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Use for the Tesla Switch

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  • Come on Leroy. You can do better than that. After you went missing for a few months you must have something to tell us about the TS.
    Welcome back


    • AHHH!!! Relief we can take the "Have You Seen" posters down now.




      • Go easy on Leroy, he might be a bit "Bipolar"
        Last edited by nvisser; 08-11-2010, 09:17 PM.


        • Welcome Back Lero!

          Well, there goes my theory.

          I thought Leroy had figured out the TS and was abducted by aliens

          Good to have you back, tell us of your travels...

          BTW, I've been fooling around with the 2 cap pulser and been getting some great results. As long as I can keep the smoke in...

          John K.


          • Originally posted by ldissing View Post
            ... If you would be so kind as to post a circuit that incorporates your ideas, experience, etc. it would be easy to validate/verify your comments.

            There are many technical documents (Applications Notes)
            available from the various semiconductor manufacturers
            which contain a wealth of information and circuits.

            May I suggest that you, and any others who may be interested,
            download a copy of AN1311 published this year by MicroChip.
            The title of the Applications Note is "Single Cell Input Boost
            Converter Design." This would be a good place to start.

            Then download as many other Applications Notes as you may
            find interesting. They're all free from the manufacturers
            websites as .pdf files for easy viewing/copying.

            For those interested in a 'chip' version of the switched
            capacitor circuit (TS) download the Data Sheet for the
            LTC3215 Low Noise High Current Charge Pump.
            (Linear Technology)
            Last edited by SeaMonkey; 08-12-2010, 12:07 AM. Reason: Additional Data


            • Originally posted by nvisser View Post
              Come on Leroy. You can do better than that. After you went missing for a few months you must have something to tell us about the TS.
              Welcome back
              My move slowed progress and now my shop is teeny tiny. I don't even have room to turn around. I'm going to get going again as soon as I can, but have some pressing issues.


              P.S. Glad to be able to read a little and see what progress you all are making. Taking some time off has given me many more ideas...I'll be working on those soon.


              • SeaMonkey,
                The main gap in between "right way" and "right thing" is effort needed for success.

                You are right, but You go "right way", which by far surpasses our ability to furnish labor to a DIY project.

                We need more "right thing" decisions in our favor to be able to actually build it at all?

                Like chewing it apart to achievable "classes" of 1-2hr of work with test/troubleshooting notes alongside the assembly process...

                This is a lot of work, so i speak from experience, when I suggest splitting it to troubleshootable "modules".

                And there are part selection decisions:

                1. I would always pick a known flawed part with errata known, than an new "touted better" with errata unknown

                2. Some of use (international forum) have issues following some BOM (Bill Of Materials), if the designer does not pay attention to availability (MJE13007 vs 2SC5027 for instance or IRF2204 vs IRFZ46)

                3. Modularity of the project vs profi looks makes it easy if at all replicable by others (DIY PCB vs stripeboard or breadboard)

                My first "cookie":
                is there any faster driver than IRS21851 and could someone pick a world wide available one please?

                I made a DIY breadboard adapter for few IRS21851 I picked earlier and the 0730x from China I plan to use for the "brains"
                look up the attached pictures please

                Stevan C.
                Attached Files


                • Originally posted by StevanC View Post
                  The main gap in between "right way" and "right thing" is effort needed for success.

                  You are right, but You go "right way", which by far surpasses our ability to furnish labor to a DIY project.

                  We need more "right thing" decisions in our favor to be able to actually build it at all?

                  Like chewing it apart to achievable "classes" of 1-2hr of work with test/troubleshooting notes alongside the assembly process...

                  This is a lot of work, so i speak from experience, when I suggest splitting it to troubleshootable "modules".

                  And there are part selection decisions:

                  1. I would always pick a known flawed part with errata known, than an new "touted better" with errata unknown

                  2. Some of use (international forum) have issues following some BOM (Bill Of Materials), if the designer does not pay attention to availability (MJE13007 vs 2SC5027 for instance or IRF2204 vs IRFZ46)

                  3. Modularity of the project vs profi looks makes it easy if at all replicable by others (DIY PCB vs stripeboard or breadboard)

                  My first "cookie":
                  is there any faster driver than IRS21851 and could someone pick a world wide available one please?

                  I made a DIY breadboard adapter for few IRS21851 I picked earlier and the 0730x from China I plan to use for the "brains"
                  look up the attached pictures please

                  Stevan C.
                  'Modularity' is good.

                  There are High Side Gate Driver chips available from several
                  different manufacturers. A search by means of your favorite
                  search engine (mine is Scroogle) will yield quite a few leads.

                  Do you have a mail-order electronics supply house within your
                  country? Most now have the ability to search their parts
                  inventory to find specific parts or substitutes.

