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Use for the Tesla Switch

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  • Originally posted by Mtech View Post
    Hi Bit's

    Just had a peek at your drawing...great job. Noticed that Q2 emit/coll polarity appears to be swapped ??

    Thank you, Thank you. Easier to fix on paper as opposed to a fried trace or burnt transistor. I will post an updated drawing soon. Just want to correct all of the mistakes.

    Thanks again.



    • Scaler charger

      I built the scaler charger
      I cannot get it to work as it should
      The battery discharges
      I started with a 6v lamp. Then I used a 3.8v and then a 2.5v torch bulb.
      Then I put the 2.5v and 3.8v lamps in series to limit the current even more
      The small lamps at least lights up .
      Not sure why it doesnt work
      I use a TL494 with 2 toggle outputs. square wave and adjusted duty cycle from very small to 50%. I started with low frequencies where the lamp flashes a lot and went up to 200hz.Tommorow I will change the cap so I can reach higher frequencies
      I used 2 x 14000uf capacitors .I have lots of them. Maybe they are to large to charge up to 12v so fast.
      I used 4n35 opto`s. Will that be a problem
      The supply to the flipflop I get through 2 diodes and a 8v regulator and some 1000uf caps. I also removed the 8v regulator and the diode on the negative leg. The ossilator works fine with 8v and the 8v output pulses switch the optos through 220ohm resistors.
      I dont have a lot of ideas what to try next
      Tommorow i will put a few 1000uf 16v caps in parralel to make smaller value caps and try again.
      Maybe I should order the subscribed optos and try them
      I also thought of replacing the 2 large capacitors with 2 batteries, but I know John has got this working as is. I am not to sure how large the load is that this scaler charger can drive when it works
      Here are photos
      Last edited by nvisser; 02-22-2010, 07:56 AM.


      • Originally posted by nvisser View Post
        I built the scaler charger
        I cannot get it to work as it should
        The battery discharges
        I started with a 6v lamp. Then I used a 3.8v and then a 2.5v torch bulb.
        Then I put the 2.5v and 3.8v lamps in series to limit the current even more
        The small lamps at least lights up .
        Not sure why it doesnt work
        I use a TL494 with 2 toggle outputs. square wave and adjusted duty cycle from very small to 50%. I started with low frequencies where the lamp flashes a lot and went up to 200hz.Tommorow I will change the cap so I can reach higher frequencies
        I used 2 x 14000uf capacitors .I have lots of them. Maybe they are to large to charge up to 12v so fast.
        I used 4n35 opto`s. Will that be a problem
        The supply to the flipflop I get through 2 diodes and a 8v regulator and some 1000uf caps. I also removed the 8v regulator and the diode on the negative leg. The ossilator works fine with 8v and the 8v output pulses switch the optos through 220ohm resistors.
        I dont have a lot of ideas what to try next
        Tommorow i will put a few 1000uf 16v caps in parralel to make smaller value caps and try again.
        Maybe I should order the subscribed optos and try them
        I also thought of replacing the 2 large capacitors with 2 batteries, but I know John has got this working as is. I am not to sure how large the load is that this scaler charger can drive when it works
        Here are photos
        Vissie, what voltage are your caps? These need to be as close to the highest working voltage as possible. You also might try changing the base resistors to 100ohm.



        • They are rated 50v. Can that make a difference
          You mean the res of the opto diode. The transistors use only the diode and cap in parralel. No base resistors
          The optos does switch. Can you switch them on harder?


          • Hi Stonewater

            Looking at your photo it looks like you have you 100 ohm resistor going from the base to emitter instead of base to collector.



            • Originally posted by nvisser View Post
              They are rated 50v. Can that make a difference
              You mean the res of the opto diode. The transistors use only the diode and cap in parralel. No base resistors
              The optos does switch. Can you switch them on harder?
              It can make a huge difference. If the anticipated working voltage is 12V, then you want the caps to be about 15V caps. The trick is not to undersize them else you may have fireworks I did not take a very close look at the images and just assumend the resistors you had metioned were in the base circuit, sorry. Do you have the optos configured like I have set up in my latest schematic?




              • wrong solder :

                yup fixed it after I looked at it, posted the wrong photos have my friend erik to thank for that, and everyone here that looked!

                Originally posted by Mark View Post
                Hi Stonewater

                Looking at your photo it looks like you have you 100 ohm resistor going from the base to emitter instead of base to collector.



                • In that case I will put together two 10 000uf caps using 10 x 1000uf 16v caps in parralel toimmorow
                  The optos are like in John`s circuit for the Bill and Ray scaler charger . I only inserted a 220ohm resistor between each of my toggle outputs and the optos


                  • Hi nvissier.

