The more efficient and robust the battery the better it would work.

      SO to some it up were are not charging batteries because they are not formatted correctly. They do not have good tolerance. And we are not switching them in a fashion that induces a negative energy flow.

      This is the other thing I can conclude. Mechanical switching or switching a coil and far outlast and simple transistor based switch.
      If you can make the transistor imitate the mechanical you probably will have success. But I have not been able to, but that isn't a surprise to me.

      A key element I see in the mechanical (Even llittle relays) is when they turn on and turn off they get a very opposite wave coming form them. Probably from the spark gap. A in the illustration is mechanical and B is with a transistor..
      Don't get me wrong I have seen the negative effect in the transistor but for the life of me I cannot get it to respond to anything. I cannot catch it in a transformer or through bridge and no matter I do with it it does not make difference.I might have my idea about it wrong though. I am also not saying nothing can be done with the transistor I just cannot find the positive results I am hoping to find.
      But with the mechanical...well I can make the mechanical work.

      I can also prove that through a coil in a Tesla switched if fired right can have an abundance of negative energy.
      A really nice pulse motor I have shows that you can produce the negative energy from a coil and a transistor. SO much so that the heat emitted from the coil is tens time what it should be. As the positive energy enters the coil the negative eats it up into heat. The coil will be hot as all hell and the transistor will be cold. But the charge side will not receive any energy at all. Everything you put in goes away with out ground.
      This something I have had to watch when building my pulse motor for the Tesla switch I described above. IF the motor ran to fast I could not grab any energy, to slow and I got to much amperage through it. But there was that point that the charging climbed and the powered flowed.

      I believe firmly that a magnetic based Relay/Transformer/Switch can be built and resonate that will produce extra energy.
      But the battery might be the issue at that point.

      We'll see soon enough



      • AA batterys

        I had several AA nicad batteries that were at about .2 volt. They would not charge up in a conventional battery charger, as they retained their memory.I took them all the way down to where no voltage registered on the meter. Still they would not charge in the conventional way. I ran them on my homemade Tesla switch for about a minute. Then rechecked them.They had gained .5 volt. Then I put them on a conventional charger to see if it made any difference. They charged within a minute to 1.2 volts. I then tested them in a flashlight, and then after a minute rechecked the voltage, which was still holding at 1.2 volt. I then ran them on my TS again, and then recharged the convetional way about a minute each, all three batteries came up to 1.5 volts. Then I decided to try some carbon batteries the same way. It worked jsut a s good as the nicads, and also tried some alkaline which also worked the same way. The TS, reconditioned those dead or dying batteries and gave them new life. I don't know how many more cycles this will work, but I did revive those. Good Luck. Stealth


        • Originally posted by ldissing View Post
          I'm not saying that he doesn't know, but why didn't he tell us what "Etheric force" is, and how it works? If it is so freakin' simple to manipulate, then why can't we do it? Because we do not know what it is.

          Hi there,
          thanks for the comment. First, this thread has been going Two years?
          Only now are questions being asked as to the influence of other aspects of components in the circuit.

          IMHO, Edison was referring to the Atmosphere as the source of Etheric influence. So, ask yourself what the components of the atmosphere are.
          Next, I never said it was so "freaking simple".

          I also think after my own analysis of the Tesla switch done some time ago that the problem lies is the ability of batteries to hold and process the ion transfers. Remember John Bedini's original cigar box example used Nicads from memory. A close look at the Carlos Benitez patent will illustrate several issues. The first, and possibly the most important is his use of an "internal combustion engine". that should start ringing alarm bells on "Free Energy". The other important point is his reference to his choice of accumulators. The nickel Iron - NiFe batteries. The problems I had - very similar to those described by John K - from my research, indicated that it would have to be the result of the manufacturing process. I used old auto batteries, which are constructed using the Faure method of lead paste. I think that this method - for the purpose of pulsing and the TS, encourages an internal resistance at the points of bonding or act similarly to the junction of a semiconductor. Hence, all energy advantages that might be gained are lost at the junctures.

          On the issue of solid state and the Tesla Switch. IMHO, solid state components make good controls, but, will not be able to deliver the HV pulsing necessary to capture the essence of the "Etheric Influence" necessary to supply the excess current that is being sought.

