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Use for the Tesla Switch

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  • Originally posted by alvarohn View Post
    I got here a little late ....

    I spent like 1 week reading all posts, OMG !!!

    I could get some schematics, but not all! most where deleted!!! why?


    There's a pretty tight limit on how much attachments you can have on this site. But I have a backup of most of this site, but it may not be complete. Anyway, these are all the attachments I got from this thread:

    -- Arend --


    • tnx

      thank you!!!!!

      you are very kind




      • Originally posted by jpolakow View Post
        Hi lamare,
        The info posted is very interesting and that may be the reason for the batteries self charging. I figured it was just a mistake in my testing method. I'm going to carefully read the links/info you posted. It's actually kind of funny they were just discussing the electret in the Evgray group. I have a question though- you said if the bedini effect was taking place a conventional battery charger wouldn't really work. What kind of charger would work? Some type of pulse charger?

        Thanks so much,
        Sorry for the late reply. I missed your question.

        Anyway, what we are looking at with the electret/Bedini effect is the formation of a thin layer of non-conducting dielectric material on your capacitor/battery plates, which may also be of use for electrolysis purposes such as Meyer's WFC, although it appears you can also achieve the needed field strengths using resonance whereby the electric resonances are matched to the acoustic resonances of the fluid in between the capacitor plates. This is probably what Meyer actually did, even though he probably also had insulating layers on his WFC tubes whereby he used capacitive coupling to drive the electrolyte fluid into acoustic resonance such that the acoustic resonance frequency of the fluid matched the electric resonance frequency of his driving coil system.

        So, we have two situations to consider when discussing thin dielectric layers formed on capacitor/battery/WFC plates:
        1. (electro)static operation;
        2. resonating operation.

        In the electrostatic mode of operation, the idea is to polarize the dielectric layer using high voltage spikes. Now the polarization of a dielectric depends on the applied electric field strength, NOT on the application of a current.

        Now actually, the understanding of electricity as being taught by main stream science is totally flawed. Steinmetz already warned us about this years ago, as quoted by Dollard:

        Tuks DrippingPedia : Induction In The Dimension Of Time

        Unfortunately, to a large extent in dealing with the dielectric fields the prehistoric conception of the electro-static charge on the conductor still exists, and by its use destroys the analogy between the two components of the electric field, the magnetic and the dielectric, and makes the consideration of dielectric fields unnecessarily complicated.

        There obviously is no more sense in thinking of the displacement current as current which charges the conductor with a quantity of electricity, than there is of speaking of the E.M.F. of magnetic induction as charging the conductor with a quantity of magnetism. But while the latter conception, together with the notion of a quantity of magnetism, etc.. has vanished since Faraday's representation of the magnetic field by the lines of magnetic force, the terminology of electro-statics of many textbooks still speaks of electric charges on the conductor, and the energy stored by them, without considering that the dielectric energy is not on the surface of the conductor, but in the space outside of the conductor, just as the magnetic energy.
        What Steinmetz is saying here comes down to the realization that the idea of "charge" or "electrons" as the main vehicle by which electric phenomena occur is nonsense. As we know from the wave-particle duality principle, particles (and thus all matter) are nothing but electro-magnetic waves and therefore an effect caused by electro-magnetism. So, when we consider electrons / charge carriers as the cause for electro-magnetism, then we obviously are only considering only a part of the picture. There is a deeper cause for all the phenomena associated with "charge carriers", which are the electro-magnetic fields aka the aether. Now the interesting thing is that these fields can be obtained and manipulated by other methods than the movement/manipulation of electrons in an electric system.

        All right. Now the normal chemical reactions taking place in a battery of course involve the exchange of electrons between molecules. And therefore the normal way of charging a battery involves the exchange of electrons between the charger and the chemical fluid in between the battery plates. Now when you cover your battery plates with an (thin) insulating dielectric layer, it becomes difficult to exchange electrons with the chemical fluid. The dielectric layer forms a barrier for the electrons to enter/leave the chemical fluid. And if the layer is thick enough, no electrons can be exchanged with the fluid at all.

        However, the layer that is formed with Bedini's method, is not that thick that no electrons can pass the layer under any circumstance, especially in the case the dielectric is polarized.

