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Use for the Tesla Switch
Originally posted by nvisser View PostThis is probably what they call Disinformation.
Now who will you believe. John Bedini's diagrams on this thread or P. O Kelly that cannot even get a 555 circuit correct. Go look at the Dave Lawton 555 circuits if you don't believe me.
If you get the Tesla switch circuit to work like that I will eat my Tesla switch pc board with all it's transistors and all the batteries to!!
And the nuts and bolts and wires.He has been very helpful and quick to respond to email. He's also helping me get in touch with the one other person known to have success with this setup recently when the diodes were reversed (from the old diagrams).
Personally I've witnessed and had hands on a RE circuit that did just the opposite of what you would expect from a normal circuit. That was when I put a wire across a glowing light bulb expecting it to go out or get a lot dimmer but instead it got brighter ( a cold electricity demo or so it was called). So I don't rule out anything as impossible until I've tried it.
BTW I won't hold you to eating your TS board but would be thrilled if you'd try this one too.There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine
Originally posted by Matthew Jones View PostBetter get you ketchup out boy, It works.
And if you follow the power you'll see why.
It does an uneven charge only the top 2 batteries catch a charge.
I have never tested one that did it this way but it may show some potential.
BUT FOR SURE IT RUNS. Check the flow of power.
MattAwesome. Thanks for pushing this forward! Now I know I've got to try this. Did you have a load on it at the FWBR? I think it said that was important to have in place.
There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine
Originally posted by nvisser View PostIf the wrong switch on top gets switched the top batteries will charge like hell.
24V to only one 12v battery.
Is it possible that you are switching the wrong switch?There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine
Originally posted by Matthew Jones View PostEwizard.
The more I look at the drawing Vissie's right. I got the switch backwards on top.
But you don't need the top switch at all.
I went back and deleted everything I said.
Sorry about that.
MattThere is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine
Originally posted by ewizard View PostPatrick Kelly's 2,288 page book is a huge lot of info to write. I think I would cut him some slack for an occasional errorHe has been very helpful and quick to respond to email. He's also helping me get in touch with the one other person known to have success with this setup recently when the diodes were reversed (from the old diagrams).
Personally I've witnessed and had hands on a RE circuit that did just the opposite of what you would expect from a normal circuit. That was when I put a wire across a glowing light bulb expecting it to go out or get a lot dimmer but instead it got brighter ( a cold electricity demo or so it was called). So I don't rule out anything as impossible until I've tried it.
BTW I won't hold you to eating your TS board but would be thrilled if you'd try this one too.
Would you share that RE circuit with us . I am sure once i witnessed something like that I will start looking at reversed biased diodes to let radiant energy through
Originally posted by nvisser View PostI am sorry Patrick. Your stuff is awesome, Just fix that 555 circuit!
Would you share that RE circuit with us . I am sure once i witnessed something like that I will start looking at reversed biased diodes to let radiant energy throughto actually see it happen and the shorting wire even got cooler rather than hot as I would have expected.
There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine
IT is possible that with hi voltage it might work. Some time ago Arron showed HV running through a diode backward. Maybe. Those caps are not going to allow enough flow for 30 hp motor.
I set it up with a bridge and everything I just had the top switch wired backwards. It took 4 looks before I realized.
I apologize to everyone. And especially Vissie.
Food for Thought
Originally posted by nvisserLike this. I cannot see it.
The switches are correctly positioned to put the
LEFT BANK in series to power the load;
The RIGHT BANK in parallel to receive 'load current'
as Charge Current;
LEFT BANK (minus) RIGHT BANK (equals) 12 Volts across Load
But, check the diodes at Batt 3 and Batt 4. Are
they positioned properly to permit Load Current
and Charge Current?
Wouldn't it work best if the diodes were REVERSED from
the way they're shown?
As shown the diodes will block current flow in the entire
Also, for Stevan and others who are working on the
Charge Pump circuit (PV):
See second thumbnail Basi[c] Charge Pump Doubler
Can you figure out how it works?
Could you put the principle to use?Last edited by SeaMonkey; 11-05-2010, 10:56 PM.
Originally posted by SeaMonkey View PostNor can I.
The switches are correctly positioned to put the
LEFT BANK in series to power the load;
The RIGHT BANK in parallel to receive 'load current'
as Charge Current;
LEFT BANK (minus) RIGHT BANK (equals) 12 Volts across Load
But, check the diodes at Batt 3 and Batt 4. Are
they positioned properly to permit Load Current
and Charge Current?
Wouldn't it work best if the diodes were REVERSED from
the way they're shown?
As shown the diodes will block current flow in the entire
Also, for Stevan and others who are working on the
Charge Pump circuit (PV):
See second thumbnail Basi[c] Charge Pump Doubler
Can you figure out how it works?
Could you put the principle to use?
Mr. Abhijit D. Pathak and Mr. Ralph E. Locher,
IXYS Corporation
Santa Clara, CA 95054
JeffLast edited by Bit's-n-Bytes; 11-17-2010, 01:24 AM.
Originally posted by Bit's-n-Bytes View PostThere is some detailed info in the attached document on the second thumbnail and credit to the authors
Mr. Abhijit D. Pathak and Mr. Ralph E. Locher,
IXYS Corporation
Santa Clara, CA 95054
That and other very interesting and informative
documents may be downloaded here:
IXYS Technical Resources | Applications
Read as many as you're able to find some
incredible 'gems' of insight to enhance your
Simplified Battery Pulsing Circuit in thumbnail.Attached Files