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Use for the Tesla Switch

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  • @John,
    I am sorry, nothing against you.
    Look at what Bedini has disclosed in 30 years, all his motors, that not really many people have got OU from, and watch the DVD 12 "Petrovoltaics" and you will see what he kept secret for 30 years, as an humanitarian ...

    Negative resistor and negative oscillators made from processed stones. He says in this DVD that it's how Moray was making is "valves" on his 50kW generator.
    What he disclosed partially in this DVD is worth 1000 times what he disclosed during the last 30 years !

    It's the direct access to unlimited negative energy !
    Moray's generator was putting out 50 kW from such a small foot print.

    He is getting old and is leaking out the big info, thanks god, we now are really talking about serious staff

    Now he should come to the forums and groups to teach us how to build a Moray device, that would be really giving something worth it !

    No more SSG, monopoles, cap charger or Tesla switch, but ether pump and converter.


    • Look at what Bedini has disclosed in 30 years, all his motors, that not really many people have got OU from, and watch the DVD 12 "Petrovoltaics" and you will see what he kept secret for 30 years, as an humanitarian ...
      Thats the peoples fault. Most just expect that plan is going to give you a miracle, no other work involved. Unfortunately thats not the way it works out.

      And all that other stuff is his (JB) he has the right to do whatever he wants with it. Even keep it a secret.

      This is one of the largest threads on these boards, chauk full of info, and most of it having to do with the technical aspect of the Tesla Switch, or some offshoots. I for one don't want to see that change.
      There are threads on the chargers, and just about anything else out there.

      I for one would appreciate the subject matter to pertain to the work and not everything else under the sun.

      Thats just my opinion.


      • Originally posted by Jules Tresor View Post
        I am sorry, nothing against you.
        Look at what Bedini has disclosed in 30 years, all his motors, that not really many people have got OU from, and watch the DVD 12 "Petrovoltaics" and you will see what he kept secret for 30 years, as an humanitarian ...

        Negative resistor and negative oscillators made from processed stones. He says in this DVD that it's how Moray was making is "valves" on his 50kW generator.
        What he disclosed partially in this DVD is worth 1000 times what he disclosed during the last 30 years !

        It's the direct access to unlimited negative energy !
        Moray's generator was putting out 50 kW from such a small foot print.

        He is getting old and is leaking out the big info, thanks god, we now are really talking about serious staff

        Now he should come to the forums and groups to teach us how to build a Moray device, that would be really giving something worth it !

        No more SSG, monopoles, cap charger or Tesla switch, but ether pump and converter.

        Nothing against you either. Just stating the facts as I've seen them them.

        John Bedini has already given us everything we need to know, you just have to figure out the rest with your own experiments as are the rest of us.

        Everything you need is in your last sentence, maybe throw in some Tesla Impulse Technology and you have the whole picture. Research yourself on how to build a Moray device, don't wait for someone to give it to you on a platter. It ain't gonna happen like that.

        I've seen all of the DVD's and also had the privilege to meet John in person and ask him about anything in his shop. He's not getting old, he's still right on top of his game, don't worry about that.

        If you just build it like he says you will get the same results as I have. Then you put all of his ideas together and you have a system that can do some pretty amazing things.

        John K.


        • @Jules Tresor:
          How about opening a "Bedini-bashing thread", so you can divert your repeating urge to talk badly about the man there while posting anything related to Tesla-Switches here? Just a thought ...

          BUT they steal the poor when they call themselves HUMANITARIANS.
          and you will see what he kept secret for 30 years, as an humanitarian
          but they seem less "hungry" than Bedini.
          And now their prices have increased again !!! The Renaissance RC-1AU Universal Radiant Charger for Small Rechargeable Batteries (far to be humanitarians, they are "good" businessmen at least)


          • Yes, I'll just watch from now
            thanks and good luck,
            no need to answer to my posts.
            Last edited by Jules Tresor; 05-25-2010, 04:09 PM.


            • Thanx Bit's & Vissie

              Hi Team,

              Sorry about the OT posts, couldn't help myself.

              Just wanted to say thanx to Bit's and Vissie for their ideas. I read through the last 4-5 pages of the thread for inspiration.

              I have Vissie's circuit running with just 2 capacitors, just like Bit's video. Early days, but charging is outta sight and similar to what Bit's showed us. This is just with a trifilar SS SSG for the radiant input (one transistor )

              I only have it bread-boarded for now and no PNP driver trannys yet, just the cap and diode over the opto output.

              Draw current from lab p/s is steady on ~150mA @12V, charge pulses are ~400mA @~14V. 50% d/c

              Charge battery is up from 12.7V to ~13.9V in about 10 minutes

              Gotta go, F1 GP is about to start. (Yes, I'm a rev head )

              John K.