        In the case of a "charged" Bedini battery, we have two mechanisms that cause the presence of an electric field:
        1. the normal chemical reaction;
        2. the polarized dielectric layer.

        Now the normal chemical reaction depends on the presence of direct contact between the battery plates and the chemical fluid, which is (partly) blocked by the insulating dielectric layer.

        In other words: Bedini's batteries are not charged by means of a chemical process, but by means of the polarization of the dielectric layer. A process that does NOT involve any exchange of electrons. It is a "pure" electrostatic process, driven by the presence of an electric field. And as I have written in my free energy article, the electric field can be considered to be an energy source, because it transports energy:

        Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice - PESWiki

        So, we end up with a "battery" that contains an source of electric energy, namely thin polarized, insulating, dielectric layers in between the battery plates and the chemical fluid. Now the good news is that this energy source can be tapped to provide free energy. The bad news is that this energy source cannot deliver that energy in the shape of a normal, electron based current.

        In other words: what we have with Bedini batteries is (to a large extent) a current-less energy source. It can give you an electric field, but it cannot give you a (powerful) "real" electron-based DC current.

        The "ideal" way to charge such a battery is by applying a strong uni-directional electric field across your dielectric layer. However, when you do that, you also push any charge carriers in your wires, etc. around, which means you get losses. Now what Bedini does, is to apply spikes, with a characteristic shape: a sharp rising edge and a slow falling edge. In other words: you get a strong electric field during the rising edge, but a much weaker field during the falling edge of the spike. And that seems to be the trick to get your dielectric layer super-polarized, since the spikes use high voltages. And since hardly any current flows, this is a process that costs very little energy. And by this process, you can maintain the dielectric layer in a state that it is semi-permanently polarized. In other words: you create a semi-permanent electret this way.

        So, with this we got ourselves an energy source that can give us an electric field along a wire/cuircuit connected to the terminals of the battery, which can push electrons to flow along/trough our circuit, provided we also have a supply of electrons somewhere. And as it happens, our chemical fluid can provide just that, provided they can "drift" trough our dielectric.

        In other words: a Bedini battery seems to work pretty much like a normal battery, BUT the energy needed to push the electrons trough our circuit is not provided by the chemical process. It is extracted from the aether by the polarized dielectric layer, a layer that can be maintained in it's polarized condition with very little energy. All you need is a proper spike every now and then. So, to answer your question: your charger needs to deliver spikes with a characteristic sharp, sudden rising edge and a relatively slow, gentle falling edge.

        As far as I can tell, the presence of such a polarized dielectric layer is also required for the proper operation of the Tesla switch. In order for this circuit to work, you need an energy source to push some electrons around.

        Now as we have seen, the energy source we have (the dielectric layer) is not capable of delivering large amounts of electrons needed to sustain a "real" DC current, because the electrons have to "drift" trough the barrier of the insulating dielectric layer. BUT, you can "flip" electrons back and forth between the plates of your batteries, which are in essence electrolytic capacitors with a capacitance in the order of 100 uF or so. And that is exactly what is being done with Matt's schematic:

        This system cannot be understood using the "prehistoric conception of the electro-static charge on the conductor". The current going trough the transformer windings (to a large degree) does NOT appear to flow trough the upper part of the circuit. These "power" currents trough the transformer flows back and forth between two negative plates of the batteries, which act as "single plate" capacitors, relatively small electron buffers.

        In other words: it looks to me, we have an asymmetric system here, whereby you do NOT have equal currents flowing trough the + and - poles of the batteries. Currents that are caused and powered by the electric fields of the polarized dielectric, BUT are separate from the normal currents flowing TROUGH the batteries.

        Update: If you drive the transformer into resonance, you get an extra bonus in that when it's driven at the first harmonic of it's natural resonance frequency, so it's second resonance frequency, you get a standing wave in your transformer such that you get a current anti-node at your terminals, which means you hardly need any current to maintain the resonance, while you get a nice alternating magnetic field in your transformer core, which energy you can tap at the secondary....

