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Use for the Tesla Switch

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  • I think it's from one of the free energy books - the cap pulser was timed "about so"?
    But hold a grain of salt here?


    • Thanks for the reply bits, i might need some help on the "C" a "Delphi" programmer ( dont laugh ! ).....i hate C ( just my luck to buy a C chip ).....oh well................curly brackets here we come !


      • battery amp hrs

        Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
        I am pretty sure that same logic (on caps) does not apply to battery or a power source.
        2 12volt batteries with 10 amp hour of energy, In Series will deliver 24 volt for 10 hours at 1 amp.
        You can test it. I have used the same formula to calculate expected discharge rates and seems to work out. I could be wrong according to the rules.

        As far as amp draw in a Tesla switch you should be able to pull any load within the battery range.
        17 amp hour battery should be able to deliver 17 amps of flow for 1 hour. If they don't deliver that you'll have to guage it for yourself how much you can pull.

        I'm using lawn and tractor batteries, I have pulled some pretty big loads. The biggest thing that limits me is the heat from the bridge rectifier and the speed of the switching. The faster you switch the more power you have availible to you. Unlike a load a battery the load on the rectifier will reduce the voltage availible at the bridge and give a good indicator of how much more you can pull. 0 volts you have full load for your rectifier.

        Also the component will only pull what it needs, you cannot force more through it, like hooking straight to battery. Thats a funny thing, but the best I can tell its the truth.

        with batteries in series the amp hrs (1 battery) stay the same the voltage goes up. with batts in parallel the amp hrs go up the voltage stays the same.

        4 6 volt 220 Ah trojans in series = 24 volts at 220 Ah
        4 6 votl 22 Ah trojans in plarallel 6 volt at 880 Ah

        hope that helps.
        Tom C


        • I've tried from everywhere from 1 switch every 2 second (.5 hz) to 500hz with my 4 battery system (4x 5 amp hour batts or bigger). Again I haven't seen a charging state sustained but the best results ran between 300-400 hz. The off time needed to be be around 10% of the on time, not sure what that breaks down to in duty cycle. usually a motor was the load.

          I'm about to start testing frequencies from 500 hz to 400 khz with a 4 battery switch.
          Just as soon as I am done with my 3rd scalar charger. The first 2 didn't pan out well.

          Even after all this testing I still believe that with the products available today the load is the key for a sustained charging. Be it a coil, motor, or lightbulb. Without that correct combination you are burning to much energy to make difference in the battery.

          But we'll see, lots more testing to do.



          • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
            I've tried from everywhere from 1 switch every 2 second (.5 hz) to 500hz with my 4 battery system (4x 5 amp hour batts or bigger). Again I haven't seen a charging state sustained but the best results ran between 300-400 hz. The off time needed to be be around 10% of the on time, not sure what that breaks down to in duty cycle. usually a motor was the load.

            I'm about to start testing frequencies from 500 hz to 400 khz with a 4 battery switch.
            Just as soon as I am done with my 3rd scalar charger. The first 2 didn't pan out well.

            Even after all this testing I still believe that with the products available today the load is the key for a sustained charging. Be it a coil, motor, or lightbulb. Without that correct combination you are burning to much energy to make difference in the battery.

            But we'll see, lots more testing to do.

            I have seen the 10% as well. Thanks Matt for this info.



            • Originally posted by JANGYD View Post

              Mr John Bedini suggested three circuits for studying on this list, those are
              1)3-battery system without pulsing
              2)Scalar Charger
              3)Tesla Switch.

              I didn't get good results like John K and Leroy.
              John K had gains on 3-battery system even without pulsing and
              Leroy got powers on Tesla Switch as far as I read some posts on this list.
              I want to follow them.

              From my experiment of TS on this list and others like SG(SSG), Capacitance
              Pulsing and the Kromrey Converer,
              I made any conclusion like this, 'Tesla Switch is Potential Shuttler'.

              TS is different with two other system_3-Battery system and Scalar Charger.
              This means that TS is not 'charging and discharging system', but rather
              potential balancing. This says something different.

              So every parts shoul be balanced, this is not easy. We call it impedance.
              I need more experiments


              JANG YOUNGDEUK

              I agree with Leroy. I am still learning about the 3 battery system without pulsing.
              Yes, I had good results with small 7Ah gel-cells but it also took me a while to find the right load to use. Because the batteries were relatively smaller I could see the results must quicker.
              I am still testing with much larger LABs, but have not had much of a chance to find the right load yet. Given that the large 130Ah deep cycle batteries I'm using are taking anywhere between 4 and 24 hours to see the results of one test before rotating batteries it will take a while longer.
              I've found if the load is too large (e.g. 100W 12V quartz halogen bulb), the 3rd battery will charge fast, however the 2 series batteries drain faster. If the load is too small (e.g. #47 bulb) the 3rd battery will take forever to charge, but the 2 series batteries don't drain and in some cases will actually rise in voltage.
              Until I fully understand the process that is happening and how to pick the right load for the particular batteries I'm using I won't be building anything more advanced. It's just the way I work.
              I'm really still replicating the Mueller/Bedini experiments and seeing what happens when certain things are changed, particularly the load. Anyone that has read the Mueller report would have seen the additional tests he reported on after he left JB's shop, which are printed at the end of the booklet. These experiments clearly show what worked and what did not work and should be examined and understood.
              Because I'm more of an electro-mechanical guy, I will be replicating the Mueller/Moore 4 battery system next, which uses a 3PDT relay driven by a pulse rate controller. A simple 555 timer could be used as the pulse rate controller and for me, looks as easy as pie.

