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Use for the Tesla Switch
Tesla Switch
By the way YOU ALL have a Happy Thanksgiving.
John BJohn Bedini
Originally posted by John_Bedini View PostI would give it less time then that.
John K.
Little Quiz,
What if !!!!!!! We do not need all these parts to do the job and only need two devices to do the whole thing? Has anybody given any thought to this? What if the SG3524 could be controlled using the error amplifier at the duty cycle pin that senses all the voltages at each battery. What other device could we use to switch the batteries since we can see that the potentials change quickly? I guess as Peter says I have been known for tricky circuits, just a little quiz. After all do we really need all the devices in the circuit to switch four batteries? By the way excellent job on the circuit diagram and the code, I can get this to run in the pic I have just a few changes.
John B
Ok, I am going to take a stab at this cause I love a challenge. Referencing the Ronald Brandt 1983 drawing (Bratt.jpg) on your web site, the S? switches are actually the opto's. All they do is "present" a potential difference on the battery (No current) and the diodes bias causing current flow. "Brilliant" (I hope I am right, else I just let the light really shine ).
John B
The trannys that Ron used were they GT108B Germanium PNP Transistors
10V| 50mA| 75mW| Hfe 60-130| Kn 6dB| Fe 1MHz?
KevinLast edited by redcar1957; 11-26-2009, 10:36 PM.
Originally posted by John_Bedini View PostLamare,
.....The man charges a Layden Jar capacitor. Then he takes the capacitor apart and touches the plate together and nothing happens when he shorts it out. But what I find is there are no electrons hanging to the plates at all, since there are none. My question to you is where is the energy to be found? I know the typical answer, I want the real answer.........
John B
Happy Thanks giving from over the pond.
Typical or real, this is my stab for starters.
The energy is to be found between the plates. This can be seen with mica caps. Charge it up. Take out the mica and put it between two other plates and that cap is then charged. I will admit I haven't tried this to prove it, but have read it somewhere.
Mica is crystalline. But with an air gap capacitor, can the charge be blown away? What about a vacuum as the gap? Or rarefied gas? Is the aether cystalline in nature? Hmmm.
John, when we charge a cap with RE, it appears that we create an electret with that capacitor. Have you noticed dendrite type growths in capacitors, like in lead acid batteries? Does it account for the holding voltage?
Many Regards
Tesla Switch
Redcar 1957,
I think so, but were do we get them? Although I'm going to stick with what I have. But here is the original diagram as it was handed to me. Why it was put away and never talked about to this day I don't know.
Have fun guy's
John BJohn Bedini
Tesla Switch
The IBM 108, PNP, used to drive a 1403 print hammer.
Rick Dill adds "This transistor has a "ring" shaped emitter with a base contact inside and outside. In power transistors, most of the current flows right at the edge of the emitter due to base resistance drop as one gets farther from the edge. The ring gives lots of edge with relatively less inactive area.
"The collector is probably a circular alloy "dot" which is direct soldered to the can for heat sink purposes.
"I am not sure whether this transistor was IBM design of whether it came from Delco or Motorola who were into power transistors for car radios and other potential automotive applications."Last edited by John_Bedini; 11-26-2009, 10:42 PM.John Bedini
Tesla switch
I'm Getting the right picture up, sorry about the car.
John B
Originally posted by redcar1957 View PostJohn B
I have found a few hundred of these if they are correct made back in the 70's and 80's about $35.00 dollars per 100
pnly a few boxes left i think
KevinJohn Bedini
Version 1.1 of PIC controlled Tesla Switch
Hello team, here is an updated schematic for the PICAXE-18X controlled TS. I have included its own on board power that will need to be "battelfield tested" in the words of Vtech. As always, use at your own risk and please let me know if there are any changes I need to make.
Bit'sLast edited by Bit's-n-Bytes; 12-11-2009, 01:09 AM.
Tesla Switch
Redcar here is the best picture I could find as to what it looked like.
JohnLast edited by John_Bedini; 11-20-2010, 04:58 PM.John Bedini
Tesla Switch
Bit's, you have got me lost. Have you made a board yet for this? I will look through it, the whole group should to catch any errors.
John BJohn Bedini
Tesla Switch
Subject Alloy Transistors
The early 1950's were an interesting time. In the summer of 1951, Bell
Labs had a "summer school" for a fair sized group of university
professors. The professor who taught optics attended and had lectures
from the likes of Shockley and Bardeen as well as some laboratory hands
on time. They published a paper with everyone as an author in which
they confirmed the Einstein Relationship between drift of electrons and
holes under electric field and thermal diffusion. They returned to
campus with a small kit of experiments which a fellow student, Jim
Boyden and I latched onto and used both for recreation and every
opportunity for a project. We were sophomores when we got our hands on
It included a germanium alloy diode for measuring IV curves, a chip of
germanium with rhodium plating on the back (which we had to learn how to
replace after etching it off) to be used for making point contact
transistors, and a bar of germanium for the Shockley Hall measurement of
drift and diffusion of electrons. We fabricated our own point contacts
and crude manipulators to put them down near where we wanted them.