        Note that you probably need a rectifier made out of discrete fast switching diodes. Normal diode bridges are designed to operate at frequencies in the order of 100 Hz, while your transformer will probably resonate in the kHz range. See:

        It seems like the typical recovery time for a 4n00x is about 30 usec, waaay to slow. At 30 usec, you would have a max frequency of about 15 kHz (1/(2*30e-6)).
        Last edited by lamare; 03-24-2012, 08:05 PM.


        • New archive

          Hi all,

          I made a new archive with the attachments I have from this thread. I deleted the very small thumbnail images, and added some other material, including three of Matt's schematics as well as his pdf:

          The schematics by Matt I got are also at my website:
          Directory contents of /img/Matthew_Jones/dirlist.php

          This is about all I have on the TS.

          I must say I haven't followed this thread lately and have not built a TS myself. I think Matt's idea of adding a transformer the way he did is very interesting and I also think it is possible to get a so-called OU device with these kinds of systems, especially if the theory around the electret effect ( polarized dielectric layer) works out the way I think it does.

          But it may also be that you do not actually need that electret effect, because, as Steinmetz (a big name in Electrical Engineering) warned, the idea of "charge" explaining everything in electrical circuits is flawed. Just watch this MIT video and you know how flawed the current model is:
          MIT Physics Demo -- Dissectible Capacitor - YouTube

          Eric Dollard is also very outspoken on this, and he also has a TS-like device:

          There are some very serious misconceptions in the world of Electrical Engineering today. (The writings of Oliver Heaviside and Proteus Steinmetz gravely warned about this...) Let us start with the YouTube MIT Physics Demo video that Armagdn03 posted a link to on 11-10-2009 on page 2 of this thread. This is a good demonstration for several reasons.

          1.) Glass is a dielectric which can store electrical energy within its physical form. This should be common knowledge and not a surprise to anyone today…

          2.) That this simple fact and reality “blows some people’s minds” clearly illustrates that it’s just all gone way, way, too far… The Einsteinian Lie has succeeded in instilling a mind virus in most everyone and also in confusing Main Stream “Scientists”, who today waste billions of dollars of funding each year, only to chase their own tails in a canonic sequence.


          I have a device, built for the Army Air Corps during World War 2, A/N number PP-18/AR Power Converter, which self-sustains the electrical system in my car. It uses the same theory of operation as Chris’s device but involves a different mechanical implementation utilizing a vibrator, several capacitors and 12V and 24V batteries that are connected in parallel through the device, rendering them as one.
          More on Dollard's "TS" here:
          Tuks DrippingPedia : Energetic Form Posts


          • Alot of good info Lamare.

            I have removed all my stuff from this board because no one actually spends any amount of time trying. Lots of good will effort but no sweat equaty success.
            They come, they dabble, they go. So I do not feel the need to share with that mentality.
            Nor do I feel the need to share with anybody who is greedy and purely driven by the possibilty that they themselves will profit no matter who they step on in the process. And that is out there also.

            One thing I will share is the fact that if you are serious about the "TeslaSwitch", find and read the patents from Carlos F Benitez. I have been working on his methods of transfer for some time now and the results far out way the results from the "TS", and the little bit of info given out by the Cult figures that are idolized by the FE community. The persistance to keep people in the dark is run rampid in this place. You cannot believe what you are told, you have to find it yourself, while considering the information that is availible.



            • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
              Alot of good info Lamare.

              I have removed all my stuff from this board because no one actually spends any amount of time trying. Lots of good will effort but no sweat equaty success.
              They come, they dabble, they go. So I do not feel the need to share with that mentality.
              Nor do I feel the need to share with anybody who is greedy and purely driven by the possibilty that they themselves will profit no matter who they step on in the process. And that is out there also.

              One thing I will share is the fact that if you are serious about the "TeslaSwitch", find and read the patents from Carlos F Benitez. I have been working on his methods of transfer for some time now and the results far out way the results from the "TS", and the little bit of info given out by the Cult figures that are idolized by the FE community. The persistance to keep people in the dark is run rampid in this place. You cannot believe what you are told, you have to find it yourself, while considering the information that is availible.

              Hi Matt,

              I have these at my website:
              Directory contents of /pdf/Patents/Benitez/

              You can find other info at my site as well:
              Directory contents of /pdf/

              So far, I have not built a Tesla switch, mostly because I am more of an analyst/theorist than a builder. I do share my thoughts and theories at this forum, in the hope to help others a step further with their experiments.

