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Use for the Tesla Switch

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  • Originally posted by citfta View Post
    Hi Leroy, I can tell you from experience you are wasting your breath. I was told I should give Seamonkey a chance because he has a lot of knowledge about electronics. I have asked him real questions on 3 different occasions and he has never answered even one of them. He has told me I am ignorant and that I don't want to change my thinking but so far he hasn't shown me anything of real value. I even thanked him for some of the references he gave us, but he still comes across with this know-it-all attitude. He tries to sound like he knows how to make the TS work, but ask him a real question about it and see what you get.


    Take care, Carroll
    Perhaps it was a test...

    To see... What would be revealed.

    "If at first you don't succeed..."

    Making the TS work is not too difficult.

    Getting from it what you hope to get...
    Well, that's another horse of a different


    • highest rpm on a mechanial TS

      I was working on my project today when I realized I haven't seen any
      any rpm's that people have run thier mechanial TS's at. Or if they have
      posted them I missed it.

      With my motor I was planning on using it's rpm is only 3500. On a commutator with 3 switches per revolution that only gives me 175 Hz.
      If my math is correct. That is barley in the useable range that I have read.

      So to get close to 800Hz I'm looking at an rpm of up to 16k. Well I hate
      to say it but I don't have the equiptment to build something that would
      stay together at those rpm's..

      I have seen the magnets come off my SSG at much lower rpms.
      (hmmmm maybe reinforced projectile defectors might be in order)

      Oh well just my 2 cents


      • Originally posted by wwdotme View Post
        I was working on my project today when I realized I haven't seen any
        rpm's that people have run their mechanical TS's at. Or if they have posted them I missed it.

        With my motor I was planning on using it's rpm is only 3500.
        On a commutator with 3 switches per revolution that only gives me 175 Hz.
        If my math is correct. That is barely in the usable range that I have read.

        So to get close to 800Hz I'm looking at an rpm of up to 16k. Well I hate
        to say it but I don't have the equipment to build something that would
        stay together at those rpm's..

        I have seen the magnets come off my SSG at much lower rpms.
        (hmmmm maybe reinforced projectile deflectors might be in order)

        Oh well just my 2 cents
        Putting together a mechanical solution to the
        switching problem for the kind of versatility that
        is necessary is... Well, you've said it well!

        Until recently, semiconductor solutions were
        somewhat cumbersome and not very efficient.

        We're working on a MosFet version which will
        be efficient and "relatively" easy to duplicate.

        Once completed it will offer a "modified sine wave"
        output with easily accomplished frequency control.

        Attached are three diagrams which show the
        evolution of the project, as it has been discussed,
        in simplified forms.

        Circuit refinements will be added as development

        (a) MosFet driving circuitry,

        (b) Pulse control circuitry.

        Thankfully, there are talented members within this
        forum who are actively participating in the project.
        If progress continues at its present pace we may
        have a preliminary diagram available within several

        For those who have been 'spinning their wheels' in
        this 'rut' for so long that their springs are wound a
        bit too tightly (Yes, you know who you are)..

        Loosen up and let some of the tension go...

        Study This
        Last edited by SeaMonkey; 11-05-2010, 10:56 PM.


        • Originally posted by wwdotme View Post
          I was working on my project today when I realized I haven't seen any
          any rpm's that people have run thier mechanial TS's at. Or if they have
          posted them I missed it.
          With my motor I was planning on using it's rpm is only 3500. On a commutator with 3 switches per revolution that only gives me 175 Hz.
          If my math is correct. That is barley in the useable range that I have read.
          So to get close to 800Hz I'm looking at an rpm of up to 16k. Well I hate
          to say it but I don't have the equiptment to build something that would
          stay together at those rpm's..
          I have seen the magnets come off my SSG at much lower rpms.
          (hmmmm maybe reinforced projectile defectors might be in order)
          Oh well just my 2 cents
          You can modulate it to slow it down and speed it up. I'll tell ya the truth 175 rpm's is probably to fast. Because essentially with mechanical your slow down anyway. You'll have OFF time so you'll have to. You'll also have a small mechanical load. And for that matter if you don't modulate use a brake to slow the motor some. The amperage won't hurt.

          This whole thing about going faster is still just theory so don't pay much attention to it. I can show you good one that switch's at 1 switch every 2 minutes and I can show you an equally good one at 400 time a second. Its all based on your load and batteries.



          • Originally posted by SeaMonkey View Post
            For those who have been 'spinning their wheels' in
            this 'rut' for so long that their springs are wound a
            bit too tightly (Yes, you know who you are)..

            Loosen up and let some of the tension go...
            Why do you even have to make a comment like that? Thats whats so irritating about you. Even as bad as I would like to try a Mosfet solution at this point I am not sure I will be able to continue to participate with person who always seems to need to belittle the others around him.
            Are you convinced we couldn't do it with out ya?

            Self worth is important, but over valuing is a mistake.

            If you aint' got nothin good to say......



            • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
              Why do you even have to make a comment like that? Thats whats so irritating about you. Even as bad as I would like to try a Mosfet solution at this point I am not sure I will be able to continue to participate with person who always seems to need to belittle the others around him.
              Are you convinced we couldn't do it with out ya?

              Self worth is important, but over valuing is a mistake.

              If you aint' got nothin good to say......

              It's called feedback Matt.

              Some of you are way too emotional and invested
              in personal stuff...

              And ego...

              I've spent my whole professional life surrounded
              by technical dingbats who act more like girls than

              Where are "The Few, The Proud" when you need them?

              Eventually, some of them 'shape up' and take on
              responsibility and quit the 'whining.' And grow.

              And begin to think for themselves!

              Is anyone ready to move out of kindergarten?


              • Well some of us are trying! Apparently you just wanna talk and draw elementary schematics.

                If thats the way you want it.....



                • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                  Well some of us are trying! Apparently you just wanna talk and draw elementary schematics.

                  If thats the way you want it.....

                  And I applaud the efforts of those who are trying!

                  But, being critical, one thing that has been lacking
                  throughout this entire discussion is clarity.

                  It would be very nice if ALL who read these pages
                  would derive benefit. Not just those who are
                  of advanced knowledge.

                  We must demonstrate a PROCESS that is logical
                  and capable of being assimilated by ALL. Elementary
                  schematics they may be... But, they've been laid
                  out in a manner that makes them understandable to
                  even the beginners who come here.

                  Simple, basic steps in the development of a circuit
                  which will, IN TIME, grow in depth and complexity.

                  Yes, you yourselves have been here before. Have
                  you overlooked anything?

                  We may find that some incredible ideas will be
                  presented by 'new faces' in the audience. Those
                  who until now were unable to join in the discussion.
                  - - - - -

                  While you're thinking about it:

                  How would YOU address the problem of DRIVING the
                  Floating MosFets? Have you come up with any ideas
                  - - - - -

                  It's really not about the way "I" want anything. I'd
                  be delighted to see evidence of thoughtfully conceived
                  new possibilities from among the existing crowd who've
                  largely put the verbiage into this project.


                  • Well good luck...



                    • Originally posted by SeaMonkey View Post

                      How would YOU address the problem of DRIVING the
                      Floating MosFets? Have you come up with any ideas
                      - - - - -

                      Yes I have and it works great
                      Lets SEE YOUR answer to it.
                      I am curious to see other viable options.


                      • Originally posted by DoubleD View Post
                        Yes I have and it works great
                        Lets SEE YOUR answer to it.
                        I am curious to see other viable options.
                        Would you be good enough to provide for the
                        entire readership a simplified diagram of
                        one MosFet and your solution to the Floating

                        There are many who are wanting to truly understand
                        what your approach has been...


                        • Originally posted by SeaMonkey View Post
                          Would you be good enough to provide for the
                          entire readership a simplified diagram of
                          I think that I ask you that awhile back. Any one who has your location as "Dystopia Amerika" needs to think twice about a veteran who has served there country proud. You my friend have cross the line. I am done with you. It appears there are many others with the same thoughts. Take your prophacy elseware as we on this forum have some free energy to develop. "put up" or "Shut up".



                          • Originally posted by SeaMonkey View Post
                            Would you be good enough to provide for the
                            entire readership a simplified diagram of
                            one MosFet and your solution to the Floating
                            Can't get it much simpler than in the sch I posted just LOOK at any one of the 6 fet and drivers

                            2 diodes, 1 driver one fet .
                            2 caps one for noise one to de couple
                            1 resistor from driver to gate and 1 diode for faster turn off.

                            Each driver fet combo only SEEs the battery it is switching.

                            The Boost for the High side drive is from the SERIES Connected bank on the other side so it is ALWAYS available without all the BS involved with bootstrap ccts that don't work worth a crap in this reversing type cct.

                            Pretty simple actually if you just look at it Just one simple design applied 6 times cept for the little tweek for high side. that also will FOLLOW the voltage being switched. In other words there will ALWAYS be the required 18volt above for the gate regardless of the voltage being switched.

                            Power for the Control cct is Floating from ALL batteries too so there is no reference to any single battery and it's associated noise etc either.

                            OK Your Turn !!
                            Now lets SEE YOUR DESIGN to do the same.
                            Curious to see how to do it with Transformers.


                            • Check ths out

                              Here might be a way to amplify a small signal into workable energy. Solar that is!
                              Last edited by Bit's-n-Bytes; 11-17-2010, 01:24 AM.


                              • Originally posted by SeaMonkey View Post
                                Would you be good enough to provide for the
                                entire readership a simplified diagram of
                                one MosFet and your solution to the Floating

                                There are many who are wanting to truly understand
                                what your approach has been...

                                Maybe he should explain the circuit...he is an expert after all. He has suggested he has better alternatives, so if he can produce an alternative, then you could explain to him how your works.

                                I'm guessing our little friend here can not understand your circuit. If you explain it to him, maybe he could build it or understand it.

                                After all, we are all in kindergarten, so schools open now if you want to teach. Bring your crayons!