                  I am a great believer in 'substitutes' and using parts that
                  are readily available and inexpensive. Electronics Surplus
                  vendors can be a good source of inexpensive chips and
                  transistors, MosFets, diodes, capacitors, etc...

                  The Compact Fluorescent Lamp with the electronic
                  ballast is a really good source of parts. The transistors
                  used in them are the Low Vce high efficiency switching
                  transistors. When one of these CFLs goes bad, carefully
                  remove the electronic ballast circuit board to remove
                  the parts. Testing the transistors will reveal whether
                  one, or both, are still good.

                  Happy hunting!


                  • Now this is quite more DIY like ;-)
                    The "D440" for instance?


                    • Originally posted by StevanC
                      The "D440" for instance?

                      The "D440" is perhaps the Sanyo 2SD440 transistor?

                      It seems to be 'obsolete' and any specifications for
                      it very difficult to locate.

                      Fortunately, it is possible to determine the 'specs'
                      by self measurement. The procedures for determining
                      Breakdown Voltage, Beta and Cutoff Frequency are
                      pretty straight-forward. Although, it is rarely necessary
                      to do those tests.

                      Breadboarding it into a circuit and evaluating its
                      performance; then 'tweaking' base drive to enhance
                      its operation, will generally produce good results.


                      • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                        Ya I have built 6 mechanicals. about 7 mechanical / solid state. Another 8 solid state. I have tried just about every configuration of them that is outand I have come up with a few to top it off.
                        Mechanical has got some advantages. Mostly they keep the potential up. But you can do it with mechanical relays just as well and with a lot less work.
                        Look in my signature for the ISCC it worked pretty well.
                        The biggest problem is finding something that will hold up over a period of time. You start pulling large load, and thats what you need to do to get a positive effect, the start to run rough and eventually fail from the points.

                        Right now I am collecting parts to build 1 relay that has all the mechanical contacts needed to switch. But tungsten is not cheap.And I would like the contacts to actually be able to hold up over a period of time with a large load.

                        If you post your idea's I'll let you know what I have tried or if I have any advice.

                        Matt, Thanks for the ideas and schematic. I considered car starter relays but didn't think they would be able to keep up at the speed suggested in Patrick Kelly's info that I'm trying to follow. Even at 100 Hz (low end of the range) that would be several thousand times per minute opening and closing.
                        I noticed in the schematic you referenced (ISCC) that there seems to be only 2 diodes instead of the 4 I thought it needed (not counting the FWBR).

                        BTW I think I posted this info before here that Kelly had changed the circuit based on some new info and that what appears to be backwards for the diodes is actually correct. See the diagram below as this is the new corrected one. Have you tried something similar to this configuration? This newly corrected one was just mentioned by Kelly in the last couple weeks on a yahoo group I follow and is in his latest book revision or in Chapter 5.
                        Note upon taking another look at this in his book I am now questioning as to which one is correct because of what I believe is simply a mistake he made in referencing 'above' when I think he meant 'below'. The new diagram in Chapter 5 is below and one I had not seen until recently. I'll check into this and post here unless someone else knows about this.
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by ewizard; 08-14-2010, 06:03 PM.
                        There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                        • That schematic won't work, unless you can beat the switching rate of the diode and manage to get some power out of it. You would have to have some real high voltage.

                          Referencing the relays: It depends on what you want to build it for. Right now to keep a little power in my shop I have got an ISCC running. It switch's every 2 minutes with the batteries I got. They stay pretty charged up. I only pull no more that 500 watts off them at a given time. Much more than that and the inverter cries foul. I charge them from a solar panel when not in use.
                          But if you want to start switching faster you have defendantly use either solid state or some kind of commutator to get the speeds up.

                          The Brandt Switch ran a center tap transformer at high 900 hz or so and delivered energy. I have been messing with small one and it works but there is so little amperage its hard to gauge how much work it will do.

                          The Carlos Benitez patents runs transformers as well. But he ran 2 and use the inductive power from one to back charge the system and the other to power loads. This works also but still no real power.

                          Keep hunting though, we'll figure it out one day.



                          • Originally posted by ewizard View Post
                            Matt, Thanks for the ideas and schematic. I considered car starter relays but didn't think they would be able to keep up at the speed suggested in Patrick Kelly's info that I'm trying to follow. Even at 100 Hz (low end of the range) that would be several thousand times per minute opening and closing.
                            The use of mechanical relays for positioning
                            the batteries within the 'loop' is actually not
                            a bad idea.

                            In order to minimize the wear and tear on the
                            relay contacts you'd only want to 'switch' them
                            during periods of no load current. This means
                            that the load current pulsing would need to be
                            accomplished by an 'add on' device such as
                            a MosFet. Automotive grade MosFets are
                            now inexpensively available that can switch over
                            150 Amperes.

                            The relays could be cycled at a relatively low
                            rate (every 5 to 10 seconds) while the series
                            connected load pulsing MosFet could be
                            'pulsed' at any convenient rate to maximize
                            the 'Bedini battery-popping' effect.