              As for the disinfo being spread: this is a major problem, which is very hard to tackle, because everyone that studies Electrical Engineering on whatever level is being inundated with information that has been designed to keep people in the dark, because TPTW do not want to see the people of this planet to posses free energy devices. That is why Albert Einstein is being worshipped and Nikola Tesla has been ridiculed, even though it is actually quite simple to see that Einstein's theory is rubbish. See my article on this:
              Tuks DrippingPedia : Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity

              In order to change this situation, we simply have to knock out the Einstein priesthood once and for all and that is what I am working on. The idea is to perform a moon-bounce with Tesla's longitudinal dielectric waves which propagate at a speed of 1.57 times the speed of light. The situation now is that I have a longitudinal antenna that gives a perfect SWR measurement when connected to a transmitter, which is very hopeful:

              Originally posted by lamare View Post
              Yes, the key is in cancelling the magnetic component as much as possible. That is exactly what I am doing with my antenna, because the dimensions (length) of the dipole elements are designed to sustain resonance for the electric field, which propagates at pi/2 times c.

              Interestingly, a dipole length of 1/2 wavelength longitudinal, equals 3/4 wavelength transverse, which means the longitudinal wave is in resonance along your dipole, while the transverse wave almost cancels out.

              So far, the measurements with my antenna have been very successful. The latest measurements that just came in show that we get a perfect SWR at 1296 MHz with a waveguide-length of 405 mm. A waveguide with a diameter that is not capable of sustaining any EM propagation mode at 1296 MHz....
              However, this is not a 100% guarantee that my antenna works, but we will find out soon when we will perform a test with two identical antenna to see if we can transmit radio signals over a short distance and measure the radiation pattern of the antenna.

              If these tests are succesful, then we will make an attempt to perform a moon-bounce with the single radio telescope in the world that is available to radio amateurs for performing experiments, which happens to be located within a 2 hours drive from my home:
              Dwingeloo Radio Observatory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              When that succeeds, we will have main stream science just were we need them: knocked out.

              As you can see in the moon-bounce thread, I just share everything I have and I do not care what people do with it. It may very well be that 99 out of 100 people won't do anything useful with it at this moment or try to keep their results for themselves. However, no one can patent my designs, BECAUSE they are publicly available.

              In other words: IMHO, if you want to prevent people from patenting your ideas, you may want to consider making sure your ideas are publicly available, so that when people try to patent your stuff, their patents are invalid.

              So, don't be discouraged when people don't pick up your ideas as fast as you would like. What we as a community are working on is nothing less than a total reversal of current science. And that does take time. As Nassim Haramein allegedly said, it took European scientists 4 years to recognize that the Wright's brothers flight was not a hoax.

              Before people start working at this stuff, they have to be convinced it is not a hoax. Once that has been done, people will start looking for info like yours. And all that is just a matter of time and patience.

              Just keep up the good work!


              • TS

                Hi Matt,

                I am very intrested in experimenting, I have spent more than a week reading all this thread, but the bad part is that I have no money

                My plans are that when I have some money I will go for the Scalar Charger, with the SG FIX and the optos schematic that JB posted,

                wanna go for the Scalar Charger because the parts are less and so it is less money, 3 MJLs diodes optos and that SG timer.

                Another option that I was considering was just to make the switching part and use as timing for the optos some signal generator from a PC or something (but I don't know if it will work).



                Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                Alot of good info Lamare.

                I have removed all my stuff from this board because no one actually spends any amount of time trying. Lots of good will effort but no sweat equaty success.
                They come, they dabble, they go. So I do not feel the need to share with that mentality.
                Nor do I feel the need to share with anybody who is greedy and purely driven by the possibilty that they themselves will profit no matter who they step on in the process. And that is out there also.

                One thing I will share is the fact that if you are serious about the "TeslaSwitch", find and read the patents from Carlos F Benitez. I have been working on his methods of transfer for some time now and the results far out way the results from the "TS", and the little bit of info given out by the Cult figures that are idolized by the FE community. The persistance to keep people in the dark is run rampid in this place. You cannot believe what you are told, you have to find it yourself, while considering the information that is availible.



