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Use for the Tesla Switch

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  • PICAXE Code

    Good Evening All,

    I'm no PICAXE expert but the code would appear to be:-

    PULSOUT B.1, 250
    PULSOUT B.2, 250

    The B doesn't seem to be strictly necessary as the circuit works either way.

    I'll be following Matt's tuning instructions tonight and will report. I would strongly suggest you follow the Start Up and safety checklist!




    • A Different place

      I was informed this afternoon of a discussion taking place at Overunity Research .com on this PDF I put out.
      Although they have nothing good to say about me I tried join to offer assistance if they chose to replicate it.

      Matt Jones' Challenge: Build this Tesla Switch. Schematic, Plans.. Is this IT?

      Thats the Thread they started.
      Some of them I recognize and most of the one I do recognize are people who have removed from this site for one reason or another.

      But either way I am here to help if your here to work.

      So let me go through this and tell ya exactly what the claims are on the outlined device in case any of them are reading this. Feel free to to post it on your site.
      First claim:
      You can get up to 4x - 8x more work done for the amount of power power used in the batteries if the load is appropriately sized and the circuit is tuned.

      This easily checked. It is not complicated.
      Use your 4 batteries in parallel and run the load you plan to use. Measure the amount of power coming out at the average voltage and measure the time it takes to discharge your batteries from A voltage to B Voltage. IE 13.00 volt to 12.20 volt.
      Charge your batteries back
      Now hook the switch up and run it. Tune the load.
      Average your top and bottom battery voltage. The top batteries have tendency to charge and the bottom has tendency to discharge. Watch your average until it reaches the Bottom voltage.
      Make sure you are measuring the time it takes to get that far.

      Second claim:
      This is not OverUnity. This just a simple potential based circuit that allow you to reuse energy until it escapes in either heat or entropy actually kills it. But because we are capturing the potential and reusing it we can moderately say the transformer is generating to some level.

      Thats all the claims. It is a simple little switch to teach people how to start running the Tesla switch that was outlined in the Brandt article included in my paper.
      It make a simple little 12VAC signal that can be rectified and used to drive loads. It can be scaled. It does not run on spikes or transient behavior.
      It is just a simple thing to get a higher COP from your load.

      As stated though it is the first step to learning another switch that has alot more power to give out.
      But before you can use that setup you need to be able to handle this one fairly easy, including tuning and troubleshooting. If not most will get lost and end up hurting themselves.

      So if you make a good replication and report the data you will be considered for the next level.

      Thank you PhysicsProf@OverUnity Research .com for your interest and I wish you luck.

      Matthew Jones


      • Initial Tuning Results

        Good Evening All,

        Having connected up a couple of meters and moved my laptop next to the test bench I did some quick tuning tests. My load is 2off 12V/ 2.2W lamps in series. The electronic components are as specifed for the small build and I'm using the MJL21194 Darlington pair circuit. (All timings for a PICAXE so multiply by 5 for a STAMP).

        A/C reading taken at transformer output, D/C readings taken at capacitors.

        Pulsout 250 A/C 4.4V D/C 10.8V
        Pulsout 225 A/C 4.9V D/C 11.5V
        Pulsout 200 A/C 5.4V D/C 12.1V
        Pulsout 175 A/C 6.0V D/C 12.8V
        Pulsout 150 A/C 6.8V D/C 13.8V
        Pulsout 125 A/C 7.7V D/C 15V
        Pulsout 100 A/C 8.8V D/C 16.3V
        Pulsout 75 A/C 10.3V D/C 17.8V
        Pulsout 50 A/C 10.5V D/C 16.3V

        The optimum for DC output would therefore seem to be about the pulsout 75 mark with this load and my set-up.

        I'm noting a fair amount of heat in the outer two MJL's i.e. you can't keep your finger on them.

        I may try a higher load next.




        • Further tuning results

          Good Evening All,

          OK so I substituted 2off 12V 3W lamps as a load and having identified the range circa pulsout 50-75 as being the optimum for the 4.4W load I obtained the following figures:-

          Pulsout 40 A/C 9.5V D/C 11.7V
          Pulsout 50 A/C 10.2V D/C 13.1V
          Pulsout 55 A/C 10.5V D/C 14.0V
          Pulsout 60 A/C 10.5V D/C 14.1V
          Pulsout 75 A/C 9.3V D/C 13.0V
          Pulsout 100 A/C 8.1V D/C 12.3V

          Thus for my set-up the optimum appears to be about a pulsout of 60 (300 for a STAMP).




          • HONGFA Results

            Good Afternoon All,

            I re-wired the circuit with the HONGFA's overnight and got the following results with a 4.4W load.