              Baby steps....

              John K.


              • No progress

                Hi guys,

                For the past three days I've been playing with scalar charger. Changing transistors doesn't change much. I've tried dozens of different inductors and loads as well as frequencies from single Hz to kHz and duty cycle from really short to 50%. I've seen several magnificent waves, bell shaped oscillations, "h" waves with spikes, you name it. I would love to know what shape of spike I'm after. So far it's a hunt for unknown game. How am I suppose to catch if I don't know how she looks like Maybe I've seen it already and let it go I had batteries steady during 6hrs or dropping 0.02V overnight but my load is a small grain bulb, barely lit. What am I doing wrong. I have a feeling that I'm close but running in circle.
                But you know what really p*****me off?
                I built analog synthesizer and electronic drums between other, smaller things when I was 17. That was over 30 years ago .Now, I can't figure it out three transistor circuit. Am I getting retarded fast or what Sorry, I had to vent. I'll get it done, sooner or later.

                'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                General D.Eisenhower



                • Tesla Switch

                  I guess I should go over this again. The first thing I said to everybody is the three battery test was to show which way the potential goes.... I set up the three batteries with biased transistors, just two, the third you could switch so you could see what was going on in the circuit. I guess we find two things going on one with the four battery system and the other the Scalar charger. Both the circuits do the same thing one doubles the voltage and slams it back to the battery(Scalar Charger) but it is more then that as this one is a current charge pump. That pump drives things negative. The four battery system does the same thing but it does it buy putting the batteries in series then it slams the current across the paralleled load. This is very simple to do with two transistors and some diodes. The first part of this is how much potential can you move in a micro second before the current builds up in the circuit? Look at the drawing and see if you can see how you get the power out!!! I will be busy but I will check back.
                  John B
                  Attached Files
                  John Bedini


                  • Tesla Switch

                    Had to make correction, left one side off.
                    John Bedini


                    • Thank You so very much - i have to ponder over that for a while...

                      Are the "charging only this way" loads pulsed so both sides charge eventually up, or are they just switched in, so one side charges up (like the 3 battery example)?

                      best regards,
                      Stevan C.


                      • I see the diagram as follow:
                        Without any red lines: Put the ammeter between the 2 negatives and adjust frequency and duty cycle till you get the least current flowing but still move potential. (The first part of this is how much potential can you move in a micro second before the current builds up in the circuit?)
                        If John actually means 1us pulses, that means 500 kHz. Very high. Or not? Maybe he means fast but not so fast. We will see by experimenting.
                        I think the part where he says: "no charging in ac mode" is, if you connect transformer in place of the ammeter but I can be wrong
                        Then the part with red lines looks like you have to use 2 small resistive loads to allow charging with both switches closed.
                        Looks like both modes, ac and charging, can`t be used simultaneously
                        Any thoughts
                        Last edited by nvisser; 12-10-2009, 12:05 PM.


                        • The first part of this is how much potential can you move in a micro second before the current builds up in the circuit?
                          Nvisser@Without any red lines: Put the ammeter between the 2 negatives and adjust frequency and duty cycle till you get the least current flowing but still move potential. (The first part of this is how much potential can you move in a micro second before the current builds up in the circuit?)
                          If John actually means 1us pulses, that means 500 kHz. Very high. Or not? Maybe he means fast but not so fast. We will see by experimenting.
                          I am thinking the way to find this is on a scope. As you turn the system on it takes time for the voltage to ramp up between the discharge and charge side. As a wave it would look like a ramp, slightly angled horizontal but mostly vertical.
                          At the point it goes horizontal, thats when you want to switch 180 degrees and do it again.

                          This would vary from setup to setup based on several factors. And could vary even from side to side.

                          Hmmm.. I think I need better tools...



                          • Will we connect the scope over one off the battery sets to see the voltage pulse while we adjust for the voltage to reach as high as possible and the amp meter as low as possible?

                            Or we have to make the duty cycle very small so only a voltage spike gets send to the parallel batteries and the rest of the signal is dead time? Then you can still use a low frequency.

                            I think I will move on to this even though I did not have much success with the scalar charger.


                            • How to get the power out.

                              In post 1028 John B. asks how do you get the power out of the circuit he drew. I think I see how to do that. I don't have time right now to draw it out but I think you only need two more diodes and you can do it. If you remove the red lines John has added and then put a diode on the right side of the ammeter with the cathode to the right and another on the left side with the cathode to the left and then you need to connect them together without the ammeter in between. Now connect the cathode of the original diode on the bottom right with the cathode of the original diode on the bottom left. Now you can connect the load between the junction of the anodes of the added diodes and the cathodes of the original diodes. I hope this makes sense.

                              Thanks to John Bedini for trying to help the rest of us.

                              Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                              • Team, in my post #900, wouldn't this be the same circuit. I don't believe I have the load shown correctly and missing 2 diodes though. Thanks John for further inspiration.


