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Use for the Tesla Switch

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  • Originally posted by Turion View Post
    I finally got all my parts in today, so I'm ready to get started. The transformer I wound with 37/37/44, I have unwound and am in the process of rewinding to get the 25% difference. Should have it done in a day or so if I can squeeze in the time. Can't wait to try this Matt. Don't know why I didn't do it a year ago, but probably because at the time, I just didn't understand what it was you were doing. It is amazing that now I read through things I read a year ago and actually understand what people are talking about. Persistence pays off I guess.
    Thats how it works brother. You got my email if you need something.

    Originally posted by Sobakin View Post
    OK, thank You for explanation, I still didn't understand the difference, I thought your simply switch system charge upper and discharge lower batteries and they in summary will not power the load longer than 6-switch all four batteries that discharges simultaneously, but (I thought) slower, I thought the key is in transformer and inductive type of load, but really the key is in both things - transformer and three-battery loop (two discharges to one)?
    It's really interesting and now I can't understand this yet, but I'll try both schemes, thanks your 2-switch is really simple.
    Thank You again.
    I just want to see people get it. So if anything they can start to understand there alot of things out there we haven't even thought of yet. Those things may do wonderful things. And very welcome. Anything you need ask.

    Last edited by Matthew Jones; 09-27-2011, 01:20 AM. Reason: Spelling


    • Listen to Matt

      Hi Sobakin,

      I have been working with Matt and a lot of other people on this thread for I guess at least a couple of years. Matt has probably built more Tesla Switches than anyone I know. Several of us on this thread have built many different versions of the six switch TS. Matt is trying to save you a lot of wasted time and money by giving you a chance to learn how to build a TS that really works. I am sure that if Matt says he knows how to do that, he really does. I hope to get mine finished up tomorrow and get started testing this week. If you really have a lot of time to spend on this then I suggest you read this thread from the very beginning and you will learn a lot about what didn't work and also see some of Matt's earlier successes.

      Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


      • PICs

        Excuse my ignorance, the "Little One" in supplies reads:
        • Simple B2 Stamp kit
          Stamp Stack II
          Stamp Learning Kit
          KIT BASIC STAMP 2 OEM MODULE - 27291

        Are these all different parts, or alternative choices? I found the Module 27291 Basic Stamp Kit for $29 CDN. Will that suffice? Sorry, I know nothing about PICs, but I do know how to program BASIC / C. Thanks
        Alberta is under attack...

        Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P


        • Originally posted by kcarring View Post
          Excuse my ignorance, the "Little One" in supplies reads:
          • Simple B2 Stamp kit
            Stamp Stack II
            Stamp Learning Kit
            KIT BASIC STAMP 2 OEM MODULE - 27291

          Are these all different parts, or alternative choices? I found the Module 27291 Basic Stamp Kit for $29 CDN. Will that suffice? Sorry, I know nothing about PICs, but I do know how to program BASIC / C. Thanks
          Ya they are all option and different names for the same thing

          KIT BASIC STAMP 2 OEM MODULE - 27291

          Thats about the best your going to do in price as well right now anyway.

          As far as the code goes its just simple basic. If you can program at all it won't take you long before its talking back to you. LOL



          • Originally posted by citfta View Post
            Hi Sobakin,

            I have been working with Matt and a lot of other people on this thread for I guess at least a couple of years. Matt has probably built more Tesla Switches than anyone I know. Several of us on this thread have built many different versions of the six switch TS. Matt is trying to save you a lot of wasted time and money by giving you a chance to learn how to build a TS that really works. I am sure that if Matt says he knows how to do that, he really does. I hope to get mine finished up tomorrow and get started testing this week. If you really have a lot of time to spend on this then I suggest you read this thread from the very beginning and you will learn a lot about what didn't work and also see some of Matt's earlier successes.

            I second that! Matt knows what he is talking about. He is guiding you through this build. Once you have the TS up and running, he'll take it to the next level but you must follow his recommendations in order to get there.




            • Originally posted by Bit's-n-Bytes View Post
              I second that! Matt knows what he is talking about. He is guiding you through this build. Once you have the TS up and running, he'll take it to the next level but you must follow his recommendations in order to get there.


              hej Bit's
              what do you mean by the next level the Battery Swapper and Charger i hope .
              Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


              • Originally posted by ehsanco1062 View Post
                hej Bit's
                what do you mean by the next level the Battery Swapper and Charger i hope .
                No he talking about a TS.


                • Ash is Late as usual, ordering some parts and already stared your PDF Brother Got Jeff's stuff underway also. What a ride guys.


                  • All,
                    I ended up taking the transformer apart to wind it. I used the 36/36/44 lengths of wire as discussed previously. At the present time I have it about half reassembled and have been stopping from time to time to super glue it back together with tiny dots of super glue, and then clamping it so that it is squeezed together tightly. My whole process seems to be working pretty well, so here are the first three short videos I made of the process of putting it all back together. I'm being very, very careful not to scrape wires because I don't want to have to do this process again on this transformer core that I have super glued together. THAT would be a pain.
                    Transformer Coil part 1 - YouTube
                    Transformer Coil Part 2 - YouTube
                    Transformer Coil Part 3 - YouTube

                    Finished it up, so here is the last video
                    Transformer Coil Part 4 - YouTube

                    Last edited by Turion; 09-28-2011, 09:28 PM.
                    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                    • Matt,
                      Just finished my second reading of the Part 1 pdf you posted. Wanted to make sure I had everything down, including the steps, before I even began the build. I sincerely appreciate the time that must have taken to write up, not to mention all the time you spend on various builds and working your way through the puzzle.