          I'll get out of your hair now




          • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
            ...the heat emitted from the coil is tens time what it should be.
            My theory is that because OU is massive, the effects may be destructive to the machine making it. Thats why engineers spend so much time engineering against it.

            Would another wire in that coil be able to pull the heat out?

            A Phenomenon is anything which can be apprehended by the senses.


            • @sigzidfit
              Your missing the point. How is so much heat generated in the coil and not in the switch. Adams went through this too. His motors were thermal based. Its not until he slowed it down that he realized how to catch the energy.
              Positive energy we use cannot co exist on the wire at the same time as negative. If they start to conflict with each other they create an artificial ground in the load they are both occupying. HEAT.
              The other thing is why no charge coming out the back end. If the motor is running at 1-2 amp in from the 24 volt side why aren't we getting anything out the back end? Same reason we are making heat.

              If we can drive a coil or transformer (Same thing) at a good rate and switch of the incoming negative energy we can catch it and use it. As soon as it hits the battery it starts to convert.
              If we are not pulling amperage cause the switching rate then we should be able to grab the negative. At the same time we grab it in the primary coil we use it inductive energy in secondary coil to collect.

              You wanna see it and how it acts?
              Its easy, use a bilfiliar coil to setup a pulse motor. Only Drive from one coil.
              Hook the second one to a bridge with NO LOAD.
              Measure the AC output then measure the DC on the bridge. It should be bigger. ADD another bridge from the DC of the first to the AC of the second. Measure again. Try to pull a load off of it, should give much. Now put a cap on it and see how far up the cap charges. Then pull the load.

              We should be able to create this same effect in a manner from 4 batteries with out it costing us on the front end.

              You just got to allow the energy to come in and be used, with out interfering with the energy we are putting in. The batteries have to be able to take it and absorb it. Not so easy with crappy batteries.


              Now imagine it as a Tesla switch.


              • Originally posted by ourbobby View Post
                Hi there,
                thanks for the comment. First, this thread has been going Two years?
                Only now are questions being asked as to the influence of other aspects of components in the circuit.

                IMHO, Edison was referring to the Atmosphere as the source of Etheric influence. So, ask yourself what the components of the atmosphere are.
                Next, I never said it was so "freaking simple".

                I also think after my own analysis of the Tesla switch done some time ago that the problem lies is the ability of batteries to hold and process the ion transfers. Remember John Bedini's original cigar box example used Nicads from memory. A close look at the Carlos Benitez patent will illustrate several issues. The first, and possibly the most important is his use of an "internal combustion engine". that should start ringing alarm bells on "Free Energy". The other important point is his reference to his choice of accumulators. The nickel Iron - NiFe batteries. The problems I had - very similar to those described by John K - from my research, indicated that it would have to be the result of the manufacturing process. I used old auto batteries, which are constructed using the Faure method of lead paste. I think that this method - for the purpose of pulsing and the TS, encourages an internal resistance at the points of bonding or act similarly to the junction of a semiconductor. Hence, all energy advantages that might be gained are lost at the junctures.

                On the issue of solid state and the Tesla Switch. IMHO, solid state components make good controls, but, will not be able to deliver the HV pulsing necessary to capture the essence of the "Etheric Influence" necessary to supply the excess current that is being sought.

                I'll get out of your hair now



                Glad to see you are around. You said it was "easy to manipulate" if I remember correctly. Or at least it was not as hard as we think. I'm doing some interesting experiments with this now, but I'd be very happy to hear how you think it can be "manipulated". I tend to piss people off, and I do not intend to do that, but it seems to always happen. People seem to be sensitive, and I have this problem too, I'm still trying to overcome it myself. Any pointers you have would be welcome.

                Are you in agreement that it means no current, or am I and Gerry and Tesla and JB incorrect on this one too?



                • I can't reply to anything Matt says, because I told him I wouldn't. With one small change in my code, I went from HOT transistors to cool transistors. It doesn't really make any sense to me, so any thoughts are appreciated.


                  P.S. With some particular loads, both are lit. With others, only one lit at a time....interesting.


                  • LOL Idissing
                    You caught me on a bad day. LOL but you do need to watch pointing out what could be wrong instead of what could be right.

