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Use for the Tesla Switch

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  • Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post

    LAB would resonate in the single MHz range, say - 1.5, for example. It is possible that 536Hz is a sub harmonic of resonant freq.

    i second that, i've seen my 1.5ah LABs ringing after the charge pulse, and unless i really zoom in on the waveform, what is actually a steep sine wave appears just as a spike

    Scope shot... - Vox
    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


    • Vallentin

      You should enable private don't have to read or respond to it!



      • Originally posted by ldissing View Post
        I think I finally found the answer, the reason it charges, how to get it into recharge mode and can run a load (10W 12V bulb) but I will let it run for a while and let you all know after the results of today. It should be obvious to us all, but it took me months to (hopefully) figure it out.

        Any update Leroy?




        • Originally posted by ldissing View Post
          You should enable private don't have to read or respond to it!

          It is enabled, Leroy. And I read everything. All PM's are forwarded to my e-mail. Don't know what's wrong with it. Enabled, but grayed. I will check with a different browser when I'll get home, tomorrow. Here (in a hotel), they only have Opera. Sorry for the inconvenience.


          • Originally posted by Bit's-n-Bytes View Post
            Any update Leroy?


            I'm going to let it run for a while, no false impressions. No wine before it's time as they say!

            Last edited by ldissing; 02-19-2010, 03:05 AM.


            • PICAXE playing up?

              Hello fellow PICAXE users,

              I have a problem with my PICAXE-40X2, it seems it can't count to 1000. Not sure if it's just mine, so if any other PICAXE users can test this I'd appreciate it.

              Here's my code:

              setfreq m8
              let b1 = 0
              let b2 = 0

              high B.1, D.0, D.1
              pause 250
              low B.1, D.0, D.1
              pause 250
              inc b1
              loop while b1 < 1000
              high D.2, B.0, B.2
              pause 250
              low D.2, B.0, B.2
              pause 250
              inc b2
              loop while b2 < 1000
              goto main

              The loop is supposed to move on to the next sub-routine after 1000 loops but it just keeps going with the same loop, almost like the loop does not exist for the sub-routine. My code should switch sides every 8 minutes or so, but it don't?

              Let me know what you find please. The PICAEXE manual doesn't have any restrictions tehe do...loop code, but maybe it's just not documented?

              John K.


              • Sorry for the typo's - fat fingers or too much home brew! Let me know if you can't get it...

                BTW, the batteries seem to like this code, so far I've got a nett gain in voltage - but no wine before time as Lero puts it...

                John K.


                • 2V over

                  @Leroy and All,

                  It's really questionable.
                  I couldn't and can't figure out how we can get 2V over the charging battery.
                  To the basic and simplified circuit-only oneside circuit in this question,
                  let's say four batteries have 12V and voltage on load is 4V,
                  Every remained voltgate is on the juction drop.
                  That says, Voltage drop on TRs + Voltage on Load = always 12V.
                  When load has 4V, then drop has 8V,
                  When load has 3V, then drop has 9V, and so on.

                  So my question is how we can 2V over the charging battery on losed loop.
                  Am I missing something?



                  • Simplified Circuit

                    Hi Murlin,

                    I read your post your succeeded on this simplified circuit.
                    I can't get pictures about this circuit JB said its simple
                    I am trying it with 1157(27W+8W on 12V) and 40A/100V diode.
                    JB's tips on this circuit are 3A light bulb and 25A diode or better.
                    I guess these high rating parts is not for current flowing, but for impedance
                    and something else.

                    How about charging rate with your simplified circuit?



                    • Solved the PICAXE problem

                      Originally posted by John_K View Post
                      Hello fellow PICAXE users,

                      I have a problem with my PICAXE-40X2, it seems it can't count to 1000. Not sure if it's just mine, so if any other PICAXE users can test this I'd appreciate it.

                      Here's my code:

                      setfreq m8
                      let b1 = 0
                      let b2 = 0

                      high B.1, D.0, D.1
                      pause 250
                      low B.1, D.0, D.1
                      pause 250
                      inc b1
                      loop while b1 < 1000
                      high D.2, B.0, B.2
                      pause 250
                      low D.2, B.0, B.2
                      pause 250
                      inc b2
                      loop while b2 < 1000
                      goto main

                      The loop is supposed to move on to the next sub-routine after 1000 loops but it just keeps going with the same loop, almost like the loop does not exist for the sub-routine. My code should switch sides every 8 minutes or so, but it don't?

                      Let me know what you find please. The PICAEXE manual doesn't have any restrictions tehe do...loop code, but maybe it's just not documented?

                      John K.
                      Talking to myself again..,

                      It seems that the PICAEXE-40X2 can only count to 255. I changed my code to this:

                      setfreq m8
                      let b1 = 0
                      let b2 = 0

                      high B.1, D.0, D.1
                      pause 250
                      low B.1, D.0, D.1
                      pause 250
                      inc b1
                      loop while b1 < 250
                      high D.2, B.0, B.2
                      pause 250
                      low D.2, B.0, B.2
                      pause 250
                      inc b2
                      loop while b2 < 250
                      goto main

                      Now it switches every 250 loops. If you can't understand the code, the "D" channnel (D.0, D.1, D.2) is the left side and the "B" channel (B.0, B.1, B.2) is the right side. So, "high B.1, D.0, D.1" means "put the left side in series and the right side in parallel" and "high D.2, B.0, B.2" means "put the right side in series and the left side in parallel".

