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Use for the Tesla Switch

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  • Originally posted by shadowless View Post
    I want to ask about doing the baseline 4 battery parallel discharge test.

    Say if with the TS switch, you can generate a output of 10.5v max when loading it down with a 12v 100amp bulb, when you discharge the 4 batteries in parallel do you add a pot to adjust down the voltage of the bulb to the same 10.5v draw (so that it glows at a similar brightness as the TS test)in order to make a comparable test.
    Hi shadowless. If you wound the transformer correctly you should get more than 12 volts output. The secondary winding on the transformer is supposed to be 20% longer. Which should boost the voltage. After going through the bridge rectifier, the dc voltage for me is anywhere between 13-20 volts. For me the output is ALWAYS higher than the voltage of the batteries individually. So you shouldn't have to dial it down for the batts in parallel.
    Please help support my indiegogo campaign: Cosmic Induction Generator


    • I was using a 100ma 12v bulb, made a mistake in earlier post.

      Was using 18awg wire wound to the max that the transformer can take. Will have to test out with thinner 20awg wire.

      If you use different load on the TS, the output voltage will vary. Smaller load will give higher voltage and larger load will have lower voltage. For the direction connection to the battery it will just supply whatever the bulb requires. Putting a 5-10w 12v dimly lit bulb on the TS would not be a good test comparison test.

      I do think the load should be supplied with the same voltage and current in both situation to make the comparison test meaningful hence i am asking about the clarification on it.


      • Transformer Winding Estimator V2

        Hello All,

        I see quite a few have downloaded my first version of the winding estimator. Did anyone compare their actual windings to the calculated estimate?

        I have finally wound this transformer and came within a few feet of the calculated estimate. I have updated the estimator to show percentage fill of the bobbin.

        This is my updated version to ESTIMATE the amount of wire needed to wind a transformer that Matthew describes. Download the file and rename it from TSWindings-v2.xls.pdf to TSWindings-v2.xls so you can open it in Excel. The calculations are based on how much a single winding will fit on a spool perfectly wound and then calculates the lengths of the primaries and a secondary which is 25% longer than the primaries. It also shows the percentage the bobbin is filled. The Test data is based on a 200VA 120V-24V transformer that I have dissassembled and measured the bobbin dimensions.

        Enter the diameter of the magnet wire and the bobbin dimensions.
        To remove a layer, delete the highest layer number. To add a layer type in the next highest layer number.

        Aim for around 80% fill of the bobbin and you should be very close. My calculated lengths were 38 ft primaries and 48 ft secondary. If my thumbs weren't so sore, I would have fit all the wire on the spool. In the end I used 34 ft primaries and 43 ft secondary using 14 awg. So it was pretty close. Your mileage may vary.

        Good luck.

        Attached Files


        • Matt's Pdf

          Hi Folks,

          I am researching the DTS build. Where can i get the PDF?




          • i found the pdf from the overunity forum. it seems that the matthewjones site on no longer available.




            • Matt Jones Simple Switch

              Dear Matt,

              Your simple switch looks interesting. Currently my dad is attempting the first prototype, and just now he told me that it's working on one side of the battery since he faced a dead end on the transformer. But I'm guessing (and optimistic), that ordinary transformer design should work just fine. That's where I come in.

              Will keep you posted.


              Last edited by tubesfreak; 11-21-2011, 01:18 PM.


              • winding estimator

                Originally posted by hherby View Post
                Hello All,

                I see quite a few have downloaded my first version of the winding estimator. Did anyone compare their actual windings to the calculated estimate?

                I have finally wound this transformer and came within a few feet of the calculated estimate. I have updated the estimator to show percentage fill of the bobbin.

                This is my updated version to ESTIMATE the amount of wire needed to wind a transformer that Matthew describes. Download the file and rename it from TSWindings-v2.xls.pdf to TSWindings-v2.xls so you can open it in Excel. The calculations are based on how much a single winding will fit on a spool perfectly wound and then calculates the lengths of the primaries and a secondary which is 25% longer than the primaries. It also shows the percentage the bobbin is filled. The Test data is based on a 200VA 120V-24V transformer that I have dissassembled and measured the bobbin dimensions.

                Enter the diameter of the magnet wire and the bobbin dimensions.
                To remove a layer, delete the highest layer number. To add a layer type in the next highest layer number.

                Aim for around 80% fill of the bobbin and you should be very close. My calculated lengths were 38 ft primaries and 48 ft secondary. If my thumbs weren't so sore, I would have fit all the wire on the spool. In the end I used 34 ft primaries and 43 ft secondary using 14 awg. So it was pretty close. Your mileage may vary.

                Good luck.

                dear hherby,

                it'd be even more convenient to convert the estimated wire length used to a number of turns on a designated bobbin, don't you think?