                    How much amperage goes across the the transistors? or the load?



                    • @Leroy

                      Hi Leroy,
                      no problems for me. Until a few days ago, I had not realised this thread had been running. I built a TS about 18months ago. I have replied to Aaron on the Carlos Benitez thread. This should show you what I had been up to with the TS



                      • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                        LOL Idissing
                        You caught me on a bad day. LOL but you do need to watch pointing out what could be wrong instead of what could be right.

                        How much amperage goes across the the transistors? or the load?

                        I'll keep trying to point out what is right. Like I would know what is right.

                        The interesting thing is, I'm trying to do what JB says you should be able to do. How much potential in 1us before any current appears. So, not much. I do not know the actual amount, but it does not blow a 6V bulb at 300ma. The interesting thing was when both loads were lit....I was using a 1.2 V bulb and a high impedance led, both were lit. (I only have one of the 3.2V - 3.8V blue bulbs that JB was using because I blew the others), but why would both be lit....except some kind of resonance? Both will light if I use a 2.47V bulb and the led too, or a 6V bulb and the led. So, the led seems to accepts whatever the resonance is and light up even though there is not a signal on that side. It is interesting.

                        My code was signaling one side on and off for between 10000 - 255000 times, then switches to the other side. It goes as fast as it can at 8 Mhz, no interrupts, just code. I mistakenly had the code at an int value (255 max) and had the code written to go to 500000 times, but, of course, it never switched and it definitely drove the non-signaled side to 14.5 volts before I stopped it. So, even with this small time (and current), you can drive the opposite side to 14.5 volts withing 5-15 minutes easily. Don't know if this means anything, but it did work even with small currents to 14.5 V.


                        p.s. I have over 14.0 volts over the side that is being charged....where JB says we should have 14V.
                        Last edited by ldissing; 03-04-2010, 02:50 AM.


                        • Originally posted by ourbobby View Post
                          Hi Leroy,
                          no problems for me. Until a few days ago, I had not realised this thread had been running. I built a TS about 18months ago. I have replied to Aaron on the Carlos Benitez thread. This should show you what I had been up to with the TS

                          When you say SSR, do you mean SCR? I'm having trouble with the terminology!




                          • To those I upset!

                            To all, who I piss off! Ignore any insult, it is not intended. I am trying to learn, testing, and experimenting. I mean no offense, even though you may see it as intended. I want to make this thing sing, not piss you off, so if you get miffed, think for a moment....I don't know any more and probably less than you do, so don't let it bug you. I'm just an experimenter and not a good one at that, so yell at me if you want, but don't go away! I will try to take it in stride, because I don't know squat.



                            • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                              LOL Idissing
                              You caught me on a bad day. LOL but you do need to watch pointing out what could be wrong instead of what could be right.

                              How much amperage goes across the the transistors? or the load?

                              I'm not sure I can measure the current, but I can try....with the meters that I have. When I was getting a lot of heat, I was switching sides as fast as I could with the processor that I have...roughly one instruction every 500 ns. One side on, the other side on, etc.



                              • Team, everyone is on the right track and call it what you want but, we all think different in our "minds eye". So that said, this is an equation, "But not in the traditional sense". Look, we are NOT just trying to light the bulbs (we can and if we use small ones and light them brightly or blow them out in Leroy's case) that does not get us to the finish line. Oh yes, we can put larger ones in and get them to glow but that consumes to much current. The batts last a long time (alot longer than if it was just one powering the same load) so it is time to think outside of the box. How can we move large amounts of potential, while NOT creating current, and use that to our advantage? Start with replacing the lights (load) with a transformer(s). I had illustrated that earlier, but must admit, I have been pretty busy with other projects and have not gotten back to it. If we can "oscillate" the potiential from side to side we create "frequency" something the transformers love and we are able to create higher voltages. If we are to try place a normal load on the transformer, Uncle Lenz will destroy our charging effect. Let something else do the work. Let the transformer fill a cap and let the "Cap" do the work. I said earlier that we all think differently, I personally view this as a Country water tower in that "feed the water tower through a small pipe" and enjoy the volume of "Pressure" (potential). Leroy, I commend you for your statements.

                                My thoughts


