Tesla Switch
Before you go nuts
My SCR is in my circuit inverted, meaning the cathode is on the negative of the top cap, the anode is at the positive of the bottom cap to ground. the opto device is connected from anode to gate. We are just talking about the scalar battery charger, so don't go wild on me yet. In the four battery system the arrangement is the same cathode to the negative terminal of the top battery anode to the positive of the bottom battery. this makes a potential switch not working like an SCR, this is an impedance switch.
Try it
you will see how to control it for very high impedance loads pure potential switching between batteries. Current will flow if the impedance is high and will not if the impedance is real low. I must admit at this time my training out of school, I worked for one of the best semiconductor manufactures, I won't say the name, I built many semiconductors for this company before I went out on my own.
I have even showed Peter how to dissect them and make anything you want, even Bearden has talked about this. Normally you would put the SCR in the circuit the other way but it will stay on unless you break the connection so you can't use it. I said this was going to get tricky, well it just has. You must have the right load on the battery to use this system or will not run. And yes I can control it just like a transistor this way with duty cycle.
John B
Before you go nuts

My SCR is in my circuit inverted, meaning the cathode is on the negative of the top cap, the anode is at the positive of the bottom cap to ground. the opto device is connected from anode to gate. We are just talking about the scalar battery charger, so don't go wild on me yet. In the four battery system the arrangement is the same cathode to the negative terminal of the top battery anode to the positive of the bottom battery. this makes a potential switch not working like an SCR, this is an impedance switch.
Try it
you will see how to control it for very high impedance loads pure potential switching between batteries. Current will flow if the impedance is high and will not if the impedance is real low. I must admit at this time my training out of school, I worked for one of the best semiconductor manufactures, I won't say the name, I built many semiconductors for this company before I went out on my own.
I have even showed Peter how to dissect them and make anything you want, even Bearden has talked about this. Normally you would put the SCR in the circuit the other way but it will stay on unless you break the connection so you can't use it. I said this was going to get tricky, well it just has. You must have the right load on the battery to use this system or will not run. And yes I can control it just like a transistor this way with duty cycle.
John B