Originally posted by SeaMonkey
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I liked the description of how the inductive discharge can differ in low and high impedances. Ive been fiddling around with different loads on the back end of the SG and this seems to fit my understanding.
I like to take a fresh view however on the comment "collapsing magnetic field" however true it may be. There is just something in that description that seems so plain and boring to me. I prefer Eric Dollards description:
Very interesting (and dangerous) phenomena manifest themselves when the current path is interrupted, thereby causing infinite resistance to appear. In this case resistance is best represented by its inverse, conductance. The conductance is then zero. Because the current vanished instantly the field collapses at a velocity approaching that of light. As EMF is directly related to velocity of flux, it tends towards infinity. Very powerful effects are produced because the field is attempting to maintain current by producing whatever EMF required. If a considerable amount of energy exists, say several kilowatt hours (250 KWH for lightning stroke), the ensuing discharge can produce most profound effects and can completely destroy inadequately protected apparatus.
Erics descriptions almost makes me think the inductor has become a signal generator that rapidly rises to a ridiculous frequency in an attempt to maintain current flow in the inductor. Maybe this is one and the same, he uses the terms in his sentence (field collapses) but a little more description in HOW it collapses I feel provides much insight.
Id love to see some of these improvements you talk of. We are all here to learn, we all have our different methods, as we are all at different levels of understanding. I hope you can teach us some of these circuits you speak of, even a simple SG with a mosfet driver would be something interesting to start with. Only a handful of us have any real experience with mosfets, I just ordered a solid state Tesla coil kit in an attempt to get my feet wet in a more complicated circuit. But I feel there is a limit to complicating these circuits. the old KISS method rings true in many cases. But please, prove us wrong by sharing a more complicated circuit, and how it is an improvement on the original. I saw a chap using a mosfet on an SG once, he didnt use any drivers, just a reed switch to connect the battery directly to the gate at the correct time. Not sure how well this works, but it rotated and gave inductive kick, so he was half way there I guess. I guess you probably dont have the time to teach it to us all, but something to replicate would be a start. We could then begin our own study, develop our own understandings, and perhaps one day agree with you

Nothing is more frustrating in this search than someone who speaks of ideals yet is unwilling to share them. All of us here readily share all that we discover because we are sick of a world where secrets are kept that way so a few may benefit and place themselves over the many. Perhaps you feel that none of us are "worthy" or that we cannot understand, and maybe you are right (about the understanding part anyway) but just look at how this thread took off when JB came and shared some of his knowledge. Everyones device and variation of started taking off, because people were informed, inspired and challenged to tackle something from a fresh angle, with guidance from an expert.