                • Originally posted by tubesfreak View Post
                  dear hherby,

                  it'd be even more convenient to convert the estimated wire length used to a number of turns on a designated bobbin, don't you think?
                  Thanks for taking the time to look it over and responding.
                  It basically does the calculations with full layers and at the top left it shows how many turns per layer. It also shows how many turns per layer per strand. It rounds down to the nearest multiple of 3 strands. The calculations came out close enough for me. Since I haven't received any feedback from those that have wound their own transformers with regards to actual windings vs calculated, I only have my own results as a basis for the calculations. It has come out close enough for me so I will not be posting any updates without results from others.

                  I am currently rejuvenating my batterys while I build and program my controller board (avr based). I will be using Solid state relays and have done some preliminary testing of firing the SSRs using the SG3524 circuit that JB posted early in the thread which I had used on a 6 switch version.

                  Good luck with your replication.



                  • [QUOTE=citfta;165411]To tune for best charging takes a lot of patience. As you thought you just have to take readings over a period of time and see what is happening. Each set up will be a little different so you just have to keep working with it until you get a feel for what happens when you change this or that. A smaller load my help or a larger one. A shorter pulse or a longer one may do it. You just have to try different combos and see what happens. I usually will only change one thing at a time though and try it for a while and then go back and change something else. And be sure and keep good notes like you have been doing.

                    I don't know if Matt is still taking anyone into his private group or not. Maybe he will see this and answer you about that.


                    Hi every one
                    Weak up what is going on is there any things happen to this thread I was out for amount and when I came back I found that this thread is dead.

                    Hi Matt
                    is you still there,
                    Don’t you worry about your thread any more you start this from the first don’t you care for it any more
                    And what is the issue of the privet group I was looking to do this so badly and when I did the first step you abandon the thread and walk away taken with you a privet group what about us,
                    I am speaking for myself I bought things for the big switch cost me more than 1000$ and you know about it what shall I do with it throw it away or what please think again there is many people in Iraq depending on me to help them having this switch my father and my mother I promise them that I will help them find the way to end their suffer from the electricity so please think about them .

                    God bless you

                    Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


                    • Hi folks, Hi ehsan, you know ehsan, Bedinis radiant charger results are just as promising.
                      Bedini charged twelve 12 volt-450mah sla batteries with only one 12 volt-450mah sla battery.
                      I have set aside matts TS temporarily to work on getting results with radiant spike charging and it is giving promising results.
                      Also, minoly is charging 500AH battery bank with a small 12 volt battery.
                      small Battery charges Large Battery - YouTube
                      You can give this a try with your parts and still come back to the tesla switch, it's up to you, all is possible.
                      peace love light


                      • Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                        Hi folks, Hi ehsan, you know ehsan, Bedinis radiant charger results are just as promising.
                        Bedini charged twelve 12 volt-450mah sla batteries with only one 12 volt-450mah sla battery.
                        I have set aside matts TS temporarily to work on getting results with radiant spike charging and it is giving promising results.
                        Also, minoly is charging 500AH battery bank with a small 12 volt battery.
                        small Battery charges Large Battery - YouTube
                        You can give this a try with your parts and still come back to the tesla switch, it's up to you, all is possible.
                        peace love light
                        Hi Tyson

                        long intresting video
                        yes its promising .why not I can give it a try and i dont think it will cost much but i need a detail and schimatic so i can replicate.
                        keep on the good work

                        Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


                        • Hi ehsan, thanks for reply, check out joule ringer thread. Were discussing that a little.
                          peace love light


                          • I hope we can rejuvenate this thread again. I've got the Board of Education board and the BS2SX stamp, the radio shack transformers and recently received the 3KW transformer too. I'm revamping my garage and building a couple of work benches right now but as soon as that's done I'm wanting to get back into this Tesla Switch in a big way... except for the latest few posts this thread seems to be all but dead...

                            I sure hope this is not the case...


                            Electrostatic charges manipulating magneto-gravitic streams...


                            • Not Dead

                              This thread is not dead. If you have been following it like some of us you would have seen over the years it gets quiet and then takes off again. I know Matt is real busy with work right now but some of the rest of us are still here. If you have questions about the TS Matt designed I will try and help. If you have your own ideas of how to do things I probably will not be able to help you very much except to tell you if your idea has already been tried by those of us that have been on here for a while. There are some that seem to think Matt or some of the rest of us owe them something. Matt was very generous to share an interesting design with us. He never promised you would be able to run your house or car on what he showed us. He freely gave it to us so we could take it and see what we could do with it. There are several people on here that have built the circuit just like Matt said to and have gotten it to work very well. I am sure they would be glad to help anyone else also.


                              Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                              • Hi all:
                                Just recently aquired a dead 36v UPS which donated a nice transformer. This is what I have been looking for. Under normal use, it puts out 125v, at 12v input it should put out about 1/3 of that. Great for a tester on this kind of system. More as time permits.


