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Use for the Tesla Switch

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  • sub 1 Hz Q/!Q schematic

    Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
    I have had a few good runs on the SCR. What I am looking at is the turn around time from the battery to the cap and back again.
    I am trying to get an old laptop going so I can watch it real time but.
    I have been charting it some off my meters memory.

    The caps take 3 ms to charge fully from the battery. They take 8 to discharge fully back into the battery. Thats one set anyway.
    I consider my 200V 330uF caps working better for they have lower ESR (lower impedance)
    SO it might be IMPEDANCE?

    My observations align with Yours so far?

    Anyway. I have been running it like this then going to a pause of about 250 ms, Then starting over.

    Your right a dead time is needed. If you try to pull a load from the battery before the replaced charge absorbs (or something) the energy is gone. Every time.
    The caps though don't seem to care. It has it advantages from what I can tell to turn the energy around, once in the caps... immediately.
    Yes the DT is needed by the battery - heavy Ions move slowly?
    Anyhow, when i went to 0.3Hz i could see the cap load and current ceases, then i saw the "solstice"
    JB is right, slowing down is helping observation
    All the caps I have tried The lower the UF the better result.
    Are the smaller quicker?
    I am trying to chart my turnaround time like I said. I'll post back when I have some media to show.

    Here i hand over my 494 schematic:

    IMHO it's all the same ballpark - just get one Q/!Q controller with dead time control.

    I did run my power stage off a 555, but to find out it needs to have dead time - for the while the two "paralleling" BJT where "Queing" the circuit just drew (150mA) without really doing anything.
    As soon as I disconnected their bases (complementary devices) and made each fired off its own opto I saw the issue is in timing too.

    Then I abandoned the 555 and searched a "Vanilla PWM". The 494 seemed to be omnipresent ATM (=was at hand ).

    As soon as i got it to "Que" two diodes right, it was childs play to have it run the "Scalar Ron Cole"

    Please don't be confused by the use of 494, it's just "a PWM with DT control" just like the SG3524 is.


    If You like the schematic, I can expand it with the power stage section, I really would like to discuss here?
    Attached Files
    Last edited by StevanC; 12-28-2009, 06:39 PM.


    • I also use the TL494
      Pin 6 (RT) is your frequency adjust pin and I believe the 220k should be a 25 turn trimpot.


      • Originally posted by nvisser View Post
        I also use the TL494
        Pin 6 (RT) is your frequency adjust pin and I believe the 220k should be a 25 turn trimpot.
        I only put it this way (fixed) not to confuse the DT too much.

        I have it SPDT switch with 470k 220k and 10K for experimenting until i figure this out...
        Last edited by StevanC; 12-28-2009, 08:39 PM.


        • Stevan C posted-I consider my 200V 330uF caps working better for they have lower ESR (lower impedance)
          SO it might be IMPEDANCE?
          My observations align with Yours so far?
          I am not sure about impedance. I am not sure how to explain any of it right now..
          I am just trying to measure the time it takes to show a charge on the caps. Grab the charge as quick as I can then slam it back in the battery. Like I said turn around. Lower Farad caps must act quiker. They not only absorb the charge faster but they discharge faster.
          I have still not over come the cost of switching though. I can make the batts charge but only very small amounts. After a while they just steady out and hold charge. And when you shut the system off the battery climbs a couple of hundredths but not much more.
          This doesn't correlate with what I have seen from monopole and radiant generators. With my good monopole even after the charge is taken off of the battery it will continue to charge sometimes for hours. That is the effect I believe a reverse Ion flow will cause.
          I raised the voltage on the SCR and used 3 caps but the battery went haywire and started loosing charge at least according to the meter.

          So for my fifth test I am going to use the 3 caps again. But I got some transistors this time. Not gonna use relays. I want the voltage from 3 caps to get knocked down. I want it to hit the battery at 13- 14 volt.

          The problem with the battery getting steady must be somthing along the lines of....
          If your battery has 12.5 volt and you charge the caps to 12.50 or a hair less, when you switch with no voltage drop in the switch you still can't set the battery into a charge state. You can only hit it with equal voltage. The difference between 12.5 (The battery voltage) and 25 (serial cap voltage). At that point the energy just bounces back and forth. No gain no loss.
          And technically this should be the case all the time.

          Looking at it the normal way, we are saying that the 12.50 volt difference in the caps is above the battery.
          But I don't think so. I think this charge is equal to the battery, and you can't charge with an equal voltage. Especially considering the capacitor is charged instantly.
          You must have a higher charge in the difference between the serial caps and the battery,to set the charge state in the battery.

