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Use for the Tesla Switch

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  • DC vs Unidirectional pulses

    Originally posted by ldissing View Post
    What is HV in your opinion? 12V, 24V, 100V, 400V, something else?
    HV is the emitter collector breakdown, 55V, 30V, 700V whatever a BJT does stand up against (or not) BJT specific?

    What does a negistor do? Naudin wasn't doing anything "wrong", but he did not figure out how to use it, I believe JB said he had not figured out how to use it. Where did Naudin go "wrong", what had he not figured out?
    We just seem not playing with whats at hand anymore?
    I tell You I saw a opto "going negative" it "ques" but does "badly" it's "funny"

    My comments are not about the scalar charger or your version of the solar charger. Again, kudos on your design and communication, but we are working on two different animals.
    Yes we seem to
    I'm not saying that the PNP/NPN combo could not be applied to the 4 battery TS, it could. You could get the same 30A/10us in this application and maybe that is what is required.
    It looks pretty much "half way there" ?
    What is your take on the following: JB says, "you do not want current" in the system, you "should design for the least amount of current"?
    I will expand to this in the end (lookup the heading )
    Now, for a particular application, you might need butt loads of current, and that is fine if it is "that for which the design calls". We know that current can charge batteries and believe that pulsed current/voltage is even better for the battery, moving ions and keeping them moving.
    concentrate on the DC amp-meter needle - it has *MASS* - what makes it _go_ _further_:
    A. steady current of any amplitude
    B. sudden occurance of current (=steep leading edge)
    BTW, I'm fine with your leading edge theory and application of it, not that you care whether I'm fine with it or not!
    I care, okay?
    This has nothing to do with your leading edge theory, but it was in my head, so:
    In the SSG, it is the leading edge quick HV rise that charges batteries. That sharp leading edge is not related exactly to the transistor, but the coil and what it is trying to do...the transistor just stops the coil from doing what it wants to do, so it puts up a HV spike because there is no place to push current. Bearden talks about dv/dt not di/dt, I believe, but I could be wrong about that. He, Bearden, continually talks about doing things without current and so does JB. Bearden talks about pulse charging a capacitor even so as not to use much current, keeping an open looped system.
    Bearden is a theorist, what does he build?
    "The fact the doctor knows Your malady's name, has nothing to do with the fact can he cure You or not."
    There are many "faces" of electricity, but Amperes and volts measure one and the same "potato",
    Roll it "this way" and we read current,
    Roll it "this other way" and we read voltage,
    of one and the same thing, it's just shifting it's "vector" ("phasor") while retaining the energy.
    So we seek a sheer "delta", be it apples or potatoes, just as long as it "kicks"

    I guess it is good that we are not all the same. Our ideas are different and come from different perspectives and change all the time based on our limited knowledge and the things we "discover" or "think we discover". Time will tell.
    It is good we have the good will to _learn_ and to exchange our thought among each other (communicate).
    It is good we respect each other (I know I respect You, even I'm sloppy to show it at times (wanna beer?) )

    Thank you for your time to respond even though not directed @ you. I don't know, what I don't know.

    So here it comes "the DC vs pulses"

    I learned that once i tried something, and come back trying to communicate what i saw, I begin to speak in same (_same_) riddles like JB


    I. When i now think "current" i think of duty cycles (D/C) above 49%

    II. When I write "AC" i think of sine waves, eventually square 50% D/C or like (48% PWM?)

    III. And

    When i write with least current possible,

    i think of D/C of 1% and less

    how about that?

    Ever fed battery with 0.1% pulses? at 500Hz? with leading slopes less than 2.5% of on time?

    Stevan C.


    • Originally posted by StevanC View Post
      Yes try "103" buy seek "473" (47n) or at least "333"?

      The cap gives huge advantage, JB used even "104" or "105"

      Also I found out the PC817 is better than PC816 opto?

      Stevan C.
      Thanks for the info, I wil try and experiment with the different values, I use the
      H11D1 for Opto right now, I bought some PC817 like you suggested but some of them did't work, maybe the SG3525 was also defect when i got it.



      • @scratchrobot,
        I look forward to what You find (scope shots?)


        • Originally posted by StevanC View Post
          HV is the emitter collector breakdown, 55V, 30V, 700V whatever a BJT does stand up against (or not) BJT specific?
          Good, we can agree on this one and some others too!


          P.S. I respect you more than you can imagine. You are my hero! Your knowledge of transistors increases every day. Wish I had not disliked analog so much in school.


