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Use for the Tesla Switch

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  • IT'S WORKING (PIC controlled TS)

    Got my "Auto Sensing" fixed (Thanks Jason, I used the Op Amp), Tuned to get the pulsations right, And we are ascending on the Batt 4 Voltage.
    I'll post some youtube when I get the code cleaned up. SWeeeeeeet!




    • Tesla Switch is Potential Shuttler?


      Mr John Bedini suggested three circuits for studying on this list, those are
      1)3-battery system without pulsing
      2)Scalar Charger
      3)Tesla Switch.

      I didn't get good results like John K and Leroy.
      John K had gains on 3-battery system even without pulsing and
      Leroy got powers on Tesla Switch as far as I read some posts on this list.
      I want to follow them.

      From my experiment of TS on this list and others like SG(SSG), Capacitance
      Pulsing and the Kromrey Converer,
      I made any conclusion like this, 'Tesla Switch is Potential Shuttler'.

      TS is different with two other system_3-Battery system and Scalar Charger.
      This means that TS is not 'charging and discharging system', but rather
      potential balancing. This says something different.

      So every parts shoul be balanced, this is not easy. We call it impedance.
      I need more experiments




      • RE: Sweet.

        Originally posted by Bit's-n-Bytes View Post
        Got my "Auto Sensing" fixed (Thanks Jason, I used the Op Amp), Tuned to get the pulsations right, And we are ascending on the Batt 4 Voltage.
        I'll post some youtube when I get the code cleaned up. SWeeeeeeet!


        Awesome, can you please share with us what the right pulsations look like, glad you are seeing some encouraging results.!
        See my experiments here...

        You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


        • Originally posted by JANGYD View Post

          Mr John Bedini suggested three circuits for studying on this list, those are
          1)3-battery system without pulsing
          2)Scalar Charger
          3)Tesla Switch.

          I didn't get good results like John K and Leroy.
          John K had gains on 3-battery system even without pulsing and
          Leroy got powers on Tesla Switch as far as I read some posts on this list.
          I want to follow them.

          From my experiment of TS on this list and others like SG(SSG), Capacitance
          Pulsing and the Kromrey Converer,
          I made any conclusion like this, 'Tesla Switch is Potential Shuttler'.

          TS is different with two other system_3-Battery system and Scalar Charger.
          This means that TS is not 'charging and discharging system', but rather
          potential balancing. This says something different.

          So every parts shoul be balanced, this is not easy. We call it impedance.
          I need more experiments


          @JANGYD :


          I have had both good and bad results. It takes a lot of time and patience to see the results. Like JB says, a .2V drop doesn't mean anything. If it is in the transistor, SCR, or in the battery, it is what happens after a period of time that is of consequence.

          Do not follow me, follow your heart, intuition, inspiration. If I provide inspiration, then follow that inspiration, but not me.

          When I have a way to categorize and intellectualize the data that can be meaningful to all, then we will have something....unless somebody else does it first. I will guarantee that these circuits work, but at what level of power and how to categorize, that is a different story. My batteries are different than yours, my loads different, my setup, etc. It is all irrelevant, until we can get the same boards, loads that have small percentage deviations, but obtaining the same batteries, that will never be done. You can buy exact same battery as I, and I will guarantee that that battery is different than the one I bought. Each battery is like a living thing. It has a life, how it was treated, when it was made affects its impedance, where the materials were obtained, etc. The battery must be studied, this science must be defined and then we can begin to understand.

          We, each collectively, contribute to the whole. It is through all of our experiences that we learn and communicate to become stronger and more adept at what we are doing. Each one of us may have success one day and failure the next. We must strive for more successes than failures, but the failures are a positive. We know what we did wrong or at least do not repeat the failures when we learn. Keep a log, keep notes, so you can refer to them. Read the posts, but rely on your inner self and intuitions. You are as likely to succeed as I, or John K. John and I have been following JB for a long time, but we are only novices at this too. I have had some success, I understand a lot, but JB has not taken me under his wing and said, "You are ready". I do not consider myself worthy of his tutelage. I wish that were the case and I would whole heartedly accept, but that is not in the cards at this time I'm afraid.

          Follow your heart and the ones you connect with, but leave no stone unturned. There are many bright people on these lists.

          When we learn that we know nothing, then we can begin to understand!


          P.S. A philosopher I am not.


          • Knowing nothing

            A friend of mine once told me, "I've forgotten more than you'll ever know". I initially thought him to be quite the braggart, quite the @$$, then I thought about what it really meant. I have forgotten more than anyone of you will ever know, and you me, etc. It is a true statement.

            We have all had experiences and forgotten them. The remembrance may be recalled by some other experience, but it was forgotten until that happened. It was forgotten!