                      I'll see how it goes whilst I'm catching zees and report back in the morning.

                      John K.


                      • @ John_K - I do enjoy your conversations
                        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                        • Originally posted by ldissing View Post
                          Yes, but if he tweaked a few things and said..."This is why it works, and this is why your way did not, then you'd know and you'd be able to duplicate it for any size system". AND, you'd have learned something.

                          Telling someone "the" answer is NOT a NON-learning experience, it can be just as beneficial as "finding" the answer, it just takes a lot less time and money. This is the big point, time and money, I'm duplicating what you're doing, someone is duplicating what Bits is doing, Inquorate is doing, etc. If it is the wrong thing, then everybody is burning time and money, but that doesn't mean they aren't learning someting. JB will not say, so we'll just have to figure it out. Hopefully, once someone figures it out, they will tell everybody else, but I doubt that. If one has to figure it out, that someone will want everybody else to figure it out, there is never a free lunch, right?

                          I think I finally found the answer, the reason it charges, how to get it into recharge mode and can run a load (10W 12V bulb) but I will let it run for a while and let you all know after the results of today. It should be obvious to us all, but it took me months to (hopefully) figure it out.

                          Yes Lero, I understand what you're saying, but (I think) I've known JB for long enough that it ain't gonna happen that way. You know I have a great respect for you and your perserverence.
                          We will figure it out and when we do, we will have JB to thank for making us think for it.

                          Bit's is right, there are great minds working on solving this problem. And we're close, damn close.

                          Each day brings new discoveries...

                          John K.


                          • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                            @ John_K - I do enjoy your conversations
                            Thanx Ben,

                            And I do love your quotes on your tag line, 'specially the Bill Bailey ones

                            (We're still on for the meet-up soon, right?)

                            John K.


                            • Originally posted by John_K View Post
                              Thanx Ben,

                              And I do love your quotes on your tag line, 'specially the Bill Bailey ones

                              (We're still on for the meet-up soon, right?)

                              John K.
                              Yep, for sure baby is coming in april, and most of the family is in west australia so I'll be driving over july-ish.

                              Finally moving house this week. Phew! Don't pay to be homeless and with child.
                              Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                              • Originally posted by John_K View Post
                                Talking to myself again..,

                                It seems that the PICAEXE-40X2 can only count to 255. I changed my code to this:

                                setfreq m8
                                let b1 = 0
                                let b2 = 0

                                high B.1, D.0, D.1
                                pause 250
                                low B.1, D.0, D.1
                                pause 250
                                inc b1
                                loop while b1 < 250
                                high D.2, B.0, B.2
                                pause 250
                                low D.2, B.0, B.2
                                pause 250
                                inc b2
                                loop while b2 < 250
                                goto main

                                Now it switches every 250 loops. If you can't understand the code, the "D" channnel (D.0, D.1, D.2) is the left side and the "B" channel (B.0, B.1, B.2) is the right side. So, "high B.1, D.0, D.1" means "put the left side in series and the right side in parallel" and "high D.2, B.0, B.2" means "put the right side in series and the left side in parallel".

                                I'll see how it goes whilst I'm catching zees and report back in the morning.

                                John K.
                                John K.,

                                It is an 8 bit device, so by default, the type would be a byte. I'm not a basic coder, but there must be a way to tell it, that B1 and B2 are 16 bits, or 32 bits. I can do this in C easily even with an 8 bit device (but bigger types than 8 bits take more instruction cycles).

                                Of course, a loop within a loop could get you to 1000 too, loop 1 time for 100 and loop 2 for 10 times.

                                And this is the problem with a digital computer. You coded this pretty well, because both sides are on and off the same amount of time (although, the off time is a little greater than the on time for both sides). If your code were turning on one side and then off, then the other side on and off, then incrementing a variable and then doing the loop, the off times would not be exactly the same. What ever speed the PICAXE runs (my chip's internal clock is 8MHz) at would cause an extra slight delay in the "off" time for the second side. Why?, because of the incrementing of the variable and the loop (which is a jump or branch instruction in assembly), so one side would get a little more rest than the other, which might not be much, but could throw off the results.

                                So, this would be not have been as good a routine for the batteries

                                high B.1, D.0, D.1
                                pause 250
                                low B.1, D.0, D.1
                                pause 250
                                high D.2, B.0, B.2
                                pause 250
                                low D.2, B.0, B.2
                                pause 250
                                inc b1 ** causes an extra delay on this side (2nd side)
                                loop while b1 < 250 ** causes an extra delay on this side (2nd side)

                                You get this right?


                                P.S. This is why I use interrupts
                                Last edited by ldissing; 02-19-2010, 03:31 PM.