              • Update

                I let this setup run overnight on a 7Ah gel-cell. This morning it had charged up to 15.8V and after resting for an hour or so, sits at 13.07V.

                This circuit appears to be performing better than if I had just used a vanilla SS SSG with cap charger. The extra series-parallel cap bank seems to give it a "super-charge".

                I have the PNP driver mods to add in yet, but I only have some MJE2955's at my disposal for now. (Thanks also to StevanC for coming up with that idea! ) After that I plan to scale up the SS SSG and the capacitor sizes as well.

                John K.


                • Originally posted by John_K View Post
                  ....This circuit appears to be performing better than if I had just used a vanilla SS SSG with cap charger. The extra series-parallel cap bank seems to give it a "super-charge".

                  John K.
                  What do you think the primary contributor is for that. Does the battery like being charged this way better that an SSG or is there more extra energy.

                  I have been playing with it when I get a little extra time I feel the combinations of the spike and the slight amperage that makes it through forces the cap into a state that it produces extra energy. The spike is cheaper to produce that its actual potential.

                  I was just wondering about a standing theory.



                  • Matt

                    Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                    What do you think the primary contributor is for that. Does the battery like being charged this way better that an SSG or is there more extra energy.

                    I have been playing with it when I get a little extra time I feel the combinations of the spike and the slight amperage that makes it through forces the cap into a state that it produces extra energy. The spike is cheaper to produce that its actual potential.

                    I was just wondering about a standing theory.

                    I'm not sure yet Matt, still about it and I need to do a few cycles to make sure.

                    If I had to guess, I would say E-amp effect ala Bearden theory 101.

                    John K.


                    • Ah ok. Sorry I don't get back here more often. The switch I setup outputs 24volts at whatever current based on tuning. It uses 6 batteries at 12 volts each in two banks of 3 batts. The outputs I'm running thru some slightly modified 50va trafos and the 220volt output from the two trafos in series is almost dead on square wave with the way its setup now. I'm currently playing with cap sizes... as I made my iteration so that its a 4 slice controller thats sequential, T1 and T3 were the off timers and T2 and T4 are the ON timers. The caps charge pretty fast, similar to bedinis hyper charging effect from the SG or SS SG.

                      Do you have a schematic for your two cap pulser?

                      I'm also thinking to output the 220v into a 120v primary that outputs 600v but should be a good bit higher than that with the square wave being pushed into it.

                      Take care man,

                      Originally posted by Bit's-n-Bytes View Post
                      Thanks Gene, yes I have seen that, in fact I have even held brandt's switch in my hands that he gave to John back in 84 when I visited John back in March. The relays I am showing on my drawing are just to show how I am going to pull the batts in and out of the circuit. The Digital Tesla Switch uses the batts to charge one another and does a nice job of that. The problem though is when you are wanting to drive bigger loads. I want 24V and the capability to draw a continious 10 Amps. This is why I am using individual cap pulsers on each batt so I can recover the batts faster.

                      Thanks again



                      • Originally posted by genessc View Post
                        Ah ok. Sorry I don't get back here more often. The switch I setup outputs 24volts at whatever current based on tuning. It uses 6 batteries at 12 volts each in two banks of 3 batts. The outputs I'm running thru some slightly modified 50va trafos and the 220volt output from the two trafos in series is almost dead on square wave with the way its setup now. I'm currently playing with cap sizes... as I made my iteration so that its a 4 slice controller thats sequential, T1 and T3 were the off timers and T2 and T4 are the ON timers. The caps charge pretty fast, similar to bedinis hyper charging effect from the SG or SS SG.

                        Do you have a schematic for your two cap pulser?

                        I'm also thinking to output the 220v into a 120v primary that outputs 600v but should be a good bit higher than that with the square wave being pushed into it.

                        Take care man,
                        Gene, it's a few threads back posted by vissie (NVisser).



                        • Inquorate's latest build-Congratulations!!!

                          YouTube - the reason I've gone quiet lately..


                          • Nice build Inquorate Congratulations



                            • Congrats

                              A congrats is definitely in order. Congratulations!



                              • Scalar battery charger

                                Allow me to go back to the scalar charger even though JB said that the circuit he got from Bill and ray was wrong and does not work
                                Look at JNaudins results in 1997.

                                Scalar Battery CHarger Test
                                He says:
                                "The most strange event is that after 19 hours of running time, the battery voltage drop to 0 volts, and the motor continued to run"

                                I don't think the motor had enough torque to do any work as he mentioned that he think that this device must be used as a demonstrator purpose only
                                It should not be to difficult to test with the picaxe as driver as he used 2 x 2n222 and 3 mosfets.
                                The clock frequency is 25 Hz ( T=40ms) with cyclic ratio of 50%.