          I am also seeing this in the 4 battery switch I am running. When the batteries equal out, all charging stops. I have noticed that in the data reported on the thread. Charging happens when the battery voltages are very unequal. Please look and tell me if I missed something.

          On top of this I can see why if the transistor were to switch into the negative region this would cause an imbalance, never allowing for an equal state. Like Mr John was saying its in the switching. I just can't see how....yet.

          Well anyway I am babbling on... until I can get all the data charted I won't know, there is something there though. I hope someone understand what I am trying to say, agree or not.



          • Mat, I understand what you're saying and agree with you. I have SC running 3 days/night continuously. Battery stays at 13.03V but...I pay for switching. I lowered caps down from 480uF to 80uF and was able to switch SG chip at 1Hz (2x470n + 2x100n, measured 1.2uF using polyester caps). I have 2 inverted paralleled LED's as a load. Any inductance will produce spikes and I've seen 50V ones but battery slowly goes down. I tried various d.c's from 5% - 50%. I replaced 1u paralleled with diodes with monolithic caps to make sure there is nothing between pulses going to the bases of transistors. I considered myself warned that SC and TS are tricky but this is getting beyond any magic spell I know. I'm not giving up but don't know what else to try at the moment. If I knew that we had to look in sub Hz region, I wouldn't spend a week searching in hundreds and low kHz, but do we? I used caps from 10 000uF to present 80uF, load impedance from 100uH - 0.5H, even different batteries from 6V - 24V and...I'm short of clues. Any practical hint?

            'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

            General D.Eisenhower



            • Negative pulse

              I saw somewhere that you got that negative pulse
              Where do you probe to see it.
              I believe without that pulse there can be no charging


              • Matthew,
                What I was referring to was that the smaller caps usually have lesser resistance to dis-/-charge offering a more abrupt (albeit smaller) shock to the battery?

                I think the fruit is in this direction?

                We need get more charge going back and froth?

                For the moment I consider the switching BJT as "usual switches" as long as the fall within acceptable limits of performance (low forward drop, clean under 10usec edges)

                Here a excerpt from the C20 on a L.A.B.

                Will get back with more pictures
                Attached Files
                Last edited by StevanC; 04-13-2010, 06:32 PM.


                • O-Scope Leads & Grounds . . .

                  To All,

                  In watching several of John B's segments on the Energy from the Vacuum CD Series, I noticed that John B was using a battery-powered Tektronix OScope in those movies. Such an OScope "floats" at the potential(s) of the apparatus under test. No earth ground clip on a probe unless one introduces a separate lead to a dedicated ground (preferably an isolated, driven rod).

                  Walt Rosenthal in a CD from the same EFTV Series made the same point about signal isolation - except Walt used a special set of isolation amplifiers and used those in "input differential" mode so as not to introduce "ground loops" via scope probe clips into his measurements - at least that is what I came away with from that CD.

                  I wonder if sometimes our experiments are being compromised by parasitic grounds or loops as possibly introduced by our measurement methods. I know a few months ago I had a severe incident that caused a lot of damage. My OScope survived (barely) - my test circuits did not. Ground loops played a part in the mischief.



                  • Originally posted by Plazma View Post
                    To All,

                    In watching several of John B's segments on the Energy from the Vacuum CD Series, I noticed that John B was using a battery-powered Tektronix OScope in those movies. Such an OScope "floats" at the potential(s) of the apparatus under test. No earth ground clip on a probe unless one introduces a separate lead to a dedicated ground (preferably an isolated, driven rod).

                    Walt Rosenthal in a CD from the same EFTV Series made the same point about signal isolation - except Walt used a special set of isolation amplifiers and used those in "input differential" mode so as not to introduce "ground loops" via scope probe clips into his measurements - at least that is what I came away with from that CD.

                    I wonder if sometimes our experiments are being compromised by parasitic grounds or loops as possibly introduced by our measurement methods. I know a few months ago I had a severe incident that caused a lot of damage. My OScope survived (barely) - my test circuits did not. Ground loops played a part in the mischief.

                    Plazma, I just endured the same last night. I touched the Oscope probe to the collecter of one of the tranny's and all kind of things started happing. Luckly I was able to pull the battery leads fast enough. Only smoked the tranny but was able to quickly replace and continue testing. Great report.



                    • Originally posted by nvisser View Post
                      I saw somewhere that you got that negative pulse
                      Where do you probe to see it.
                      I believe without that pulse there can be no charging
                      Vissie, I think that shot was from the anode of D3.