                • Originally posted by lamare View Post
                  As for the disinfo being spread: this is a major problem, which is very hard to tackle, because everyone that studies Electrical Engineering on whatever level is being inundated with information that has been designed to keep people in the dark, because TPTW do not want to see the people of this planet to posses free energy devices. That is why Albert Einstein is being worshipped and Nikola Tesla has been ridiculed, even though it is actually quite simple to see that Einstein's theory is rubbish. See my article on this:
                  Tuks DrippingPedia : Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity
                  Thats not the disinformation I am speaking of, we have people who push free energy ideals yet maintian there status as so called authorities in the community. But they continuously mislead people who are trying to learn and people who are succeeding with the folklore and Mystery BABBLE because they have no clue.
                  Note the following individual. He or She is a newbie and immediatly goes to somthing that does not wark because of legend and lore.

                  Originally posted by alvarohn View Post
                  Hi Matt,
                  I am very intrested in experimenting, I have spent more than a week reading all this thread, but the bad part is that I have no money
                  My plans are that when I have some money I will go for the Scalar Charger, with the SG FIX and the optos schematic that JB posted,
                  wanna go for the Scalar Charger because the parts are less and so it is less money, 3 MJLs diodes optos and that SG timer.
                  Another option that I was considering was just to make the switching part and use as timing for the optos some signal generator from a PC or something (but I don't know if it will work).
                  Sorry about the money thing, I hope you understand the scalar charger as outlined and detailed by the "Leadership" does not work and is a complete waste of money.
                  The idea in theory may teach you somthing if your one who can further your research without any support from others.



                  • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                    Thats not the disinformation I am speaking of, we have people who push free energy ideals yet maintian there status as so called authorities in the community. But they continuously mislead people who are trying to learn and people who are succeeding with the folklore and Mystery BABBLE because they have no clue.
                    Note the following individual. He or She is a newbie and immediatly goes to somthing that does not wark because of legend and lore.
                    IMHO, that is a consequency of the deliberate disinformation that is being put out by those that do know within the establishment. They managed to send everyone on the wrong track and it is extremely difficult to return to a path of solid science, following the footsteps of a/o Tesla, Steinmetz and Dollard.

                    Now it may be true that lots of people "have no clue", but it was Bedini that did come up with two systems that give interesting results. These may not be the holy grail, but they have inspired a lot of people into researching the subject of free energy, including myself. And Bearden also came up with the "don't kill the dipole" concept, which I still regard as an important principle, because it makes clear that there is energy to be found in the aether trough the electro-static field. And I do like Meyl's derivation of the Maxwell equations directly from Faraday and his idea of rotating vortexes existing in the aether, even though that idea is actually very old and goes back at least to Maxwell. Another person who's work I find very inspiring is Stanley Meyer. He did get something working, even though he did not really understand how he did it. And the same goes for Edwin Gray, or better, his engineers, whose system I still don't fully understand even though I thought I did some time ago.

                    All these people have shared their ideas and theories, which is why we can study them and improve upon them. When you look upon them as disinformation agents, then you get frustrated and feel bad about their mistakes. All of us are just human beings that do make mistakes. What matters is not the mistakes these people made, but the good ideas they shared with us.

                    So, while I do have a problem with the establishment that deliberately led us on the wrong track, I can only respect those people that went their own way nonetheless, no matter how many mistakes they made. I think we must count our blessings by focusing on the positive things these people made available to us, instead of focusing on the mistakes they made.

                    After all, no one is perfect. We all make mistakes and as long as we are willing to learn from them, we are moving forward.

                    And as for the "newbies": I think it is very important to try and put out correct information people can work with as much as possible. We must not repeat the mistakes of the establishment by putting ourselves in ivory towers looking down upon people that are only just discovering there is much more than the fairy-tales being put forth by the establishment. Of course they are confused and who can blame them? No one has all the answers, not even Dollard and certainly not me. All we can do, is to try and point those people that are investigating this stuff to the information that is available and to try and explain what we think is going on to the our best ability, knowing that we will make mistakes but that these will be corrected over time, because more and more people are joining the adventure of going our own way and trying to make this planet just a little bit better for those who come after us.


