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Use for the Tesla Switch

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  • @scratchrobot
    Great video, the pulses go up to 4A !!!
    This is amzing because you don't disconnect the input !
    Can you explain the phases through which goes your circuit ?
    Is it the circuit from the patent ?
    Can you detail your parts please ?

    I don't understand why your pulses are higher on output if you are just pulsing normally?!
    Under load your input goes up to 600mA and your output pulses up to 4A, this should be due to the floating caps pumping vacuum energy, but because you are not disconnected from the input it shouldn't do that IMO ?!
    Definitely a veeeeery interesting setup man

    Do you have an oscilloscope to see the pulse profile ?

    Yes it is strange indeed, the caps charging from vacuum energy works on a SG under the NEGATIVE energy pulse from the collapsing magnetic field, but in this solid state charger patent, Bedini shows that the effect can be done with POSITIVE energy pulses in a capacitor.
    So it seems that after the pulse the capacitor becomes a NEGATIVE resistor
    Now I think that scratchrobot circuit is doing exactly that, as described in the patent
    The effect will be better when he will disconnect the input after the pulse, as Bedini describes, and more important it won't increase the input pulse like it is the case on his latest video, so the gain will be even higher, the input not being affected.

    I think if Bedini is right and the capacitor becomes a NEGATIVE resistor after a certain kind of POSITIVE pulse is sent to it, this is the greatest discovery in electronic since ever !

    I hope he is not using a NEGATIVE resistor or a NEGATIVE oscillator as he was doing in his HI-FI sound filters in the past, because it will make the thing almost impossible to reproduce, even if now he explained how to manufacture them.
    Of course no mention of NEGATIVE elements in his patent, because examiners would never accept his patent. But may be he is using one in the working device ...

    So lets concentrate to study, improve and reproduce scratchrobot's circuit, because so far HE HAS THE SAME EFFECT as described in the patent and shown on Bedini's videos ))


    • @Jules Tresor
      You should read the pdf StefanC made Link
      I think he is right here and we just compress the energy in a shorter amount of time by discharging the Cap's to the battery.
      Maybe this way we can fool the battery and charge it better than with the normal input
      I will have to test some more to confirm this.



      • Whatever the theory, only the results count !

        I trust John Bedini on that point, and he says his Solar Switch is an amplifier of energy, so there is more output than input.

        Whatever the theory, if I can have a device that puts more energy out than in, and that is cheap and easy to manufacture, I will publicize it to NGOs and third world entrepreneurs, to offer free electricity to the very poor.

        That is all I/we ask for !

        Theories should just be means to improve a working device, it shouldn't be a goal. Theories is NOT what they need. They need free power to have a chance to build themselves a better future, as have done developed countries.

        I don't even think about convincing governments, scientists, powerful people and companies; I just want to give a light that lights itself, a home heater that needs no fuel, to those that don't have an access to those things.
        And it needs to be low-tech because it has to be built locally, not depending of big investments/companies or governments, because they are all corrupted.

        If his Solar Switch amplifies electricity, and is made only with a few caps, transistors and a chip, it is the best technology available today at such a small production cost.

        We can not expect his device to be open, all the components will be buried in black resin to protect against replication, as for his chargers.
        To make a few hundred thousand dollars, he blocks the all rest of the world to access this life saving technology. I will not support him in that cruel decision.

        But if all the data is really in his patent, then there is hope that this product might be produced in poor countries, at cost price, for the poorest. I just wish he would give this info on an open source basis, to give a direct humanitarian contribution toward the poorest.

        One day you say you are humanitarian, and the next you sell expensive devices and forbid the poor to copy your life saving technology. I don't understand this kind of paradox, I see it as hypocrisy or miss understanding of the real situation ...
        The poor needs free electricity, if you know how to make it, just give it to him. Please.


        • Thanks for the pdf, I didn't see it before.
          I think it might be important to disconnect the input after the pulse.
          Is it very difficult to do ?

          In the theory, what about the output pulse increasing when there is more load on the output ?!
          Remember that in Bedini's device the input is disconnected, so the input is NOT proportional to the output !! His input doesn't change, BUT the output increases if the load is bigger.

          Here we touch the point.
          1/ Bedini's input has no way to know what the output will be.
          2/ The input is disconnected at the time when the output connects.
          3/ Still the output increases when the load is bigger.

          One possibility is that the bigger load pumps faster the energy available in the caps, so the energy comes out in a shorter time and at an higher rate/Ampere.
          And then the amount of energy is the same in both cases, and the energy gain is made in the battery when it receives those large pulses ...

          I wish I knew the way to make free electricity and stop searching and turning in circle I wish somebody who knows would tell us.
          Edit: Or I wish I had enough money to buy the knowledge from one of those guys After all they are looking for money in keeping this secret, no ?
          Last edited by Jules Tresor; 05-23-2010, 03:04 PM.


          • I would be a bit more careful to put John Bedini into that light.
            After all he is one of the few people that DID share pretty much all his circuits in the past.
            Who knows if forums like this would even exist, if it wasn´t for the Monopole motor yahoo groups, that got many many people interested in free energy.


            • Sorry but I still looking for the file where he explains how to make a free electricity device
              I am stupid, but if this file was on internet, I wouldn't be here I would be distributing free electricity devices in a third world country

              You see in the latest DVD, number 18, things that he never revealed before (about how to make the rock powder to manufacture the NEGATIVE resistors and oscillators), so we hadn't all the details for such device before the DVD ... but we were asking him since many years

              So you become a hero when you say you can save the world, or when you DO IT ?