                            Relay connections would be altered periodically
                            during the 'pulse off' times. This would assure
                            that each battery received its share of 'charge'
                            as the loop rotates but the electro-mechanical
                            relays would not be doing any of the active 'switching'
                            of load current.


                            • Your right about the relays. Temporally shutting load down to prevent arcing makes them last alot longer.

                              See the thing most people don't realize though, is it not a Back Popping scenario that creates the extra energy. IT ringing you get from serial position switch. If you switch it fast enough or correctly (Still kind of a mystery) that switch will show a greater amount of power on the scope than any other.
                              The reversal of the ion flow (Back Popping) contributes as well but not anything like what you see out of the correct switching in a battery.

                              Bedini said some time back that the battery can act not only as a capacitor but also an inductor.

                              You get into mosfets so you know you have to provide inductive protection on a mosfet that is driving a capacitive load. This very danger to the mosfet is the primary thing you want to invoke in the battery. A surge of power. The power doesn't come from the plate charge or the ion current but from the skin charge. When you can get the skin charge on the battery to swing the battery up and down real fast on the volt meter that when the extra power at the load will show up. Its not the skin charge or charge at all that is doing it, its the environment in which those charges are flowing.

                              I have never been able to make a battery charge but thats when most of your work gets done. Mechanical relays rarely show positive results.

                              I have to admit I have never tried pulsing the load while the relay is connected but I can not see where that would give me the effect I am looking to find and hang on to.



                              • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                                Your right about the relays. Temporally shutting load down to prevent arcing makes them last alot longer.

                                See the thing most people don't realize though, is it not a Back Popping scenario that creates the extra energy. IT ringing you get from serial position switch. If you switch it fast enough or correctly (Still kind of a mystery) that switch will show a greater amount of power on the scope than any other.
                                The reversal of the ion flow (Back Popping) contributes as well but not anything like what you see out of the correct switching in a battery.

                                Bedini said some time back that the battery can act not only as a capacitor but also an inductor.

                                You get into mosfets so you know you have to provide inductive protection on a mosfet that is driving a capacitive load. This very danger to the mosfet is the primary thing you want to invoke in the battery. A surge of power. The power doesn't come from the plate charge or the ion current but from the skin charge. When you can get the skin charge on the battery to swing the battery up and down real fast on the volt meter that when the extra power at the load will show up. Its not the skin charge or charge at all that is doing it, its the environment in which those charges are flowing.

                                I have never been able to make a battery charge but thats when most of your work gets done. Mechanical relays rarely show positive results.

                                I have to admit I have never tried pulsing the load while the relay is connected but I can not see where that would give me the effect I am looking to find and hang on to.


                                The original circuit configuration of Ron Brandt
                                used two banks of 3 batteries each (see thumbnail.)

                                Each bank of 3, when series connected for 36 Volts,
                                would discharge through the opposite bank, parallel
                                connected (12 Volts) with germanium diodes, and into one
                                half of an output transformer primary. By controlled switching,
                                the banks would alternate, each providing one half of the
                                output cycle (24 Volts) to the transformer while 'charging'
                                the opposite parallel connected bank.

                                While charging batteries which are parallel connected is
                                not the ideal, I can understand why Ron used that sort
                                of connection. The three batteries together would
                                present a high current path with much less loss while
                                receiving the load current 'charge' pulse thus making
                                maximum power available to the load.

                                Ron said he adjusted the switching frequency until
                                he hit a battery 'resonance' at about 900 Hz.

                                While the batteries would eventually run down and
                                require external charging, equalizing and desulfation,
                                they would power his automobile for about 400 miles
                                of driving on a charge.

                                By the addition of an 'H' bridge to produce alternations,
                                it would be possible to re-configure the Brandt circuit
                                to achieve low frequency electro-mechanical bank
                                switching with a higher frequency 'battery resonance'
                                output frequency. That is, if an alternating current
                                output is desired.

                                For pulsating DC the solution is even simpler.

                                Yes, for maximum efficiency it is customary to use a
                                MosFet with the lowest suitable voltage rating for a
                                given application. This is to assure that the Rds(on)
                                will be the very lowest possible for minimal conduction
                                losses (heat generation.)

                                To protect the MosFet from an overvoltage transient
                                (flyback) it is necessary to provide some means of
                                protection. Once the MosFet goes into avalanche
                                it will run very hot and potentially self-destruct.

                                Needless to say, I've 'melted' one or two because of
                                this need for adequate protection. Fortunately, the
                                protective measures are not difficult and can be as
                                simple as a transient absorber from Drain to Source.

                                Similar to the measures taken to protect the bipolar
                                transistor from 'punch-through' transients.
                                Last edited by SeaMonkey; 11-05-2010, 10:56 PM.