            PULSOUT 225 AC 15.3V DC 16.6V
            PULSOUT 250 AC 15.2V DC 16.8V
            PULSOUT 275 AC 14.9V DC 17.1V
            PULSOUT 300 AC 14.8V DC 17.3V
            PULSOUT 325 AC 14.6V DC 17.5V
            PULSOUT 350 AC 14.3V DC 17.7V
            PULSOUT 375 AC 14.1V DC 17.9V
            PULSOUT 400 AC 13.9V DC 18.05V
            PULSOUT 425 AC 13.6V DC 18.2V
            PULSOUT 450 AC 13.3V DC 18.4V
            PULSOUT 475 AC 13.1V DC 18.5V
            PULSOUT 500 AC 12.8V DC 18.6V
            PULSOUT 525 AC 12.5V DC 18.74V
            PULSOUT 550 AC 12.2V DC 18.83V
            PULSOUT 575 AC 11.9V DC 18.9V
            PULSOUT 600 AC 11.6V DC 18.95V
            PULSOUT 625 AC 11.3V DC 19.0V
            PULSOUT 650 AC 10.9V DC 19.0V
            PULSOUT 675 AC 10.6V DC 19.0V
            PULSOUT 700 AC 10.3V DC 19.0V

            There appeared to be increasing heat coming from the transformer with increasing frequency. These were only very short step test results.




            • At the point you start to get those voltages you may consider a bigger load.
              Get halogen bulb or something 50 - 100 watt.

              Good work bud.


              • 2 Matthew Jones
                Big Thanks for all of your works and postings, it's really big work.
                I have questions:
                1. Is it necessary to use 3-wire transformer (with 2 symmetric primary), or maybe the same result will be with 2-wire transformer (1 primary and 1 secondary) in case of using standard 6-switch TS?
                Which I already done almost halfyear ago on mosfets driven by TL594 thru optodrivers, I ran it w/o transformer so it had no any positive effect compared to same batteries connected in parallel (except one - it worked).
                I can connect such transformer to output of my 6-switch TS.
                Or maybe whole trick is in 2 primary wires, but then I don't understand how and why.
                2. Sorry, but I didn't understand about frequency tuning - is it for better transformer work or do we search some resonance in batteries?
                If it is for transformer, can we change iron core for ferrite and work at much higher frequencies with smaller transformer core and shorter windings on it?
                Sorry for bad English.
                Last edited by Sobakin; 09-26-2011, 03:11 PM.


                • Originally posted by Sobakin View Post
                  2 Matthew Jones
                  Big Thanks for all of your works and postings, it's really big work.
                  I have questions:
                  1. Is it necessary to use 3-wire transformer (with 2 symmetric primary), or maybe the same result will be with 2-wire transformer (1 primary and 1 secondary) in case of using standard 6-switch TS?
                  Which I already done almost halfyear ago on mosfets driven by TL594 thru optodrivers, I ran it w/o transformer so it had no any positive effect compared to same batteries connected in parallel (except one - it worked).
                  I can connect such transformer to output of my 6-switch TS.
                  Or maybe whole trick is in 2 primary wires, but then I don't understand how and why.
                  2. Sorry, but I didn't understand about frequency tuning - is it for better transformer work or do we search some resonance in batteries?
                  If it is for transformer, can we change iron core for ferrite and work at much higher frequencies with smaller transformer core and shorter windings on it?
                  Sorry for bad English.
                  The simplified model and the expanded 6 transistor switch are two very different systems. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. You really need to try both to compare.


                  • Originally posted by Sobakin View Post
                    2 Matthew Jones
                    Big Thanks for all of your works and postings, it's really big work.
                    I have questions:
                    1. Is it necessary to use 3-wire transformer (with 2 symmetric primary), or maybe the same result will be with 2-wire transformer (1 primary and 1 secondary) in case of using standard 6-switch TS?
                    Which I already done almost halfyear ago on mosfets driven by TL594 thru optodrivers, I ran it w/o transformer so it had no any positive effect compared to same batteries connected in parallel (except one - it worked).
                    I can connect such transformer to output of my 6-switch TS.
                    Or maybe whole trick is in 2 primary wires, but then I don't understand how and why.
                    2. Sorry, but I didn't understand about frequency tuning - is it for better transformer work or do we search some resonance in batteries?
                    If it is for transformer, can we change iron core for ferrite and work at much higher frequencies with smaller transformer core and shorter windings on it?
                    Sorry for bad English.
                    Ferrite cores don't work as well and I won't support them. You welcome to try it on 6 switch but I am not sure of its performance. Your going to need to read up on AC transformer.