              Anyway I won't interfere in your QUEST. I feel like I loose my time studying the work of all those genius and inventors, after all I have the proof that they keep the KEY SECRET, so there is no hope for me to success replicating their devices nor get free electricity.

              But they sell a lot of staff, and live comfortably. Ok, no problem, they have the right to make business, BUT they steal the poor when they call themselves HUMANITARIANS.

              Thanks and good luck.


              • Originally posted by Jules Tresor View Post
                Thanks for the pdf, I didn't see it before.
                I think it might be important to disconnect the input after the pulse.
                Is it very difficult to do ?
                Thanks go to StefanC.
                No it's not difficult to do, I will test that again, The circuit in the pdf does that also IMHO

                Originally posted by Jules Tresor View Post

                One possibility is that the bigger load pumps faster the energy available in the caps, so the energy comes out in a shorter time and at an higher rate/Ampere.
                And then the amount of energy is the same in both cases, and the energy gain is made in the battery when it receives those large pulses ...
                That's how I think it works

                Last edited by scratchrobot; 05-23-2010, 08:02 PM.


                • @scratchrobot
                  How to measure it ?
                  Supercapacitors on the input and output, then very easy to see and calculate the energy spent/sent ?!


                  • @jules Trevor
                    I'm gonna compare this with a conventional solar charger



                    • Hi ALL , i spoke to John Koorn about the advantages of the John B switch.

                      here is what i got .

                      And of course there are the battery rejuvenation properties that will extend the life of the batteries as you mentioned below.

                      In summary, some of the features of the Tesla Power Amplifier are:

                      · Replaces or eliminates the need for a charge controller

                      · Increases the power from your existing solar panel installation

                      · Allows limited space solar panel installations to experience greater power production.

                      · Produces power during in overcast skies and low levels of ambient light.

                      · Batteries are kept in an optimal state extending their useful life.

                      · The Amp Hour capacity of your battery bank will be increased.


                      • @ashtweth
                        Thank you for the info, it definitely looks like the description of an amplifier, bringing more output than without it.
                        And the rejuvenating effect is there too, is it due to NEGATIVE spikes ? Mistery.

                        Thanks for the replies, can you tell me how much it would cost to make your pulser, because I have 2 months to wait for the Bedini I ordered, and during that time I would be please to try one circuit like yours.

                        I am very sorry if I might look aggressive towards those celebrities of the free energy movement, but I have lived with for years and know many people staying in very poor conditions.
                        What we talk about here since many years, the books or DVDs they offer, the devices that we can buy, are NOT the solution the poor need, there.

                        They need a compact and low tech electric generator, cheap and easy to maintain, and I know that some of those inventors know how to make one, but keep the secret for themselves.

                        That makes me angry, yes, my stomach is revolted when I think of all the good that such a device could do THERE.

                        I don't understand why they keep it for themselves, when they could just build one and send it anonymously to Panacea for example, and from there the knowledge could be spread all over the world for free !


                        • Originally posted by Jules Tresor View Post
                          Thanks for the replies, can you tell me how much it would cost to make your pulser, because I have 2 months to wait for the Bedini I ordered, and during that time I would be please to try one circuit like yours.
                          Which one did you order?
                          I don't know the exact cost's but I think the capacitors are the most expensive, for the pulsing you can use the SG3525 or maybe a 555.
                          I wonder if I could use one of these baby's? Car-Audio-Capacitor.jpg You get lot's of Farhad's for your money

                          Originally posted by Jules Tresor View Post
                          That makes me angry, yes, my stomach is revolted when I think of all the good that such a device could do THERE.
                          I feel you and maybe this device is a good option for those countries, they usually have enough sun and if it can double the output to the battery

                          I'm now charging on a quicker rate TS_PV_Amp_Quick_charging.MOV
                          After 20 minutes charging this happened TS_PV_Amp_Quick_charging2.MOV
                          So yes the device is self regulating



                          • They need a compact and low tech electric generator, cheap and easy to maintain, and I know that some of those inventors know how to make one, but keep the secret for themselves.
                            That why all of us are in this... That why we are sharing as progress comes along.



                            • @Bit's or anyone else

                              I want to read the battery voltage and pass it to the picaxe chip, do you know how to do that? I know you were using it on your previous TS. Maybe you have a diagram on how to do that?



                              • Originally posted by scratchrobot View Post
                                @Bit's or anyone else

                                I want to read the battery voltage and pass it to the picaxe chip, do you know how to do that? I know you were using it on your previous TS. Maybe you have a diagram on how to do that?

                                First you must set up a voltage divider. Let's say the desired voltage of the battery is 12.5 Volts. You will need the voltage divider to present you with about 2.5 volts so a resistor value of 10k and 22K works pretty well. Once this is set up correctly, @12.5 volts the chip will see 2.5 volts on the pin you have selected for the ADC input. On the attached drawing, pin 0 is the pin sensing the voltage divider, so your command in the chip will be "ReadADC 0, Volts" (or whatever variable you choose). If your were to look at the value of "Volts" in this case, you would see that the value is 127. In the digital world, an ADC pin see's values from 0 to 255. This is why you set your voltage divider at half scale so you'll be able to read the voltage swing from about 10.5 to 15.5.

                                Hope this helps.

                                Last edited by Bit's-n-Bytes; 08-06-2010, 12:01 PM.

