Originally posted by ldissing
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I charge a cap bank of 30000uf up to 24v. Then the relay switch and disconnect positive and negative from the source and switch the caps to the battery. With my analog ammeter in line it just shows about a 1A pulse, but the charge rate is still impressive if I use 2 series batteries as source like in the Tesla switch. I did not ran it long enough for any results as I still struggle with the automatic self switching of the relays when the cap reaches 24v.
I need to find out what you guys think of the following
The energy passed from the cap to the battery E= 0.5CV^2
Using 30000uf at 24v =8.64 joules. That is pulsing the battery with parr. Caps (2 x 15000uf) and 24V goes to the batteries
When switching the two (charged up to 24v) caps in series (like in the scalar charger) and switch that to the battery, we still pass 8.64 joules to the battery, but we switch 48V instead of 24v.
Two caps in series are 7500uf. E= 7500ufX 48 x 48 x 0.2= 8.64J
That means the same amount of energy is switched in both cases . I did not test it yet but I think in the second case with the 48V I will measure only half the current that was measured in the first case.
Now will the batteries charge better with the lower current and the higher voltage?
If I look at the high amp pulses on JB’s solar charger I don’t think he switches the caps in series before pulsing it to the batteries.
So the question is. How does he get that High current pulses. Does he uses huge capacitors. I only saw 4 caps on his video and the were not huge at all. And how does he convert 17V ,3A (50W) to 10A at least 14V pulses (140W)????