In the summer of 1954. fresh with a B.S. in physics I had a job at IBM
in Poughkeepsie. It was my first industrial research experience and a
wonderful experience. Joe Logue was the manager of the small group
which included Hannon York, the engineer who invented the current switch
circuit (non-saturating), Bob Henle who was a really good circuit guy
and lead the company a few years later to abandon core memories and go
to semiconductor memories.
At the time, the group was just off of the CRT based electrostatic
memories used in the 701 and the later mica target CRT-like memories
used in the following computers up to the introduction of magnetic cores
which were just coming visible in 1954.
My assignment was really a gift. Joe wanted higher function circuits
with the example being the neon ring counter. As he has told you, with
no real hands on experience I was able to postulate that we might be
able to produce such a thing with a double-based diode (unijunction
transistor) which had multiple emitters and with the help of the small
group in the pickle factory actually get a four-state device
prototyped. Dick Rutz and John Marinace were the key people in that
group and I eventually ended up working for in Rutz's group.
I also postulated an adder circuit based upon the Shockley Hall
structure, but with deflectors to steer the electron cloud sideways to
multiple collectors. We didn't make this, but it did show up a decade
later as an academic achievement.
While Bell Labs was stuck on point contact transistors (and even made a
computer out of them), Joe Logue has recognized the superiority of
junction transistors. From a circuit standpoint, the ones available had
too much base resistance to work well in digital circuits, although this
didn't hamper them for communications. He tried to encourage the
vendors to make transistors with low base resistance to little avail
since computers were not important to the electronics world at that time.
The task got handed to Research where on the fabrication side the team
of Rutz and Marinace and their technicians made alloy transistors with a
small alloy emitter surrounded by a circular base contact, and a larger
collector junction on the back side of the die. Contrary to what most
people believed, alloying was a well determined metallurgical process
when done right.
To do it right, you needed the crystal to have a <111> orientation.
This is the slow dissolving direction when subject to dissolution by
molten metal, so the sides of the dissolved region were angled along
<111> planes and the bottom flat. The depth depended on the volume of
the alloy "dot" and the temperature. On cooling, the germanium first
cleanly regrew precipitated from the melt and was doped by the materials
in the dot (indium gallium for PNP transistors and tin antimony for
NPN). The collector on the backside was simply larger and etched more
deeply into the germanium chip.
The design was IBM's, but we went to TI and contracted with them to
manufacture germanium transistors for us. We were allowed only to make
10% of what we needed, which gave us room for special applications such
as core drivers or advanced devices before releasing them to TI.
In spite of Joe Logue trying to get me to stay and do graduate work in
the Syracuse MS program, I went back to Carnegie Tech and moved from
physics to EE. 18 months after that Bob Henle visited campus following
up on a summer job one of the young faculty had a year after me. IBM
wrote three separate contracts. One supported my research with the
requirement that I come to Poughkeepsie roughly monthly to report on my
progress. The other two supported Dale Critchlow, the young faculty
member, and Bob Dennard, one of his students. Both Dale and Bob were
working in magnetics at the time. I was the first to join IBM in
February 1958 and Critchlow and Dennard joined the following summer. We
were all in the same group trying to do circuits with multi-hole
magnetics and transistors. I left that project in summer of 1958 to go
to Poughkeepsie and work for Dick Rutz with my initial assignment being
to duplicate Esaki's work in Japan on tunnel diodes.
In 1955, I worked at RCA Labs for the summer on silicon diodes and the
observation that they did not behave according to Shockley's theory.
There I met Herb Kroemer who is credited (among other things) as the
father of the "drift transistor". Kroemer postulated (as a theorist)
that a graded impurity doping in the base region would provide a field
that greatly speed up transistors. It was only after I got to IBM that
I read a patent of Lloyd Hunter which is the patent on the structure, so
IBM has at least as much claim as RCA. By diffusing (probably
phosphorus) into the germanium blanks, the IBM design became much faster.
In 1958 on returning to IBM, I found that the development group had
built a fully automated factory for producing alloy transistors. It
used syntron sonic driven bowls to feed to germanium die, alloy spheres
for emitter and collector, stub leads soldered to the spheres during
alloying, and the dished base contact washer. These were fed into high
purity carbon fixtures, one for each transistor. Once the assembly was
together it went through a hydrogen furnace, after which the transistor
was extracted, etched, washed, dried, tested, and then assembled onto a
header. The carbon fixture was sent back to be re-used. This
room-sized automated factory could product 40 million transistors a
year, which was more than IBM needed. We shipped the factory to TI with
the stipulation that they could use it only for IBM production for a
stated number of years.
When the diffused base transistor came in, it was only a small
modification to the line to get the die right-side-up so that the
diffused surface was facing the emitter.
About 1964 I visited TI and saw multiples of this production facility
running full tilt to make germanium transistors for the world.John Bedini