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Use for the Tesla Switch

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  • Great job. Looking foward to more progress.


    • Glad the thread is coming alive again. Nice video. Are the leds in the background just indicator of the pulse? What is the cap for?

      Does the duty cycle and pulse varies as well?



      • Bits,

        Thanks for posting the "Pulsinator" circuit and parts list. I was working through the parts and notice that C3 wasn't listed. What's the size for that cap?



        • Back again

          Hi All,

          Sorry for the long delay in getting back to the group. I have a lot to catch-up on but just read through all the posts here.

          I have had some health issues to deal with and wound up in hospital for a bit but I am back on deck now and will get back to my Tesla Switch replication and post another video of where I am at with this.

          I wish I could have got to the conferences to meet everyone but they sound like they were good and there is always next year.

          I also have a new secret underground lab to work in now

          Ok so its not so secret and its above ground but its my new shed and I call it MANLAND!!!

          I have been doing bits and pieces where I could and have also started working on a Newman motor and a CFL ignition coil experiment which I will post separate videos for.

          I am still struggling with how to wire up those HongFa solid state relays (HFS33's) properly so any advice would be greatly appreciated. They are expensive little critters so I would rather not smoke to many more of them.

          Hope all are well and having fun with their replications.




          • Good to have you back..

            What schematic are you using. Do you need all 6 switching points?



            • Circuit I am using

              Hi Matt,

              Good to hear from you too.

              I am using the original circuit out of the Muller book.

              Tesla Switch Replication 1 - YouTube

              I have changed the oscillator I am using now and achieved the equivalent astable 50/50 square wave out of two transistors NPN3055's instead as I was smoking to many 555 timer chips.

              I found this by replicating Shlodo's SSG Imohtep radiant oscillator described here:

              Radiant CFL Oscillator 01 - How to make your own - YouTube

              Any suggestions on which circuits to use and how to wire up the tesla switch would be greatly appreciated, particularly with those pesky HongFa HFS33's.




              • Progress

                Hi All,

                Ok so I just laid out the parts as per the circuit diagram less the oscillator circuit in the middle of the diagram. I will use the square wave multivibrator circuit from my previous post for this.

                I noticed they had a NPN3055 and a coil being used for each switch.

                I don't have six coils so I am going to try using the NPN3055 to drive the HongFa HFS33's for each of these switches. So the relay stands in for the coil in effect.

                Now to start wiring it up.




                • Scratch that last

                  Hi All,

                  Sorry I just noticed on the diagram that the primaries are all linked.

                  So its the HFS33's driving the 3055 transistors.




                  • It is working for me this way with the PICAX18M2 just drive them with the darlington that is on the prototype board thy sell with it. The darlington is rated at 1/2 an amp so it drives the HFS33's vary well. I hope this helps
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by rosehillworks; 08-30-2011, 05:52 AM.
                    William Reed


                    • Hey Matt,

                      You ready to do that "How To" video yet?

                      I got my money all saved up to buy one! If you ever get it done, I've got a commercial grade DVD burner setup for editing and burning DVD's from any source, and then producing copies, and I would gladly do that for you in my spare time. It's tough work. Burn the first one, which might take an hour, and then stack as many copies as you want in the machine and press the record button and it starts spitting them out. So spare time means enough time to restack it and push the "go" button. I think I can handle that!

                      I just finished reading the thread from beginning to end (which took a few days) and cutting and pasting everything you've given us on how to get your setup running. I still have to go back and edit out large parts of it which repeat other parts, but that's good because I will have it all in my mind quite clearly before I begin, and for someone with as limited experience with electronics as I have, that's pretty important.

                      Anyway, got my parts ordered and just waiting for them to come in. Had them ordered once before, but for some reason they never got shipped, and I didn't have time so never followed up, but the bill hit my credit card statement and the parts were never delivered, and we can't have THAT!

                      I'm on too tight a budget. Still trying to save up big bucks for all those magnets to go around my four foot wheel to work with your V-Track design. LOL.

                      Anyway, let me know about the video thing. I know some folks would really be interested in that, especially ME! I might actually be able to build it if someone explained it step by step. I'll be attempting anyhow, but oh what an adventure THAT will be! Luckily I have a mess of batteries because I have been buying one a month for a while now in anticipation of moving off the grid in the next year, and I didn't want that huge expense all at once. Going solar, wind, and whatever else I can come up with, including hooking up my bike to a generator so my peddling actually accomplishes something besides helping me to keep the weight off.

                      I'd like to get it right the first time so it doesn't get too costly. Nothing like burning out expensive components. The worst I've ever done so far is fry a couple transistors or melt a couple wires, but I know what can happen.

                      David Bowling
                      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                      • A Great Switch

                        Hey all

                        This week RoseHill Works came up to the house all the way from Missouri to get his switch running.

                        It is the first steps in few but we have got his Simple Switch running like a champ. So far just 100 watt load running for testing purposes.

                        But this switch with IGBT's that drive it is more than capable of driving a 3kw load with long term power output, completely driven DIGITALLY. Of course we have to add the batteries, but this is it.
                        Still needs few things likes the bells and whistles worked out but they are well on the way.

                        I just wanted to publicly thank him and his team for giving me the opportunity to help set it up.

                        Here is some picks for ya'll


                        Overall image...

                        The IGBT's

                        3kva Transformer

                        Overall image


                        • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                          I just finished reading the thread from beginning to end (which took a few days) and cutting and pasting everything you've given us on how to get your setup running. I still have to go back and edit out large parts of it which repeat other parts, but that's good because I will have it all in my mind quite clearly before I begin, and for someone with as limited experience with electronics as I have, that's pretty important.
                          I would love to see the collection of quotes that you have put together as I don't have time for it all.

                          I'll do my best to help explain some of Eric Dollard's works to you in return...



                          • Originally posted by Web000x View Post
                            I would love to see the collection of quotes that you have put together as I don't have time for it all.

                            I'll do my best to help explain some of Eric Dollard's works to you in return...

                            You guys are free to use my wiki for documentation purposes if you like. The magic word you need to edit is the domainname of this forum, without "forum" and then a 3 for the second e: Tuks DrippingPedia : Home Page

                            Especially if you want to expand on Eric Dollards work, I invite you to use the wiki, because there you can structure your work, while on a forum you keep on searching for what was said where. I have started a page with Eric's post here and added some comments: Tuks DrippingPedia : Energetic Form Posts


                            • Congratulations

                              Hey Matt,

                              That looks great! Rosehillworks did a super job putting that together. Congratulations on getting it to work properly. Is the transformer in the center special wound like you have been showing us how to do? Can you share the program with us? I understand he is using the picaxe chip to control everything. I have been sidetracked for a while with health issues and other problems. Looking forward to getting back into things again soon. Thanks for the pics.

                              C Ya, Carroll
                              Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                              • [QUOTE=Matthew Jones;155736]Hey all

                                This week RoseHill Works came up to the house all the way from Missouri to get his switch running.

                                It is the first steps in few but we have got his Simple Switch running like a champ. So far just 100 watt load running for testing purposes.

                                But this switch with IGBT's that drive it is more than capable of driving a 3kw load with long term power output, completely driven DIGITALLY. Of course we have to add the batteries, but this is it.
                                Still needs few things likes the bells and whistles worked out but they are well on the way.

                                I just wanted to publicly thank him and his team for giving me the opportunity to help set it up.

                                Here is some picks for ya'll


                                Great effort Matt and Will.