            We are just people, trying to get along in this "unreal" world. We are told things and tend to believe, because to believe is the easy thing. Most of what we are told by "authority" is lies, and JB is telling us some truths, but he doesn't say everything he knows. He is unable to do this for various reasons. There are many untruths, but the only thing that will stand up to scrutiny is the truth. Every law is only valid until it is proven invalid. The "now" truth, becomes a "future" untruth, or we might say, a lie. It might have been believe to be true, but it was faulty. This is the essence of what JB is saying. There are many energies, we know of a few. Some people know of these things, but we as lowly sheep are only guessing, surmising, trying to obtain these things that we believe to be true.

            Keeley said that the mind was the only true power source (at least that is what I remember him saying). The Bible says, that anything that man can conceive of, he can do! These two things are quite in sync. If we, as a group, focus on these ideas, we will figure out what is going on, if we stay focused. If JB is incorrect (which I think unlikely), then we will figure that out. If JB is correct, then we will all benefit and will figure it out with or without him. JB knows these things.

            We can break the strong hold of tyranny, of the struggle for power and fortune. Focus is the key, many minds on the same subject with the intent and purpose of sharing. Sharing is a big deal, allowing a higher power to be distributed among many and included in our direction and final results, being selfish is folly. When we can all finally live in peace, disregarding out selfish desires and put others ahead of ourselves, helping each other, then we will ascend to a higher state of being and the power over us that now exists will just disintegrate. I am just me, you just you. Each one of us, human, but more also.

            I wrote this in regards to Jang's comments about John K and I. Everyone knows more about some thing than I do. I know more about some things than each of you. I consider us all in the same place regarding these circuits and devices. No more, no less.

            When JB returns we will all be exhilarated. Exhausted with the failures but gaining knowledge with each one. Success may come at any moment. Enlightenment just around the corner. How many failures did Edison have with the light bulb? Can we expect any more?


            P.S. My last philosophical post, I hope.


            • Originally posted by theremart View Post
              Awesome, can you please share with us what the right pulsations look like, glad you are seeing some encouraging results.!
              Thanks Mart; Take a look. I am still "Tweeking" but this is the best charge rate so far.

              YouTube - TS test 3.MPG



              • BITS, which controller micro processor are you using, i just ordered the PIC32MX starter board today, should be here tomorrow.


                David. D


                • Originally posted by rave154 View Post
                  BITS, which controller micro processor are you using, i just ordered the PIC32MX starter board today, should be here tomorrow.


                  David. D
                  Hi David, I am using the PICAXE-18X. It uses Basic and assembler code where the 32MX uses C. The chip that I am using is somewhat limited in the # of ADC inputs although is performing quite well. I think my next build will use the 40X.
                  Good to see that you are going to give the TS a go. Let me know if I can help in anyway.



                  • Originally posted by ldissing View Post
                    I was referring to your 555 circuits when I said...small caps. I know you don't use those tiny ones for the voltage...but that should work too based on your comment....if they can see I have charge"...
                    I use typically 47k pots or 220k pots and I fiddle the capacitors to allow the right timing.
                    This way the 555 has only mere charge to "fire" when discharging the Ct and thus it goes easy on consumption.

                    I typically average draw 12...20mA off my 555s @12V

                    But here I'm with a unknown IC the SG3525, luckily I've got low on frequency (1.7Hz) easy.
                    The consumption is 125mA?

                    Best regards,
                    Stevan C.


                    • Originally posted by Bit's-n-Bytes View Post
                      Thanks Mart; Take a look. I am still "Tweeking" but this is the best charge rate so far.
                      That looks like a very low frequency. Something like one pulse every 3 seconds (0.333 hz)?


                      • Photo session

                        26Ah NiCd 12V (10x cell) age from 1990's all four same:
                        on a "100A" battery testing "fork": 12V for 10sec.
                        That's below 100mOhm of impedance, right?

                        A. one run with a empty one (less than 5V)
                        B. One run with all four charged:
                        Disregard sound - it's faulty ;-)

                        And the rest is in the attached pictures (hopefully)

                        Last edited by StevanC; 04-13-2010, 06:32 PM.


                        • Originally posted by nvisser View Post
                          That looks like a very low frequency. Something like one pulse every 3 seconds (0.333 hz)?
                          Yes Vissie it was very low freqs and has proven NOT to be the best charge rate. Back to lab we go.



                          • more...

                            there is more!
                            Last edited by StevanC; 04-13-2010, 06:32 PM.


                            • Rate guess

                              Originally posted by Bit's-n-Bytes View Post
                              Yes Vissie it was very low freqs and has proven NOT to be the best charge rate. Back to lab we go.

                              How about 2,5sec "idle" against 2,5msec "Q"? Tried it?

                              Stevan C.


                              • Originally posted by StevanC View Post
                                How about 2,5sec "idle" against 2,5msec "Q"? Tried it?

                                Stevan C.
                                I haven't tried a duration that long. 2 sec is the most so far but I will give it a try.