          • @Lero,

            I can MOSFETs too :^), if need is such ?

            Stevan C.


            • Originally posted by StevanC View Post
              I look forward to what You find (scope shots?)
              I shunted the LED's and they look brighter now, the output also went up from 2 to 3 Amp's
              I don't know if it was there before but I see a negative spike now


              Last edited by scratchrobot; 04-22-2010, 05:20 PM.


              • Leading Edge Transitions become very important!!

                Originally posted by StevanC View Post
                And guess what I found?
                I can get higher battery voltage swing, by changing just the slope of the leading edge.
                Stevan and all,

                Do this simple experiment! Take a A/V diode plug configuration off a open ended coil to low impedance load. Tune base of coil using an FG. Don't worry about matching impedance at this point. You'll notice that you will hit series resonance with the how sharp the Q is an voltage magnification across load. Q is increased when no more than 60% coil pitch with one layer of wire and no more than 1:1 ratio of diameter to length in size. This coil configuration allows the least amount of self capacity yet maintaining a very sharp longitudinal resonance action. This 1/4 wave becomes Pie/2 times the velocity of light due to the distributed shunt capacity. Very few people know about this special form of a traveling stationary wave. This comes directly from Tesla, Stienmetz and many others!!! Study Dollard!! One way that Tesla did this was through his extra coils! The sharper the transition of the FG at resonance determines the amount electric induction (longitudinal) energy that is reflected in the bidirectional stationary wave. This is the Tesla Wave we are all studying!!! As well as the compound oscillation that Steinmetz was studying! If the load changes...impedance changes...and you will be knocked out of resonance. Play with the loads!!!! Have any of you thought why Tesla had a secondary on his magnifying transmitter? One of the reasons was to have an impedance matching network between the primary and extra coil!!! Hmmm and we all wonder why we can't get the TS to work or JB's systems to work. These type of designs you are building do not work unless you tune to the impedance!!!! This is why so many people fail!!

                As you move towards stronger delta effectively are creating stronger odd harmonics on the open air coil or open path and accelerating the potential. You don't loose resonance!!! This is why JB mentions that this all can be done with very low voltges!!! Think about what a true square wave is! Infinite odd harmonics with instant voltage changes!!! So yes...the stronger the leading edge...the more magnified voltage becomes in longitudinal resonance! We get a great output ratio of return!!! In your case...this allows for a stronger series resonance reflected wave across the battery!! Think stationary wave of a compound circuit in open path!!!!

                Every one needs to read "oscillations of a compound circuit" from Stienmentz

                Also with this type of wave...the more impedance matching...the more you cancel the transverse component that wants to distort this longitudinal wave and kill the dipole!!! JB strives to make his systems a monopole! Why, one reason is to remove as much of the transverse component from the equation that kills the dipole!!!

                If there is anything I can instill in this group. It's that...the information is not hidden or lost!! Just forgotten!!!!

                What I'd like to why no one has inverted the switch when dumping the series caps in open path? BTW...this is what is wrong in JB's cap pulsing patent. Am I the only one that sees this?

                Back to studying 100 year old books...and throwing out the new.

                Hope this helps,
                Jeremy B.


                • Originally posted by scratchrobot View Post
                  I shunted the LED's and they look brighter now, the output also went up from 2 to 3 Amp's
                  I don't know if it was there before but I see a negative backwards spike now


                  now try a biigger cap (47n 100n)?

                  Stevan C.


                  • JeremyB,
                    thank Your for Your informative post.

                    While I admit it's way over my head, I will try to study Dollard, as much as I can.

                    Would we be closer with 30A/5usec?

                    Stevan C.


                    • Hi Jeremy,

                      Thanks for that, lots there to think about for sure. BTW, you mentioned that the switch was not inverted on JB's cap pulser patent, is it the same for the PPA and circuits shown in "Free Energy Generation"? Looking at what's labeled as an "Inverted Potential Switch" looks to me to be pretty conventional--basically the cap being filled is at a higher potential than the battery and is connected in a standard way: plus to plus and minus to minus. Even the transistor/SCR/etc is hooked up the way you would expect for conventional flows...

                      It's been bothering me for quite some time but you're the first person I've ever heard address the issue. Thoughts?


                      • Jea Jeremy,
                        what's considered "inverted" in an inverted circuit?
                        how culd a newbee tell?

                        Stevan C


                        • Originally posted by StevanC View Post
                          now try a biigger cap (47n 100n)?