                      • Bedini`s Cigar box TS

                        From John`s old website you will find the first cigar box TS circuit he released.
                        THE TESLA SWITCH
                        Bedini presented the schematic diagram showing how to build the solid-state device, and then released copies of the schematic diagram. See below
                        Patrick O Kelly has got a diagram in his free energy document which is exactly like the one above. It`s just redrawn in an understandable way. You still have to go to John`s diagram to see how he uses the transistors and of course he already showed us how to connect the Sg1524 to the transistor bases with diodes , caps and opto`s.
                        Here he does not use the small loads as shown recently for charging
                        I think I wil start building this circuit as I had a smoking experience with the last one!!
                        Last edited by nvisser; 02-22-2010, 08:09 AM.


                        • That was my first attempt. No shorts, no smoke. Unfortunately, I started modifying before I fully understood; removed couple transistors, replaced another two with SCR's and sent some parts up in smoke

                          'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                          General D.Eisenhower



                          • Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post

                            That was my first attempt. No shorts, no smoke. Unfortunately, I started modifying before I fully understood; removed couple transistors, replaced another two with SCR's and sent some parts up in smoke

                            I tried that diagram last night with my commutator switch.

                            I was only able to produce 1 volt @ 375 HZ.

                            I guess my diodes are too fast now.

                            How do you guys get past the voltage drop coming out of the diodes?

                            Isn't it like -.7 volts per diode?




                            • "Smokeless" Version

                              Originally posted by nvisser View Post
                              as I had a smoking experience with the last one!!
                              Ok Team, I finally caved and reconverted D9 and D10 to PNP transistors. I just ran a quick 45Min. test (and want to tweek just a bit more) but here are the results;

                              Batt 1- 10.63
                              Batt 2- 11.10
                              Batt 3- 11.88
                              Batt 4- 11.76

                              Elasped time 45Min.
                              Batt 1- 10.65
                              Batt 2- 11.12
                              Batt 3- 11.89
                              Batt 4- 11.77

                              Here is the simplified code that I am running in the PICAXE-18X;

                              SYMBOL ChargeSense = W1 '###### Reserves buffer for ChargeSense Value
                              SYMBOL BattLVLSense = W2 '##### Reserves buffer for BattLVLSense Value
                              SYMBOL TotalCompare = W3 '# Reserves buffer for TotalCompare

                              pause 200
                              high 4, 7
                              pause 150
                              low 4, 7
                              pause 100
                              high 6, 5
                              pause 150
                              low 6, 5

                              goto Main

                              And all of the parts for the Schematic below;
                              1n4001-Q1 1n4001
                              1n4001-Q2 1n4001
                              C1 0.01uf 103
                              Cap-Q1 1.0uf
                              Cap-Q2 1.0uf
                              D1 STPS8H100D 497-2737-5-ND
                              D3 STPS8H100D 497-2737-5-ND
                              D5 STPS8H100D 497-2737-5-ND
                              D7 STPS8H100D 497-2737-5-ND
                              D2-D6 30CPU04PbE
                              D4-D8 30CPU04PbE
                              J1 Battery Connector DG126
                              J2 Battery Connector DG126
                              J3 Battery Connector DG126
                              J4 Battery Connector DG126
                              J5 J5 DG126
                              J6 J6 DG126
                              LED1 Red
                              LED2 Blue
                              LED3 Red
                              LED4 Green
                              Q1 MJL21194
                              Q2 MJL21194
                              Q9 MJL21193
                              Q10 MJL21193
                              R1 150R 2 Watt
                              R2 10k 1/2 Watt
                              R3 10k 1/4 Watt
                              R4 22k 1/4 Watt
                              R5 330R 1/4 Watt
                              R6 330R 1/4 Watt
                              R7 1K 1/4 Watt
                              R8 1K 1/4 Watt
                              R9 470 2 Watt
                              R10 470 2 Watt
                              SW1 Reset E28
                              U1 PICAXE-18X
                              U-Q1 H11d1
                              U-Q2 H11d1
                              U-Q9 H11d1
                              U-Q10 H11d1
                              Z1 1N4733A

                              Good Luck

                              Last edited by Bit's-n-Bytes; 05-21-2010, 01:15 PM.


                              • Are Led`s 3 and 4 normal small leds?
                                To some of us this code means nothing
                                Can you give as the pulse rate and duty cycle you are running this on?
                                This looks to me like very short pulses and long dead times and they are different every time?
                                pause 200
                                high 4, 7
                                pause 150
                                low 4, 7
                                pause 100
                                high 6, 5
                                pause 150
                                low 6, 5
                                Last edited by nvisser; 12-29-2009, 08:46 PM.