                    Again the reason I am stressing building this one is NOT because there are different ways to do it one might be better. At this point I don't care about better functionality.
                    The point is to learn how to use this configuration. Tuning, troubleshooting and everything else that comes up.
                    I am going to say this again if you get this one working and your build is stable and you have taken to learn it inside and out, I will show you how to modify it so it give you alot of power.

                    But your free to do and post anything you would like, but i do not want to have a part of that. Period.



                    • Originally posted by redeagle View Post
                      The simplified model and the expanded 6 transistor switch are two very different systems. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. You really need to try both to compare.
                      I know about advantage (simplicity) and disadvantages (disbalance in battary charge / discharge) of 2-switch Matthew's commutator against full 6-switch, what's why I want to try my 6-switch commutator which I already have. What's another difference do You mean, if You do?

                      My 6-switch commutator scheme (w/o signal generator) is attached.
                      I'll try it and write about results, just need time to wire a transformer, it'll be 2-wire, one primary and one secondary, first I will try iron at low freq (50-500 Hz?) then ferrite at 10s of kHz.
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by Sobakin; 09-26-2011, 10:02 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Sobakin View Post
                        I know about adantage (simplicity) and disadvantages (disbalance in battary charge / discharge), what's why I want to try full 6-switch commutator which I already have. What's another difference do You mean, if You do?

                        My 6-switch commutator scheme is attached.
                        No disadvantage in the imbalance. There is no need to make assumptions here it is simple and easy to build, you'll see why it works well when your done.



                        • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                          No disadvantage in the imbalance. There is no need to make assumptions here it is simple and easy to build, you'll see why it works well when your done.

                          I didn't mean anything bad, simplicity is very good for starting, but for real applications (I know, your scheme is not for such purposes) I think You need to periodically swap upper and lower batteries, which is not needing in 6-switch scheme, but it's much more complex, of course.


                          • I know you didn't mean in a bad way.

                            But what your not understanding is with this way you end with 2 charged batteries and 2 discharged batteries.
                            With the 6 switch you end up with 4 discharged batteries.

                            I can tell you from experience your going to to do 8x at most more work with either setup.

                            So what would you rather end up with???

                            See what your not seeing is the "spill effect". As the top batteries charge they spill over to the bottom discharged batteries.
                            This switch maintains its potential at the output far longer and far more stable than a six switch.

                            And believe it or not under certain loads and conditions the top batteries end up losing and the bottom batteries end up charging. This is not the setup that will do it. This is the primer for that setup.
                            But with this wiring configuration there is no possible way for the bottom batteries to charge unless we take into account alternate energy and environmental exchange of energy.

                            I know its easy to say "I know because." But like I said in the paper, you have to throw alot of things away soon. This I think has been the problem with all previously published version. Some one in the very beginning knew better than what he was told. Or the truth was kept from us. I won't name names.

                            I won't go on about it, I am just telling you, you will not get that 6 switch version to run like this one. But you more than welcome to do your experiments and post your results.
                            Just do Yourself a favor and don't just assume the 6 switch is better, and this one is just a little training tool. Its not and hopefully as the replication come in I'll be able to show people the real difference. And its a big difference and if you don't know how to look for problems and solve them then you will be lost with the next step.

                            Last edited by Matthew Jones; 09-26-2011, 11:10 PM.


                            • I finally got all my parts in today, so I'm ready to get started. The transformer I wound with 37/37/44, I have unwound and am in the process of rewinding to get the 25% difference. Should have it done in a day or so if I can squeeze in the time. Can't wait to try this Matt. Don't know why I didn't do it a year ago, but probably because at the time, I just didn't understand what it was you were doing. It is amazing that now I read through things I read a year ago and actually understand what people are talking about. Persistence pays off I guess.

                              “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                              —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                              • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                                See what your not seeing is the "spill effect". As the top batteries charge they spill over to the bottom discharged batteries.
                                This switch maintains its potential at the output far longer and far more stable than a six switch.
                                OK, thank You for explanation, I still didn't understand the difference, I thought your simply switch system charge upper and discharge lower batteries and they in summary will not power the load longer than 6-switch all four batteries that discharges simultaneously, but (I thought) slower, I thought the key is in transformer and inductive type of load, but really the key is in both things - transformer and three-battery loop (two discharges to one)?
                                It's really interesting and now I can't understand this yet, but I'll try both schemes, thanks your 2-switch is really simple.
                                Thank You again.
                                Last edited by Sobakin; 09-26-2011, 11:35 PM.