                    • hmm

                      Well I also think that the ELITE have his agents undercover missleading people everywhere, and this forum is a perfect target also.

                      Anyway, Matt, please tell me the correct way to go with the Tesla Switch, what is wrong with the traditional idea? and what is the diference with Benitez concept???

                      you said that you have more success with Benitez idea, can you elaborate with that? please



                      Originally posted by lamare View Post
                      IMHO, that is a consequency of the deliberate disinformation that is being put out by those that do know within the establishment. They managed to send everyone on the wrong track and it is extremely difficult to return to a path of solid science, following the footsteps of a/o Tesla, Steinmetz and Dollard.

                      Now it may be true that lots of people "have no clue", but it was Bedini that did come up with two systems that give interesting results. These may not be the holy grail, but they have inspired a lot of people into researching the subject of free energy, including myself. And Bearden also came up with the "don't kill the dipole" concept, which I still regard as an important principle, because it makes clear that there is energy to be found in the aether trough the electro-static field. And I do like Meyl's derivation of the Maxwell equations directly from Faraday and his idea of rotating vortexes existing in the aether, even though that idea is actually very old and goes back at least to Maxwell. Another person who's work I find very inspiring is Stanley Meyer. He did get something working, even though he did not really understand how he did it. And the same goes for Edwin Gray, or better, his engineers, whose system I still don't fully understand even though I thought I did some time ago.

                      All these people have shared their ideas and theories, which is why we can study them and improve upon them. When you look upon them as disinformation agents, then you get frustrated and feel bad about their mistakes. All of us are just human beings that do make mistakes. What matters is not the mistakes these people made, but the good ideas they shared with us.

                      So, while I do have a problem with the establishment that deliberately led us on the wrong track, I can only respect those people that went their own way nonetheless, no matter how many mistakes they made. I think we must count our blessings by focusing on the positive things these people made available to us, instead of focusing on the mistakes they made.

                      After all, no one is perfect. We all make mistakes and as long as we are willing to learn from them, we are moving forward.

                      And as for the "newbies": I think it is very important to try and put out correct information people can work with as much as possible. We must not repeat the mistakes of the establishment by putting ourselves in ivory towers looking down upon people that are only just discovering there is much more than the fairy-tales being put forth by the establishment. Of course they are confused and who can blame them? No one has all the answers, not even Dollard and certainly not me. All we can do, is to try and point those people that are investigating this stuff to the information that is available and to try and explain what we think is going on to the our best ability, knowing that we will make mistakes but that these will be corrected over time, because more and more people are joining the adventure of going our own way and trying to make this planet just a little bit better for those who come after us.


                      • The benitez device has the power travel from one side to the next doing work on the way. If you have 3 sets of batteries 1 discharging, 1 charging and 1 resting, and you can cycle them into any position you'll be in the best shape possible.

                        Out side of that I cannot give you anymore info, sorry.

                        Just build one and you'll see, they work.



                        • ?

                          Matt what you mean by: "Out side of that I cannot give you anymore info, sorry. " ???

                          why not??



                          Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                          The benitez device has the power travel from one side to the next doing work on the way. If you have 3 sets of batteries 1 discharging, 1 charging and 1 resting, and you can cycle them into any position you'll be in the best shape possible.

                          Out side of that I cannot give you anymore info, sorry.

                          Just build one and you'll see, they work.



                          • Because I have decided to keep what I know about the Tesla Switch to myself out of the possibilty that product or patent oppurtunity arises. I do not want to have to worry about proprietary information in the open source community reducing this possibility.

                            Do your own homework and build your machine.



                            • I see Matt,

                              good luck then,



                              Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                              Because I have decided to keep what I know about the Tesla Switch to myself out of the possibilty that product or patent oppurtunity arises. I do not want to have to worry about proprietary information in the open source community reducing this possibility.

                              Do your own homework and build your machine.



                              • Here is something I am working on hope it helps.


                                P.S. The switch's are 100 Amp Two-Pole-Double-Throw-Knife-Disconnect-Switch's
                                you can get them on Ebay for about $20

                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by rosehillworks; 03-31-2012, 06:00 PM.
                                William Reed