                      I understand your frustration with folks. I remember when you first posted the basic circuit and I looked at it and knew I wanted to build it, but didn't really even understand the drawing. And I could not believe that people who did understand were not jumping all over it. So I just kept following the thread and reading what people posted and what you were working on. And now here we are, and I understand enough to build this without getting myself into trouble, which is always nice. All things come to those who wait.

                      My intention is to charge all my batteries and then run the light until I have a voltage drop on one or more battery to 12.2 volts. Then recharge all of them to full, hook up the switch, and run until I see a voltage drop on one or more batteries to the same 12.2 volts. This is AFTER I get it tuned according to directions you have posted. Is that what you would recommend to establish a baseline, or something different. We should all do it the same way so that our results are comparable. And I didn't see anything in the directions about that, so just throwing this out there. I do remember reading somewhere in the 124 pages that you suggested something along these lines to someone at one time.

                      For those of you who know nothing, read the dang thread from beginning to end a couple times. If that's too much a waste of your time, then you probably don't have the patience for this kinda stuff anyway. Matt's pdf of how to build the simple switch is at least 30 pages long, so you're going to have to do SOME reading anyhow. And that's just Part 1. LOL

                      Last edited by Turion; 09-29-2011, 04:51 AM.
                      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                      • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                        I ended up taking the transformer apart to wind it. I used the 36/36/44 lengths of wire as discussed previously. At the present time I have it about half reassembled and have been stopping from time to time to super glue it back together with tiny dots of super glue, and then clamping it so that it is squeezed together tightly. My whole process seems to be working pretty well, so here are the first three short videos I made of the process of putting it all back together. I'm being very, very careful not to scrape wires because I don't want to have to do this process again on this transformer core that I have super glued together. THAT would be a pain.
                        Transformer Coil part 1 - YouTube
                        Transformer Coil Part 2 - YouTube
                        Transformer Coil Part 3 - YouTube

                        Finished it up, so here is the last video
                        Transformer Coil Part 4 - YouTube

                        hi David
                        thank you for shearing these videos .nice work,can't wait to see you did the test and see the results,i wish you sucsess

                        Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


                        • Anybody know anything about the h11d1 for the Sziklai pair build?
                          I am about as confused as I can be as to how to wire it.

                          The data sheet shows a picture of it with pins down, and next to that schematic. I am assuming that the way to tell how to orient it is by testing the pins with a meter. According to what I understand, pins 1(A) and 2(C) should be the only two pins on a side that show a connection to each other, so I can figure out which ones are 1(A) and 2(C). That is, if I'm correct in that assumption. Unfortunately, I am not sure. To make it even more confusing, I am not sure which way Matt has it oriented in his drawing. (From the top down)...1(A),2(C),3(NC) on the left and 6(Base), 5(Collector), 4(Emitter) on the right????

                          To me it makes more sense from what little I know about electronics that it would be (From the top down) 4(Emitter), 5(collector), 6(Base) on the left and 3(NC), 2(C), 1(A) on the right. But that there is the problem...I know LITTLE about electronics. Just trying to puzzle it out. Any help would be appreciated. I would like to hook this up right the first time.

                          Excuse me for demonstrating my complete ignorance. But this is how I learn. Many are the walls that now lie in crumbling heaps, and I continue to find new ones to beat my head against.

                          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                          • H11d1 pinout

                            Hi David,

                            The easiest way to find something like that is to do a search like this "H11D1 data sheet". This will usually bring up the info you are looking for. In this case it shows pins one and two are the input diode and pins four and five are the output transistor emitter and collector. To figure out which pins are what look at the top side of the chip. You will see a little dot on one corner. That corner is pin number one. Putting that pin at the top left side you would count down the left side going one two three and so on until you get to the bottom of the left side. Then you jump over to the bottom of the right side and count the pins going up the right side.

                            In Matt's drawing he is showing the 22 ohm resistor connected to pin 1 of the H11D1 and pin 2 of the H11D1 going back to the negative side of the power going to the stamp chip. He is showing the negative battery going to pin 4 and the emitter of the MJL21193 going to pin 5. If you look at the H11D1 on the right side of Matt's drawing it is oriented like I described earlier with the little dot at the top left. Pins 1,2 and 3 are going down the left side and pins 4,5 and 6 are going up the right side. The most confusing thing for most new people trying to build with chips is when they are mounting the chips on a board like perfboard and turn the board over to solder on the bottom side. Now everything is a reverse image and people get mixed up on which pins are which. I have been working in electronics a long time and I still do it sometimes when I don't take time to think about what I am doing. Good luck on your build.

                            Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                            • opto's

                              Will chime in here just a bit. I use opto switching wherever I can. I now use optic transistors and a super bright white led to trigger it. Just remember the resistor on the led side if used to switch motors. Of course you all knew that already.....


                              • Carroll,
                                Thanks so much for that explanation. The first thing I did was pull up the data sheet to see the pin configuration, but the real confusion was how to relate that to Matt's drawing. I am happy to see that I had puzzled out the orientation on Matt's drawing correctly, since I was talking about the one on the left, and what I figured was pin 1 on the bottom right does indeed have the resistor connected to it. I should have known that little indicator was on his drawing for a reason. And I am so glad that you pointed out it is in a different position on the one on the right!! I learn something new every day.

                                “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                                —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist

