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Use for the Tesla Switch

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  • Interesting errata

    I called it errata, but I'm working on several different things right now. It was just an aberration that I've been able to duplicate, but not consistently.

    I'm not testing Carroll's circuit, it is the 6 transistor version.

    Anyway, the strange deal. The 3524 doesn't have to be 50/50 or 25 on, 25 off, etc. It could be on 60/40 and delay times could vary between sides, which is one of the things I'm playing around with. I'm not using the 3524, but a uController, so it is easy to do. There is no delay in the current setup, but I can vary the duty cycle between sides, so 0/100 to 100/0. At a certain point, both bulbs dimmed instead of both being on bright for their duration of there cycle time....the stayed that way a little while and the wave form changed quite a bit too. Then I lost it. I did this several more times, although it is not easy to reproduce. I think this is where we really want to be and the uController needs some analog processing to detect this situation to keep it there, so if you have any suggestions for me I'll take them. I do have a comparator chip with 4 comparators on it I can use and I just don't want to blow up the uP. Of course, now I need to take the output from the comparator and get it down to 5 V for the uP too...more components.

    I wanted to be able to kind of zero in on this 60Hz that is floating around everywhere, so my timer interrupts every 333 usec. I can get very close to 16.3333 ms, which is the cycle time for the 60Hz. By increasing the time in 333 usec increments, I am able to stop that floating potential on the scope in it's tracks and pretty much where I want it to stop. Not that this means anything, but I think my high school math skills are still on the money at least.

    Just some of the my current (that is a bad word, right JB?) work and I don't have any great news, but I'm not finished yet. Unfortunately, there are still butt loads of different things to try.



    • Hi all,

      This article might be of interest, its about Ron and the TS, in this case a 6 battery version:
      Heretical Builders

      Hob Nilre


      • Hi Hob
        Could you post it here
        Heretical Buiders says:Sorry, registration has been disabled by the administrator.


        • There you go!

          Attached Files
          Hob Nilre


          • Thats funny.

            900 hz resonating, with germanium diode and probably transistors..

            I suspect with the inductive load you could come up with a resonant state. The delima would be (Mentioned in the article) Can the batteries uniformly deliver power at the same time.

            Why did we get pointed to Baldinelli? I have yet to see how the description of his machine, even run close to what were are trying. Except maybe a Bill and Ray scalar Charger.

            I thought Bedini invented the thing and now there is an article saying Brandt did.

            Hmmm.. Its frustrating for sure



            • The earliest version of a TS that I've seen is from 1915-1918 by Carlos Benitez:

              Hob Nilre


              • I know I have seen that too. But its a little hard to understand. Maybe I need to read it a bunch.



                • Benitez has a few tricks up his sleeve it seems,
                  but this circuit of his is as simple as it gets,
                  he has just added a few components under the actual switch:

                  At the top you have the four batteries (1-4)
                  together with the six switches, four of them paired as two doubles.

                  Then there is a capacitor (14)
                  and two transformers (15, 27)
                  a spark-gap (23)
                  and another capacitor (22)

                  Then add some load at the lower left.

                  Hob Nilre


                  • He must use the capacitor transformer setup to control the switching some kinda way.

                    Have you ever gone any further with the Resonating switch setup you had?



                    • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                      Have you ever gone any further with the Resonating switch setup you had?
                      No, not yet, its still too cold in my shop.
                      And next time I'll do it differently.

                      Hob Nilre


                      • Originally posted by nilrehob View Post
                        There you go!

                        Thank you Hob
                        Interesting how he connected the middle tap transformer in the place where we currently use the bulbs.
                        Add an extra battrey on each side to get 24v ac output!!


                        • Originally posted by nilrehob View Post
                          Benitez has a few tricks up his sleeve it seems,
                          but this circuit of his is as simple as it gets,
                          he has just added a few components under the actual switch:
                          At the top you have the four batteries (1-4)
                          together with the six switches, four of them paired as two doubles.

                          Then there is a capacitor (14)
                          and two transformers (15, 27)
                          a spark-gap (23)
                          and another capacitor (22)

                          Then add some load at the lower left.

                          Do you have the description of this patent. I know you posted it before but i'm not sure how far back.


                          • Originally posted by nvisser View Post
                            Do you have the description of this patent. I know you posted it before but i'm not sure how far back.
                            Here is a search, you can download them from there:
                            espacenet — results view
                            Just click "original document" and then "save full document".

                            It seems like Benitez is developing his idea from one patent to the next.
                            The funny-looking "drops" on the other circuits are diodes.
                            I guess you will have to redraw them to understand them, just like i did.

                            I started a thread for Benitez here:

                            Hob Nilre


                            • Batteries

                              After I looked at the Ron Brandt and Carlos Benitez documents that Hob posted I think we do everything right but do not get charging because of the batteries we use nowadays.
                              This is from the RB document

                              “Ron knew better. A few years later, he tried the same technology in his car, only different batteries, but was unable to achieve resonance and hence got only twice the expected distance out of his car, about 100 miles. He thinks the batteries made later were not uniform to achieve resonance.”

                              Benitez also used the old galvanic batteries of those times.
                              Go look at this thread,
                     , post 15 , to see what JB has got to say about batteries.
                              Maybe Matt should give us a short course in battery building .See post 22.
                              I would love to know if 4 of those batteries would give better results on the TS


                              • See what this guy has got to say about solid state TS. It is as if he knows something that we dont
                                I don't want to get into this here, because I am in consultation with someone else on this topic. The Gray device that you refer to does not work at all like you suggest - Only in the patent description and in literal translation of the patent. The Gray tube is an extremely complex piece of equipment. Only a superficial rendering is made in the patent drawings. Commonly referred to as the CSET.

                                Anyone who has attempted a replication of the Gray tube has discovered, the power losses through the circuit are similar to those being experienced by those in another thread attempting to replicate alleged results from the "telsa switch" - I wish these people luck working with solid state materials and the TS.

                                One final comment, regarding the supply of excess current, you will only ever get that which is there. Free energy is a much maligned term. Etheric force , as per Edison, is a tangible asset if you know what it is and how it works. I would also suggest that it is not quantum physics either, but something far more simpler to manipulate.


                                It is from here