                    I have finished the switching part of the Bill and Ray Scalar charger. I will post a video tonight. I tested each "phase" by hand and it charges and discharges the caps. I have the SG chips here now so I will assemble that today. I have a feeling on this one, like John said, It could be very tricky to setup correctly.

                    @ John Bedini or others,

                    I got the Texas Instruments SG, Im not sure if these are good ones? I have had good products from TI in the past, but Im just not certain they will suffice.

                    Is there is a preferred brand?

                    Many thanks

                    "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


                    • Hi all
                      I have just thrown together the scalar charger, the one with two capacitors, the oscillator part is my old one with 555 timer, 4013 and 4001 chips. The optos are 4n25, the ouput of the optos goes to the base of the MJL21194 transistors through a 1n4007 diode with a 1uF cap in parallel. The capacitors are 63v 10000uF. The battery is a 12Ah sealed lead acid battery. So far I am running it on about 2Hz frequency, will see how it performs. Any suggestions what the switching frequency range of this setup should be?
                      Thank you!

                      sorry for the picture quality
                      It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


                      • Tesla Switch


                        The Sg3524 does have some problems, one of them is when it gets below 40 degrees. I plan on running mine in extreme cold 20 below at times. I'm building a faraday cage that I will put my machine in. I will move the machine to an testing lab on a friends property near a deep lake, he will be doing the testing. I can not give his name as he has been on all the groups. I will except his report as to what the machine does. One hint I can give is it's going under water.

                        Back to life, Bit's here is what I think you can do, you only need two devices the opto's can be 4n35's and 8 diodes. Everybody should remember what I said about the test. The test was just to show the switch potential direction. The full machine according to Ron's diagram must be made for the correct test. The strange part of the machine is the switch when the transistor goes negative, pick the correct device. The original used 2n5885 transistors. You could also use a SCR at reduced value in power if you had to, have one running right now, self regulating to the load.

                        Lamare, sorry, My point is a fix for the cathode follower and the FETS in power circuits like the arrangement in the MEG. I would not use a base emitter resistor as I do not need to turn it off that way with a transistor, the Fet yes . You could look up gate discharge circuits. We do capacitive discharge circuits here and it has worked for us. Do it anyway you want I'm not here to argue about anything with you.

                        David M Rodgers, I thought you were building G-Fields?

                        If your building the Scalar charger that Ray and Bill did, not John, You will find all the information a few posts back about what you could have for power.

                        Jetijs, I meant to say HI, happy your here, will talk to you soon about your experiment, but it looks good in the pictures, watch the load as it will kill your battery. Peter and I saw batteries do a complete reverse direction and every bit of electrolyte was sucked out of them, Just ask Peter. Talk Soon....
                        John B
                        John Bedini


                        • Hi Jet.

                          Nice. Do you have a load in there as well? I couldnt see one. I saw mine bounce around alot harder (testing by hand) without a load.

                          Good stuff. Glad to see you onboard


                          *(D'oh John beat me to the punch )
                          Last edited by ren; 11-25-2009, 09:02 PM.
                          "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


                          • Thanks for the warm welcome
                            Currently I am not using any load, I just want to see the battery climb up in voltage. Or is the load necessary?
                            Thanks guys
                            It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


                            • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post

                              here is what I think you can do, you only need two devices the opto's can be 4n35's and 8 diodes. Everybody should remember what I said about the test. The test was just to show the switch potential direction. The full machine according to Ron's diagram must be made for the correct test. Talk Soon....
                              John B
                              John, I look forward to your "Alchemy" and "Magic".


                              Ok, I am going to take a stab at this cause I love a challange. Referencing the Ronald Brandt 1983 drawing (Bratt.jpg) on your web site, the S? switches are actually the opto's. All they do is "present" a poteintal difference on the battery (No current) and the diodes bias causing current flow. "Brillaint" (I hope I am right, else I just let the light really shine ).

                              Last edited by Bit's-n-Bytes; 11-25-2009, 09:33 PM. Reason: The light bulb just went on!


                              • Tesla Switch

                                The TI is a good one just do the low Freq fix.
                                John B

                                Originally posted by ren View Post
                                Hi nvissier.

                                I have finished the switching part of the Bill and Ray Scalar charger. I will post a video tonight. I tested each "phase" by hand and it charges and discharges the caps. I have the SG chips here now so I will assemble that today. I have a feeling on this one, like John said, It could be very tricky to setup correctly.

                                @ John Bedini or others,

                                I got the Texas Instruments SG, Im not sure if these are good ones? I have had good products from TI in the past, but Im just not certain they will suffice.

                                Is there is a preferred brand?

                                Many thanks

                                John Bedini