                          Stevan C.
                          Today I tried 47n, 470n and 1uf cap's but I don't see a big difference.

                          47n 47nf.jpg 470n 470nf.jpg 1u 1uf.jpg

                          Also did something else to reduce the input pulse and now I have 1 Amp in and 3 Amp out

                          1 Amp to 3 Amp

                          I also think I can increase the pulse rate now, wil try tommorow.

                          Last edited by scratchrobot; 04-22-2010, 09:53 PM.


                          • Shamus,

                            I apologize; I did not look initially at the TS PV amp circuit posted by Stevan initially. The switches are used correctly across the battery. So I am very impressed with this design. Especially the idea of using Sziklai instead of darlington….brilliant!!!

                            Originally posted by Shamus View Post
                            basically the cap being filled is at a higher potential than the battery and is connected in a standard way: plus to plus and minus to minus. Even the transistor/SCR/etc is hooked up the way you would expect for conventional flows...
                            Not sure I would call this standard. Don’t forget what really is happening here. It all comes down to POTENTIAL DIFFERENCES!!!! To make things simple so other people can follow. Follow this very simple experiment:

                            Simply take and charge a bipolar cap to a HIGHER voltage than your battery. Connect the positive of the cap to the positive of the battery and measure the voltage across the two negatives. The batteries normal negative pole becomes a POSITIVE! Now do the opposite. Connect the lead between the two negatives, and measure across the positives with a volt meter. The batteries normal positive pole becomes a NEGATIVE now. So it’s not just as simple as plus to plus and minus to minus anymore.

                            You’re stressing the open path dielectric field using the Tesla wave!!!

                            Here is what’s exciting Shamus, now that I had a hard look at the design….both JB’s FEG circuits and TS-PV amp use proper inverted potential switch designs! So again I apologize for the question stated on my last post. The inverted potential switch design is correct on the TS PV amp circuit!!!!

                            The reason this is so important, the inverted potential allows the proper biasing on the switches to work without using current! The whole idea is to be able to switch using no current in open path!

                            But the biggest reason this is so important leads me to Steinmetz’s Compound Oscillation I was mentioning before.

                            @ Stevan as well…

                            Please read the attached PDF that I scanned this evening from Steinmetz book. Pay special attention to page 114 on “Energy Distribution in a Compound Oscillation of OPEN CIRCUIT”. Read the entire chapter scanned but do realize how important the open circuit concept is. I promise everyone this will open your eyes to what’s going on here. Please read this carefully!

                            Now ask yourself…

                            How does this form of resonance action relate to the TS PV amp and many other FE designs?

                            Good luck on everyone’s discoveries!!

                            Jeremy B
                            Attached Files


                            • @scratchrobot,
                              I have to admit, i barely see anything on the scopeshots You posted?

                              Could You please play with light some more (please?), and replace the photos?

                              I have strong reasons to believe You have missed the difference (i might be wrong here) as it is subtle and I can't realy tell on Your photos?


                              Stevan C.


                              • Jeremy,
                                I will come back wen i read it.

                                Yes i allways look at "what _can_ be done, not what is _supposed_ to happen"

                                I looked this way when I first cosidered building this device, and I really appreciate You find it done right way/ right thing.

                                Kind thanks,
                                Stevan C.

                                " A Plan for the Improvement of English Spelling
                                by Mark Twain

                                For example, in Year 1 that useless letter "c" would be dropped
                                to be replased either by "k" or "s", and likewise "x" would no longer
                                be part of the alphabet. The only kase in which "c" would be retained
                                would be the "ch" formation, which will be dealt with later. Year 2
                                might reform "w" spelling, so that "which" and "one" would take the
                                same konsonant, wile Year 3 might well abolish "y" replasing it with
                                "i" and Iear 4 might fiks the "g/j" anomali wonse and for all.
                                Jenerally, then, the improvement would kontinue iear bai iear
                                with Iear 5 doing awai with useless double konsonants, and Iears 6-12
                                or so modifaiing vowlz and the rimeining voist and unvoist konsonants.
                                Bai Iear 15 or sou, it wud fainali bi posibl tu meik ius ov thi
                                ridandant letez "c", "y" and "x" -- bai now jast a memori in the maindz
                                ov ould doderez -- tu riplais "ch", "sh", and "th" rispektivli.
                                Fainali, xen, aafte sam 20 iers ov orxogrefkl riform, wi wud
                                hev a lojikl, kohirnt speling in ius xrewawt xe Ingliy-spiking werld.

