DC vs Unidirectional pulses
HV is the emitter collector breakdown, 55V, 30V, 700V whatever a BJT does stand up against (or not) BJT specific?
We just seem not playing with whats at hand anymore?
I tell You I saw a opto "going negative" it "ques" but does "badly" it's "funny"
Yes we seem to
It looks pretty much "half way there"
I will expand to this in the end (lookup the heading
concentrate on the DC amp-meter needle - it has *MASS* - what makes it _go_ _further_:
A. steady current of any amplitude
B. sudden occurance of current (=steep leading edge)
I care, okay?
Bearden is a theorist, what does he build?
"The fact the doctor knows Your malady's name, has nothing to do with the fact can he cure You or not."
There are many "faces" of electricity, but Amperes and volts measure one and the same "potato",
Roll it "this way" and we read current,
Roll it "this other way" and we read voltage,
of one and the same thing, it's just shifting it's "vector" ("phasor") while retaining the energy.
So we seek a sheer "delta", be it apples or potatoes, just as long as it "kicks"

It is good we have the good will to _learn_ and to exchange our thought among each other (communicate).
It is good we respect each other (I know I respect You, even I'm sloppy to show it at times (wanna
So here it comes "the DC vs pulses"
I learned that once i tried something, and come back trying to communicate what i saw, I begin to speak in same (_same_) riddles like JB
I. When i now think "current" i think of duty cycles (D/C) above 49%
II. When I write "AC" i think of sine waves, eventually square 50% D/C or like (48% PWM?)
III. And
When i write with least current possible,
i think of D/C of 1% and less
how about that?
Ever fed battery with 0.1% pulses? at 500Hz? with leading slopes less than 2.5% of on time?
Stevan C.
Originally posted by ldissing
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What does a negistor do? Naudin wasn't doing anything "wrong", but he did not figure out how to use it, I believe JB said he had not figured out how to use it. Where did Naudin go "wrong", what had he not figured out?
I tell You I saw a opto "going negative" it "ques" but does "badly" it's "funny"

My comments are not about the scalar charger or your version of the solar charger. Again, kudos on your design and communication, but we are working on two different animals.

I'm not saying that the PNP/NPN combo could not be applied to the 4 battery TS, it could. You could get the same 30A/10us in this application and maybe that is what is required.

What is your take on the following: JB says, "you do not want current" in the system, you "should design for the least amount of current"?

Now, for a particular application, you might need butt loads of current, and that is fine if it is "that for which the design calls". We know that current can charge batteries and believe that pulsed current/voltage is even better for the battery, moving ions and keeping them moving.
A. steady current of any amplitude
B. sudden occurance of current (=steep leading edge)
BTW, I'm fine with your leading edge theory and application of it, not that you care whether I'm fine with it or not!

This has nothing to do with your leading edge theory, but it was in my head, so:
In the SSG, it is the leading edge quick HV rise that charges batteries. That sharp leading edge is not related exactly to the transistor, but the coil and what it is trying to do...the transistor just stops the coil from doing what it wants to do, so it puts up a HV spike because there is no place to push current. Bearden talks about dv/dt not di/dt, I believe, but I could be wrong about that. He, Bearden, continually talks about doing things without current and so does JB. Bearden talks about pulse charging a capacitor even so as not to use much current, keeping an open looped system.
In the SSG, it is the leading edge quick HV rise that charges batteries. That sharp leading edge is not related exactly to the transistor, but the coil and what it is trying to do...the transistor just stops the coil from doing what it wants to do, so it puts up a HV spike because there is no place to push current. Bearden talks about dv/dt not di/dt, I believe, but I could be wrong about that. He, Bearden, continually talks about doing things without current and so does JB. Bearden talks about pulse charging a capacitor even so as not to use much current, keeping an open looped system.
"The fact the doctor knows Your malady's name, has nothing to do with the fact can he cure You or not."
There are many "faces" of electricity, but Amperes and volts measure one and the same "potato",
Roll it "this way" and we read current,
Roll it "this other way" and we read voltage,
of one and the same thing, it's just shifting it's "vector" ("phasor") while retaining the energy.
So we seek a sheer "delta", be it apples or potatoes, just as long as it "kicks"

I guess it is good that we are not all the same. Our ideas are different and come from different perspectives and change all the time based on our limited knowledge and the things we "discover" or "think we discover". Time will tell.
It is good we respect each other (I know I respect You, even I'm sloppy to show it at times (wanna

Thank you for your time to respond even though not directed @ you. I don't know, what I don't know.
I learned that once i tried something, and come back trying to communicate what i saw, I begin to speak in same (_same_) riddles like JB

I. When i now think "current" i think of duty cycles (D/C) above 49%
II. When I write "AC" i think of sine waves, eventually square 50% D/C or like (48% PWM?)
III. And
When i write with least current possible,
i think of D/C of 1% and less
how about that?
Ever fed battery with 0.1% pulses? at 500Hz? with leading slopes less than 2.5% of on time?
Stevan C.